// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "base/debug/trace_event_impl.h" #include <algorithm> #include "base/bind.h" #include "base/debug/leak_annotations.h" #include "base/debug/trace_event.h" #include "base/format_macros.h" #include "base/lazy_instance.h" #include "base/memory/singleton.h" #include "base/process_util.h" #include "base/stl_util.h" #include "base/string_split.h" #include "base/string_util.h" #include "base/stringprintf.h" #include "base/strings/string_tokenizer.h" #include "base/synchronization/cancellation_flag.h" #include "base/synchronization/waitable_event.h" #include "base/sys_info.h" #include "base/third_party/dynamic_annotations/dynamic_annotations.h" #include "base/threading/platform_thread.h" #include "base/threading/thread_id_name_manager.h" #include "base/threading/thread_local.h" #include "base/time.h" #include "base/utf_string_conversions.h" #if defined(OS_WIN) #include "base/debug/trace_event_win.h" #endif class DeleteTraceLogForTesting { public: static void Delete() { Singleton<base::debug::TraceLog, StaticMemorySingletonTraits<base::debug::TraceLog> >::OnExit(0); } }; // The thread buckets for the sampling profiler. BASE_EXPORT TRACE_EVENT_API_ATOMIC_WORD g_trace_state0; BASE_EXPORT TRACE_EVENT_API_ATOMIC_WORD g_trace_state1; BASE_EXPORT TRACE_EVENT_API_ATOMIC_WORD g_trace_state2; namespace base { namespace debug { // Controls the number of trace events we will buffer in-memory // before throwing them away. const size_t kTraceEventBufferSize = 500000; const size_t kTraceEventBatchSize = 1000; #define TRACE_EVENT_MAX_CATEGORIES 100 namespace { // Parallel arrays g_categories and g_category_enabled are separate so that // a pointer to a member of g_category_enabled can be easily converted to an // index into g_categories. This allows macros to deal only with char enabled // pointers from g_category_enabled, and we can convert internally to determine // the category name from the char enabled pointer. const char* g_categories[TRACE_EVENT_MAX_CATEGORIES] = { "tracing already shutdown", "tracing categories exhausted; must increase TRACE_EVENT_MAX_CATEGORIES", "__metadata", }; // The enabled flag is char instead of bool so that the API can be used from C. unsigned char g_category_enabled[TRACE_EVENT_MAX_CATEGORIES] = { 0 }; const int g_category_already_shutdown = 0; const int g_category_categories_exhausted = 1; const int g_category_metadata = 2; int g_category_index = 3; // skip initial 3 categories // The name of the current thread. This is used to decide if the current // thread name has changed. We combine all the seen thread names into the // output name for the thread. LazyInstance<ThreadLocalPointer<const char> >::Leaky g_current_thread_name = LAZY_INSTANCE_INITIALIZER; const char kRecordUntilFull[] = "record-until-full"; } // namespace //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // TraceEvent // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// namespace { size_t GetAllocLength(const char* str) { return str ? strlen(str) + 1 : 0; } // Copies |*member| into |*buffer|, sets |*member| to point to this new // location, and then advances |*buffer| by the amount written. void CopyTraceEventParameter(char** buffer, const char** member, const char* end) { if (*member) { size_t written = strlcpy(*buffer, *member, end - *buffer) + 1; DCHECK_LE(static_cast<int>(written), end - *buffer); *member = *buffer; *buffer += written; } } } // namespace TraceEvent::TraceEvent() : id_(0u), category_enabled_(NULL), name_(NULL), thread_id_(0), phase_(TRACE_EVENT_PHASE_BEGIN), flags_(0) { arg_names_[0] = NULL; arg_names_[1] = NULL; memset(arg_values_, 0, sizeof(arg_values_)); } TraceEvent::TraceEvent(int thread_id, TimeTicks timestamp, char phase, const unsigned char* category_enabled, const char* name, unsigned long long id, int num_args, const char** arg_names, const unsigned char* arg_types, const unsigned long long* arg_values, unsigned char flags) : timestamp_(timestamp), id_(id), category_enabled_(category_enabled), name_(name), thread_id_(thread_id), phase_(phase), flags_(flags) { // Clamp num_args since it may have been set by a third_party library. num_args = (num_args > kTraceMaxNumArgs) ? kTraceMaxNumArgs : num_args; int i = 0; for (; i < num_args; ++i) { arg_names_[i] = arg_names[i]; arg_values_[i].as_uint = arg_values[i]; arg_types_[i] = arg_types[i]; } for (; i < kTraceMaxNumArgs; ++i) { arg_names_[i] = NULL; arg_values_[i].as_uint = 0u; arg_types_[i] = TRACE_VALUE_TYPE_UINT; } bool copy = !!