#!/usr/bin/env python # # Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. """Process Android resources to generate R.java, and prepare for packaging. This will crunch images and generate v14 compatible resources (see generate_v14_compatible_resources.py). """ import codecs import collections import optparse import os import re import shutil import sys import generate_v14_compatible_resources from util import build_utils # Import jinja2 from third_party/jinja2 sys.path.insert(1, os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '../../../third_party')) from jinja2 import Template # pylint: disable=F0401 # Represents a line from a R.txt file. TextSymbolsEntry = collections.namedtuple('RTextEntry', ('java_type', 'resource_type', 'name', 'value')) def _ParseArgs(args): """Parses command line options. Returns: An options object as from optparse.OptionsParser.parse_args() """ parser = optparse.OptionParser() build_utils.AddDepfileOption(parser) parser.add_option('--android-sdk-jar', help='the path to android jar file.') parser.add_option('--aapt-path', help='path to the Android aapt tool') parser.add_option('--non-constant-id', action='store_true') parser.add_option('--android-manifest', help='AndroidManifest.xml path') parser.add_option('--custom-package', help='Java package for R.java') parser.add_option( '--shared-resources', action='store_true', help='Make a resource package that can be loaded by a different' 'application at runtime to access the package\'s resources.') parser.add_option( '--app-as-shared-lib', action='store_true', help='Make a resource package that can be loaded as shared library.') parser.add_option('--resource-dirs', help='Directories containing resources of this target.') parser.add_option('--dependencies-res-zips', help='Resources from dependents.') parser.add_option('--resource-zip-out', help='Path for output zipped resources.') parser.add_option('--R-dir', help='directory to hold generated R.java.') parser.add_option('--srcjar-out', help='Path to srcjar to contain generated R.java.') parser.add_option('--r-text-out', help='Path to store the R.txt file generated by appt.') parser.add_option('--proguard-file', help='Path to proguard.txt generated file') parser.add_option( '--v14-skip', action="store_true", help='Do not generate nor verify v14 resources') parser.add_option( '--extra-res-packages', help='Additional package names to generate R.java files for') parser.add_option( '--extra-r-text-files', help='For each additional package, the R.txt file should contain a ' 'list of resources to be included in the R.java file in the format ' 'generated by aapt') parser.add_option( '--include-all-resources', action='store_true', help='Include every resource ID in every generated R.java file ' '(ignoring R.txt).') parser.add_option( '--all-resources-zip-out', help='Path for output of all resources. This includes resources in ' 'dependencies.') parser.add_option('--stamp', help='File to touch on success') options, positional_args = parser.parse_args(args) if positional_args: parser.error('No positional arguments should be given.') # Check that required options have been provided. required_options = ( 'android_sdk_jar', 'aapt_path', 'android_manifest', 'dependencies_res_zips', 'resource_dirs', 'resource_zip_out', ) build_utils.CheckOptions(options, parser, required=required_options) if (options.R_dir is None) == (options.srcjar_out is None): raise Exception('Exactly one of --R-dir or --srcjar-out must be specified.') options.resource_dirs = build_utils.ParseGypList(options.resource_dirs) options.dependencies_res_zips = ( build_utils.ParseGypList(options.dependencies_res_zips)) # Don't use [] as default value since some script explicitly pass "". if options.extra_res_packages: options.extra_res_packages = ( build_utils.ParseGypList(options.extra_res_packages)) else: options.extra_res_packages = [] if options.extra_r_text_files: options.extra_r_text_files = ( build_utils.ParseGypList(options.extra_r_text_files)) else: options.extra_r_text_files = [] return options def CreateExtraRJavaFiles( r_dir, extra_packages, extra_r_text_files, shared_resources, include_all): if include_all: java_files = build_utils.FindInDirectory(r_dir, "R.java") if len(java_files) != 1: return r_java_file = java_files[0] r_java_contents = codecs.open(r_java_file, encoding='utf-8').read() for package in extra_packages: package_r_java_dir = os.path.join(r_dir, *package.split('.')) build_utils.MakeDirectory(package_r_java_dir) package_r_java_path = os.path.join(package_r_java_dir, 'R.java') new_r_java = re.sub(r'package [.