// Copyright (c) 2006-2008 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include #include "base/base_drag_source.h" /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // BaseDragSource, public: BaseDragSource::BaseDragSource() : ref_count_(0) { } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // BaseDragSource, IDropSource implementation: HRESULT BaseDragSource::QueryContinueDrag(BOOL escape_pressed, DWORD key_state) { if (escape_pressed) { OnDragSourceCancel(); return DRAGDROP_S_CANCEL; } if (!(key_state & MK_LBUTTON)) { OnDragSourceDrop(); return DRAGDROP_S_DROP; } OnDragSourceMove(); return S_OK; } HRESULT BaseDragSource::GiveFeedback(DWORD effect) { return DRAGDROP_S_USEDEFAULTCURSORS; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // BaseDragSource, IUnknown implementation: HRESULT BaseDragSource::QueryInterface(const IID& iid, void** object) { *object = NULL; if (IsEqualIID(iid, IID_IUnknown) || IsEqualIID(iid, IID_IDropSource)) { *object = this; } else { return E_NOINTERFACE; } AddRef(); return S_OK; } ULONG BaseDragSource::AddRef() { return InterlockedIncrement(&ref_count_); } ULONG BaseDragSource::Release() { if (InterlockedDecrement(&ref_count_) == 0) { ULONG copied_refcnt = ref_count_; delete this; return copied_refcnt; } return ref_count_; }