(flags & TRACE_EVENT_FLAG_COPY); size_t alloc_size = 0; if (copy) { alloc_size += GetAllocLength(name); for (i = 0; i < num_args; ++i) { alloc_size += GetAllocLength(arg_names_[i]); if (arg_types_[i] == TRACE_VALUE_TYPE_STRING) arg_types_[i] = TRACE_VALUE_TYPE_COPY_STRING; } } bool arg_is_copy[kTraceMaxNumArgs]; for (i = 0; i < num_args; ++i) { // We only take a copy of arg_vals if they are of type COPY_STRING. arg_is_copy[i] = (arg_types_[i] == TRACE_VALUE_TYPE_COPY_STRING); if (arg_is_copy[i]) alloc_size += GetAllocLength(arg_values_[i].as_string); } if (alloc_size) { parameter_copy_storage_ = new RefCountedString; parameter_copy_storage_->data().resize(alloc_size); char* ptr = string_as_array(¶meter_copy_storage_->data()); const char* end = ptr + alloc_size; if (copy) { CopyTraceEventParameter(&ptr, &name_, end); for (i = 0; i < num_args; ++i) CopyTraceEventParameter(&ptr, &arg_names_[i], end); } for (i = 0; i < num_args; ++i) { if (arg_is_copy[i]) CopyTraceEventParameter(&ptr, &arg_values_[i].as_string, end); } DCHECK_EQ(end, ptr) << "Overrun by " << ptr - end; } } TraceEvent::~TraceEvent() { } // static void TraceEvent::AppendValueAsJSON(unsigned char type, TraceEvent::TraceValue value, std::string* out) { std::string::size_type start_pos; switch (type) { case TRACE_VALUE_TYPE_BOOL: *out += value.as_bool ? "true" : "false"; break; case TRACE_VALUE_TYPE_UINT: StringAppendF(out, "%" PRIu64, static_cast<uint64>(value.as_uint)); break; case TRACE_VALUE_TYPE_INT: StringAppendF(out, "%" PRId64, static_cast<int64>(value.as_int)); break; case TRACE_VALUE_TYPE_DOUBLE: StringAppendF(out, "%f", value.as_double); break; case TRACE_VALUE_TYPE_POINTER: // JSON only supports double and int numbers. // So as not to lose bits from a 64-bit pointer, output as a hex string. StringAppendF(out, "\"%" PRIx64 "\"", static_cast<uint64>( reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>( value.as_pointer))); break; case TRACE_VALUE_TYPE_STRING: case TRACE_VALUE_TYPE_COPY_STRING: *out += "\""; start_pos = out->size(); *out += value.as_string ? value.as_string : "NULL"; // insert backslash before special characters for proper json format. while ((start_pos = out->find_first_of("\\\"", start_pos)) != std::string::npos) { out->insert(start_pos, 1, '\\'); // skip inserted escape character and following character. start_pos += 2; } *out += "\""; break; default: NOTREACHED() << "Don't know how to print this value"; break; } } void TraceEvent::AppendEventsAsJSON(const std::vector<TraceEvent>& events, size_t start, size_t count, std::string* out) { for (size_t i = 0; i < count && start + i < events.size(); ++i) { if (i > 0) *out += ","; events[i + start].AppendAsJSON(out); } } void TraceEvent::AppendAsJSON(std::string* out) const { int64 time_int64 = timestamp_.ToInternalValue(); int process_id = TraceLog::GetInstance()->process_id(); // Category name checked at category creation time. DCHECK(!strchr(name_, '"')); StringAppendF(out, "{\"cat\":\"%s\",\"pid\":%i,\"tid\":%i,\"ts\":%" PRId64 "," "\"ph\":\"%c\",\"name\":\"%s\",\"args\":{", TraceLog::GetCategoryName(category_enabled_), process_id, thread_id_, time_int64, phase_, name_); // Output argument names and values, stop at first NULL argument name. for (int i = 0; i < kTraceMaxNumArgs && arg_names_[i]; ++i) { if (i > 0) *out += ","; *out += "\""; *out += arg_names_[i]; *out += "\":"; AppendValueAsJSON(arg_types_[i], arg_values_[i], out); } *out += "}"; // If id_ is set, print it out as a hex string so we don't loose any // bits (it might be a 64-bit pointer). if (flags_ & TRACE_EVENT_FLAG_HAS_ID) StringAppendF(out, ",\"id\":\"%" PRIx64 "\"", static_cast<uint64>(id_)); *out += "}"; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // TraceResultBuffer // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TraceResultBuffer::OutputCallback TraceResultBuffer::SimpleOutput::GetCallback() { return Bind(&SimpleOutput::Append, Unretained(this)); } void TraceResultBuffer::SimpleOutput::Append( const std::string& json_trace_output) { json_output += json_trace_output; } TraceResultBuffer::TraceResultBuffer() : append_comma_(false) { } TraceResultBuffer::~TraceResultBuffer() { } void TraceResultBuffer::SetOutputCallback( const OutputCallback& json_chunk_callback) { output_callback_ = json_chunk_callback; } void TraceResultBuffer::Start() { append_comma_ = false; output_callback_.Run("["); } void TraceResultBuffer::AddFragment(const std::string& trace_fragment) { if (append_comma_) output_callback_.Run(","); append_comma_ = true; output_callback_.Run(trace_fragment); } void TraceResultBuffer::Finish() { output_callback_.Run("]"); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // TraceSamplingThread // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class TraceBucketData; typedef base::Callback<void(TraceBucketData*)> TraceSampleCallback; class TraceBucketData { public: TraceBucketData(base::subtle::AtomicWord* bucket, const char* name, TraceSampleCallback callback); ~TraceBucketData(); TRACE_EVENT_API_ATOMIC_WORD* bucket; const char* bucket_name; TraceSampleCallback callback; }; // This object must be created on the IO thread. class TraceSamplingThread : public PlatformThread::Delegate { public: TraceSamplingThread(); virtual ~TraceSamplingThread(); // Implementation of PlatformThread::Delegate: virtual void ThreadMain() OVERRIDE; static void DefaultSampleCallback(TraceBucketData* bucekt_data); void Stop(); void InstallWaitableEventForSamplingTesting(WaitableEvent* waitable_event); private: friend class TraceLog; void GetSamples(); // Not thread-safe. Once the ThreadMain has been called, this can no longer // be called. void RegisterSampleBucket(TRACE_EVENT_API_ATOMIC_WORD* bucket, const char* const name, TraceSampleCallback callback); // Splits a combined "category\0name" into the two component parts. static void ExtractCategoryAndName(const char* combined, const char** category, const char** name); std::vector<TraceBucketData> sample_buckets_; bool thread_running_; scoped_ptr<CancellationFlag> cancellation_flag_; scoped_ptr<WaitableEvent> waitable_event_for_testing_; }; TraceSamplingThread::TraceSamplingThread() : thread_running_(false) { cancellation_flag_.reset(new CancellationFlag); } TraceSamplingThread::~TraceSamplingThread() { } void TraceSamplingThread::ThreadMain() { PlatformThread::SetName("Sampling Thread"); thread_running_ = true; const int kSamplingFrequencyMicroseconds = 1000; while (!cancellation_flag_->IsSet()) { PlatformThread::Sleep( TimeDelta::FromMicroseconds(kSamplingFrequencyMicroseconds)); GetSamples(); if (waitable_event_for_testing_.get()) waitable_event_for_testing_->Signal(); } } // static void TraceSamplingThread::DefaultSampleCallback(TraceBucketData* bucket_data) { TRACE_EVENT_API_ATOMIC_WORD category_and_name = TRACE_EVENT_API_ATOMIC_LOAD(*bucket_data->bucket); if (!category_and_name) return; const char* const combined = reinterpret_cast<const char* const>(category_and_name); const char* category; const char* name; ExtractCategoryAndName(combined, &category, &name); TRACE_EVENT_API_ADD_TRACE_EVENT(TRACE_EVENT_PHASE_SAMPLE, TraceLog::GetCategoryEnabled(category), name, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0); } void TraceSamplingThread::GetSamples() { for (size_t i = 0; i < sample_buckets_.size(); ++i) { TraceBucketData* bucket_data = &sample_buckets_[i]; bucket_data->callback.Run(bucket_data); } } void TraceSamplingThread::RegisterSampleBucket( TRACE_EVENT_API_ATOMIC_WORD* bucket, const char* const name, TraceSampleCallback callback) { DCHECK(!thread_running_); sample_buckets_.push_back(TraceBucketData(bucket, name, callback)); } // static void TraceSamplingThread::ExtractCategoryAndName(const char* combined, const char** category, const char** name) { *category = combined; *name = &combined[strlen(combined) + 1]; } void TraceSamplingThread::Stop() { cancellation_flag_->Set(); } void TraceSamplingThread::InstallWaitableEventForSamplingTesting( WaitableEvent* waitable_event) { waitable_event_for_testing_.reset(waitable_event); } TraceBucketData::TraceBucketData(base::subtle::AtomicWord* bucket, const char* name, TraceSampleCallback callback) : bucket(bucket), bucket_name(name), callback(callback) { } TraceBucketData::~TraceBucketData() { } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // TraceLog // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TraceLog::NotificationHelper::NotificationHelper(TraceLog* trace_log) : trace_log_(trace_log), notification_(0) { } TraceLog::NotificationHelper::~NotificationHelper() { } void TraceLog::NotificationHelper::AddNotificationWhileLocked( int notification) { if (trace_log_->notification_callback_.is_null()) return; if (notification_ == 0) callback_copy_ = trace_log_->notification_callback_; notification_ |= notification; } void TraceLog::NotificationHelper::SendNotificationIfAny() { if (notification_) callback_copy_.Run(notification_); } // static TraceLog* TraceLog::GetInstance() { return Singleton<TraceLog, StaticMemorySingletonTraits<TraceLog> >::get(); } // static // Note, if you add more options here you also need to update: // content/browser/devtools/devtools_tracing_handler:TraceOptionsFromString TraceLog::Options TraceLog::TraceOptionsFromString(const std::string& options) { std::vector<std::string> split; base::SplitString(options, ',', &split); int ret = 0; for (std::vector<std::string>::iterator iter = split.begin(); iter != split.end(); ++iter) { if (*iter == kRecordUntilFull) { ret |= RECORD_UNTIL_FULL; } else { NOTREACHED(); // Unknown option provided. } } // Check to see if any RECORD_* options are set, and if none, then provide // a default. // TODO(dsinclair): Remove this comment when we have more then one RECORD_* // flag and the code's structure is then sensible. if (!(ret & RECORD_UNTIL_FULL)) ret |= RECORD_UNTIL_FULL; // Default when no options are specified. return static_cast<Options>(ret); } TraceLog::TraceLog() : enable_count_(0), dispatching_to_observer_list_(false), watch_category_(NULL), trace_options_(RECORD_UNTIL_FULL), sampling_thread_handle_(0) { // Trace is enabled or disabled on one thread while other threads are // accessing the enabled flag. We don't care whether edge-case events are // traced or not, so we allow races on the enabled flag to keep the trace // macros fast. // TODO(jbates): ANNOTATE_BENIGN_RACE_SIZED crashes windows TSAN bots: // ANNOTATE_BENIGN_RACE_SIZED(g_category_enabled, sizeof(g_category_enabled), // "trace_event category enabled"); for (int i = 0; i < TRACE_EVENT_MAX_CATEGORIES; ++i) { ANNOTATE_BENIGN_RACE(&g_category_enabled[i], "trace_event category enabled"); } #if defined(OS_NACL) // NaCl shouldn't expose the process id. SetProcessID(0); #else SetProcessID(static_cast<int>(GetCurrentProcId())); #endif } TraceLog::~TraceLog() { } const unsigned char* TraceLog::GetCategoryEnabled(const char* name) { TraceLog* tracelog = GetInstance(); if (!tracelog) { DCHECK(!g_category_enabled[g_category_already_shutdown]); return &g_category_enabled[g_category_already_shutdown]; } return tracelog->GetCategoryEnabledInternal(name); } const char* TraceLog::GetCategoryName(const unsigned char* category_enabled) { // Calculate the index of the category by finding