// Copyright (c) 2008 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#include "base/message_pump_mac.h"

#import <AppKit/AppKit.h>
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#include <IOKit/IOMessage.h>
#include <IOKit/pwr_mgt/IOPMLib.h>

#include <limits>

#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/time.h"

namespace {

void NoOp(void* info) {

const CFTimeInterval kCFTimeIntervalMax =

}  // namespace

namespace base {

// A scoper for autorelease pools created from message pump run loops.
// Avoids dirtying up the ScopedNSAutoreleasePool interface for the rare
// case where an autorelease pool needs to be passed in.
class MessagePumpScopedAutoreleasePool {
  explicit MessagePumpScopedAutoreleasePool(MessagePumpCFRunLoopBase* pump) :
      pool_(pump->CreateAutoreleasePool()) {
   ~MessagePumpScopedAutoreleasePool() {
    [pool_ drain];

  NSAutoreleasePool* pool_;

// Must be called on the run loop thread.
    : delegate_(NULL),
      delegateless_idle_work_(false) {
  run_loop_ = CFRunLoopGetCurrent();

  // Set a repeating timer with a preposterous firing time and interval.  The
  // timer will effectively never fire as-is.  The firing time will be adjusted
  // as needed when ScheduleDelayedWork is called.
  CFRunLoopTimerContext timer_context = CFRunLoopTimerContext();
  timer_context.info = this;
  delayed_work_timer_ = CFRunLoopTimerCreate(NULL,                // allocator
                                             kCFTimeIntervalMax,  // fire time
                                             kCFTimeIntervalMax,  // interval
                                             0,                   // flags
                                             0,                   // priority
  CFRunLoopAddTimer(run_loop_, delayed_work_timer_, kCFRunLoopCommonModes);

  CFRunLoopSourceContext source_context = CFRunLoopSourceContext();
  source_context.info = this;
  source_context.perform = RunWorkSource;
  work_source_ = CFRunLoopSourceCreate(NULL,  // allocator
                                       1,     // priority
  CFRunLoopAddSource(run_loop_, work_source_, kCFRunLoopCommonModes);

  source_context.perform = RunDelayedWorkSource;
  delayed_work_source_ = CFRunLoopSourceCreate(NULL,  // allocator
                                               2,     // priority
  CFRunLoopAddSource(run_loop_, delayed_work_source_, kCFRunLoopCommonModes);

  source_context.perform = RunIdleWorkSource;
  idle_work_source_ = CFRunLoopSourceCreate(NULL,  // allocator
                                            3,     // priority
  CFRunLoopAddSource(run_loop_, idle_work_source_, kCFRunLoopCommonModes);

  source_context.perform = RunNestingDeferredWorkSource;
  nesting_deferred_work_source_ = CFRunLoopSourceCreate(NULL,  // allocator
                                                        0,     // priority
  CFRunLoopAddSource(run_loop_, nesting_deferred_work_source_,

  CFRunLoopObserverContext observer_context = CFRunLoopObserverContext();
  observer_context.info = this;
  pre_wait_observer_ = CFRunLoopObserverCreate(NULL,  // allocator
                                               true,  // repeat
                                               0,     // priority
  CFRunLoopAddObserver(run_loop_, pre_wait_observer_, kCFRunLoopCommonModes);

  pre_source_observer_ = CFRunLoopObserverCreate(NULL,  // allocator
                                                 true,  // repeat
                                                 0,     // priority
  CFRunLoopAddObserver(run_loop_, pre_source_observer_, kCFRunLoopCommonModes);

  enter_exit_observer_ = CFRunLoopObserverCreate(NULL,  // allocator
                                                 kCFRunLoopEntry |
                                                 true,  // repeat
                                                 0,     // priority
  CFRunLoopAddObserver(run_loop_, enter_exit_observer_, kCFRunLoopCommonModes);

  root_power_domain_ = IORegisterForSystemPower(this,
  if (root_power_domain_ != MACH_PORT_NULL) {

// Ideally called on the run loop thread.  If other run loops were running
// lower on the run loop thread's stack when this object was created, the
// same number of run loops must be running when this object is destroyed.
MessagePumpCFRunLoopBase::~MessagePumpCFRunLoopBase() {
  if (root_power_domain_ != MACH_PORT_NULL) {

