# Copyright 2008, Google Inc. # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are # met: # # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above # copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer # in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the # distribution. # * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its # contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from # this software without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS # "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR # A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT # OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, # SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, # DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY # THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT # (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE # OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. Import('env') env = env.Clone() env_tests = env.Clone() env.Prepend( CPPPATH = [ '$ICU38_DIR/public/common', '$ICU38_DIR/public/i18n', '..', ], CPPDEFINES = [ 'U_STATIC_IMPLEMENTATION', ], ) if env['PLATFORM'] == 'win32': env.Prepend( CCFLAGS = [ '/TP', '/Wp64', ], ) # These base files work on *all* platforms; files that don't work # cross-platform live below. input_files = [ 'at_exit.cc', 'base_switches.cc', 'command_line.cc', 'icu_util.cc', 'json_reader.cc', 'json_writer.cc', 'lock.cc', 'logging.cc', 'pickle.cc', 'platform_thread.cc', 'string_escape.cc', 'string_piece.cc', 'string_util.cc', 'string_util_icu.cc', 'values.cc', ] if env['PLATFORM'] == 'win32': # Some of these aren't really Windows-specific, they're just here until # we have the port versions working. # TODO: move all these files to either the cross-platform block above or # a platform-specific block below. input_files.extend([ 'base_paths.cc', 'bzip2_error_handler.cc', 'clipboard_util.cc', 'debug_on_start.cc', 'debug_util.cc', 'event_recorder.cc', 'file_util.cc', 'file_version_info.cc', 'histogram.cc', 'hmac.cc', # Uses Windows-specific crypto APIs. 'idle_timer.cc', 'image_util.cc', 'md5.cc', 'memory_debug.cc', 'message_loop.cc', 'non_thread_safe.cc', 'object_watcher.cc', 'path_service.cc', 'pe_image.cc', 'process.cc', 'process_util.cc', 'registry.cc', 'resource_util.cc', 'revocable_store.cc', 'sha2.cc', 'shared_event.cc', 'stats_table.cc', 'third_party/nspr/prtime.cc', 'third_party/nss/sha512.cc', 'thread.cc', 'time.cc', 'timer.cc', 'tracked.cc', 'tracked_objects.cc', 'watchdog.cc', 'word_iterator.cc', 'worker_pool.cc', ]) if env['PLATFORM'] == 'win32': input_files.extend([ 'base_drag_source.cc', 'base_drop_target.cc', 'base_paths_win.cc', 'clipboard_win.cc', 'condition_variable_win.cc', 'debug_util_win.cc', 'file_util_win.cc', 'iat_patch.cc', 'lock_impl_win.cc', 'shared_memory_win.cc', 'string_util_win.cc', 'sys_string_conversions_win.cc', 'thread_local_storage_win.cc', 'time_win.cc', 'waitable_event_win.cc', 'win_util.cc', 'wmi_util.cc', ]) if env['PLATFORM'] in ('darwin', 'posix'): input_files.extend([ 'condition_variable_posix.cc', 'debug_util_posix.cc', 'lock_impl_posix.cc', 'shared_memory_posix.cc', 'thread_local_storage_posix.cc', 'time_posix.cc', 'waitable_event_generic.cc', ]) if env['PLATFORM'] == 'darwin': input_files.extend([ 'base_paths_mac.mm', 'clipboard_mac.cc', 'file_util_mac.mm', 'file_version_info_mac.mm', 'thread_posix.cc', 'sys_string_conversions_mac.cc', ]) if env['PLATFORM'] == 'posix': input_files.extend([ 'atomicops_internals_x86_gcc.cc', 'file_util_linux.cc', 