category_enabled in // g_category_enabled array. uintptr_t category_begin = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(g_category_enabled); uintptr_t category_ptr = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(category_enabled); DCHECK(category_ptr >= category_begin && category_ptr < reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(g_category_enabled + TRACE_EVENT_MAX_CATEGORIES)) << "out of bounds category pointer"; uintptr_t category_index = (category_ptr - category_begin) / sizeof(g_category_enabled[0]); return g_categories[category_index]; } static void EnableMatchingCategory(int category_index, const std::vector<std::string>& patterns, unsigned char matched_value, unsigned char unmatched_value) { std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator ci = patterns.begin(); bool is_match = false; for (; ci != patterns.end(); ++ci) { is_match = MatchPattern(g_categories[category_index], ci->c_str()); if (is_match) break; } g_category_enabled[category_index] = is_match ? matched_value : unmatched_value; } // Enable/disable each category based on the category filters in |patterns|. // If the category name matches one of the patterns, its enabled status is set // to |matched_value|. Otherwise its enabled status is set to |unmatched_value|. static void EnableMatchingCategories(const std::vector<std::string>& patterns, unsigned char matched_value, unsigned char unmatched_value) { for (int i = 0; i < g_category_index; i++) EnableMatchingCategory(i, patterns, matched_value, unmatched_value); } const unsigned char* TraceLog::GetCategoryEnabledInternal(const char* name) { AutoLock lock(lock_); DCHECK(!strchr(name, '"')) << "Category names may not contain double quote"; unsigned char* category_enabled = NULL; // Search for pre-existing category matching this name for (int i = 0; i < g_category_index; i++) { if (strcmp(g_categories[i], name) == 0) { category_enabled = &g_category_enabled[i]; break; } } if (!category_enabled) { // Create a new category DCHECK(g_category_index < TRACE_EVENT_MAX_CATEGORIES) << "must increase TRACE_EVENT_MAX_CATEGORIES"; if (g_category_index < TRACE_EVENT_MAX_CATEGORIES) { int new_index = g_category_index++; // Don't hold on to the name pointer, so that we can create categories // with strings not known at compile time (this is required by // SetWatchEvent). const char* new_name = strdup(name); ANNOTATE_LEAKING_OBJECT_PTR(new_name); g_categories[new_index] = new_name; DCHECK(!g_category_enabled[new_index]); if (enable_count_) { // Note that if both included and excluded_categories are empty, the // else clause below excludes nothing, thereby enabling this category. if (!included_categories_.empty()) { EnableMatchingCategory(new_index, included_categories_, CATEGORY_ENABLED, 0); } else { EnableMatchingCategory(new_index, excluded_categories_, 0, CATEGORY_ENABLED); } } else { g_category_enabled[new_index] = 0; } category_enabled = &g_category_enabled[new_index]; } else { category_enabled = &g_category_enabled[g_category_categories_exhausted]; } } #if defined(OS_ANDROID) ApplyATraceEnabledFlag(category_enabled); #endif return category_enabled; } void TraceLog::GetKnownCategories(std::vector<std::string>* categories) { AutoLock lock(lock_); for (int i = 0; i < g_category_index; i++) categories->push_back(g_categories[i]); } void TraceLog::SetEnabled(const std::vector<std::string>& included_categories, const std::vector<std::string>& excluded_categories, Options options) { AutoLock lock(lock_); if (enable_count_++ > 0) { if (options != trace_options_) { DLOG(ERROR) << "Attemting to re-enable tracing with a different " << "set of options."; } // Tracing is already enabled, so just merge in enabled categories. // We only expand the set of enabled categories upon nested SetEnable(). if (!included_categories_.empty() && !included_categories.empty()) { included_categories_.insert(included_categories_.end(), included_categories.begin(), included_categories.end()); EnableMatchingCategories(included_categories_, CATEGORY_ENABLED, 