  CFRunLoopRemoveObserver(run_loop_, enter_exit_observer_,

  CFRunLoopRemoveObserver(run_loop_, pre_source_observer_,

  CFRunLoopRemoveObserver(run_loop_, pre_wait_observer_,

  CFRunLoopRemoveSource(run_loop_, nesting_deferred_work_source_,

  CFRunLoopRemoveSource(run_loop_, idle_work_source_, kCFRunLoopCommonModes);

  CFRunLoopRemoveSource(run_loop_, delayed_work_source_, kCFRunLoopCommonModes);

  CFRunLoopRemoveSource(run_loop_, work_source_, kCFRunLoopCommonModes);

  CFRunLoopRemoveTimer(run_loop_, delayed_work_timer_, kCFRunLoopCommonModes);


// Must be called on the run loop thread.
void MessagePumpCFRunLoopBase::Run(Delegate* delegate) {
  // nesting_level_ will be incremented in EnterExitRunLoop, so set
  // run_nesting_level_ accordingly.
  int last_run_nesting_level = run_nesting_level_;
  run_nesting_level_ = nesting_level_ + 1;

  Delegate* last_delegate = delegate_;
  delegate_ = delegate;

  if (delegate) {
    // If any work showed up but could not be dispatched for want of a
    // delegate, set it up for dispatch again now that a delegate is
    // available.
    if (delegateless_work_) {
      delegateless_work_ = false;
    if (delegateless_delayed_work_) {
      delegateless_delayed_work_ = false;
    if (delegateless_idle_work_) {
      delegateless_idle_work_ = false;


  // Restore the previous state of the object.
  delegate_ = last_delegate;
  run_nesting_level_ = last_run_nesting_level;

// May be called on any thread.
void MessagePumpCFRunLoopBase::ScheduleWork() {

// Must be called on the run loop thread.
void MessagePumpCFRunLoopBase::ScheduleDelayedWork(
    const TimeTicks& delayed_work_time) {
  // TODO(jar): We may need a more efficient way to go between these times, but
  // the difference will change not only when we sleep/wake, it will also change
  // when the user changes the wall clock time :-/.
  Time absolute_work_time =
      (delayed_work_time - TimeTicks::Now()) + Time::Now();

  Time::Exploded exploded;
  double seconds = exploded.second +
                   (static_cast<double>((absolute_work_time.ToInternalValue()) %
                                        Time::kMicrosecondsPerSecond) /
  CFGregorianDate gregorian = {
  delayed_work_fire_time_ = CFGregorianDateGetAbsoluteTime(gregorian, NULL);

  CFRunLoopTimerSetNextFireDate(delayed_work_timer_, delayed_work_fire_time_);

// Called from the run loop.
// static
void MessagePumpCFRunLoopBase::RunDelayedWorkTimer(CFRunLoopTimerRef timer,
                                                   void* info) {
  MessagePumpCFRunLoopBase* self = static_cast<MessagePumpCFRunLoopBase*>(info);

  // The timer won't fire again until it's reset.
  self->delayed_work_fire_time_ = kCFTimeIntervalMax;

  // CFRunLoopTimers fire outside of the priority scheme for CFRunLoopSources.
  // In order to establish the proper priority where delegate_->DoDelayedWork
  // can only be called if delegate_->DoWork returns false, the timer used
  // to schedule delayed work must signal a CFRunLoopSource set at a lower
  // priority than the one used for delegate_->DoWork.

// Called from the run loop.
// static
void MessagePumpCFRunLoopBase::RunWorkSource(void* info) {
  MessagePumpCFRunLoopBase* self = static_cast<MessagePumpCFRunLoopBase*>(info);

// Called by MessagePumpCFRunLoopBase::RunWorkSource.
bool MessagePumpCFRunLoopBase::RunWork() {
  if (!delegate_) {
    // This point can be reached with a NULL delegate_ if Run is not on the
    // stack but foreign code is spinning the CFRunLoop.  Arrange to come back
    // here when a delegate is available.
    delegateless_work_ = true;
    return false;

