// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #ifndef BLIMP_NET_BROWSER_CONNECTION_HANDLER_H_ #define BLIMP_NET_BROWSER_CONNECTION_HANDLER_H_ #include "base/macros.h" #include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h" #include "blimp/common/proto/blimp_message.pb.h" #include "blimp/net/blimp_net_export.h" #include "blimp/net/connection_error_observer.h" #include "blimp/net/connection_handler.h" namespace blimp { class BlimpConnection; class BlimpMessageCheckpointer; class BlimpMessageDemultiplexer; class BlimpMessageMultiplexer; class BlimpMessageOutputBuffer; class BlimpMessageProcessor; // Routes incoming messages to their respective features, and buffers and sends // messages out via underlying BlimpConnection. // A BrowserConnectionHandler is created on browser startup, and persists for // the lifetime of the application. // BrowserConnectionHandler is created on the UI thread, and then used and // destroyed on the IO thread. class BLIMP_NET_EXPORT BrowserConnectionHandler : public ConnectionHandler, public ConnectionErrorObserver { public: BrowserConnectionHandler(); ~BrowserConnectionHandler() override; // Registers a message processor which will receive all messages of the |type| // specified. Only one handler may be added per type. // That caller must ensure |incoming_processor| remains valid while // this object is in-use. // // Returns a BlimpMessageProcessor object for sending messages of type |type|. virtual scoped_ptr RegisterFeature( BlimpMessage::Type type, BlimpMessageProcessor* incoming_processor); // ConnectionHandler implementation. void HandleConnection(scoped_ptr connection) override; // ConnectionErrorObserver implementation. void OnConnectionError(int error) override; private: void DropCurrentConnection(); // Routes incoming messages to the relevant feature-specific handlers. scoped_ptr demultiplexer_; // Provides buffering of outgoing messages, for use in session-recovery. scoped_ptr output_buffer_; // Routes outgoing messages from feature-specific handlers to a single // message stream. scoped_ptr multiplexer_; // Dispatches checkpoint/ACK messages to the outgoing processor, as the // incoming processor completes processing them. scoped_ptr checkpointer_; // Holds network resources while there is a Client connected. scoped_ptr connection_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(BrowserConnectionHandler); }; } // namespace blimp #endif // BLIMP_NET_BROWSER_CONNECTION_HANDLER_H_