// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #ifndef BLIMP_CLIENT_SESSION_ASSIGNMENT_SOURCE_H_ #define BLIMP_CLIENT_SESSION_ASSIGNMENT_SOURCE_H_ #include #include "base/callback.h" #include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h" #include "blimp/client/blimp_client_export.h" #include "net/base/ip_endpoint.h" #include "net/url_request/url_fetcher_delegate.h" namespace base { class FilePath; class SingleThreadTaskRunner; class Value; } namespace net { class URLFetcher; class URLRequestContextGetter; class X509Certificate; } namespace blimp { namespace client { // TODO(kmarshall): Take values from configuration data. const char kDummyClientToken[] = "MyVoiceIsMyPassport"; // Potential assigner URLs. const char kDefaultAssignerURL[] = "https://blimp-pa.googleapis.com/v1/assignment"; // An Assignment contains the configuration data needed for a client // to connect to the engine. struct BLIMP_CLIENT_EXPORT Assignment { enum TransportProtocol { UNKNOWN = 0, SSL = 1, TCP = 2, }; Assignment(); Assignment(const Assignment& other); ~Assignment(); // Returns true if the net::IPEndPoint has an unspecified IP, port, or // transport protocol. bool IsValid() const; // Specifies the transport to use to connect to the engine. TransportProtocol transport_protocol; // Specifies the IP address and port on which to reach the engine. net::IPEndPoint engine_endpoint; // Used to authenticate to the specified engine. std::string client_token; // Specifies the X.509 certificate that the engine must report. scoped_refptr cert; }; // AssignmentSource provides functionality to find out how a client should // connect to an engine. class BLIMP_CLIENT_EXPORT AssignmentSource : public net::URLFetcherDelegate { public: // A Java counterpart will be generated for this enum. // GENERATED_JAVA_ENUM_PACKAGE: org.chromium.blimp.assignment enum Result { RESULT_UNKNOWN = 0, RESULT_OK = 1, RESULT_BAD_REQUEST = 2, RESULT_BAD_RESPONSE = 3, RESULT_INVALID_PROTOCOL_VERSION = 4, RESULT_EXPIRED_ACCESS_TOKEN = 5, RESULT_USER_INVALID = 6, RESULT_OUT_OF_VMS = 7, RESULT_SERVER_ERROR = 8, RESULT_SERVER_INTERRUPTED = 9, RESULT_NETWORK_FAILURE = 10, RESULT_INVALID_CERT = 11, }; typedef base::Callback AssignmentCallback; // |network_task_runner|: The task runner to use for querying the Assigner API // over the network. // |file_task_runner|: The task runner to use for reading cert files from disk // (specified on the command line.) AssignmentSource( const scoped_refptr& network_task_runner, const scoped_refptr& file_task_runner); ~AssignmentSource() override; // Retrieves a valid assignment for the client and posts the result to the // given callback. |client_auth_token| is the OAuth2 access token to send to // the assigner when requesting an assignment. If this is called before a // previous call has completed, the old callback will be called with // RESULT_SERVER_INTERRUPTED and no Assignment. void GetAssignment(const std::string& client_auth_token, const AssignmentCallback& callback); private: void OnGetAssignmentFromCommandLineDone(const std::string& client_auth_token, Assignment parsed_assignment); void QueryAssigner(const std::string& client_auth_token); void ParseAssignerResponse(); void OnJsonParsed(scoped_ptr json); void OnJsonParseError(const std::string& error); // net::URLFetcherDelegate implementation: void OnURLFetchComplete(const net::URLFetcher* source) override; // GetAssignment() callback, invoked after URLFetcher completion. AssignmentCallback callback_; scoped_refptr file_task_runner_; scoped_refptr url_request_context_; scoped_ptr url_fetcher_; base::WeakPtrFactory weak_factory_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(AssignmentSource); }; } // namespace client } // namespace blimp #endif // BLIMP_CLIENT_SESSION_ASSIGNMENT_SOURCE_H_