  // The NSApplication-based run loop only drains the autorelease pool at each
  // UI event (NSEvent).  The autorelease pool is not drained for each
  // CFRunLoopSource target that's run.  Use a local pool for any autoreleased
  // objects if the app is not currently handling a UI event to ensure they're
  // released promptly even in the absence of UI events.
  MessagePumpScopedAutoreleasePool autorelease_pool(this);

  // Call DoWork once, and if something was done, arrange to come back here
  // again as long as the loop is still running.
  bool did_work = delegate_->DoWork();
  if (did_work) {

  return did_work;

// Called from the run loop.
// static
void MessagePumpCFRunLoopBase::RunDelayedWorkSource(void* info) {
  MessagePumpCFRunLoopBase* self = static_cast<MessagePumpCFRunLoopBase*>(info);

// Called by MessagePumpCFRunLoopBase::RunDelayedWorkSource.
bool MessagePumpCFRunLoopBase::RunDelayedWork() {
  if (!delegate_) {
    // This point can be reached with a NULL delegate_ if Run is not on the
    // stack but foreign code is spinning the CFRunLoop.  Arrange to come back
    // here when a delegate is available.
    delegateless_delayed_work_ = true;
    return false;

  // The NSApplication-based run loop only drains the autorelease pool at each
  // UI event (NSEvent).  The autorelease pool is not drained for each
  // CFRunLoopSource target that's run.  Use a local pool for any autoreleased
  // objects if the app is not currently handling a UI event to ensure they're
  // released promptly even in the absence of UI events.
  MessagePumpScopedAutoreleasePool autorelease_pool(this);

  TimeTicks next_time;

  bool more_work = !next_time.is_null();
  if (more_work) {
    TimeDelta delay = next_time - TimeTicks::Now();
    if (delay > TimeDelta()) {
      // There's more delayed work to be done in the future.
    } else {
      // There's more delayed work to be done, and its time is in the past.
      // Arrange to come back here directly as long as the loop is still
      // running.

  return more_work;

// Called from the run loop.
// static
void MessagePumpCFRunLoopBase::RunIdleWorkSource(void* info) {
  MessagePumpCFRunLoopBase* self = static_cast<MessagePumpCFRunLoopBase*>(info);

// Called by MessagePumpCFRunLoopBase::RunIdleWorkSource.
bool MessagePumpCFRunLoopBase::RunIdleWork() {
  if (!delegate_) {
    // This point can be reached with a NULL delegate_ if Run is not on the
    // stack but foreign code is spinning the CFRunLoop.  Arrange to come back
    // here when a delegate is available.
    delegateless_idle_work_ = true;
    return false;

  // The NSApplication-based run loop only drains the autorelease pool at each
  // UI event (NSEvent).  The autorelease pool is not drained for each
  // CFRunLoopSource target that's run.  Use a local pool for any autoreleased
  // objects if the app is not currently handling a UI event to ensure they're
  // released promptly even in the absence of UI events.
  MessagePumpScopedAutoreleasePool autorelease_pool(this);

  // Call DoIdleWork once, and if something was done, arrange to come back here
  // again as long as the loop is still running.
  bool did_work = delegate_->DoIdleWork();
  if (did_work) {

  return did_work;

// Called from the run loop.
// static
void MessagePumpCFRunLoopBase::RunNestingDeferredWorkSource(void* info) {
  MessagePumpCFRunLoopBase* self = static_cast<MessagePumpCFRunLoopBase*>(info);

// Called by MessagePumpCFRunLoopBase::RunNestingDeferredWorkSource.
bool MessagePumpCFRunLoopBase::RunNestingDeferredWork() {
  if (!delegate_) {
    // This point can be reached with a NULL delegate_ if Run is not on the
    // stack but foreign code is spinning the CFRunLoop.  There's no sense in
    // attempting to do any work or signalling the work sources because
    // without a delegate, work is not possible.
    return false;

  // Immediately try work in priority order.
  if (!RunWork()) {
    if (!RunDelayedWork()) {
      if (!RunIdleWork()) {
        return false;
    } else {
      // There was no work, and delayed work was done.  Arrange for the loop
      // to try non-nestable idle work on a subsequent pass.
  } else {
    // Work was done.  Arrange for the loop to try non-nestable delayed and
    // idle work on a subsequent pass.

