// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "ash/wm/activation_controller.h" #include "ash/root_window_controller.h" #include "ash/shell.h" #include "ash/shell_window_ids.h" #include "ash/wm/property_util.h" #include "ash/wm/window_modality_controller.h" #include "ash/wm/window_util.h" #include "ash/wm/workspace_controller.h" #include "base/auto_reset.h" #include "ui/aura/client/activation_change_observer.h" #include "ui/aura/client/activation_delegate.h" #include "ui/aura/client/aura_constants.h" #include "ui/aura/env.h" #include "ui/aura/focus_manager.h" #include "ui/aura/root_window.h" #include "ui/aura/window.h" #include "ui/aura/window_delegate.h" #include "ui/base/ui_base_types.h" #include "ui/compositor/layer.h" namespace ash { namespace internal { namespace { // These are the list of container ids of containers which may contain windows // that need to be activated in the order that they should be activated. const int kWindowContainerIds[] = { kShellWindowId_LockSystemModalContainer, kShellWindowId_SettingBubbleContainer, kShellWindowId_LockScreenContainer, kShellWindowId_SystemModalContainer, kShellWindowId_AlwaysOnTopContainer, kShellWindowId_AppListContainer, // TODO(sky): defaultcontainer shouldn't be in the list with workspace2. kShellWindowId_DefaultContainer, // Panel, launcher and status are intentionally checked after other // containers even though these layers are higher. The user expects their // windows to be focused before these elements. kShellWindowId_PanelContainer, kShellWindowId_LauncherContainer, kShellWindowId_StatusContainer, }; // Returns true if children of |window| can be activated. // These are the only containers in which windows can receive focus. bool SupportsChildActivation(aura::Window* window) { // TODO(sky): straighten this out when workspace2 is the default. // kShellWindowId_WorkspaceContainer isn't in |kWindowContainerIds| since it // needs to be special cased in GetTopmostWindowToActivate(). if (window->id() == kShellWindowId_WorkspaceContainer) return true; for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(kWindowContainerIds); i++) { if (window->id() == kWindowContainerIds[i] && (window->id() != kShellWindowId_DefaultContainer || !WorkspaceController::IsWorkspace2Enabled())) { return true; } } return false; } bool HasModalTransientChild(aura::Window* window) { aura::Window::Windows::const_iterator it; for (it = window->transient_children().begin(); it != window->transient_children().end(); ++it) { if ((*it)->GetProperty(aura::client::kModalKey) == ui::MODAL_TYPE_WINDOW) return true; } return false; } // See description in VisibilityMatches. enum ActivateVisibilityType { TARGET_VISIBILITY, CURRENT_VISIBILITY, }; // Used by CanActivateWindowWithEvent() to test the visibility of a window. // This is used by two distinct code paths: // . when activating from an event we only care about the actual visibility. // . when activating because of a keyboard accelerator, in which case we // care about the TargetVisibility. bool VisibilityMatches(aura::Window* window, ActivateVisibilityType type) { bool visible = (type == CURRENT_VISIBILITY) ? window->IsVisible() : window->TargetVisibility(); return visible || wm::IsWindowMinimized(window) || (window->TargetVisibility() && window->parent()->id() == kShellWindowId_WorkspaceContainer); } // Returns true if |window| can be activated or deactivated. // A window manager typically defines some notion of "top level window" that // supports activation/deactivation. bool CanActivateWindowWithEvent(aura::Window* window, const ui::Event* event, ActivateVisibilityType visibility_type) { return window && VisibilityMatches(window, visibility_type) && (!aura::client::GetActivationDelegate(window) || aura::client::GetActivationDelegate(window)->ShouldActivate(event)) && SupportsChildActivation(window->parent()); } // When a modal window is activated, we bring its entire transient parent chain // to the front. This function must be called before the modal transient is // stacked at the top to ensure correct stacking order. void StackTransientParentsBelowModalWindow(aura::Window* window) { if (window->GetProperty(aura::client::kModalKey) != ui::MODAL_TYPE_WINDOW) return; aura::Window* transient_parent = window->transient_parent(); while (transient_parent) { transient_parent->parent()->StackChildAtTop(transient_parent); transient_parent = transient_parent->transient_parent(); } } } // namespace //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ActivationController, public: ActivationController::ActivationController(aura::FocusManager* focus_manager) : focus_manager_(focus_manager), updating_activation_(false), active_window_(NULL), ALLOW_THIS_IN_INITIALIZER_LIST(observer_manager_(this)) { aura::Env::GetInstance()->AddObserver(this); focus_manager_->AddObserver(this); } ActivationController::~ActivationController() { aura::Env::GetInstance()->RemoveObserver(this); focus_manager_->RemoveObserver(this); } // static aura::Window* ActivationController::GetActivatableWindow( aura::Window* window, const ui::Event* event) { aura::Window* parent = window->parent(); aura::Window* child = window; while (parent) { if (CanActivateWindowWithEvent(child, event, CURRENT_VISIBILITY)) return child; // If |child| isn't activatable, but has transient parent, trace // that path instead. if (child->transient_parent()) return GetActivatableWindow(child->transient_parent(), event); parent = parent->parent(); child = child->parent(); } return NULL; } bool ActivationController::CanActivateWindow(aura::Window* window) const { return CanActivateWindowWithEvent(window, NULL, TARGET_VISIBILITY) && !HasModalTransientChild(window); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ActivationController, aura::client::ActivationClient implementation: void ActivationController::AddObserver( aura::client::ActivationChangeObserver* observer) { observers_.AddObserver(observer); } void ActivationController::RemoveObserver( aura::client::ActivationChangeObserver* observer) { observers_.RemoveObserver(observer); } void ActivationController::ActivateWindow(aura::Window* window) { ActivateWindowWithEvent(window, NULL); } void ActivationController::DeactivateWindow(aura::Window* window) { if (window) ActivateNextWindow(window); } aura::Window* ActivationController::GetActiveWindow() { return active_window_; } bool ActivationController::OnWillFocusWindow(aura::Window* window, const ui::Event* event) { return CanActivateWindowWithEvent( GetActivatableWindow(window, event), event, CURRENT_VISIBILITY); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ActivationController, aura::WindowObserver implementation: void ActivationController::OnWindowVisibilityChanged(aura::Window* window, bool visible) { if (!visible) { aura::Window* next_window = ActivateNextWindow(window); if (next_window && next_window->parent() == window->parent()) { // Despite the activation change, we need to keep the window being hidden // stacked above the new window so it stays on top as it animates away. window->layer()->parent()->StackAbove(window->layer(), next_window->layer()); } } } void ActivationController::OnWindowDestroying(aura::Window* window) { // Don't use wm::IsActiveWidnow in case the |window| has already been // removed from the root tree. if (active_window_ == window) { active_window_ = NULL; FOR_EACH_OBSERVER(aura::client::ActivationChangeObserver, observers_, OnWindowActivated(NULL, window)); ActivateWindow(GetTopmostWindowToActivate(window)); } observer_manager_.Remove(window); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ActivationController, aura::EnvObserver implementation: void ActivationController::OnWindowInitialized(aura::Window* window) { observer_manager_.Add(window); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ActivationController, aura::RootWindowObserver implementation: void ActivationController::OnWindowFocused(aura::Window* window) { ActivateWindow(GetActivatableWindow(window, NULL)); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ActivationController, private: void ActivationController::ActivateWindowWithEvent(aura::Window* window, const ui::Event* event) { aura::Window* window_modal_transient = wm::GetWindowModalTransient(window); if (window_modal_transient) { ActivateWindow(window_modal_transient); return; } // Prevent recursion when called from focus. if (updating_activation_) return; AutoReset in_activate_window(&updating_activation_, true); // Nothing may actually have changed. if (active_window_ == window) return; // The stacking client may impose rules on what window configurations can be // activated or deactivated. if (window && !CanActivateWindowWithEvent(window, event, CURRENT_VISIBILITY)) return; // Make sure the workspace manager switches to the workspace for window. // Without this CanReceiveEvents() below returns false and activation never // changes. CanReceiveEvents() returns false if |window| isn't in the active // workspace, in which case its parent is not visible. // TODO(sky): if I instead change the opacity of the parent this isn't an // issue, but will make animations trickier... Consider which one is better. if (window) { internal::RootWindowController* root_window_controller = GetRootWindowController(window->GetRootWindow()); root_window_controller->workspace_controller()-> SetActiveWorkspaceByWindow(window); } // Restore minimized window. This needs to be done before CanReceiveEvents() // is called as that function checks window visibility. if (window && wm::IsWindowMinimized(window)) window->Show(); // If the screen is locked, just bring the window to top so that // it will be activated when the lock window is destroyed. if (window && !window->CanReceiveEvents()) { StackTransientParentsBelowModalWindow(window); window->parent()->StackChildAtTop(window); return; } if (window && !window->Contains(window->GetFocusManager()->GetFocusedWindow())) { window->GetFocusManager()->SetFocusedWindow(window, event); } aura::Window* old_active = active_window_; active_window_ = window; if (window) { DCHECK(window->GetRootWindow()); Shell::GetInstance()->set_active_root_window(window->GetRootWindow()); } FOR_EACH_OBSERVER(aura::client::ActivationChangeObserver, observers_, OnWindowActivated(window, old_active)); // Invoke OnLostActive after we've changed the active window. That way if the // delegate queries for active state it doesn't think the window is still // active. if (old_active && aura::client::GetActivationDelegate(old_active)) aura::client::GetActivationDelegate(old_active)->OnLostActive(); if (window) { StackTransientParentsBelowModalWindow(window); window->parent()->StackChildAtTop(window); if (aura::client::GetActivationDelegate(window)) aura::client::GetActivationDelegate(window)->OnActivated(); } } aura::Window* ActivationController::ActivateNextWindow(aura::Window* window) { aura::Window* next_window = NULL; if (wm::IsActiveWindow(window)) { next_window = GetTopmostWindowToActivate(window); ActivateWindow(next_window); } return next_window; } aura::Window* ActivationController::GetTopmostWindowToActivate( aura::Window* ignore) const { size_t current_container_index = 0; // If the container of the window losing focus is in the list, start from that // container. aura::RootWindow* root = ignore->GetRootWindow(); if (!root) root = Shell::GetActiveRootWindow(); for (size_t i = 0; ignore && i < arraysize(kWindowContainerIds); i++) { aura::Window* container = Shell::GetContainer(root, kWindowContainerIds[i]); if (container && container->Contains(ignore)) { current_container_index = i; break; } } // Look for windows to focus in that container and below. aura::Window* window = NULL; for (; !window && current_container_index < arraysize(kWindowContainerIds); current_container_index++) { aura::Window::Windows containers = Shell::GetAllContainers(kWindowContainerIds[current_container_index]); for (aura::Window::Windows::const_iterator iter = containers.begin(); iter != containers.end() && !window; ++iter) { window = GetTopmostWindowToActivateInContainer((*iter), ignore); } } return window; } aura::Window* ActivationController::GetTopmostWindowToActivateInContainer( aura::Window* container, aura::Window* ignore) const { // Workspace2 has an extra level of windows that needs to be special cased. if (container->id() == kShellWindowId_DefaultContainer && WorkspaceController::IsWorkspace2Enabled()) { for (aura::Window::Windows::const_reverse_iterator i = container->children().rbegin(); i != container->children().rend(); ++i) { if ((*i)->IsVisible()) { aura::Window* window = GetTopmostWindowToActivateInContainer( *i, ignore); if (window) return window; } } return NULL; } for (aura::Window::Windows::const_reverse_iterator i = container->children().rbegin(); i != container->children().rend(); ++i) { if (*i != ignore && CanActivateWindowWithEvent(*i, NULL, CURRENT_VISIBILITY) && !wm::IsWindowMinimized(*i)) return *i; } return NULL; } } // namespace internal } // namespace ash