'string_util_posix.cc', 'sys_string_conversions_linux.cc', ]) env.ChromeStaticLibrary('base', input_files) env_tests.Prepend( CPPPATH = [ '$SKIA_DIR/include', '$SKIA_DIR/include/corecg', '$SKIA_DIR/platform', '$ZLIB_DIR', '$LIBPNG_DIR', '$ICU38_DIR/public/common', '$ICU38/_DIRpublic/i18n', '..', ], CPPDEFINES = [ 'UNIT_TEST', 'PNG_USER_CONFIG', 'CHROME_PNG_WRITE_SUPPORT', 'U_STATIC_IMPLEMENTATION', ], LIBS = [ 'base', 'base_gfx', 'skia', 'libpng', 'gtest', 'icuuc', 'zlib', ] ) env_tests.Append( CPPPATH = [ '$GTEST_DIR/include', ], ) if env['PLATFORM'] == 'win32': env_tests.Prepend( CCFLAGS = [ '/TP', '/WX', '/Wp64', ], CPPDEFINES = [ '_WIN32_WINNT=0x0600', 'WINVER=0x0600', '_HAS_EXCEPTIONS=0', ], LINKFLAGS = [ '/MANIFEST', '/DELAYLOAD:"dwmapi.dll"', '/DELAYLOAD:"uxtheme.dll"', '/MACHINE:X86', '/FIXED:No', '/safeseh', '/dynamicbase', '/ignore:4199', '/nxcompat', ], ) if env['PLATFORM'] == 'posix': # Remove the libraries that don't build yet under Linux. env_tests['LIBS'].remove('base_gfx') env_tests['LIBS'].remove('skia') env_tests['LIBS'].remove('libpng') env_tests['LIBS'].remove('zlib') env_tests.ChromeTestProgram(['debug_message.exe', 'debug_message.ilk', 'debug_message.pdb'], ['debug_message.cc']) # These test files work on *all* platforms; tests that don't work # cross-platform live below. test_files = [ 'at_exit_unittest.cc', 'json_reader_unittest.cc', 'json_writer_unittest.cc', 'linked_ptr_unittest.cc', 'pickle_unittest.cc', 'ref_counted_unittest.cc', 'run_all_unittests.cc', 'string_escape_unittest.cc', 'string_piece_unittest.cc', 'string_tokenizer_unittest.cc', 'values_unittest.cc', ] if env['PLATFORM'] == 'win32': # These tests aren't really Windows-specific, they're just here until # we have the port versions working. test_files.extend([ 'check_handler_unittest.cc', 'clipboard_unittest.cc', 'command_line_unittest.cc', 'condition_variable_test.cc', 'file_util_unittest.cc', 'gfx/convolver_unittest.cc', 'gfx/image_operations_unittest.cc', 'gfx/native_theme_unittest.cc', 'gfx/platform_canvas_unittest.cc', 'gfx/png_codec_unittest.cc', 'gfx/rect_unittest.cc', 'gfx/uniscribe_unittest.cc', 'gfx/vector_canvas_unittest.cc', 'idletimer_unittest.cc', 'hmac_unittest.cc', 'message_loop_unittest.cc', 'object_watcher_unittest.cc', 'path_service_unittest.cc', 'pe_image_unittest.cc', 'process_util_unittest.cc', 'pr_time_test.cc', 'run_all_unittests.cc', 'sha2_unittest.cc', 'shared_event_unittest.cc', 'shared_memory_unittest.cc', 'singleton_unittest.cc', 'stack_container_unittest.cc', 'stats_table_unittest.cc', 'string_util_unittest.cc', 'thread_local_storage_unittest.cc', 'thread_unittest.cc', 'timer_unittest.cc', 'time_unittest.cc', 'tracked_objects_test.cc', 'waitable_event_unittest.cc', 'word_iterator_unittest.cc', ]) if env['PLATFORM'] == 'win32': # Windows-specific tests. test_files.extend([ 'file_version_info_unittest.cc', 'sys_string_conversions_win_unittest.cc', 'win_util_unittest.cc', 'wmi_util_unittest.cc', ]) base_unittests = env_tests.ChromeTestProgram([ 'base_unittests', 'base_unittests.exp', 'base_unittests.ilk', 'base_unittests.lib', 'base_unittests.pdb'], test_files) # Install up a level to allow unit test path assumptions to be valid. installed_base_unittests = env.Install('$TARGET_ROOT', base_unittests) sconscript_dirs = [ 'gfx/SConscript', ] SConscript(sconscript_dirs, exports=['env']) # Setup alias for all base related targets. env.Alias('base', ['.', installed_base_unittests, '../icudt38.dll']) env_tests.StaticObject('perftimer.cc') env_tests.StaticObject('run_all_perftests.cc')