// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "base/win/metro.h" #include "base/message_loop/message_loop.h" #include "base/strings/string_util.h" #include "base/win/scoped_comptr.h" #include "base/win/windows_version.h" namespace base { namespace win { namespace { bool g_should_tsf_aware_required = false; } HMODULE GetMetroModule() { const HMODULE kUninitialized = reinterpret_cast(1); static HMODULE metro_module = kUninitialized; if (metro_module == kUninitialized) { // Initialize the cache, note that the initialization is idempotent // under the assumption that metro_driver is never unloaded, so the // race to this assignment is safe. metro_module = GetModuleHandleA("metro_driver.dll"); if (metro_module != NULL) { // This must be a metro process if the metro_driver is loaded. DCHECK(IsMetroProcess()); } } DCHECK(metro_module != kUninitialized); return metro_module; } bool IsMetroProcess() { enum ImmersiveState { kImmersiveUnknown, kImmersiveTrue, kImmersiveFalse }; // The immersive state of a process can never change. // Look it up once and cache it here. static ImmersiveState state = kImmersiveUnknown; if (state == kImmersiveUnknown) { if (IsProcessImmersive(::GetCurrentProcess())) { state = kImmersiveTrue; } else { state = kImmersiveFalse; } } DCHECK_NE(kImmersiveUnknown, state); return state == kImmersiveTrue; } bool IsProcessImmersive(HANDLE process) { typedef BOOL (WINAPI* IsImmersiveProcessFunc)(HANDLE process); HMODULE user32 = ::GetModuleHandleA("user32.dll"); DCHECK(user32 != NULL); IsImmersiveProcessFunc is_immersive_process = reinterpret_cast( ::GetProcAddress(user32, "IsImmersiveProcess")); if (is_immersive_process) return is_immersive_process(process) ? true: false; return false; } bool IsTSFAwareRequired() { // Although this function is equal to IsMetroProcess at this moment, // Chrome for Win7 and Vista may support TSF in the future. return g_should_tsf_aware_required || IsMetroProcess(); } void SetForceToUseTSF() { g_should_tsf_aware_required = true; // Since Windows 8 Metro mode disables CUAS (Cicero Unaware Application // Support) via ImmDisableLegacyIME API, Chrome must be fully TSF-aware on // Metro mode. For debugging purposes, explicitly call ImmDisableLegacyIME so // that one can test TSF functionality even on Windows 8 desktop mode. Note // that CUAS cannot be disabled on Windows Vista/7 where ImmDisableLegacyIME // is not available. typedef BOOL (* ImmDisableLegacyIMEFunc)(); HMODULE imm32 = ::GetModuleHandleA("imm32.dll"); if (imm32 == NULL) return; ImmDisableLegacyIMEFunc imm_disable_legacy_ime = reinterpret_cast( ::GetProcAddress(imm32, "ImmDisableLegacyIME")); if (imm_disable_legacy_ime == NULL) { // Unsupported API, just do nothing. return; } if (!imm_disable_legacy_ime()) { DVLOG(1) << "Failed to disable legacy IME."; } } wchar_t* LocalAllocAndCopyString(const string16& src) { size_t dest_size = (src.length() + 1) * sizeof(wchar_t); wchar_t* dest = reinterpret_cast(LocalAlloc(LPTR, dest_size)); base::wcslcpy(dest, src.c_str(), dest_size); return dest; } bool IsParentalControlActivityLoggingOn() { // Query this info on Windows Vista and above. if (base::win::GetVersion() < base::win::VERSION_VISTA) return false; static bool parental_control_logging_required = false; static bool parental_control_status_determined = false; if (parental_control_status_determined) return parental_control_logging_required; parental_control_status_determined = true; ScopedComPtr parent_controls; HRESULT hr = parent_controls.CreateInstance( __uuidof(WindowsParentalControls)); if (FAILED(hr)) return false; ScopedComPtr settings; hr = parent_controls->GetUserSettings(NULL, settings.Receive()); if (FAILED(hr)) return false; unsigned long restrictions = 0; settings->GetRestrictions(&restrictions); parental_control_logging_required = (restrictions & WPCFLAG_LOGGING_REQUIRED) == WPCFLAG_LOGGING_REQUIRED; return parental_control_logging_required; } // Metro driver exports for getting the launch type, initial url, initial // search term, etc. extern "C" { typedef const wchar_t* (*GetInitialUrl)(); typedef const wchar_t* (*GetInitialSearchString)(); typedef base::win::MetroLaunchType (*GetLaunchType)( base::win::MetroPreviousExecutionState* previous_state); } MetroLaunchType GetMetroLaunchParams(string16* params) { HMODULE metro = base::win::GetMetroModule(); if (!metro) return base::win::METRO_LAUNCH_ERROR; GetLaunchType get_launch_type = reinterpret_cast( ::GetProcAddress(metro, "GetLaunchType")); DCHECK(get_launch_type); base::win::MetroLaunchType launch_type = get_launch_type(NULL); if ((launch_type == base::win::METRO_PROTOCOL) || (launch_type == base::win::METRO_LAUNCH)) { GetInitialUrl initial_metro_url = reinterpret_cast( ::GetProcAddress(metro, "GetInitialUrl")); DCHECK(initial_metro_url); *params = initial_metro_url(); } else if (launch_type == base::win::METRO_SEARCH) { GetInitialSearchString initial_search_string = reinterpret_cast( ::GetProcAddress(metro, "GetInitialSearchString")); DCHECK(initial_search_string); *params = initial_search_string(); } return launch_type; } } // namespace win } // namespace base