// Copyright (c) 2006-2008 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "base/iat_patch.h" #include "base/logging.h" namespace iat_patch { struct InterceptFunctionInformation { bool finished_operation; const char* imported_from_module; const char* function_name; void* new_function; void** old_function; IMAGE_THUNK_DATA** iat_thunk; DWORD return_code; }; static void* GetIATFunction(IMAGE_THUNK_DATA* iat_thunk) { if (NULL == iat_thunk) { NOTREACHED(); return NULL; } // Works around the 64 bit portability warning: // The Function member inside IMAGE_THUNK_DATA is really a pointer // to the IAT function. IMAGE_THUNK_DATA correctly maps to IMAGE_THUNK_DATA32 // or IMAGE_THUNK_DATA64 for correct pointer size. union FunctionThunk { IMAGE_THUNK_DATA thunk; void* pointer; } iat_function; iat_function.thunk = *iat_thunk; return iat_function.pointer; } static bool InterceptEnumCallback(const PEImage &image, const char* module, DWORD ordinal, const char* name, DWORD hint, IMAGE_THUNK_DATA* iat, void* cookie) { InterceptFunctionInformation* intercept_information = reinterpret_cast<InterceptFunctionInformation*>(cookie); if (NULL == intercept_information) { NOTREACHED(); return false; } DCHECK(module); if ((0 == lstrcmpiA(module, intercept_information->imported_from_module)) && (NULL != name) && (0 == lstrcmpiA(name, intercept_information->function_name))) { // Save the old pointer. if (NULL != intercept_information->old_function) { *(intercept_information->old_function) = GetIATFunction(iat); } if (NULL != intercept_information->iat_thunk) { *(intercept_information->iat_thunk) = iat; } // portability check COMPILE_ASSERT(sizeof(iat->u1.Function) == sizeof(intercept_information->new_function), unknown_IAT_thunk_format); // Patch the function. intercept_information->return_code = ModifyCode(&(iat->u1.Function), &(intercept_information->new_function), sizeof(intercept_information->new_function)); // Terminate further enumeration. intercept_information->finished_operation = true; return false; } return true; } DWORD InterceptImportedFunction(HMODULE module_handle, const char* imported_from_module, const char* function_name, void* new_function, void** old_function, IMAGE_THUNK_DATA** iat_thunk) { if ((NULL == module_handle) || (NULL == imported_from_module) || (NULL == function_name) || (NULL == new_function)) { NOTREACHED(); return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } PEImage target_image(module_handle); if (!target_image.VerifyMagic()) { NOTREACHED(); return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } InterceptFunctionInformation intercept_information = { false, imported_from_module, function_name, new_function, old_function, iat_thunk, ERROR_GEN_FAILURE}; // First go through the IAT. If we don't find the import we are looking // for in IAT, search delay import table. target_image.EnumAllImports(InterceptEnumCallback, &intercept_information); if (!intercept_information.finished_operation) { target_image.EnumAllDelayImports(InterceptEnumCallback, &intercept_information); } return intercept_information.return_code; } DWORD RestoreImportedFunction(void* intercept_function, void* original_function, IMAGE_THUNK_DATA* iat_thunk) { if ((NULL == intercept_function) || (NULL == original_function) || (NULL == iat_thunk)) { NOTREACHED(); return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } if (GetIATFunction(iat_thunk) != intercept_function) { // Check if someone else has intercepted on top of us. // We cannot unpatch in this case, just raise a red flag. NOTREACHED(); return ERROR_INVALID_FUNCTION; } return ModifyCode(&(iat_thunk->u1.Function), &original_function, sizeof(original_function)); } DWORD ModifyCode(void* old_code, void* new_code, int length) { if ((NULL == old_code) || (NULL == new_code) || (0 == length)) { NOTREACHED(); return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } // Change the page protection so that we can write. DWORD error = NO_ERROR; DWORD old_page_protection = 0; if (VirtualProtect(old_code, length, PAGE_READWRITE, &old_page_protection)) { // Write the data. CopyMemory(old_code, new_code, length); // Restore the old page protection. error = ERROR_SUCCESS; VirtualProtect(old_code, length, old_page_protection, &old_page_protection); } else { error = GetLastError(); NOTREACHED(); } return error; } IATPatchFunction::IATPatchFunction() : original_function_(NULL), iat_thunk_(NULL), intercept_function_(NULL) { } IATPatchFunction::~IATPatchFunction() { if (NULL != intercept_function_) { DWORD error = Unpatch(); DCHECK_EQ(NO_ERROR, error); } } DWORD IATPatchFunction::Patch(const wchar_t* module, const char* imported_from_module, const char* function_name, void* new_function) { DCHECK_EQ(static_cast<void*>(NULL), original_function_); DCHECK_EQ(static_cast<IMAGE_THUNK_DATA*>(NULL), iat_thunk_); DCHECK_EQ(static_cast<void*>(NULL), intercept_function_); HMODULE module_handle = LoadLibraryW(module); if (module_handle == NULL) { NOTREACHED(); return GetLastError(); } DWORD error = InterceptImportedFunction(module_handle, imported_from_module, function_name, new_function, &original_function_, &iat_thunk_); if (NO_ERROR == error) { DCHECK_NE(original_function_, intercept_function_); module_handle_ = module_handle; intercept_function_ = new_function; } else { FreeLibrary(module_handle); } return error; } DWORD IATPatchFunction::Unpatch() { DWORD error = RestoreImportedFunction(intercept_function_, original_function_, iat_thunk_); DCHECK(NO_ERROR == error); // Hands off the intercept if we fail to unpatch. // If IATPatchFunction::Unpatch fails during RestoreImportedFunction // it means that we cannot safely unpatch the import address table // patch. In this case its better to be hands off the intercept as // trying to unpatch again in the destructor of IATPatchFunction is // not going to be any safer if (module_handle_) FreeLibrary(module_handle_); module_handle_ = NULL; intercept_function_ = NULL; original_function_ = NULL; iat_thunk_ = NULL; return error; } } // namespace iat_patch