  return true;

// Called before the run loop goes to sleep or exits, or processes sources.
void MessagePumpCFRunLoopBase::MaybeScheduleNestingDeferredWork() {
  // deepest_nesting_level_ is set as run loops are entered.  If the deepest
  // level encountered is deeper than the current level, a nested loop
  // (relative to the current level) ran since the last time nesting-deferred
  // work was scheduled.  When that situation is encountered, schedule
  // nesting-deferred work in case any work was deferred because nested work
  // was disallowed.
  if (deepest_nesting_level_ > nesting_level_) {
    deepest_nesting_level_ = nesting_level_;

// Called from the run loop.
// static
void MessagePumpCFRunLoopBase::PreWaitObserver(CFRunLoopObserverRef observer,
                                               CFRunLoopActivity activity,
                                               void* info) {
  MessagePumpCFRunLoopBase* self = static_cast<MessagePumpCFRunLoopBase*>(info);

  // Attempt to do some idle work before going to sleep.

  // The run loop is about to go to sleep.  If any of the work done since it
  // started or woke up resulted in a nested run loop running,
  // nesting-deferred work may have accumulated.  Schedule it for processing
  // if appropriate.

// Called from the run loop.
// static
void MessagePumpCFRunLoopBase::PreSourceObserver(CFRunLoopObserverRef observer,
                                                 CFRunLoopActivity activity,
                                                 void* info) {
  MessagePumpCFRunLoopBase* self = static_cast<MessagePumpCFRunLoopBase*>(info);

  // The run loop has reached the top of the loop and is about to begin
  // processing sources.  If the last iteration of the loop at this nesting
  // level did not sleep or exit, nesting-deferred work may have accumulated
  // if a nested loop ran.  Schedule nesting-deferred work for processing if
  // appropriate.

// Called from the run loop.
// static
void MessagePumpCFRunLoopBase::EnterExitObserver(CFRunLoopObserverRef observer,
                                                 CFRunLoopActivity activity,
                                                 void* info) {
  MessagePumpCFRunLoopBase* self = static_cast<MessagePumpCFRunLoopBase*>(info);

  switch (activity) {
    case kCFRunLoopEntry:
      if (self->nesting_level_ > self->deepest_nesting_level_) {
        self->deepest_nesting_level_ = self->nesting_level_;

    case kCFRunLoopExit:
      // Not all run loops go to sleep.  If a run loop is stopped before it
      // goes to sleep due to a CFRunLoopStop call, or if the timeout passed
      // to CFRunLoopRunInMode expires, the run loop may proceed directly from
      // handling sources to exiting without any sleep.  This most commonly
      // occurs when CFRunLoopRunInMode is passed a timeout of 0, causing it
      // to make a single pass through the loop and exit without sleep.  Some
      // native loops use CFRunLoop in this way.  Because PreWaitObserver will
      // not be called in these case, MaybeScheduleNestingDeferredWork needs
      // to be called here, as the run loop exits.
      // MaybeScheduleNestingDeferredWork consults self->nesting_level_
      // to determine whether to schedule nesting-deferred work.  It expects
      // the nesting level to be set to the depth of the loop that is going
      // to sleep or exiting.  It must be called before decrementing the
      // value so that the value still corresponds to the level of the exiting
      // loop.



