// Copyright (c) 2006-2008 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "base/watchdog.h" #include "base/platform_thread.h" #include "base/string_util.h" //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Public API methods. // Start thread running in a Disarmed state. Watchdog::Watchdog(const TimeDelta& duration, const std::wstring& thread_watched_name, bool enabled) : lock_(), condition_variable_(&lock_), state_(DISARMED), duration_(duration), thread_watched_name_(thread_watched_name), handle_(NULL), thread_id_(0) { if (!enabled) return; // Don't start thread, or doing anything really. handle_ = CreateThread(NULL, // security 0, // Default stack size. Watchdog::ThreadStart, reinterpret_cast<void*>(this), CREATE_SUSPENDED, &thread_id_); DCHECK(NULL != handle_); if (NULL == handle_) return ; ResumeThread(handle_); // WINAPI call. } // Notify watchdog thread, and wait for it to finish up. Watchdog::~Watchdog() { if (NULL == handle_) return; { AutoLock lock(lock_); state_ = SHUTDOWN; } condition_variable_.Signal(); DWORD results = WaitForSingleObject(handle_, INFINITE); DCHECK(WAIT_OBJECT_0 == results); CloseHandle(handle_); handle_ = NULL; } void Watchdog::Arm() { ArmAtStartTime(TimeTicks::Now()); } void Watchdog::ArmSomeTimeDeltaAgo(const TimeDelta& time_delta) { ArmAtStartTime(TimeTicks::Now() - time_delta); } // Start clock for watchdog. void Watchdog::ArmAtStartTime(const TimeTicks start_time) { { AutoLock lock(lock_); start_time_ = start_time; state_ = ARMED; } // Force watchdog to wake up, and go to sleep with the timer ticking with the // proper duration. condition_variable_.Signal(); } // Disable watchdog so that it won't do anything when time expires. void Watchdog::Disarm() { if (NULL == handle_) return; AutoLock lock(lock_); state_ = DISARMED; // We don't need to signal, as the watchdog will eventually wake up, and it // will check its state and time, and act accordingly. } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Internal private methods that the watchdog thread uses. // static DWORD __stdcall Watchdog::ThreadStart(void* pThis) { Watchdog* watchdog = reinterpret_cast<Watchdog*>(pThis); return watchdog->Run(); } unsigned Watchdog::Run() { SetThreadName(); TimeDelta remaining_duration; while (1) { AutoLock lock(lock_); while (DISARMED == state_) condition_variable_.Wait(); if (SHUTDOWN == state_) return 0; DCHECK(ARMED == state_); remaining_duration = duration_ - (TimeTicks::Now() - start_time_); if (remaining_duration.InMilliseconds() > 0) { // Spurios wake? Timer drifts? Go back to sleep for remaining time. condition_variable_.TimedWait(remaining_duration); } else { // We overslept, so this seems like a real alarm. // Watch out for a user that stopped the debugger on a different alarm! { AutoLock static_lock(static_lock_); if (last_debugged_alarm_time_ > start_time_) { // False alarm: we started our clock before the debugger break (last // alarm time). start_time_ += last_debugged_alarm_delay_; if (last_debugged_alarm_time_ > start_time_) state_ = DISARMED; // Too many alarms must have taken place. continue; } } state_ = DISARMED; // Only alarm at most once. TimeTicks last_alarm_time = TimeTicks::Now(); Alarm(); // Set a break point here to debug on alarms. TimeDelta last_alarm_delay = TimeTicks::Now() - last_alarm_time; if (last_alarm_delay > TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(2)) { // Ignore race of two alarms/breaks going off at roughly the same time. AutoLock static_lock(static_lock_); // This was a real debugger break. last_debugged_alarm_time_ = last_alarm_time; last_debugged_alarm_delay_ = last_alarm_delay; } } } } void Watchdog::SetThreadName() const { std::string name = StringPrintf("%s Watchdog", WideToASCII(thread_watched_name_).c_str()); PlatformThread::SetName(name.c_str()); DLOG(INFO) << "Watchdog active: " << name; } // static Lock Watchdog::static_lock_; // Lock for access of static data... // static TimeTicks Watchdog::last_debugged_alarm_time_ = TimeTicks(); // static TimeDelta Watchdog::last_debugged_alarm_delay_;