// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "base/trace_event/process_memory_maps_dump_provider.h" #include "base/files/scoped_file.h" #include "base/format_macros.h" #include "base/logging.h" #include "base/strings/string_util.h" #include "base/trace_event/process_memory_dump.h" #include "base/trace_event/process_memory_maps.h" namespace base { namespace trace_event { // static FILE* ProcessMemoryMapsDumpProvider::proc_smaps_for_testing = nullptr; namespace { const uint32 kMaxLineSize = 4096; bool ParseSmapsHeader(const char* header_line, ProcessMemoryMaps::VMRegion* region) { // e.g., "00400000-00421000 r-xp 00000000 fc:01 1234 /foo.so\n" bool res = true; // Whether this region should be appended or skipped. uint64 end_addr = 0; char protection_flags[5] = {0}; char mapped_file[kMaxLineSize]; if (sscanf(header_line, "%" SCNx64 "-%" SCNx64 " %4c %*s %*s %*s%4095[^\n]\n", ®ion->start_address, &end_addr, protection_flags, mapped_file) != 4) return false; if (end_addr > region->start_address) { region->size_in_bytes = end_addr - region->start_address; } else { // This is not just paranoia, it can actually happen (See crbug.com/461237). region->size_in_bytes = 0; res = false; } region->protection_flags = 0; if (protection_flags[0] == 'r') { region->protection_flags |= ProcessMemoryMaps::VMRegion::kProtectionFlagsRead; } if (protection_flags[1] == 'w') { region->protection_flags |= ProcessMemoryMaps::VMRegion::kProtectionFlagsWrite; } if (protection_flags[2] == 'x') { region->protection_flags |= ProcessMemoryMaps::VMRegion::kProtectionFlagsExec; } region->mapped_file = mapped_file; TrimWhitespaceASCII(region->mapped_file, TRIM_ALL, ®ion->mapped_file); return res; } uint64 ReadCounterBytes(char* counter_line) { uint64 counter_value = 0; int res = sscanf(counter_line, "%*s %" SCNu64 " kB", &counter_value); DCHECK_EQ(1, res); return counter_value * 1024; } uint32 ParseSmapsCounter(char* counter_line, ProcessMemoryMaps::VMRegion* region) { // A smaps counter lines looks as follows: "RSS: 0 Kb\n" uint32 res = 1; char counter_name[20]; int did_read = sscanf(counter_line, "%19[^\n ]", counter_name); DCHECK_EQ(1, did_read); if (strcmp(counter_name, "Pss:") == 0) { region->byte_stats_proportional_resident = ReadCounterBytes(counter_line); } else if (strcmp(counter_name, "Private_Dirty:") == 0) { region->byte_stats_private_dirty_resident = ReadCounterBytes(counter_line); } else if (strcmp(counter_name, "Private_Clean:") == 0) { region->byte_stats_private_clean_resident = ReadCounterBytes(counter_line); } else if (strcmp(counter_name, "Shared_Dirty:") == 0) { region->byte_stats_shared_dirty_resident = ReadCounterBytes(counter_line); } else if (strcmp(counter_name, "Shared_Clean:") == 0) { region->byte_stats_shared_clean_resident = ReadCounterBytes(counter_line); } else if (strcmp(counter_name, "Swap:") == 0) { region->byte_stats_swapped = ReadCounterBytes(counter_line); } else { res = 0; } return res; } uint32 ReadLinuxProcSmapsFile(FILE* smaps_file, ProcessMemoryMaps* pmm) { if (!smaps_file) return 0; fseek(smaps_file, 0, SEEK_SET); char line[kMaxLineSize]; const uint32 kNumExpectedCountersPerRegion = 6; uint32 counters_parsed_for_current_region = 0; uint32 num_valid_regions = 0; ProcessMemoryMaps::VMRegion region; bool should_add_current_region = false; for (;;) { line[0] = '\0'; if (fgets(line, kMaxLineSize, smaps_file) == nullptr) break; DCHECK_GT(strlen(line), 0u); if (isxdigit(line[0]) && !isupper(line[0])) { region = ProcessMemoryMaps::VMRegion(); counters_parsed_for_current_region = 0; should_add_current_region = ParseSmapsHeader(line, ®ion); } else { counters_parsed_for_current_region += ParseSmapsCounter(line, ®ion); DCHECK_LE(counters_parsed_for_current_region, kNumExpectedCountersPerRegion); if (counters_parsed_for_current_region == kNumExpectedCountersPerRegion) { if (should_add_current_region) { pmm->AddVMRegion(region); ++num_valid_regions; should_add_current_region = false; } } } } return num_valid_regions; } } // namespace // static ProcessMemoryMapsDumpProvider* ProcessMemoryMapsDumpProvider::GetInstance() { return Singleton>::get(); } ProcessMemoryMapsDumpProvider::ProcessMemoryMapsDumpProvider() { } ProcessMemoryMapsDumpProvider::~ProcessMemoryMapsDumpProvider() { } // Called at trace dump point time. Creates a snapshot of the memory maps for // the current process. bool ProcessMemoryMapsDumpProvider::OnMemoryDump(const MemoryDumpArgs& args, ProcessMemoryDump* pmd) { // Snapshot of memory maps is not taken for light dump requests. if (args.level_of_detail == MemoryDumpLevelOfDetail::LIGHT) return true; uint32 res = 0; if (UNLIKELY(proc_smaps_for_testing)) { res = ReadLinuxProcSmapsFile(proc_smaps_for_testing, pmd->process_mmaps()); } else { ScopedFILE smaps_file(fopen("/proc/self/smaps", "r")); res = ReadLinuxProcSmapsFile(smaps_file.get(), pmd->process_mmaps()); } if (res > 0) { pmd->set_has_process_mmaps(); return true; } return false; } } // namespace trace_event } // namespace base