// Copyright (c) 2006-2008 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#include "base/waitable_event.h"

#include "base/condition_variable.h"
#include "base/lock.h"
#include "base/message_loop.h"

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// A WaitableEvent on POSIX is implemented as a wait-list. Currently we don't
// support cross-process events (where one process can signal an event which
// others are waiting on). Because of this, we can avoid having one thread per
// listener in several cases.
// The WaitableEvent maintains a list of waiters, protected by a lock. Each
// waiter is either an async wait, in which case we have a Task and the
// MessageLoop to run it on, or a blocking wait, in which case we have the
// condition variable to signal.
// Waiting involves grabbing the lock and adding oneself to the wait list. Async
// waits can be canceled, which means grabbing the lock and removing oneself
// from the list.
// Waiting on multiple events is handled by adding a single, synchronous wait to
// the wait-list of many events. An event passes a pointer to itself when
// firing a waiter and so we can store that pointer to find out which event
// triggered.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

namespace base {

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// This is just an abstract base class for waking the two types of waiters
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
WaitableEvent::WaitableEvent(bool manual_reset, bool initially_signaled)
    : signaled_(initially_signaled),
      manual_reset_(manual_reset) {

WaitableEvent::~WaitableEvent() {
  if (!waiters_.empty()) {
    LOG(ERROR) << "Destroying a WaitableEvent (" << this << ") with "
               << waiters_.size() << " waiters";
    NOTREACHED() << "Aborting.";

void WaitableEvent::Reset() {
  AutoLock locked(lock_);
  signaled_ = false;

void WaitableEvent::Signal() {
  AutoLock locked(lock_);

  if (signaled_)

  if (manual_reset_) {
    signaled_ = true;
  } else {
    // In the case of auto reset, if no waiters were woken, we remain
    // signaled.
    if (!SignalOne())
      signaled_ = true;

bool WaitableEvent::IsSignaled() {
  AutoLock locked(lock_);

  const bool result = signaled_;
  if (result && !manual_reset_)
    signaled_ = false;
  return result;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Synchronous waits

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// This is an synchronous waiter. The thread is waiting on the given condition
// variable and the fired flag in this object.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
class SyncWaiter : public WaitableEvent::Waiter {
  SyncWaiter(ConditionVariable* cv, Lock* lock)
      : fired_(false),
        signaling_event_(NULL) {

  bool Fire(WaitableEvent *signaling_event) {
      const bool previous_value = fired_;
      fired_ = true;
      if (!previous_value)
        signaling_event_ = signaling_event;

    if (previous_value)
      return false;


    // SyncWaiters are stack allocated on the stack of the blocking thread.
    return true;

  WaitableEvent* signaled_event() const {
    return signaling_event_;

  // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  // These waiters are always stack allocated and don't delete themselves. Thus
  // there's no problem and the ABA tag is the same as the object pointer.
  // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  bool Compare(void* tag) {
    return this == tag;

  // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  // Called with lock held.
  // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  bool fired() const {
    return fired_;

  // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  // During a TimedWait, we need a way to make sure that an auto-reset
  // WaitableEvent doesn't think that this event has been signaled between
  // unlocking it and removing it from the wait-list. Called with lock held.
  // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  void Disable() {
    fired_ = true;

  bool fired_;
  ConditionVariable *const cv_;
  Lock *const lock_;
  WaitableEvent* signaling_event_;  // The WaitableEvent which woke us

bool WaitableEvent::TimedWait(const TimeDelta& max_time) {
  const Time end_time(Time::Now() + max_time);
  const bool finite_time = max_time.ToInternalValue() >= 0;

    if (signaled_) {
      if (!manual_reset_) {
        // In this case we were signaled when we had no waiters. Now that
        // someone has waited upon us, we can automatically reset.
        signaled_ = false;

      return true;

    Lock lock;
    ConditionVariable cv(&lock);
    SyncWaiter sw(&cv, &lock);

  // We are violating locking order here by holding the SyncWaiter lock but not
  // the WaitableEvent lock. However, this is safe because we don't lock @lock_
  // again before unlocking it.

  for (;;) {
    const Time current_time(Time::Now());

    if (sw.fired() || (finite_time && current_time >= end_time)) {
      const bool return_value = sw.fired();

      // We can't acquire @lock_ before releasing @lock (because of locking
      // order), however, inbetween the two a signal could be fired and @sw
      // would accept it, however we will still return false, so the signal
      // would be lost on an auto-reset WaitableEvent. Thus we call Disable
      // which makes sw::Fire return false.

