// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "ash/wm/video_detector.h" #include "ash/shell.h" #include "ui/aura/env.h" #include "ui/aura/root_window.h" #include "ui/aura/window.h" #include "ui/gfx/rect.h" namespace ash { const int VideoDetector::kMinUpdateWidth = 300; const int VideoDetector::kMinUpdateHeight = 225; const int VideoDetector::kMinFramesPerSecond = 15; const double VideoDetector::kNotifyIntervalSec = 1.0; // Stores information about updates to a window and determines whether it's // likely that a video is playing in it. class VideoDetector::WindowInfo { public: WindowInfo() : num_video_updates_in_second_(0) {} // Handles an update within a window, returning true if this update made us // believe that a video is playing in the window. true is returned at most // once per second. bool RecordUpdateAndCheckForVideo(const gfx::Rect& region, base::TimeTicks now) { if (region.width() < kMinUpdateWidth || region.height() < kMinUpdateHeight) return false; if (second_start_time_.is_null() || (now - second_start_time_).InSecondsF() >= 1.0) { second_start_time_ = now; num_video_updates_in_second_ = 0; } num_video_updates_in_second_++; return num_video_updates_in_second_ == kMinFramesPerSecond; } private: // Number of video-sized updates that we've seen in the second starting at // |second_start_time_|. (Keeping a rolling window is overkill here.) int num_video_updates_in_second_; base::TimeTicks second_start_time_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(WindowInfo); }; VideoDetector::VideoDetector() { aura::Env::GetInstance()->AddObserver(this); } VideoDetector::~VideoDetector() { aura::Env::GetInstance()->RemoveObserver(this); for (WindowInfoMap::const_iterator it = window_infos_.begin(); it != window_infos_.end(); ++it) { aura::Window* window = it->first; window->RemoveObserver(this); } } void VideoDetector::AddObserver(VideoDetectorObserver* observer) { observers_.AddObserver(observer); } void VideoDetector::RemoveObserver(VideoDetectorObserver* observer) { observers_.RemoveObserver(observer); } void VideoDetector::OnWindowInitialized(aura::Window* window) { window->AddObserver(this); } void VideoDetector::OnWindowPaintScheduled(aura::Window* window, const gfx::Rect& region) { linked_ptr& info = window_infos_[window]; if (!info.get()) info.reset(new WindowInfo); base::TimeTicks now = !now_for_test_.is_null() ? now_for_test_ : base::TimeTicks::Now(); if (info->RecordUpdateAndCheckForVideo(region, now)) MaybeNotifyObservers(window, now); } void VideoDetector::OnWindowDestroyed(aura::Window* window) { window_infos_.erase(window); } void VideoDetector::MaybeNotifyObservers(aura::Window* window, base::TimeTicks now) { if (!last_observer_notification_time_.is_null() && (now - last_observer_notification_time_).InSecondsF() < kNotifyIntervalSec) return; if (!window->IsVisible()) return; gfx::Rect root_bounds = Shell::GetRootWindow()->bounds(); if (!window->GetScreenBounds().Intersects(root_bounds)) return; FOR_EACH_OBSERVER(VideoDetectorObserver, observers_, OnVideoDetected()); last_observer_notification_time_ = now; } } // namespace ash