// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "base/i18n/streaming_utf8_validator.h" #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <string> #include "base/strings/string_piece.h" #include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h" // Define BASE_I18N_UTF8_VALIDATOR_THOROUGH_TEST to verify that this class // accepts exactly the same set of 4-byte strings as ICU-based validation. This // tests every possible 4-byte string, so it is too slow to run routinely on // low-powered machines. // // #define BASE_I18N_UTF8_VALIDATOR_THOROUGH_TEST #ifdef BASE_I18N_UTF8_VALIDATOR_THOROUGH_TEST #include "base/basictypes.h" #include "base/bind.h" #include "base/location.h" #include "base/logging.h" #include "base/memory/ref_counted.h" #include "base/strings/string_util.h" #include "base/strings/stringprintf.h" #include "base/strings/utf_string_conversion_utils.h" #include "base/synchronization/condition_variable.h" #include "base/synchronization/lock.h" #include "base/threading/sequenced_worker_pool.h" #include "third_party/icu/source/common/unicode/utf8.h" #endif // BASE_I18N_UTF8_VALIDATOR_THOROUGH_TEST namespace base { namespace { // Avoid having to qualify the enum values in the tests. const StreamingUtf8Validator::State VALID_ENDPOINT = StreamingUtf8Validator::VALID_ENDPOINT; const StreamingUtf8Validator::State VALID_MIDPOINT = StreamingUtf8Validator::VALID_MIDPOINT; const StreamingUtf8Validator::State INVALID = StreamingUtf8Validator::INVALID; #ifdef BASE_I18N_UTF8_VALIDATOR_THOROUGH_TEST const uint32 kThoroughTestChunkSize = 1 << 24; class StreamingUtf8ValidatorThoroughTest : public ::testing::Test { protected: StreamingUtf8ValidatorThoroughTest() : all_done_(&lock_), tasks_dispatched_(0), tasks_finished_(0) {} // This uses the same logic as base::IsStringUTF8 except it considers // non-characters valid (and doesn't require a string as input). static bool IsStringUtf8(const char* src, int32 src_len) { int32 char_index = 0; while (char_index < src_len) { int32 code_point; U8_NEXT(src, char_index, src_len, code_point); if (!base::IsValidCodepoint(code_point)) return false; } return true; } // Converts the passed-in integer to a 4 byte string and then // verifies that IsStringUtf8 and StreamingUtf8Validator agree on // whether it is valid UTF-8 or not. void TestNumber(uint32 n) const { char test[sizeof n]; memcpy(test, &n, sizeof n); StreamingUtf8Validator validator; EXPECT_EQ(IsStringUtf8(test, sizeof n), validator.AddBytes(test, sizeof n) == VALID_ENDPOINT) << "Difference of opinion for \"" << base::StringPrintf("\\x%02X\\x%02X\\x%02X\\x%02X", test[0] & 0xFF, test[1] & 0xFF, test[2] & 0xFF, test[3] & 0xFF) << "\""; } public: // Tests the 4-byte sequences corresponding to the |size| integers // starting at |begin|. This is intended to be run from a worker // pool. Signals |all_done_| at the end if it thinks all tasks are // finished. void TestRange(uint32 begin, uint32 size) { for (uint32 i = 0; i < size; ++i) { TestNumber(begin + i); } base::AutoLock al(lock_); ++tasks_finished_; LOG(INFO) << tasks_finished_ << " / " << tasks_dispatched_ << " tasks done\n"; if (tasks_finished_ >= tasks_dispatched_) { all_done_.Signal(); } } protected: base::Lock lock_; base::ConditionVariable all_done_; int tasks_dispatched_; int tasks_finished_; }; TEST_F(StreamingUtf8ValidatorThoroughTest, TestEverything) { scoped_refptr<base::SequencedWorkerPool> pool = new base::SequencedWorkerPool(32, "TestEverything"); base::AutoLock al(lock_); uint32 begin = 0; do { pool->PostWorkerTask( FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&StreamingUtf8ValidatorThoroughTest::TestRange, base::Unretained(this), begin, kThoroughTestChunkSize)); ++tasks_dispatched_; begin += kThoroughTestChunkSize; } while (begin != 0); while (tasks_finished_ < tasks_dispatched_) all_done_.Wait(); } #endif // BASE_I18N_UTF8_VALIDATOR_THOROUGH_TEST // These valid and invalid UTF-8 sequences are based on the tests from // base/strings/string_util_unittest.cc // All of the strings in |valid| must represent a single codepoint, because // partial sequences are constructed by taking non-empty