// Copyright (c) 2008 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "base/message_pump_mac.h" #import <AppKit/AppKit.h> #import <Foundation/Foundation.h> #include <float.h> #include "base/scoped_nsautorelease_pool.h" #include "base/time.h" namespace { void NoOp(void* info) { } } // namespace namespace base { // Must be called on the run loop thread. MessagePumpCFRunLoopBase::MessagePumpCFRunLoopBase() : delegate_(NULL) { run_loop_ = CFRunLoopGetCurrent(); CFRetain(run_loop_); // Set a repeating timer with a preposterous firing time and interval. The // timer will effectively never fire as-is. The firing time will be adjusted // as needed when ScheduleDelayedWork is called. CFRunLoopTimerContext timer_context = CFRunLoopTimerContext(); timer_context.info = this; delayed_work_timer_ = CFRunLoopTimerCreate(NULL, // allocator DBL_MAX, // fire time DBL_MAX, // interval 0, // flags (ignored) 0, // priority (ignored) RunDelayedWorkTimer, &timer_context); CFRunLoopAddTimer(run_loop_, delayed_work_timer_, kCFRunLoopCommonModes); CFRunLoopSourceContext source_context = CFRunLoopSourceContext(); source_context.info = this; source_context.perform = RunWork; work_source_ = CFRunLoopSourceCreate(NULL, // allocator 0, // priority &source_context); CFRunLoopAddSource(run_loop_, work_source_, kCFRunLoopCommonModes); source_context.perform = RunDelayedWork; delayed_work_source_ = CFRunLoopSourceCreate(NULL, // allocator 1, // priority &source_context); CFRunLoopAddSource(run_loop_, delayed_work_source_, kCFRunLoopCommonModes); CFRunLoopObserverContext observer_context = CFRunLoopObserverContext(); observer_context.info = this; idle_work_observer_ = CFRunLoopObserverCreate(NULL, // allocator kCFRunLoopBeforeWaiting, true, // repeat 0, // priority RunIdleWork, &observer_context); CFRunLoopAddObserver(run_loop_, idle_work_observer_, kCFRunLoopCommonModes); } // Ideally called on the run loop thread. MessagePumpCFRunLoopBase::~MessagePumpCFRunLoopBase() { CFRunLoopRemoveObserver(run_loop_, idle_work_observer_, kCFRunLoopCommonModes); CFRelease(idle_work_observer_); CFRunLoopRemoveSource(run_loop_, delayed_work_source_, kCFRunLoopCommonModes); CFRelease(delayed_work_source_); CFRunLoopRemoveSource(run_loop_, work_source_, kCFRunLoopCommonModes); CFRelease(work_source_); CFRunLoopRemoveTimer(run_loop_, delayed_work_timer_, kCFRunLoopCommonModes); CFRelease(delayed_work_timer_); CFRelease(run_loop_); } // Must be called on the run loop thread. void MessagePumpCFRunLoopBase::Run(Delegate* delegate) { Delegate* last_delegate = delegate_; delegate_ = delegate; DoRun(delegate); delegate_ = last_delegate; } // May be called on any thread. void MessagePumpCFRunLoopBase::ScheduleWork() { CFRunLoopSourceSignal(work_source_); CFRunLoopWakeUp(run_loop_); } // Must be called on the run loop thread. void MessagePumpCFRunLoopBase::ScheduleDelayedWork( const Time& delayed_work_time) { Time::Exploded exploded; delayed_work_time.UTCExplode(&exploded); double seconds = exploded.second + (static_cast<double>((delayed_work_time.ToInternalValue()) % Time::kMicrosecondsPerSecond) / Time::kMicrosecondsPerSecond); CFGregorianDate gregorian = { exploded.year, exploded.month, exploded.day_of_month, exploded.hour, exploded.minute, seconds }; CFAbsoluteTime fire_time = CFGregorianDateGetAbsoluteTime(gregorian, NULL); CFRunLoopTimerSetNextFireDate(delayed_work_timer_, fire_time); } // Called from the run loop. // static void MessagePumpCFRunLoopBase::RunDelayedWorkTimer(CFRunLoopTimerRef timer, void* info) { MessagePumpCFRunLoop* self = static_cast<MessagePumpCFRunLoop*>(info); // CFRunLoopTimers fire outside of the priority scheme for CFRunLoopSources. // In order to establish the proper priority where delegate_->DoDelayedWork // can only be called if delegate_->DoWork returns false, the timer used // to schedule delayed work must signal a CFRunLoopSource set at a lower // priority than the one used for delegate_->DoWork. CFRunLoopSourceSignal(self->delayed_work_source_); } // Called