\w]*;', u'package %s;' % package, r_java_contents) codecs.open(package_r_java_path, 'w', encoding='utf-8').write(new_r_java) else: if len(extra_packages) != len(extra_r_text_files): raise Exception('Need one R.txt file per extra package') r_txt_file = os.path.join(r_dir, 'R.txt') if not os.path.exists(r_txt_file): return # Map of (resource_type, name) -> Entry. # Contains the correct values for resources. all_resources = {} for entry in _ParseTextSymbolsFile(r_txt_file): all_resources[(entry.resource_type, entry.name)] = entry # Map of package_name->resource_type->entry resources_by_package = ( collections.defaultdict(lambda: collections.defaultdict(list))) # Build the R.java files using each package's R.txt file, but replacing # each entry's placeholder value with correct values from all_resources. for package, r_text_file in zip(extra_packages, extra_r_text_files): if not os.path.exists(r_text_file): continue if package in resources_by_package: raise Exception(('Package name "%s" appeared twice. All ' 'android_resources() targets must use unique package ' 'names, or no package name at all.') % package) resources_by_type = resources_by_package[package] # The sub-R.txt files have the wrong values at this point. Read them to # figure out which entries belong to them, but use the values from the # main R.txt file. for entry in _ParseTextSymbolsFile(r_text_file): entry = all_resources[(entry.resource_type, entry.name)] resources_by_type[entry.resource_type].append(entry) for package, resources_by_type in resources_by_package.iteritems(): package_r_java_dir = os.path.join(r_dir, *package.split('.')) build_utils.MakeDirectory(package_r_java_dir) package_r_java_path = os.path.join(package_r_java_dir, 'R.java') java_file_contents = _CreateExtraRJavaFile( package, resources_by_type, shared_resources) with open(package_r_java_path, 'w') as f: f.write(java_file_contents) def _ParseTextSymbolsFile(path): """Given an R.txt file, returns a list of TextSymbolsEntry.""" ret = [] with open(path) as f: for line in f: m = re.match(r'(int(?:\[\])?) (\w+) (\w+) (.+)$', line) if not m: raise Exception('Unexpected line in R.txt: %s' % line) java_type, resource_type, name, value = m.groups() ret.append(TextSymbolsEntry(java_type, resource_type, name, value)) return ret def _CreateExtraRJavaFile(package, resources_by_type, shared_resources): """Generates the contents of a R.java file.""" template = Template("""/* AUTO-GENERATED FILE. DO NOT MODIFY. */ package {{ package }}; public final class R { {% for resource_type in resources %} public static final class {{ resource_type }} { {% for e in resources[resource_type] %} {% if shared_resources %} public static {{ e.java_type }} {{ e.name }} = {{ e.value }}; {% else %} public static final {{ e.java_type }} {{ e.name }} = {{ e.value }}; {% endif %} {% endfor %} } {% endfor %} {% if shared_resources %} public static void onResourcesLoaded(int packageId) { {% for resource_type in resources %} {% for e in resources[resource_type] %} {% if e.java_type == 'int[]' %} for(int i = 0; i < {{ e.resource_type }}.{{ e.name }}.length; ++i) { {{ e.resource_type }}.{{ e.name }}[i] = ({{ e.resource_type }}.{{ e.name }}[i] & 0x00ffffff) | (packageId << 24); } {% else %} {{ e.resource_type }}.{{ e.name }} = ({{ e.resource_type }}.{{ e.name }} & 0x00ffffff) | (packageId << 24); {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% endfor %} } {% endif %} } """, trim_blocks=True, lstrip_blocks=True) return template.render(package=package, resources=resources_by_type, shared_resources=shared_resources) def CrunchDirectory(aapt, input_dir, output_dir): """Crunches the images in input_dir and its subdirectories into output_dir. If an image is already optimized, crunching often increases image size. In this case, the crunched image is overwritten with the original image. """ aapt_cmd = [aapt, 'crunch', '-C', output_dir, '-S', input_dir, '--ignore-assets', build_utils.AAPT_IGNORE_PATTERN] build_utils.CheckOutput(aapt_cmd, stderr_filter=FilterCrunchStderr, fail_func=DidCrunchFail) # Check for images whose size increased during crunching and replace them # with their originals (except for 9-patches, which must be crunched). for dir_, _, files in os.walk(output_dir): for crunched in files: if crunched.endswith('.9.png'): continue if not crunched.endswith('.png'): raise Exception('Unexpected file in crunched dir: ' + crunched) crunched = os.path.join(dir_, crunched) original = os.path.join(input_dir, os.path.relpath(crunched, output_dir)) original_size = os.path.getsize(original) crunched_size = os.path.getsize(crunched) if original_size < crunched_size: shutil.copyfile(original, crunched) def FilterCrunchStderr(stderr): """Filters out lines from aapt crunch's stderr that can safely be ignored.""" filtered_lines = [] for line in stderr.splitlines(True): # Ignore this libpng warning, which is a known non-error condition. # http://crbug.com/364355 if ('libpng warning: iCCP: Not recognizing known sRGB profile that has ' + 'been edited' in line): continue filtered_lines.append(line) return ''.join(filtered_lines) def DidCrunchFail(returncode, stderr): """Determines whether aapt crunch failed from its return code and output. Because aapt's return code cannot be trusted, any output to stderr is an indication that aapt has failed (http://crbug.com/314885). """ return returncode != 0 or stderr def ZipResources(resource_dirs, zip_path): # Python zipfile does not provide a way to replace a file (it just writes # another file with the same name). So, first collect all the files to put # in the zip (with proper overriding), and then zip them. files_to_zip = dict() for d in resource_dirs: for root, _, files in os.walk(d): for f in files: archive_path = f parent_dir = os.path.relpath(root, d) if parent_dir != '.': archive_path = os.path.join(parent_dir, f) path = os.path.join(root, f) files_to_zip[archive_path] = path