// Copyright (c) 2009 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#ifndef NDEBUG
#include "base/debug_util.h"
#include "base/linked_list.h"
#include "base/logging.h"

// LeakTracker is a debug helper to verify that all instances of a class
// have been destroyed.
// It is particularly useful for classes that are bound to a single thread --
// before destroying that thread, one can check that there are no remaining
// instances of that class.
// For example, to enable leak tracking for class URLRequest, start by
// adding a member variable of type LeakTracker<URLRequest>.
//   class URLRequest {
//     ...
//    private:
//     base::LeakTracker<URLRequest> leak_tracker_;
//   };
// Next, when we believe all instances of URLRequest have been deleted:
//   LeakTracker<URLRequest>::CheckForLeaks();
// Should the check fail (because there are live instances of URLRequest),
// then the allocation callstack for each leaked instances is dumped to
// the error log.
// In RELEASE mode the check has no effect.

namespace base {

#ifdef NDEBUG

// In release mode we do nothing.
template<typename T>
class LeakTracker {
  static void CheckForLeaks() {}
  static int NumLiveInstances() { return -1; }


// In debug mode we track where the object was allocated from.

template<typename T>
class LeakTracker : public LinkNode<LeakTracker<T> > {
  LeakTracker() {

  ~LeakTracker() {

  static void CheckForLeaks() {
    // Walk the allocation list and print each entry it contains.
    int count = 0;
    for (LinkNode<LeakTracker<T> >* node = instances()->head();
         node != instances()->end();
         node = node->next()) {
      LOG(ERROR) << "Leaked " << node << " which was allocated by:";
    DCHECK_EQ(0, count);

  static int NumLiveInstances() {
    // Walk the allocation list and count how many entries it has.
    int count = 0;
    for (LinkNode<LeakTracker<T> >* node = instances()->head();
         node != instances()->end();
         node = node->next()) {
    return count;

  // Each specialization of LeakTracker gets its own static storage.
  static LinkedList<LeakTracker<T> >* instances() {
    static LinkedList<LeakTracker<T> > list;
    return &list;

  StackTrace allocation_stack_;

#endif  // NDEBUG

}  // namespace base