// Copyright (c) 2008 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "base/data_pack.h" #include <errno.h> #include "base/file_util.h" #include "base/logging.h" #include "base/ref_counted_memory.h" #include "base/string_piece.h" // For details of the file layout, see // http://dev.chromium.org/developers/design-documents/linuxresourcesandlocalizedstrings namespace { // A word is four bytes. static const size_t kWord = 4; static const uint32 kFileFormatVersion = 1; // Length of file header: version and entry count. static const size_t kHeaderLength = 2 * sizeof(uint32); struct DataPackEntry { uint32 resource_id; uint32 file_offset; uint32 length; static int CompareById(const void* void_key, const void* void_entry) { uint32 key = *reinterpret_cast<const uint32*>(void_key); const DataPackEntry* entry = reinterpret_cast<const DataPackEntry*>(void_entry); if (key < entry->resource_id) { return -1; } else if (key > entry->resource_id) { return 1; } else { return 0; } } }; COMPILE_ASSERT(sizeof(DataPackEntry) == 12, size_of_header_must_be_twelve); } // anonymous namespace namespace base { // In .cc for MemoryMappedFile dtor. DataPack::DataPack() : resource_count_(0) { } DataPack::~DataPack() { } bool DataPack::Load(const FilePath& path) { mmap_.reset(new file_util::MemoryMappedFile); if (!mmap_->Initialize(path)) { DLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to mmap datapack"; return false; } // Parse the header of the file. // First uint32: version; second: resource count. const uint32* ptr = reinterpret_cast<const uint32*>(mmap_->data()); uint32 version = ptr[0]; if (version != kFileFormatVersion) { LOG(ERROR) << "Bad data pack version: got " << version << ", expected " << kFileFormatVersion; mmap_.reset(); return false; } resource_count_ = ptr[1]; // Sanity check the file. // 1) Check we have enough entries. if (kHeaderLength + resource_count_ * sizeof(DataPackEntry) > mmap_->length()) { LOG(ERROR) << "Data pack file corruption: too short for number of " "entries specified."; mmap_.reset(); return false; } // 2) Verify the entries are within the appropriate bounds. for (size_t i = 0; i < resource_count_; ++i) { const DataPackEntry* entry = reinterpret_cast<const DataPackEntry*>( mmap_->data() + kHeaderLength + (i * sizeof(DataPackEntry))); if (entry->file_offset + entry->length > mmap_->length()) { LOG(ERROR) << "Entry #" << i << " in data pack points off end of file. " << "Was the file corrupted?"; mmap_.reset(); return false; } } return true; } bool DataPack::GetStringPiece(uint32 resource_id, StringPiece* data) const { // It won't be hard to make this endian-agnostic, but it's not worth // bothering to do right now. #if defined(__BYTE_ORDER) // Linux check COMPILE_ASSERT(__BYTE_ORDER == __LITTLE_ENDIAN, datapack_assumes_little_endian); #elif defined(__BIG_ENDIAN__) // Mac check #error DataPack assumes little endian #endif DataPackEntry* target = reinterpret_cast<DataPackEntry*>( bsearch(&resource_id, mmap_->data() + kHeaderLength, resource_count_, sizeof(DataPackEntry), DataPackEntry::CompareById)); if (!target) { return false; } data->set(mmap_->data() + target->file_offset, target->length); return true; } RefCountedStaticMemory* DataPack::GetStaticMemory(uint32 resource_id) const { base::StringPiece piece; if (!GetStringPiece(resource_id, &piece)) return NULL; return new RefCountedStaticMemory( reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>(piece.data()), piece.length()); } // static bool DataPack::WritePack(const FilePath& path, const std::map<uint32, StringPiece>& resources) { FILE* file = file_util::OpenFile(path, "wb"); if (!file) return false; if (fwrite(&kFileFormatVersion, 1, kWord, file) != kWord) { LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to write file version"; file_util::CloseFile(file); return false; } // Note: the python version of this function explicitly sorted keys, but // std::map is a sorted associative container, we shouldn't have to do that. uint32 entry_count = resources.size(); if (fwrite(&entry_count, 1, kWord, file) != kWord) { LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to write entry count"; file_util::CloseFile(file); return false; } // Each entry is 3 uint32s. uint32 index_length = entry_count * 3 * kWord; uint32 data_offset = kHeaderLength + index_length; for (std::map<uint32, StringPiece>::const_iterator it = resources.begin(); it != resources.end(); ++it) { if (fwrite(&it->first, 1, kWord, file) != kWord) { LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to write id for " << it->first; file_util::CloseFile(file); return false; } if (fwrite(&data_offset, 1, kWord, file) != kWord) { LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to write offset for " << it->first; file_util::CloseFile(file); return false; } uint32 len = it->second.length(); if (fwrite(&len, 1, kWord, file) != kWord) { LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to write length for " << it->first; file_util::CloseFile(file); return false; } data_offset += len; } for (std::map<uint32, StringPiece>::const_iterator it = resources.begin(); it != resources.end(); ++it) { if (fwrite(it->second.data(), it->second.length(), 1, file) != 1) { LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to write data for " << it->first; file_util::CloseFile(file); return false; } } file_util::CloseFile(file); return true; } } // namespace base