// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "base/debug/gdi_debug_util_win.h" #include #include #include #include "base/debug/alias.h" #include "base/logging.h" #include "base/win/scoped_handle.h" namespace { void CollectChildGDIUsageAndDie(DWORD parent_pid) { HANDLE snapshot = CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS, 0) ; if(snapshot == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) CHECK(false); int child_count = 0; base::debug::Alias(&child_count); int peak_gdi_count = 0; base::debug::Alias(&peak_gdi_count); int sum_gdi_count = 0; base::debug::Alias(&sum_gdi_count); int sum_user_count = 0; base::debug::Alias(&sum_user_count); PROCESSENTRY32 proc_entry = {0}; proc_entry.dwSize = sizeof(PROCESSENTRY32) ; if(!Process32First(snapshot, &proc_entry)) CHECK(false); do { if (parent_pid != proc_entry.th32ParentProcessID) continue; // Got a child process. Compute GDI usage. base::win::ScopedHandle process( ::OpenProcess(PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION, FALSE, proc_entry.th32ParentProcessID)); if (!process) continue; int num_gdi_handles = ::GetGuiResources(process.Get(), GR_GDIOBJECTS); int num_user_handles = ::GetGuiResources(process.Get(), GR_USEROBJECTS); // Compute sum and peak counts. ++child_count; sum_user_count += num_user_handles; sum_gdi_count += num_gdi_handles; if (peak_gdi_count < num_gdi_handles) peak_gdi_count = num_gdi_handles; } while(Process32Next(snapshot, &proc_entry)); ::CloseHandle(snapshot) ; CHECK(false); } } // namespace namespace base { namespace debug { void GDIBitmapAllocFailure(BITMAPINFOHEADER* header, HANDLE shared_section) { // Make sure parameters are saved in the minidump. DWORD last_error = ::GetLastError(); LONG width = header->biWidth; LONG heigth = header->biHeight; base::debug::Alias(&last_error); base::debug::Alias(&width); base::debug::Alias(&heigth); base::debug::Alias(&shared_section); int num_user_handles = GetGuiResources(GetCurrentProcess(), GR_USEROBJECTS); int num_gdi_handles = GetGuiResources(GetCurrentProcess(), GR_GDIOBJECTS); if (num_gdi_handles == 0) { DWORD get_gui_resources_error = GetLastError(); base::debug::Alias(&get_gui_resources_error); CHECK(false); } base::debug::Alias(&num_gdi_handles); base::debug::Alias(&num_user_handles); const DWORD kLotsOfHandles = 9990; if (num_gdi_handles > kLotsOfHandles) CHECK(false); PROCESS_MEMORY_COUNTERS_EX pmc; pmc.cb = sizeof(pmc); if (!GetProcessMemoryInfo(GetCurrentProcess(), reinterpret_cast(&pmc), sizeof(pmc))) { CHECK(false); } const size_t kLotsOfMemory = 1500 * 1024 * 1024; // 1.5GB if (pmc.PagefileUsage > kLotsOfMemory) CHECK(false); if (pmc.PrivateUsage > kLotsOfMemory) CHECK(false); void* small_data = NULL; base::debug::Alias(&small_data); if (std::abs(heigth) * width > 100) { // Huh, that's weird. We don't have crazy handle count, we don't have // ridiculous memory usage. Try to allocate a small bitmap and see if that // fails too. header->biWidth = 5; header->biHeight = -5; HBITMAP small_bitmap = CreateDIBSection( NULL, reinterpret_cast(&header), 0, &small_data, shared_section, 0); } // Maybe the child processes are the ones leaking GDI or USER resouces. CollectChildGDIUsageAndDie(::GetCurrentProcessId()); } } // namespace debug } // namespace base