        Dequeue(&sw, &sw);

      return return_value;

    if (finite_time) {
      const TimeDelta max_wait(end_time - current_time);
    } else {

bool WaitableEvent::Wait() {
  return TimedWait(TimeDelta::FromSeconds(-1));

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Synchronous waiting on multiple objects.

static bool  // StrictWeakOrdering
cmp_fst_addr(const std::pair<WaitableEvent*, unsigned> &a,
             const std::pair<WaitableEvent*, unsigned> &b) {
  return a.first < b.first;

// static
size_t WaitableEvent::WaitMany(WaitableEvent** raw_waitables,
                               size_t count) {
  DCHECK(count) << "Cannot wait on no events";

  // We need to acquire the locks in a globally consistent order. Thus we sort
  // the array of waitables by address. We actually sort a pairs so that we can
  // map back to the original index values later.
  std::vector<std::pair<WaitableEvent*, size_t> > waitables;
  for (size_t i = 0; i < count; ++i)
    waitables.push_back(std::make_pair(raw_waitables[i], i));

  DCHECK_EQ(count, waitables.size());

  sort(waitables.begin(), waitables.end(), cmp_fst_addr);

  // The set of waitables must be distinct. Since we have just sorted by
  // address, we can check this cheaply by comparing pairs of consecutive
  // elements.
  for (size_t i = 0; i < waitables.size() - 1; ++i) {
    DCHECK(waitables[i].first != waitables[i+1].first);

  Lock lock;
  ConditionVariable cv(&lock);
  SyncWaiter sw(&cv, &lock);

  const size_t r = EnqueueMany(&waitables[0], count, &sw);
  if (r) {
    // One of the events is already signaled. The SyncWaiter has not been
    // enqueued anywhere. EnqueueMany returns the count of remaining waitables
    // when the signaled one was seen, so the index of the signaled event is
    // @count - @r.
    return waitables[count - r].second;

  // At this point, we hold the locks on all the WaitableEvents and we have
  // enqueued our waiter in them all.
    // Release the WaitableEvent locks in the reverse order
    for (size_t i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
      waitables[count - (1 + i)].first->lock_.Release();

    for (;;) {
      if (sw.fired())


  // The address of the WaitableEvent which fired is stored in the SyncWaiter.
  WaitableEvent *const signaled_event = sw.signaled_event();
  // This will store the index of the raw_waitables which fired.
  size_t signaled_index = 0;

  // Take the locks of each WaitableEvent in turn (except the signaled one) and
  // remove our SyncWaiter from the wait-list
  for (size_t i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
    if (raw_waitables[i] != signaled_event) {
        // There's no possible ABA issue with the address of the SyncWaiter here
        // because it lives on the stack. Thus the tag value is just the pointer
        // value again.
        raw_waitables[i]->Dequeue(&sw, &sw);
    } else {
      signaled_index = i;

  return signaled_index;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// If return value == 0:
//   The locks of the WaitableEvents have been taken in order and the Waiter has
//   been enqueued in the wait-list of each. None of the WaitableEvents are
//   currently signaled
// else:
//   None of the WaitableEvent locks are held. The Waiter has not been enqueued
//   in any of them and the return value is the index of the first WaitableEvent
//   which was signaled, from the end of the array.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// static
size_t WaitableEvent::EnqueueMany
    (std::pair<WaitableEvent*, size_t>* waitables,
     size_t count, Waiter* waiter) {
  if (!count)
    return 0;

    if (waitables[0].first->signaled_) {
      if (!waitables[0].first->manual_reset_)
        waitables[0].first->signaled_ = false;
      return count;

    const size_t r = EnqueueMany(waitables + 1, count - 1, waiter);
    if (r) {
    } else {

    return r;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Private functions...

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Wake all waiting waiters. Called with lock held.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool WaitableEvent::SignalAll() {
  bool signaled_at_least_one = false;

  for (std::list<Waiter*>::iterator
       i = waiters_.begin(); i != waiters_.end(); ++i) {
    if ((*i)->Fire(this))
      signaled_at_least_one = true;

  return signaled_at_least_one;

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Try to wake a single waiter. Return true if one was woken. Called with lock
// held.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool WaitableEvent::SignalOne() {
  for (;;) {
    if (waiters_.empty())
      return false;

    const bool r = (*waiters_.begin())->Fire(this);
    if (r)
      return true;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Add a waiter to the list of those waiting. Called with lock held.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void WaitableEvent::Enqueue(Waiter* waiter) {

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Remove a waiter from the list of those waiting. Return true if the waiter was
// actually removed. Called with lock held.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool WaitableEvent::Dequeue(Waiter* waiter, void* tag) {
  for (std::list<Waiter*>::iterator
       i = waiters_.begin(); i != waiters_.end(); ++i) {
    if (*i == waiter && (*i)->Compare(tag)) {
      return true;

  return false;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

}  // namespace base