0); } else { // If either old or new included categories are empty, allow all events. included_categories_.clear(); excluded_categories_.clear(); EnableMatchingCategories(excluded_categories_, 0, CATEGORY_ENABLED); } return; } trace_options_ = options; if (dispatching_to_observer_list_) { DLOG(ERROR) << "Cannot manipulate TraceLog::Enabled state from an observer."; return; } dispatching_to_observer_list_ = true; FOR_EACH_OBSERVER(EnabledStateChangedObserver, enabled_state_observer_list_, OnTraceLogWillEnable()); dispatching_to_observer_list_ = false; logged_events_.reserve(1024); included_categories_ = included_categories; excluded_categories_ = excluded_categories; // Note that if both included and excluded_categories are empty, the else // clause below excludes nothing, thereby enabling all categories. if (!included_categories_.empty()) EnableMatchingCategories(included_categories_, CATEGORY_ENABLED, 0); else EnableMatchingCategories(excluded_categories_, 0, CATEGORY_ENABLED); if (options & ENABLE_SAMPLING) { sampling_thread_.reset(new TraceSamplingThread); sampling_thread_->RegisterSampleBucket( &g_trace_state0, "bucket0", Bind(&TraceSamplingThread::DefaultSampleCallback)); sampling_thread_->RegisterSampleBucket( &g_trace_state1, "bucket1", Bind(&TraceSamplingThread::DefaultSampleCallback)); sampling_thread_->RegisterSampleBucket( &g_trace_state2, "bucket2", Bind(&TraceSamplingThread::DefaultSampleCallback)); if (!PlatformThread::Create( 0, sampling_thread_.get(), &sampling_thread_handle_)) { DCHECK(false) << "failed to create thread"; } } } void TraceLog::SetEnabled(const std::string& categories, Options options) { std::vector<std::string> included, excluded; // Tokenize list of categories, delimited by ','. StringTokenizer tokens(categories, ","); while (tokens.GetNext()) { bool is_included = true; std::string category = tokens.token(); // Excluded categories start with '-'. if (category.at(0) == '-') { // Remove '-' from category string. category = category.substr(1); is_included = false; } if (is_included) included.push_back(category); else excluded.push_back(category); } SetEnabled(included, excluded, options); } void TraceLog::GetEnabledTraceCategories( std::vector<std::string>* included_out, std::vector<std::string>* excluded_out) { AutoLock lock(lock_); if (enable_count_) { *included_out = included_categories_; *excluded_out = excluded_categories_; } } void TraceLog::SetDisabled() { AutoLock lock(lock_); DCHECK(enable_count_ > 0); if (--enable_count_ != 0) return; if (dispatching_to_observer_list_) { DLOG(ERROR) << "Cannot manipulate TraceLog::Enabled state from an observer."; return; } if (sampling_thread_.get()) { // Stop the sampling thread. sampling_thread_->Stop(); lock_.Release(); PlatformThread::Join(sampling_thread_handle_); lock_.Acquire(); sampling_thread_handle_ = 0; sampling_thread_.reset(); } dispatching_to_observer_list_ = true; FOR_EACH_OBSERVER(EnabledStateChangedObserver, enabled_state_observer_list_, OnTraceLogWillDisable()); dispatching_to_observer_list_ = false; included_categories_.clear(); excluded_categories_.clear(); watch_category_ = NULL; watch_event_name_ = ""; for (int i = 0; i < g_category_index; i++) g_category_enabled[i] = 0; AddThreadNameMetadataEvents(); } void TraceLog::SetEnabled(bool enabled, Options options) { if (enabled) SetEnabled(std::vector<std::string>(), std::vector<std::string>(), options); else SetDisabled(); } void TraceLog::AddEnabledStateObserver(EnabledStateChangedObserver* listener) { enabled_state_observer_list_.AddObserver(listener); } void TraceLog::RemoveEnabledStateObserver( EnabledStateChangedObserver* listener) { enabled_state_observer_list_.RemoveObserver(listener); } float TraceLog::GetBufferPercentFull() const { return (float)((double)logged_events_.size()/(double)kTraceEventBufferSize); } void