// Copyright (c) 2006-2008 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "base/shared_event.h" #include "base/logging.h" #include "base/time.h" SharedEvent::~SharedEvent() { Close(); } bool SharedEvent::Create(bool manual_reset, bool initial_state) { DCHECK(!event_handle_); event_handle_ = CreateEvent(NULL /* security attributes */, manual_reset, initial_state, NULL /* name */); DCHECK(event_handle_); return !!event_handle_; } void SharedEvent::Close() { if (event_handle_) { BOOL rv = CloseHandle(event_handle_); DCHECK(rv); event_handle_ = NULL; } } bool SharedEvent::SetSignaledState(bool signaled) { DCHECK(event_handle_); BOOL rv; if (signaled) { rv = SetEvent(event_handle_); } else { rv = ResetEvent(event_handle_); } return rv ? true : false; } bool SharedEvent::IsSignaled() { DCHECK(event_handle_); DWORD event_state = ::WaitForSingleObject(event_handle_, 0); DCHECK(WAIT_OBJECT_0 == event_state || WAIT_TIMEOUT == event_state); return event_state == WAIT_OBJECT_0; } bool SharedEvent::WaitUntilSignaled(const TimeDelta& timeout) { DCHECK(event_handle_); DWORD event_state = ::WaitForSingleObject(event_handle_, static_cast(timeout.InMillisecondsF())); return event_state == WAIT_OBJECT_0; } bool SharedEvent::WaitForeverUntilSignaled() { DCHECK(event_handle_); DWORD event_state = ::WaitForSingleObject(event_handle_, INFINITE); return event_state == WAIT_OBJECT_0; } bool SharedEvent::ShareToProcess(ProcessHandle process, SharedEventHandle *new_handle) { DCHECK(event_handle_); HANDLE event_handle_copy; BOOL rv = DuplicateHandle(GetCurrentProcess(), event_handle_, process, &event_handle_copy, 0, FALSE, DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS); if (rv) *new_handle = event_handle_copy; return rv ? true : false; } bool SharedEvent::GiveToProcess(ProcessHandle process, SharedEventHandle *new_handle) { bool rv = ShareToProcess(process, new_handle); if (rv) Close(); return rv; }