// Copyright (c) 2006-2008 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #define _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS #include "base/multiprocess_test.h" #include "base/platform_thread.h" #include "base/process_util.h" #include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h" #if defined(OS_WIN) #include <windows.h> #elif defined(OS_LINUX) #include <dlfcn.h> #endif namespace base { class ProcessUtilTest : public MultiProcessTest { }; MULTIPROCESS_TEST_MAIN(SimpleChildProcess) { return 0; } TEST_F(ProcessUtilTest, SpawnChild) { ProcessHandle handle = this->SpawnChild(L"SimpleChildProcess"); ASSERT_NE(static_cast<ProcessHandle>(NULL), handle); EXPECT_TRUE(WaitForSingleProcess(handle, 1000)); } MULTIPROCESS_TEST_MAIN(SlowChildProcess) { // Sleep until file "SlowChildProcess.die" is created. FILE *fp; do { PlatformThread::Sleep(100); fp = fopen("SlowChildProcess.die", "r"); } while (!fp); fclose(fp); remove("SlowChildProcess.die"); exit(0); return 0; } #if defined(OS_WIN) #define EXE_SUFFIX L".exe" #else #define EXE_SUFFIX L"" #endif // TODO(port): finish port on Mac #if !defined(OS_MACOSX) TEST_F(ProcessUtilTest, KillSlowChild) { remove("SlowChildProcess.die"); int oldcount = GetProcessCount(L"base_unittests" EXE_SUFFIX, 0); ProcessHandle handle = this->SpawnChild(L"SlowChildProcess"); ASSERT_NE(static_cast<ProcessHandle>(NULL), handle); EXPECT_EQ(oldcount+1, GetProcessCount(L"base_unittests" EXE_SUFFIX, 0)); FILE *fp = fopen("SlowChildProcess.die", "w"); fclose(fp); // TODO(port): do something less racy here PlatformThread::Sleep(1000); EXPECT_EQ(oldcount, GetProcessCount(L"base_unittests" EXE_SUFFIX, 0)); } #endif // TODO(estade): if possible, port these 2 tests. #if defined(OS_WIN) TEST_F(ProcessUtilTest, EnableLFH) { ASSERT_TRUE(EnableLowFragmentationHeap()); if (IsDebuggerPresent()) { // Under these conditions, LFH can't be enabled. There's no point to test // anything. const char* no_debug_env = getenv("_NO_DEBUG_HEAP"); if (!no_debug_env || strcmp(no_debug_env, "1")) return; } HANDLE heaps[1024] = { 0 }; unsigned number_heaps = GetProcessHeaps(1024, heaps); EXPECT_GT(number_heaps, 0u); for (unsigned i = 0; i < number_heaps; ++i) { ULONG flag = 0; SIZE_T length; ASSERT_NE(0, HeapQueryInformation(heaps[i], HeapCompatibilityInformation, &flag, sizeof(flag), &length)); // If flag is 0, the heap is a standard heap that does not support // look-asides. If flag is 1, the heap supports look-asides. If flag is 2, // the heap is a low-fragmentation heap (LFH). Note that look-asides are not // supported on the LFH. // We don't have any documented way of querying the HEAP_NO_SERIALIZE flag. EXPECT_LE(flag, 2u); EXPECT_NE(flag, 1u); } } TEST_F(ProcessUtilTest, CalcFreeMemory) { ProcessMetrics* metrics = ProcessMetrics::CreateProcessMetrics(::GetCurrentProcess()); ASSERT_TRUE(NULL != metrics); // Typical values here is ~1900 for total and ~1000 for largest. Obviously // it depends in what other tests have done to this process. FreeMBytes free_mem1 = {0}; EXPECT_TRUE(metrics->CalculateFreeMemory(&free_mem1)); EXPECT_LT(10u, free_mem1.total); EXPECT_LT(10u, free_mem1.largest); EXPECT_GT(2048u, free_mem1.total); EXPECT_GT(2048u, free_mem1.largest); EXPECT_GE(free_mem1.total, free_mem1.largest); EXPECT_TRUE(NULL != free_mem1.largest_ptr); // Allocate 20M and check again. It should have gone down. const int kAllocMB = 20; char* alloc = new char[kAllocMB * 1024 * 1024]; EXPECT_TRUE(NULL != alloc); size_t expected_total = free_mem1.total - kAllocMB; size_t expected_largest = free_mem1.largest; FreeMBytes free_mem2 = {0}; EXPECT_TRUE(metrics->CalculateFreeMemory(&free_mem2)); EXPECT_GE(free_mem2.total, free_mem2.largest); EXPECT_GE(expected_total, free_mem2.total); EXPECT_GE(expected_largest, free_mem2.largest); EXPECT_TRUE(NULL != free_mem2.largest_ptr); delete[] alloc; delete metrics; } #endif // defined(OS_WIN) } // namespace base