from the run loop. // static void MessagePumpCFRunLoopBase::RunWork(void* info) { MessagePumpCFRunLoop* self = static_cast<MessagePumpCFRunLoop*>(info); // If we're on the main event loop, the NSApp runloop won't clean up the // autoreleasepool until there is UI event, so use a local one for any // autoreleased objects to ensure they go away sooner. ScopedNSAutoreleasePool autorelease_pool; // Call DoWork once, and if something was done, arrange to come back here // again as long as the loop is still running. if (self->delegate_->DoWork()) { CFRunLoopSourceSignal(self->work_source_); } } // Called from the run loop. // static void MessagePumpCFRunLoopBase::RunDelayedWork(void* info) { MessagePumpCFRunLoop* self = static_cast<MessagePumpCFRunLoop*>(info); // If we're on the main event loop, the NSApp runloop won't clean up the // autoreleasepool until there is UI event, so use a local one for any // autoreleased objects to ensure they go away sooner. ScopedNSAutoreleasePool autorelease_pool; Time next_time; self->delegate_->DoDelayedWork(&next_time); if (!next_time.is_null()) { TimeDelta delay = next_time - Time::Now(); if (delay > TimeDelta()) { // There's more delayed work to be done in the future. self->ScheduleDelayedWork(next_time); } else { // There's more delayed work to be done, and its time is in the past. // Arrange to come back here directly as long as the loop is still // running. CFRunLoopSourceSignal(self->delayed_work_source_); } } } // Called from the run loop. // static void MessagePumpCFRunLoopBase::RunIdleWork(CFRunLoopObserverRef observer, CFRunLoopActivity activity, void* info) { MessagePumpCFRunLoop* self = static_cast<MessagePumpCFRunLoop*>(info); // If we're on the main event loop, the NSApp runloop won't clean up the // autoreleasepool until there is UI event, so use a local one for any // autoreleased objects to ensure they go away sooner. ScopedNSAutoreleasePool autorelease_pool; // The "self->delegate_ &&" part of the clause is needed for the case of // the temporary modal first run dialog. The dialog is displayed really // early in the Chrome launch process at which time self->delegate_ is null. // TODO: remove the "self->delegate_ &&" clause from the bellow condition once // we remove the modal first run dialog. if (self->delegate_ && self->delegate_->DoIdleWork()) { // If idle work was done, don't let the loop go to sleep. More idle work // might be waiting. CFRunLoopWakeUp(self->run_loop_); } } // Must be called on the run loop thread. MessagePumpCFRunLoop::MessagePumpCFRunLoop() : nesting_level_(0), innermost_quittable_(0), quit_pending_(false) { CFRunLoopObserverContext observer_context = CFRunLoopObserverContext(); observer_context.info = this; enter_exit_observer_ = CFRunLoopObserverCreate(NULL, // allocator kCFRunLoopEntry | kCFRunLoopExit, true, // repeat 0, // priority EnterExitRunLoop, &observer_context); CFRunLoopAddObserver(run_loop_, enter_exit_observer_, kCFRunLoopCommonModes); } // Ideally called on the run loop thread. If other CFRunLoopRun loops were // running lower on the run loop thread's stack when this object was created, // the same number of CFRunLoopRun loops must be running when this object is // destroyed. MessagePumpCFRunLoop::~MessagePumpCFRunLoop() { CFRunLoopRemoveObserver(run_loop_, enter_exit_observer_, kCFRunLoopCommonModes); CFRelease(enter_exit_observer_); } // Called by CFRunLoopBase::DoRun. If other CFRunLoopRun loops were running // lower on the run loop thread's stack when this object was created, the same // number of CFRunLoopRun loops must be running for the outermost call to Run. // Run/DoRun are reentrant after that point. void MessagePumpCFRunLoop::DoRun(Delegate* delegate) { // nesting_level_ will be incremented in EnterExitRunLoop, so set // innermost_quittable_ accordingly. int last_innermost_quittable = innermost_quittable_; innermost_quittable_ = nesting_level_ + 1; // This is completely identical to calling