prefixes of these // strings. const char* const valid[] = {"\r", "\n", "a", "\xc2\x81", "\xe1\x80\xbf", "\xf1\x80\xa0\xbf", "\xef\xbb\xbf", // UTF-8 BOM }; const char* const* const valid_end = valid + arraysize(valid); const char* const invalid[] = { // always invalid bytes "\xc0", "\xc1", "\xf5", "\xf6", "\xf7", "\xf8", "\xf9", "\xfa", "\xfb", "\xfc", "\xfd", "\xfe", "\xff", // surrogate code points "\xed\xa0\x80", "\xed\x0a\x8f", "\xed\xbf\xbf", // // overlong sequences "\xc0\x80" // U+0000 "\xc1\x80", // "A" "\xc1\x81", // "B" "\xe0\x80\x80", // U+0000 "\xe0\x82\x80", // U+0080 "\xe0\x9f\xbf", // U+07ff "\xf0\x80\x80\x8D", // U+000D "\xf0\x80\x82\x91", // U+0091 "\xf0\x80\xa0\x80", // U+0800 "\xf0\x8f\xbb\xbf", // U+FEFF (BOM) "\xf8\x80\x80\x80\xbf", // U+003F "\xfc\x80\x80\x80\xa0\xa5", // // Beyond U+10FFFF "\xf4\x90\x80\x80", // U+110000 "\xf8\xa0\xbf\x80\xbf", // 5 bytes "\xfc\x9c\xbf\x80\xbf\x80", // 6 bytes // // BOMs in UTF-16(BE|LE) "\xfe\xff", "\xff\xfe", }; const char* const* const invalid_end = invalid + arraysize(invalid); // A ForwardIterator which returns all the non-empty prefixes of the elements of // "valid". class PartialIterator { public: // The constructor returns the first iterator, ie. it is equivalent to // begin(). PartialIterator() : index_(0), prefix_length_(0) { Advance(); } // The trivial destructor left intentionally undefined. // This is a value type; the default copy constructor and assignment operator // generated by the compiler are used. static PartialIterator end() { return PartialIterator(arraysize(valid), 1); } PartialIterator& operator++() { Advance(); return *this; } base::StringPiece operator*() const { return base::StringPiece(valid[index_], prefix_length_); } bool operator==(const PartialIterator& rhs) const { return index_ == rhs.index_ && prefix_length_ == rhs.prefix_length_; } bool operator!=(const PartialIterator& rhs) const { return !(rhs == *this); } private: // This constructor is used by the end() method. PartialIterator(size_t index, size_t prefix_length) : index_(index), prefix_length_(prefix_length) {} void Advance() { if (index_ < arraysize(valid) && prefix_length_ < strlen(valid[index_])) ++prefix_length_; while (index_ < arraysize(valid) && prefix_length_ == strlen(valid[index_])) { ++index_; prefix_length_ = 1; } } // The UTF-8 sequence, as an offset into the |valid| array. size_t index_; size_t prefix_length_; }; // A test fixture for tests which test one UTF-8 sequence (or invalid // byte sequence) at a time. class StreamingUtf8ValidatorSingleSequenceTest : public ::testing::Test { protected: // Iterator must be convertible when de-referenced to StringPiece. template <typename Iterator> void CheckRange(Iterator begin, Iterator end, StreamingUtf8Validator::State expected) { for (Iterator it = begin; it != end; ++it) { StreamingUtf8Validator validator; base::StringPiece sequence = *it; EXPECT_EQ(expected, validator.AddBytes(sequence.data(), sequence.size())) << "Failed for \"" << sequence << "\""; } } // Adding input a byte at a time should make absolutely no difference. template <typename Iterator> void CheckRangeByteAtATime(Iterator begin, Iterator end, StreamingUtf8Validator::State expected) { for (Iterator it = begin; it != end; ++it) { StreamingUtf8Validator validator; base::StringPiece sequence = *it; StreamingUtf8Validator::State state = VALID_ENDPOINT; for (base::StringPiece::const_iterator cit = sequence.begin(); cit != sequence.end(); ++cit) { state = validator.AddBytes(&*cit, 1); } EXPECT_EQ(expected, state) << "Failed for \"" << sequence << "\""; } } }; // A test fixture for tests which test the concatenation of byte sequences. class StreamingUtf8ValidatorDoubleSequenceTest : public ::testing::Test { protected: // Check every possible concatenation of byte sequences from two // ranges, and verify that the combination matches the expected // state. template <typename Iterator1, typename Iterator2> void CheckCombinations(Iterator1 begin1, Iterator1 end1, Iterator2 begin2, Iterator2 end2, StreamingUtf8Validator::State expected) { StreamingUtf8Validator validator; for (Iterator1 it1 = begin1; it1 != end1; ++it1) { base::StringPiece c1 = *it1; for (Iterator2 it2 = begin2; it2 != end2; ++it2) { base::StringPiece c2 = *it2; validator.AddBytes(c1.data(), c1.size()); EXPECT_EQ(expected, validator.AddBytes(c2.data(), c2.size())) << "Failed for \"" << c1 << c2 << "\""; validator.Reset(); } } } }; TEST(StreamingUtf8ValidatorTest, NothingIsValid) { static const char kNothing[] = ""; EXPECT_EQ(VALID_ENDPOINT, StreamingUtf8Validator().AddBytes(kNothing, 0)); } // Because the members of the |valid| array need to be non-zero length // sequences and are measured with strlen(), |valid| cannot be used it // to test the NUL character '\0', so the NUL character gets its own // test. TEST(StreamingUtf8ValidatorTest, NulIsValid) { static const char kNul[] = "\x00"; EXPECT_EQ(VALID_ENDPOINT, StreamingUtf8Validator().AddBytes(kNul, 1)); } // Just a basic sanity test before we start getting fancy. TEST(StreamingUtf8ValidatorTest, HelloWorld) { static const char kHelloWorld[] = "Hello, World!"; EXPECT_EQ( VALID_ENDPOINT, StreamingUtf8Validator().AddBytes(kHelloWorld, strlen(kHelloWorld))); } // Check that the Reset() method works. TEST(StreamingUtf8ValidatorTest, ResetWorks) { StreamingUtf8Validator validator; EXPECT_EQ(INVALID, validator.AddBytes("\xC0", 1)); EXPECT_EQ(INVALID, validator.AddBytes("a", 1)); validator.Reset(); EXPECT_EQ(VALID_ENDPOINT, validator.AddBytes("a", 1)); } TEST_F(StreamingUtf8ValidatorSingleSequenceTest, Valid) { CheckRange(valid, valid_end, VALID_ENDPOINT); } TEST_F(StreamingUtf8ValidatorSingleSequenceTest, Partial) { CheckRange(PartialIterator(), PartialIterator::end(), VALID_MIDPOINT); } TEST_F(StreamingUtf8ValidatorSingleSequenceTest, Invalid) { CheckRange(invalid, invalid_end, INVALID); } TEST_F(StreamingUtf8ValidatorSingleSequenceTest, ValidByByte) { CheckRangeByteAtATime(valid, valid_end, VALID_ENDPOINT); } TEST_F(StreamingUtf8ValidatorSingleSequenceTest, PartialByByte) { CheckRangeByteAtATime( PartialIterator(), PartialIterator::end(), VALID_MIDPOINT); } TEST_F(StreamingUtf8ValidatorSingleSequenceTest, InvalidByByte) { CheckRangeByteAtATime(invalid, invalid_end, INVALID); } TEST_F(StreamingUtf8ValidatorDoubleSequenceTest, ValidPlusValidIsValid) { CheckCombinations(valid, valid_end, valid, valid_end, VALID_ENDPOINT); } TEST_F(StreamingUtf8ValidatorDoubleSequenceTest, ValidPlusPartialIsPartial) { CheckCombinations(valid, valid_end, PartialIterator(), PartialIterator::end(), VALID_MIDPOINT); } TEST_F(StreamingUtf8ValidatorDoubleSequenceTest, PartialPlusValidIsInvalid) { CheckCombinations( PartialIterator(), PartialIterator::end(), valid, valid_end, INVALID); } TEST_F(StreamingUtf8ValidatorDoubleSequenceTest, PartialPlusPartialIsInvalid) { CheckCombinations(PartialIterator(), PartialIterator::end(), PartialIterator(), PartialIterator::end(), INVALID); } TEST_F(StreamingUtf8ValidatorDoubleSequenceTest, ValidPlusInvalidIsInvalid) { CheckCombinations(valid, valid_end, invalid, invalid_end, INVALID); } TEST_F(StreamingUtf8ValidatorDoubleSequenceTest, InvalidPlusValidIsInvalid) { CheckCombinations(invalid, invalid_end, valid, valid_end, INVALID); } TEST_F(StreamingUtf8ValidatorDoubleSequenceTest, InvalidPlusInvalidIsInvalid) { CheckCombinations(invalid, invalid_end, invalid, invalid_end, INVALID); } TEST_F(StreamingUtf8ValidatorDoubleSequenceTest, InvalidPlusPartialIsInvalid) { CheckCombinations( invalid, invalid_end, PartialIterator(), PartialIterator::end(), INVALID); } TEST_F(StreamingUtf8ValidatorDoubleSequenceTest, PartialPlusInvalidIsInvalid) { CheckCombinations( PartialIterator(), PartialIterator::end(), invalid, invalid_end, INVALID); } TEST(StreamingUtf8ValidatorValidateTest, EmptyIsValid) { EXPECT_TRUE(StreamingUtf8Validator::Validate(std::string())); } TEST(StreamingUtf8ValidatorValidateTest, SimpleValidCase) { EXPECT_TRUE(StreamingUtf8Validator::Validate("\xc2\x81")); } TEST(StreamingUtf8ValidatorValidateTest, SimpleInvalidCase) { EXPECT_FALSE(StreamingUtf8Validator::Validate("\xc0\x80")); } TEST(StreamingUtf8ValidatorValidateTest, TruncatedIsInvalid) { EXPECT_FALSE(StreamingUtf8Validator::Validate("\xc2")); } } // namespace } // namespace base