// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "base/android/jni_android.h" #include #include "base/android/build_info.h" #include "base/android/jni_string.h" #include "base/lazy_instance.h" #include "base/logging.h" namespace { using base::android::GetClass; using base::android::MethodID; using base::android::ScopedJavaLocalRef; JavaVM* g_jvm = NULL; // Leak the global app context, as it is used from a non-joinable worker thread // that may still be running at shutdown. There is no harm in doing this. base::LazyInstance >::Leaky g_application_context = LAZY_INSTANCE_INITIALIZER; std::string GetJavaExceptionInfo(JNIEnv* env, jthrowable java_throwable) { ScopedJavaLocalRef throwable_clazz = GetClass(env, "java/lang/Throwable"); jmethodID throwable_printstacktrace = MethodID::Get( env, throwable_clazz.obj(), "printStackTrace", "(Ljava/io/PrintStream;)V"); // Create an instance of ByteArrayOutputStream. ScopedJavaLocalRef bytearray_output_stream_clazz = GetClass(env, "java/io/ByteArrayOutputStream"); jmethodID bytearray_output_stream_constructor = MethodID::Get( env, bytearray_output_stream_clazz.obj(), "", "()V"); jmethodID bytearray_output_stream_tostring = MethodID::Get( env, bytearray_output_stream_clazz.obj(), "toString", "()Ljava/lang/String;"); ScopedJavaLocalRef bytearray_output_stream(env, env->NewObject(bytearray_output_stream_clazz.obj(), bytearray_output_stream_constructor)); // Create an instance of PrintStream. ScopedJavaLocalRef printstream_clazz = GetClass(env, "java/io/PrintStream"); jmethodID printstream_constructor = MethodID::Get( env, printstream_clazz.obj(), "", "(Ljava/io/OutputStream;)V"); ScopedJavaLocalRef printstream(env, env->NewObject(printstream_clazz.obj(), printstream_constructor, bytearray_output_stream.obj())); // Call Throwable.printStackTrace(PrintStream) env->CallVoidMethod(java_throwable, throwable_printstacktrace, printstream.obj()); // Call ByteArrayOutputStream.toString() ScopedJavaLocalRef exception_string( env, static_cast( env->CallObjectMethod(bytearray_output_stream.obj(), bytearray_output_stream_tostring))); return ConvertJavaStringToUTF8(exception_string); } } // namespace namespace base { namespace android { JNIEnv* AttachCurrentThread() { DCHECK(g_jvm); JNIEnv* env = NULL; jint ret = g_jvm->AttachCurrentThread(&env, NULL); DCHECK_EQ(JNI_OK, ret); return env; } void DetachFromVM() { // Ignore the return value, if the thread is not attached, DetachCurrentThread // will fail. But it is ok as the native thread may never be attached. if (g_jvm) g_jvm->DetachCurrentThread(); } void InitVM(JavaVM* vm) { DCHECK(!g_jvm); g_jvm = vm; } bool IsVMInitialized() { return g_jvm != NULL; } void InitApplicationContext(JNIEnv* env, const JavaRef& context) { if (env->IsSameObject(g_application_context.Get().obj(), context.obj())) { // It's safe to set the context more than once if it's the same context. return; } DCHECK(g_application_context.Get().is_null()); g_application_context.Get().Reset(context); } const jobject GetApplicationContext() { DCHECK(!g_application_context.Get().is_null()); return g_application_context.Get().obj(); } ScopedJavaLocalRef GetClass(JNIEnv* env, const char* class_name) { jclass clazz = env->FindClass(class_name); CHECK(!ClearException(env) && clazz) << "Failed to find class " << class_name; return ScopedJavaLocalRef(env, clazz); } template jmethodID MethodID::Get(JNIEnv* env, jclass clazz, const char* method_name, const char* jni_signature) { jmethodID id = type == TYPE_STATIC ? env->GetStaticMethodID(clazz, method_name, jni_signature) : env->GetMethodID(clazz, method_name, jni_signature); CHECK(base::android::ClearException(env) || id) << "Failed to find " << (type == TYPE_STATIC ? "static " : "") << "method " << method_name << " " << jni_signature; return id; } // If |atomic_method_id| set, it'll return immediately. Otherwise, it'll call // into ::Get() above. If there's a race, it's ok since the values are the same // (and the duplicated effort will happen only once). template jmethodID MethodID::LazyGet(JNIEnv* env, jclass clazz, const char* method_name, const char* jni_signature, base::subtle::AtomicWord* atomic_method_id) { COMPILE_ASSERT(sizeof(subtle::AtomicWord) >= sizeof(jmethodID), AtomicWord_SmallerThan_jMethodID); subtle::AtomicWord value = base::subtle::Acquire_Load(atomic_method_id); if (value) return reinterpret_cast(value); jmethodID id = MethodID::Get(env, clazz, method_name, jni_signature); base::subtle::Release_Store( atomic_method_id, reinterpret_cast(id)); return id; } // Various template instantiations. template jmethodID MethodID::Get( JNIEnv* env, jclass clazz, const char* method_name, const char* jni_signature); template jmethodID MethodID::Get( JNIEnv* env, jclass clazz, const char* method_name, const char* jni_signature); template jmethodID MethodID::LazyGet( JNIEnv* env, jclass clazz, const char* method_name, const char* jni_signature, base::subtle::AtomicWord* atomic_method_id); template jmethodID MethodID::LazyGet( JNIEnv* env, jclass clazz, const char* method_name, const char* jni_signature, base::subtle::AtomicWord* atomic_method_id); bool HasException(JNIEnv* env) { return env->ExceptionCheck() != JNI_FALSE; } bool ClearException(JNIEnv* env) { if (!HasException(env)) return false; env->ExceptionDescribe(); env->ExceptionClear(); return true; } void CheckException(JNIEnv* env) { if (!HasException(env)) return; // Exception has been found, might as well tell breakpad about it. jthrowable java_throwable = env->ExceptionOccurred(); if (!java_throwable) { // Do nothing but return false. CHECK(false); } // Clear the pending exception, since a local reference is now held. env->ExceptionDescribe(); env->ExceptionClear(); // Set the exception_string in BuildInfo so that breakpad can read it. // RVO should avoid any extra copies of the exception string. base::android::BuildInfo::GetInstance()->set_java_exception_info( GetJavaExceptionInfo(env, java_throwable)); // Now, feel good about it and die. CHECK(false); } } // namespace android } // namespace base