CFRunLoopRun(), except autorelease // pool management is introduced. int result; do { ScopedNSAutoreleasePool autorelease_pool; result = CFRunLoopRunInMode(kCFRunLoopDefaultMode, DBL_MAX, false); } while (result != kCFRunLoopRunStopped && result != kCFRunLoopRunFinished); // Restore the previous state of the object. innermost_quittable_ = last_innermost_quittable; } // Must be called on the run loop thread. void MessagePumpCFRunLoop::Quit() { // Stop the innermost run loop managed by this MessagePumpCFRunLoop object. if (nesting_level_ == innermost_quittable_) { // This object is running the innermost loop, just stop it. CFRunLoopStop(run_loop_); } else { // There's another loop running inside the loop managed by this object. // In other words, someone else called CFRunLoopRun on the same thread, // higher on the stack than our highest Run call. Don't preempt other // run loops, just mark the object to quit our innermost run loop as soon // as the other inner loops we don't manage are done. quit_pending_ = true; } } // Called from the run loop. // static void MessagePumpCFRunLoop::EnterExitRunLoop(CFRunLoopObserverRef observer, CFRunLoopActivity activity, void* info) { MessagePumpCFRunLoop* self = static_cast<MessagePumpCFRunLoop*>(info); switch (activity) { case kCFRunLoopEntry: // If the run loop was entered by a call to Run, this will properly // balance the decrement done in Run before entering the loop. ++self->nesting_level_; break; case kCFRunLoopExit: if (--self->nesting_level_ == self->innermost_quittable_ && self->quit_pending_) { // Quit was called while loops other than those managed by this object // were running further inside a run loop managed by this object. Now // that all unmanaged inner run loops are gone, stop the loop running // just inside Run. CFRunLoopStop(self->run_loop_); self->quit_pending_ = false; } break; default: break; } } MessagePumpNSRunLoop::MessagePumpNSRunLoop() : keep_running_(true) { CFRunLoopSourceContext source_context = CFRunLoopSourceContext(); source_context.perform = NoOp; quit_source_ = CFRunLoopSourceCreate(NULL, // allocator 0, // priority &source_context); CFRunLoopAddSource(run_loop_, quit_source_, kCFRunLoopCommonModes); } MessagePumpNSRunLoop::~MessagePumpNSRunLoop() { CFRunLoopRemoveSource(run_loop_, quit_source_, kCFRunLoopCommonModes); CFRelease(quit_source_); } void MessagePumpNSRunLoop::DoRun(Delegate* delegate) { while (keep_running_) { // NSRunLoop manages autorelease pools itself. [[NSRunLoop currentRunLoop] runMode:NSDefaultRunLoopMode beforeDate:[NSDate distantFuture]]; } keep_running_ = true; } void MessagePumpNSRunLoop::Quit() { keep_running_ = false; CFRunLoopSourceSignal(quit_source_); CFRunLoopWakeUp(run_loop_); } MessagePumpNSApplication::MessagePumpNSApplication() : keep_running_(true), running_own_loop_(false) { } void MessagePumpNSApplication::DoRun(Delegate* delegate) { bool last_running_own_loop_ = running_own_loop_; [NSApplication sharedApplication]; if (![NSApp isRunning]) { running_own_loop_ = false; // NSApplication manages autorelease pools itself when run this way. [NSApp run]; } else { running_own_loop_ = true; while (keep_running_) { ScopedNSAutoreleasePool autorelease_pool; NSEvent* event = [NSApp nextEventMatchingMask:NSAnyEventMask untilDate:[NSDate distantFuture] inMode:NSDefaultRunLoopMode dequeue:YES]; if (event) { [NSApp sendEvent:event]; } } keep_running_ = true; } running_own_loop_ = last_running_own_loop_; } void MessagePumpNSApplication::Quit() { if (!running_own_loop_) { [NSApp stop:nil]; } else { keep_running_ = false; } // Send a fake event to wake the loop up. [NSApp postEvent:[NSEvent otherEventWithType:NSApplicationDefined location:NSMakePoint(0,0) modifierFlags:0 timestamp:0 windowNumber:0 context:NULL subtype:0 data1:0 data2:0] atStart:NO]; } // static MessagePump* MessagePumpMac::Create() { if ([NSThread isMainThread]) { return new MessagePumpNSApplication; } return new MessagePumpNSRunLoop; } } // namespace base