// Called from the run loop.
// static
void MessagePumpCFRunLoopBase::PowerStateNotification(void* info,
                                                      io_service_t service,
                                                      uint32_t message_type,
                                                      void* message_argument) {
  // CFRunLoopTimer (NSTimer) is scheduled in terms of CFAbsoluteTime, which
  // measures the number of seconds since 2001-01-01 00:00:00.0 Z.  It is
  // implemented in terms of kernel ticks, as in mach_absolute_time.  While an
  // offset and scale factor can be applied to convert between the two time
  // bases at any time after boot, the kernel clock stops while the system is
  // asleep, altering the offset.  (The offset will also change when the
  // real-time clock is adjusted.)  CFRunLoopTimers are not readjusted to take
  // this into account when the system wakes up, so any timers that were
  // pending while the system was asleep will be delayed by the sleep
  // duration.
  // The MessagePump interface assumes that scheduled delayed work will be
  // performed at the time ScheduleDelayedWork was asked to perform it.  The
  // delay caused by the CFRunLoopTimer not firing at the appropriate time
  // results in a stall of queued delayed work when the system wakes up.
  // With this limitation, scheduled work would not be performed until
  // (system wake time + scheduled work time - system sleep time), while it
  // would be expected to be performed at (scheduled work time).
  // To work around this problem, when the system wakes up from sleep, if a
  // delayed work timer is pending, it is rescheduled to fire at the original
  // time that it was scheduled to fire.
  // This mechanism is not resilient if the real-time clock does not maintain
  // stable time while the system is sleeping, but it matches the behavior of
  // the various other MessagePump implementations, and MessageLoop seems to
  // be limited in the same way.
  // References
  //  - Chris Kane, "NSTimer and deep sleep," cocoa-dev@lists.apple.com,
  //    http://lists.apple.com/archives/Cocoa-dev/2002/May/msg01547.html
  //  - Apple Technical Q&A QA1340, "Registering and unregistering for sleep
  //    and wake notifications,"
  //    http://developer.apple.com/mac/library/qa/qa2004/qa1340.html
  //  - Core Foundation source code, CF-550/CFRunLoop.c and CF-550/CFDate.c,
  //    http://www.opensource.apple.com/

  MessagePumpCFRunLoopBase* self = static_cast<MessagePumpCFRunLoopBase*>(info);

  switch (message_type) {
    case kIOMessageSystemWillPowerOn:
      if (self->delayed_work_fire_time_ != kCFTimeIntervalMax) {

    case kIOMessageSystemWillSleep:
    case kIOMessageCanSystemSleep:
      // The system will wait for 30 seconds before entering sleep if neither
      // IOAllowPowerChange nor IOCancelPowerChange are called.  That would be
      // pretty antisocial.


// Called by MessagePumpCFRunLoopBase::EnterExitRunLoop.  The default
// implementation is a no-op.
void MessagePumpCFRunLoopBase::EnterExitRunLoop(CFRunLoopActivity activity) {

// Base version returns a standard NSAutoreleasePool.
NSAutoreleasePool* MessagePumpCFRunLoopBase::CreateAutoreleasePool() {
  return [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];

    : quit_pending_(false) {

// Called by MessagePumpCFRunLoopBase::DoRun.  If other CFRunLoopRun loops were
// running lower on the run loop thread's stack when this object was created,
// the same number of CFRunLoopRun loops must be running for the outermost call
// to Run.  Run/DoRun are reentrant after that point.
void MessagePumpCFRunLoop::DoRun(Delegate* delegate) {
  // This is completely identical to calling CFRunLoopRun(), except autorelease
  // pool management is introduced.
  int result;
  do {
    MessagePumpScopedAutoreleasePool autorelease_pool(this);
    result = CFRunLoopRunInMode(kCFRunLoopDefaultMode,
  } while (result != kCFRunLoopRunStopped && result != kCFRunLoopRunFinished);

// Must be called on the run loop thread.
void MessagePumpCFRunLoop::Quit() {
  // Stop the innermost run loop managed by this MessagePumpCFRunLoop object.
  if (nesting_level() == run_nesting_level()) {
    // This object is running the innermost loop, just stop it.
  } else {
    // There's another loop running inside the loop managed by this object.
    // In other words, someone else called CFRunLoopRunInMode on the same
    // thread, deeper on the stack than the deepest Run call.  Don't preempt
    // other run loops, just mark this object to quit the innermost Run as
    // soon as the other inner loops not managed by Run are done.
    quit_pending_ = true;

// Called by MessagePumpCFRunLoopBase::EnterExitObserver.
void MessagePumpCFRunLoop::EnterExitRunLoop(CFRunLoopActivity activity) {
  if (activity == kCFRunLoopExit &&
      nesting_level() == run_nesting_level() &&
      quit_pending_) {
    // Quit was called while loops other than those managed by this object
    // were running further inside a run loop managed by this object.  Now
    // that all unmanaged inner run loops are gone, stop the loop running
    // just inside Run.
    quit_pending_ = false;