build_utils.DoZip(files_to_zip.iteritems(), zip_path) def CombineZips(zip_files, output_path): # When packaging resources, if the top-level directories in the zip file are # of the form 0, 1, ..., then each subdirectory will be passed to aapt as a # resources directory. While some resources just clobber others (image files, # etc), other resources (particularly .xml files) need to be more # intelligently merged. That merging is left up to aapt. def path_transform(name, src_zip): return '%d/%s' % (zip_files.index(src_zip), name) build_utils.MergeZips(output_path, zip_files, path_transform=path_transform) def _OnStaleMd5(options): aapt = options.aapt_path with build_utils.TempDir() as temp_dir: deps_dir = os.path.join(temp_dir, 'deps') build_utils.MakeDirectory(deps_dir) v14_dir = os.path.join(temp_dir, 'v14') build_utils.MakeDirectory(v14_dir) gen_dir = os.path.join(temp_dir, 'gen') build_utils.MakeDirectory(gen_dir) input_resource_dirs = options.resource_dirs if not options.v14_skip: for resource_dir in input_resource_dirs: generate_v14_compatible_resources.GenerateV14Resources( resource_dir, v14_dir) dep_zips = options.dependencies_res_zips dep_subdirs = [] for z in dep_zips: subdir = os.path.join(deps_dir, os.path.basename(z)) if os.path.exists(subdir): raise Exception('Resource zip name conflict: ' + os.path.basename(z)) build_utils.ExtractAll(z, path=subdir) dep_subdirs.append(subdir) # Generate R.java. This R.java contains non-final constants and is used only # while compiling the library jar (e.g. chromium_content.jar). When building # an apk, a new R.java file with the correct resource -> ID mappings will be # generated by merging the resources from all libraries and the main apk # project. package_command = [aapt, 'package', '-m', '-M', options.android_manifest, '--auto-add-overlay', '--no-version-vectors', '-I', options.android_sdk_jar, '--output-text-symbols', gen_dir, '-J', gen_dir, '--ignore-assets', build_utils.AAPT_IGNORE_PATTERN] for d in input_resource_dirs: package_command += ['-S', d] for d in dep_subdirs: package_command += ['-S', d] if options.non_constant_id: package_command.append('--non-constant-id') if options.custom_package: package_command += ['--custom-package', options.custom_package] if options.proguard_file: package_command += ['-G', options.proguard_file] if options.shared_resources: package_command.append('--shared-lib') if options.app_as_shared_lib: package_command.append('--app-as-shared-lib') build_utils.CheckOutput(package_command, print_stderr=False) if options.extra_res_packages: CreateExtraRJavaFiles( gen_dir, options.extra_res_packages, options.extra_r_text_files, options.shared_resources or options.app_as_shared_lib, options.include_all_resources) # This is the list of directories with resources to put in the final .zip # file. The order of these is important so that crunched/v14 resources # override the normal ones. zip_resource_dirs = input_resource_dirs + [v14_dir] base_crunch_dir = os.path.join(temp_dir, 'crunch') # Crunch image resources. This shrinks png files and is necessary for # 9-patch images to display correctly. 'aapt crunch' accepts only a single # directory at a time and deletes everything in the output directory. for idx, input_dir in enumerate(input_resource_dirs): crunch_dir = os.path.join(base_crunch_dir, str(idx)) build_utils.MakeDirectory(crunch_dir) zip_resource_dirs.append(crunch_dir) CrunchDirectory(aapt, input_dir, crunch_dir) ZipResources(zip_resource_dirs, options.resource_zip_out) if options.all_resources_zip_out: CombineZips([options.resource_zip_out] + dep_zips, options.all_resources_zip_out) if options.R_dir: build_utils.DeleteDirectory(options.R_dir) shutil.copytree(gen_dir, options.R_dir) else: build_utils.ZipDir(options.srcjar_out, gen_dir) if options.r_text_out: r_text_path = os.path.join(gen_dir, 'R.txt') if os.path.exists(r_text_path): shutil.copyfile(r_text_path, options.r_text_out) else: open(options.r_text_out, 'w').close() def main(args): args = build_utils.ExpandFileArgs(args) options = _ParseArgs(args) possible_output_paths = [ options.resource_zip_out, options.all_resources_zip_out, options.proguard_file, options.r_text_out, options.srcjar_out, ] output_paths = [x for x in possible_output_paths if x] # List python deps in input_strings rather than input_paths since the contents # of them does not change what gets written to the depsfile. input_strings = options.extra_res_packages + [ options.aapt_path, options.android_sdk_jar, options.app_as_shared_lib, options.custom_package, options.include_all_resources, options.non_constant_id, options.shared_resources, options.v14_skip, ] input_paths = [ options.android_manifest ] input_paths.extend(options.dependencies_res_zips) input_paths.extend(p for p in options.extra_r_text_files if os.path.exists(p)) for d in options.resource_dirs: for root, _, filenames in os.walk(d): input_paths.extend(os.path.join(root, f) for f in filenames) build_utils.CallAndWriteDepfileIfStale( lambda: _OnStaleMd5(options), options, input_paths=input_paths, input_strings=input_strings, output_paths=output_paths, # TODO(agrieve): Remove R_dir when it's no longer used (used only by GYP). force=options.R_dir) if __name__ == '__main__': main(sys.argv[1:])