# Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. """Helper class for instrumenation test jar.""" import collections import logging import os import pickle import re from pylib import cmd_helper from pylib import constants # If you change the cached output of proguard, increment this number PICKLE_FORMAT_VERSION = 1 class TestJar(object): _ANNOTATIONS = frozenset( ['Smoke', 'SmallTest', 'MediumTest', 'LargeTest', 'EnormousTest', 'FlakyTest', 'DisabledTest', 'Manual', 'PerfTest', 'HostDrivenTest']) _DEFAULT_ANNOTATION = 'SmallTest' _PROGUARD_CLASS_RE = re.compile(r'\s*?- Program class:\s*([\S]+)$') _PROGUARD_METHOD_RE = re.compile(r'\s*?- Method:\s*(\S*)[(].*$') _PROGUARD_ANNOTATION_RE = re.compile(r'\s*?- Annotation \[L(\S*);\]:$') _PROGUARD_ANNOTATION_CONST_RE = ( re.compile(r'\s*?- Constant element value.*$')) _PROGUARD_ANNOTATION_VALUE_RE = re.compile(r'\s*?- \S+? \[(.*)\]$') def __init__(self, jar_path): if not os.path.exists(jar_path): raise Exception('%s not found, please build it' % jar_path) sdk_root = os.getenv('ANDROID_SDK_ROOT', constants.ANDROID_SDK_ROOT) self._PROGUARD_PATH = os.path.join(sdk_root, 'tools/proguard/bin/proguard.sh') if not os.path.exists(self._PROGUARD_PATH): self._PROGUARD_PATH = os.path.join(os.environ['ANDROID_BUILD_TOP'], 'external/proguard/bin/proguard.sh') self._jar_path = jar_path self._annotation_map = collections.defaultdict(list) self._pickled_proguard_name = self._jar_path + '-proguard.pickle' self._test_methods = [] if not self._GetCachedProguardData(): self._GetProguardData() def _GetCachedProguardData(self): if (os.path.exists(self._pickled_proguard_name) and (os.path.getmtime(self._pickled_proguard_name) > os.path.getmtime(self._jar_path))): logging.info('Loading cached proguard output from %s', self._pickled_proguard_name) try: with open(self._pickled_proguard_name, 'r') as r: d = pickle.loads(r.read()) if d['VERSION'] == PICKLE_FORMAT_VERSION: self._annotation_map = d['ANNOTATION_MAP'] self._test_methods = d['TEST_METHODS'] return True except: logging.warning('PICKLE_FORMAT_VERSION has changed, ignoring cache') return False def _GetProguardData(self): proguard_output = cmd_helper.GetCmdOutput([self._PROGUARD_PATH, '-injars', self._jar_path, '-dontshrink', '-dontoptimize', '-dontobfuscate', '-dontpreverify', '-dump', ]).split('\n') clazz = None method = None annotation = None has_value = False qualified_method = None for line in proguard_output: m = self._PROGUARD_CLASS_RE.match(line) if m: clazz = m.group(1).replace('/', '.') # Change package delim. annotation = None continue m = self._PROGUARD_METHOD_RE.match(line) if m: method = m.group(1) annotation = None qualified_method = clazz + '#' + method if method.startswith('test') and clazz.endswith('Test'): self._test_methods += [qualified_method] continue if not qualified_method: # Ignore non-method annotations. continue m = self._PROGUARD_ANNOTATION_RE.match(line) if m: annotation = m.group(1).split('/')[-1] # Ignore the annotation package. self._annotation_map[qualified_method].append(annotation) has_value = False continue if annotation: if not has_value: m = self._PROGUARD_ANNOTATION_CONST_RE.match(line) if m: has_value = True else: m = self._PROGUARD_ANNOTATION_VALUE_RE.match(line) if m: value = m.group(1) self._annotation_map[qualified_method].append( annotation + ':' + value) has_value = False logging.info('Storing proguard output to %s', self._pickled_proguard_name) d = {'VERSION': PICKLE_FORMAT_VERSION, 'ANNOTATION_MAP': self._annotation_map, 'TEST_METHODS': self._test_methods} with open(self._pickled_proguard_name, 'w') as f: f.write(pickle.dumps(d)) def _GetAnnotationMap(self): return self._annotation_map def _IsTestMethod(self, test): class_name, method = test.split('#') return class_name.endswith('Test') and method.startswith('test') def GetTestAnnotations(self, test): """Returns a list of all annotations for the given |test|. May be empty.""" if not self._IsTestMethod(test): return [] return self._GetAnnotationMap()[test] def _AnnotationsMatchFilters(self, annotation_filter_list, annotations): """Checks if annotations match any of the filters.""" if not annotation_filter_list: return True for annotation_filter in annotation_filter_list: filters = annotation_filter.split('=') if len(filters) == 2: key = filters[0] value_list = filters[1].split(',') for value in value_list: if key + ':' + value in annotations: return True elif annotation_filter in annotations: return True return False def GetAnnotatedTests(self, annotation_filter_list): """Returns a list of all tests that match the given annotation filters.""" return [test for test, annotations in self._GetAnnotationMap().iteritems() if self._IsTestMethod(test) and self._AnnotationsMatchFilters( annotation_filter_list, annotations)] def GetTestMethods(self): """Returns a list of all test methods in this apk as Class#testMethod.""" return self._test_methods def _GetTestsMissingAnnotation(self): """Get a list of test methods with no known annotations.""" tests_missing_annotations = [] for test_method in self.GetTestMethods(): annotations_ = frozenset(self.GetTestAnnotations(test_method)) if (annotations_.isdisjoint(self._ANNOTATIONS) and not self.IsHostDrivenTest(test_method)): tests_missing_annotations.append(test_method) return sorted(tests_missing_annotations) def _GetAllMatchingTests(self, annotation_filter_list, exclude_annotation_list, test_filter): """Get a list of tests matching any of the annotations and the filter. Args: annotation_filter_list: List of test annotations. A test must have at least one of these annotations. A test without any annotations is considered to be SmallTest. exclude_annotation_list: List of test annotations. A test must not have any of these annotations. test_filter: Filter used for partial matching on the test method names. Returns: List of all matching tests. """ if annotation_filter_list: available_tests = self.GetAnnotatedTests(annotation_filter_list) # Include un-annotated tests in SmallTest. if annotation_filter_list.count(self._DEFAULT_ANNOTATION) > 0: for test in self._GetTestsMissingAnnotation(): logging.warning( '%s has no annotations. Assuming "%s".', test, self._DEFAULT_ANNOTATION) available_tests.append(test) if exclude_annotation_list: excluded_tests = self.GetAnnotatedTests(exclude_annotation_list) available_tests = list(set(available_tests) - set(excluded_tests)) else: available_tests = [m for m in self.GetTestMethods() if not self.IsHostDrivenTest(m)] tests = [] if test_filter: # |available_tests| are in adb instrument format: package.path.class#test. filter_without_hash = test_filter.replace('#', '.') tests = [t for t in available_tests if filter_without_hash in t.replace('#', '.')] else: tests = available_tests return tests @staticmethod def IsHostDrivenTest(test): return 'pythonDrivenTests' in test