    : keep_running_(true) {
  CFRunLoopSourceContext source_context = CFRunLoopSourceContext();
  source_context.perform = NoOp;
  quit_source_ = CFRunLoopSourceCreate(NULL,  // allocator
                                       0,     // priority
  CFRunLoopAddSource(run_loop(), quit_source_, kCFRunLoopCommonModes);

MessagePumpNSRunLoop::~MessagePumpNSRunLoop() {
  CFRunLoopRemoveSource(run_loop(), quit_source_, kCFRunLoopCommonModes);

void MessagePumpNSRunLoop::DoRun(Delegate* delegate) {
  while (keep_running_) {
    // NSRunLoop manages autorelease pools itself.
    [[NSRunLoop currentRunLoop] runMode:NSDefaultRunLoopMode
                             beforeDate:[NSDate distantFuture]];

  keep_running_ = true;

void MessagePumpNSRunLoop::Quit() {
  keep_running_ = false;

    : keep_running_(true),
      running_own_loop_(false) {

void MessagePumpNSApplication::DoRun(Delegate* delegate) {
  bool last_running_own_loop_ = running_own_loop_;

  if (![NSApp isRunning]) {
    running_own_loop_ = false;
    // NSApplication manages autorelease pools itself when run this way.
    [NSApp run];
  } else {
    running_own_loop_ = true;
    NSDate* distant_future = [NSDate distantFuture];
    while (keep_running_) {
      MessagePumpScopedAutoreleasePool autorelease_pool(this);
      NSEvent* event = [NSApp nextEventMatchingMask:NSAnyEventMask
      if (event) {
        [NSApp sendEvent:event];
    keep_running_ = true;

  running_own_loop_ = last_running_own_loop_;

void MessagePumpNSApplication::Quit() {
  if (!running_own_loop_) {
    [NSApp stop:nil];
  } else {
    keep_running_ = false;

  // Send a fake event to wake the loop up.
  [NSApp postEvent:[NSEvent otherEventWithType:NSApplicationDefined
                                      location:NSMakePoint(0, 0)

// Prevents an autorelease pool from being created if the app is in the midst of
// handling a UI event because various parts of AppKit depend on objects that
// are created while handling a UI event to be autoreleased in the event loop.
// An example of this is NSWindowController. When a window with a window
// controller is closed it goes through a stack like this:
// (Several stack frames elided for clarity)
// #0 [NSWindowController autorelease]
// #1 DoAClose
// #2 MessagePumpCFRunLoopBase::DoWork()
// #3 [NSRunLoop run]
// #4 [NSButton performClick:]
// #5 [NSWindow sendEvent:]
// #6 [NSApp sendEvent:]
// #7 [NSApp run]
// -performClick: spins a nested run loop. If the pool created in DoWork was a
// standard NSAutoreleasePool, it would release the objects that were
// autoreleased into it once DoWork released it. This would cause the window
// controller, which autoreleased itself in frame #0, to release itself, and
// possibly free itself. Unfortunately this window controller controls the
// window in frame #5. When the stack is unwound to frame #5, the window would
// no longer exists and crashes may occur. Apple gets around this by never
// releasing the pool it creates in frame #4, and letting frame #7 clean it up
// when it cleans up the pool that wraps frame #7. When an autorelease pool is
// released it releases all other pools that were created after it on the
// autorelease pool stack.
// CrApplication is responsible for setting handlingSendEvent to true just
// before it sends the event through the event handling mechanism, and
// returning it to its previous value once the event has been sent.
NSAutoreleasePool* MessagePumpNSApplication::CreateAutoreleasePool() {
  NSAutoreleasePool* pool = nil;
  DCHECK([NSApp conformsToProtocol:@protocol(CrAppProtocol)]);
  if (![NSApp isHandlingSendEvent]) {
    pool = MessagePumpCFRunLoopBase::CreateAutoreleasePool();
  return pool;

// static
MessagePump* MessagePumpMac::Create() {
  if ([NSThread isMainThread]) {
    return new MessagePumpNSApplication;

  return new MessagePumpNSRunLoop;

}  // namespace base