TraceLog::SetNotificationCallback( const TraceLog::NotificationCallback& cb) { AutoLock lock(lock_); notification_callback_ = cb; } void TraceLog::SetEventCallback(EventCallback cb) { AutoLock lock(lock_); event_callback_ = cb; }; void TraceLog::Flush(const TraceLog::OutputCallback& cb) { std::vector<TraceEvent> previous_logged_events; { AutoLock lock(lock_); previous_logged_events.swap(logged_events_); } // release lock for (size_t i = 0; i < previous_logged_events.size(); i += kTraceEventBatchSize) { scoped_refptr<RefCountedString> json_events_str_ptr = new RefCountedString(); TraceEvent::AppendEventsAsJSON(previous_logged_events, i, kTraceEventBatchSize, &(json_events_str_ptr->data())); cb.Run(json_events_str_ptr); } } void TraceLog::AddTraceEvent(char phase, const unsigned char* category_enabled, const char* name, unsigned long long id, int num_args, const char** arg_names, const unsigned char* arg_types, const unsigned long long* arg_values, unsigned char flags) { int thread_id = static_cast<int>(base::PlatformThread::CurrentId()); base::TimeTicks now = base::TimeTicks::NowFromSystemTraceTime(); AddTraceEventWithThreadIdAndTimestamp(phase, category_enabled, name, id, thread_id, now, num_args, arg_names, arg_types, arg_values, flags); } void TraceLog::AddTraceEventWithThreadIdAndTimestamp( char phase, const unsigned char* category_enabled, const char* name, unsigned long long id, int thread_id, const TimeTicks& timestamp, int num_args, const char** arg_names, const unsigned char* arg_types, const unsigned long long* arg_values, unsigned char flags) { DCHECK(name); #if defined(OS_ANDROID) SendToATrace(phase, GetCategoryName(category_enabled), name, num_args, arg_names, arg_types, arg_values); #endif TimeTicks now = timestamp - time_offset_; EventCallback event_callback_copy; NotificationHelper notifier(this); { AutoLock lock(lock_); if (*category_enabled != CATEGORY_ENABLED) return; if (logged_events_.size() >= kTraceEventBufferSize) return; const char* new_name = ThreadIdNameManager::GetInstance()-> GetName(thread_id); // Check if the thread name has been set or changed since the previous // call (if any), but don't bother if the new name is empty. Note this will // not detect a thread name change within the same char* buffer address: we // favor common case performance over corner case correctness. if (new_name != g_current_thread_name.Get().Get() && new_name && *new_name) { g_current_thread_name.Get().Set(new_name); hash_map<int, std::string>::iterator existing_name = thread_names_.find(thread_id); if (existing_name == thread_names_.end()) { // This is a new thread id, and a new name. thread_names_[thread_id] = new_name; } else { // This is a thread id that we've seen before, but potentially with a // new name. std::vector<StringPiece> existing_names; Tokenize(existing_name->second, ",", &existing_names); bool found = std::find(existing_names.begin(), existing_names.end(), new_name) != existing_names.end(); if (!found) { existing_name->second.push_back(','); existing_name->second.append(new_name); } } } if (flags & TRACE_EVENT_FLAG_MANGLE_ID) id ^= process_id_hash_; logged_events_.push_back( TraceEvent(thread_id, now, phase, category_enabled, name, id, num_args, arg_names, arg_types, arg_values, flags)); if (logged_events_.size() == kTraceEventBufferSize) notifier.AddNotificationWhileLocked(TRACE_BUFFER_FULL); if (watch_category_ == category_enabled && watch_event_name_ == name) notifier.AddNotificationWhileLocked(EVENT_WATCH_NOTIFICATION); event_callback_copy = event_callback_; } // release lock notifier.SendNotificationIfAny(); if (event_callback_copy != NULL) { event_callback_copy(phase, category_enabled, name, id, num_args, arg_names, arg_types, arg_values, flags); } } void TraceLog::AddTraceEventEtw(char phase, const char* name, const void* id, const char* extra) { #if defined(OS_WIN) TraceEventETWProvider::Trace(name, phase, id, extra); #endif INTERNAL_TRACE_EVENT_ADD(phase, "ETW