// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #ifndef BASE_PROFILER_STACK_SAMPLING_PROFILER_H_ #define BASE_PROFILER_STACK_SAMPLING_PROFILER_H_ #include #include #include "base/base_export.h" #include "base/callback.h" #include "base/files/file_path.h" #include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h" #include "base/strings/string16.h" #include "base/synchronization/waitable_event.h" #include "base/threading/platform_thread.h" #include "base/time/time.h" namespace base { class NativeStackSampler; // StackSamplingProfiler periodically stops a thread to sample its stack, for // the purpose of collecting information about which code paths are // executing. This information is used in aggregate by UMA to identify hot // and/or janky code paths. // // Sample StackSamplingProfiler usage: // // // Create and customize params as desired. // base::StackStackSamplingProfiler::SamplingParams params; // // Any thread's ID may be passed as the target. // base::StackSamplingProfiler profiler(base::PlatformThread::CurrentId()), // params); // // // Or, to process the profiles within Chrome rather than via UMA, use a // // custom completed callback: // base::StackStackSamplingProfiler::CompletedCallback // thread_safe_callback = ...; // base::StackSamplingProfiler profiler(base::PlatformThread::CurrentId()), // params, thread_safe_callback); // // profiler.Start(); // // ... work being done on the target thread here ... // profiler.Stop(); // optional, stops collection before complete per params // // The default SamplingParams causes stacks to be recorded in a single burst at // a 10Hz interval for a total of 30 seconds. All of these parameters may be // altered as desired. // // When all call stack profiles are complete or the profiler is stopped, if the // custom completed callback was set it is called from a thread created by the // profiler with the completed profiles. A profile is considered complete if all // requested samples were recorded for the profile (i.e. it was not stopped // prematurely). If no callback was set, the default completed callback will be // called with the profiles. It is expected that the the default completed // callback is set by the metrics system to allow profiles to be provided via // UMA. // // The results of the profiling are passed to the completed callback and consist // of a vector of CallStackProfiles. Each CallStackProfile corresponds to a // burst as specified in SamplingParams and contains a set of Samples and // Modules. One Sample corresponds to a single recorded stack, and the Modules // record those modules associated with the recorded stack frames. class BASE_EXPORT StackSamplingProfiler { public: // Module represents the module (DLL or exe) corresponding to a stack frame. struct BASE_EXPORT Module { Module(); Module(const void* base_address, const std::string& id, const FilePath& filename); ~Module(); // Points to the base address of the module. const void* base_address; // An opaque binary string that uniquely identifies a particular program // version with high probability. This is parsed from headers of the loaded // module. // For binaries generated by GNU tools: // Contents of the .note.gnu.build-id field. // On Windows: // GUID + AGE in the debug image headers of a module. std::string id; // The filename of the module. FilePath filename; }; // Frame represents an individual sampled stack frame with module information. struct BASE_EXPORT Frame { // Identifies an unknown module. static const size_t kUnknownModuleIndex = static_cast(-1); Frame(const void* instruction_pointer, size_t module_index); ~Frame(); // The sampled instruction pointer within the function. const void* instruction_pointer; // Index of the module in CallStackProfile::modules. We don't represent // module state directly here to save space. size_t module_index; }; // Sample represents a set of stack frames. using Sample = std::vector; // CallStackProfile represents a set of samples. struct BASE_EXPORT CallStackProfile { CallStackProfile(); ~CallStackProfile(); std::vector modules; std::vector samples; // Duration of this profile. TimeDelta profile_duration; // Time between samples. TimeDelta sampling_period; // True if sample ordering is important and should be preserved if and when // this profile is compressed and processed. bool preserve_sample_ordering; // User data associated with this profile. uintptr_t user_data; }; using CallStackProfiles = std::vector; // Represents parameters that configure the sampling. struct BASE_EXPORT SamplingParams { SamplingParams(); // Time to delay before first samples are taken. Defaults to 0. TimeDelta initial_delay; // Number of sampling bursts to perform. Defaults to 1. int bursts; // Interval between sampling bursts. This is the desired duration from the // start of one burst to the start of the next burst. Defaults to 10s. TimeDelta burst_interval; // Number of samples to record per burst. Defaults to 300. int samples_per_burst; // Interval between samples during a sampling burst. This is the desired // duration from the start of one sample to the start of the next // sample. Defaults to 100ms. TimeDelta sampling_interval; // True if sample ordering is important and should be preserved if and when // this profile is compressed and processed. Defaults to false. bool preserve_sample_ordering; // User data associated with this profile. uintptr_t user_data; }; // The callback type used to collect completed profiles. // // IMPORTANT NOTE: the callback is invoked on a thread the profiler // constructs, rather than on the thread used to construct the profiler and // set the callback, and thus the callback must be callable on any thread. For // threads with message loops that create StackSamplingProfilers, posting a // task to the message loop with a copy of the profiles is the recommended // thread-safe callback implementation. using CompletedCallback = Callback; // Creates a profiler that sends completed profiles to the default completed // callback. StackSamplingProfiler(PlatformThreadId thread_id, const SamplingParams& params); // Creates a profiler that sends completed profiles to |completed_callback|. StackSamplingProfiler(PlatformThreadId thread_id, const SamplingParams& params, CompletedCallback callback); ~StackSamplingProfiler(); // Initializes the profiler and starts sampling. void Start(); // Stops the profiler and any ongoing sampling. Calling this function is // optional; if not invoked profiling terminates when all the profiling bursts // specified in the SamplingParams are completed. void Stop(); // Sets a callback to process profiles collected by profiler instances without // a completed callback. Profiles are queued internally until a non-null // callback is provided to this function, // // The callback is typically called on a thread created by the profiler. If // completed profiles are queued when set, however, it will also be called // immediately on the calling thread. static void SetDefaultCompletedCallback(CompletedCallback callback); private: // SamplingThread is a separate thread used to suspend and sample stacks from // the target thread. class SamplingThread : public PlatformThread::Delegate { public: // Samples stacks using |native_sampler|. When complete, invokes // |completed_callback| with the collected call stack profiles. // |completed_callback| must be callable on any thread. SamplingThread(scoped_ptr native_sampler, const SamplingParams& params, CompletedCallback completed_callback); ~SamplingThread() override; // PlatformThread::Delegate: void ThreadMain() override; void Stop(); private: // Collects a call stack profile from a single burst. Returns true if the // profile was collected, or false if collection was stopped before it // completed. bool CollectProfile(CallStackProfile* profile, TimeDelta* elapsed_time); // Collects call stack profiles from all bursts, or until the sampling is // stopped. If stopped before complete, |call_stack_profiles| will contain // only full bursts. void CollectProfiles(CallStackProfiles* profiles); scoped_ptr native_sampler_; const SamplingParams params_; // If Stop() is called, it signals this event to force the sampling to // terminate before all the samples specified in |params_| are collected. WaitableEvent stop_event_; const CompletedCallback completed_callback_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(SamplingThread); }; // The thread whose stack will be sampled. PlatformThreadId thread_id_; const SamplingParams params_; scoped_ptr sampling_thread_; PlatformThreadHandle sampling_thread_handle_; const CompletedCallback completed_callback_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(StackSamplingProfiler); }; // The metrics provider code wants to put Samples in a map and compare them, // which requires us to define a few operators. BASE_EXPORT bool operator==(const StackSamplingProfiler::Frame& a, const StackSamplingProfiler::Frame& b); BASE_EXPORT bool operator<(const StackSamplingProfiler::Frame& a, const StackSamplingProfiler::Frame& b); } // namespace base #endif // BASE_PROFILER_STACK_SAMPLING_PROFILER_H_