Trace Event", name, TRACE_EVENT_FLAG_COPY, "id", id, "extra", extra); } void TraceLog::AddTraceEventEtw(char phase, const char* name, const void* id, const std::string& extra) { #if defined(OS_WIN) TraceEventETWProvider::Trace(name, phase, id, extra); #endif INTERNAL_TRACE_EVENT_ADD(phase, "ETW Trace Event", name, TRACE_EVENT_FLAG_COPY, "id", id, "extra", extra); } void TraceLog::SetWatchEvent(const std::string& category_name, const std::string& event_name) { const unsigned char* category = GetCategoryEnabled(category_name.c_str()); int notify_count = 0; { AutoLock lock(lock_); watch_category_ = category; watch_event_name_ = event_name; // First, search existing events for watch event because we want to catch it // even if it has already occurred. for (size_t i = 0u; i < logged_events_.size(); ++i) { if (category == logged_events_[i].category_enabled() && strcmp(event_name.c_str(), logged_events_[i].name()) == 0) { ++notify_count; } } } // release lock // Send notification for each event found. for (int i = 0; i < notify_count; ++i) { NotificationHelper notifier(this); lock_.Acquire(); notifier.AddNotificationWhileLocked(EVENT_WATCH_NOTIFICATION); lock_.Release(); notifier.SendNotificationIfAny(); } } void TraceLog::CancelWatchEvent() { AutoLock lock(lock_); watch_category_ = NULL; watch_event_name_ = ""; } void TraceLog::AddThreadNameMetadataEvents() { lock_.AssertAcquired(); for(hash_map<int, std::string>::iterator it = thread_names_.begin(); it != thread_names_.end(); it++) { if (!it->second.empty()) { int num_args = 1; const char* arg_name = "name"; unsigned char arg_type; unsigned long long arg_value; trace_event_internal::SetTraceValue(it->second, &arg_type, &arg_value); logged_events_.push_back( TraceEvent(it->first, TimeTicks(), TRACE_EVENT_PHASE_METADATA, &g_category_enabled[g_category_metadata], "thread_name", trace_event_internal::kNoEventId, num_args, &arg_name, &arg_type, &arg_value, TRACE_EVENT_FLAG_NONE)); } } } void TraceLog::InstallWaitableEventForSamplingTesting( WaitableEvent* waitable_event) { sampling_thread_->InstallWaitableEventForSamplingTesting(waitable_event); } void TraceLog::DeleteForTesting() { DeleteTraceLogForTesting::Delete(); } void TraceLog::Resurrect() { StaticMemorySingletonTraits<TraceLog>::Resurrect(); } void TraceLog::SetProcessID(int process_id) { process_id_ = process_id; // Create a FNV hash from the process ID for XORing. // See http://isthe.com/chongo/tech/comp/fnv/ for algorithm details. unsigned long long offset_basis = 14695981039346656037ull; unsigned long long fnv_prime = 1099511628211ull; unsigned long long pid = static_cast<unsigned long long>(process_id_); process_id_hash_ = (offset_basis ^ pid) * fnv_prime; } void TraceLog::SetTimeOffset(TimeDelta offset) { time_offset_ = offset; } } // namespace debug } // namespace base namespace trace_event_internal { ScopedTrace::ScopedTrace( TRACE_EVENT_API_ATOMIC_WORD* event_uid, const char* name) { category_enabled_ = reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>(TRACE_EVENT_API_ATOMIC_LOAD( *event_uid)); if (!category_enabled_) { category_enabled_ = TRACE_EVENT_API_GET_CATEGORY_ENABLED("gpu"); TRACE_EVENT_API_ATOMIC_STORE( *event_uid, reinterpret_cast<TRACE_EVENT_API_ATOMIC_WORD>(category_enabled_)); } if (*category_enabled_) { name_ = name; TRACE_EVENT_API_ADD_TRACE_EVENT( TRACE_EVENT_PHASE_BEGIN, // phase category_enabled_, // category enabled name, // name 0, // id 0, // num_args NULL, // arg_names NULL, // arg_types NULL, // arg_values TRACE_EVENT_FLAG_NONE); // flags } else { category_enabled_ = NULL; } } ScopedTrace::~ScopedTrace() { if (category_enabled_ && *category_enabled_) { TRACE_EVENT_API_ADD_TRACE_EVENT( TRACE_EVENT_PHASE_END, // phase category_enabled_, // category enabled name_, // name 0, // id 0, // num_args NULL, // arg_names NULL, // arg_types NULL, // arg_values TRACE_EVENT_FLAG_NONE); // flags } } } // namespace trace_event_internal