# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. """Runs the Java tests. See more information on run_instrumentation_tests.py.""" import fnmatch import logging import os import re import shutil import sys import time import android_commands import apk_info from base_test_runner import BaseTestRunner from base_test_sharder import BaseTestSharder, SetTestsContainer import cmd_helper import constants import errors from forwarder import Forwarder from json_perf_parser import GetAverageRunInfoFromJSONString from perf_tests_helper import PrintPerfResult import sharded_tests_queue from test_result import SingleTestResult, TestResults import valgrind_tools _PERF_TEST_ANNOTATION = 'PerfTest' class FatalTestException(Exception): """A fatal test exception.""" pass def _TestNameToExpectation(test_name): # A test name is a Package.Path.Class#testName; convert to what we use in # the expectation file. return '.'.join(test_name.replace('#', '.').split('.')[-2:]) def FilterTests(test_names, pattern_list, inclusive): """Filters |test_names| using a list of patterns. Args: test_names: A list of test names. pattern_list: A list of patterns. inclusive: If True, returns the tests that match any pattern. if False, returns the tests that do not match any pattern. Returns: A list of test names. """ ret = [] for t in test_names: has_match = False for pattern in pattern_list: has_match = has_match or fnmatch.fnmatch(_TestNameToExpectation(t), pattern) if has_match == inclusive: ret += [t] return ret class TestRunner(BaseTestRunner): """Responsible for running a series of tests connected to a single device.""" _DEVICE_DATA_DIR = 'chrome/test/data' _EMMA_JAR = os.path.join(os.environ.get('ANDROID_BUILD_TOP', ''), 'external/emma/lib/emma.jar') _COVERAGE_MERGED_FILENAME = 'unittest_coverage.es' _COVERAGE_WEB_ROOT_DIR = os.environ.get('EMMA_WEB_ROOTDIR') _COVERAGE_FILENAME = 'coverage.ec' _COVERAGE_RESULT_PATH = ('/data/data/com.google.android.apps.chrome/files/' + _COVERAGE_FILENAME) _COVERAGE_META_INFO_PATH = os.path.join(os.environ.get('ANDROID_BUILD_TOP', ''), 'out/target/common/obj/APPS', 'Chrome_intermediates/coverage.em') _HOSTMACHINE_PERF_OUTPUT_FILE = '/tmp/chrome-profile' _DEVICE_PERF_OUTPUT_DIR = '/sdcard/Download/' _DEVICE_PERF_OUTPUT_SEARCH_PREFIX = (_DEVICE_PERF_OUTPUT_DIR + 'chrome-profile*') _DEVICE_HAS_TEST_FILES = {} def __init__(self, options, device, tests_iter, coverage, shard_index, apks, ports_to_forward): """Create a new TestRunner. Args: options: An options object with the following required attributes: - build_type: 'Release' or 'Debug'. - install_apk: Re-installs the apk if opted. - save_perf_json: Whether or not to save the JSON file from UI perf tests. - screenshot_failures: Take a screenshot for a test failure - tool: Name of the Valgrind tool. - wait_for_debugger: blocks until the debugger is connected. device: Attached android device. tests_iter: A list of tests to be run. coverage: Collects coverage information if opted. shard_index: shard # for this TestRunner, used to create unique port numbers. apks: A list of ApkInfo objects need to be installed. The first element should be the tests apk, the rests could be the apks used in test. The default is ChromeTest.apk. ports_to_forward: A list of port numbers for which to set up forwarders. Can be optionally requested by a test case. Raises: FatalTestException: if coverage metadata is not available. """ BaseTestRunner.__init__( self, device, options.tool, shard_index, options.build_type) if not apks: apks = [apk_info.ApkInfo(options.test_apk_path, options.test_apk_jar_path)] self.build_type = options.build_type self.install_apk = options.install_apk self.save_perf_json = options.save_perf_json self.screenshot_failures = options.screenshot_failures self.wait_for_debugger = options.wait_for_debugger self.tests_iter = tests_iter self.coverage = coverage self.apks = apks self.test_apk = apks[0] self.instrumentation_class_path = self.test_apk.GetPackageName() self.ports_to_forward = ports_to_forward self.test_results = TestResults() # List of forwarders created by this instance of TestRunner. self.forwarders = [] if self.coverage: if os.path.exists(TestRunner._COVERAGE_MERGED_FILENAME): os.remove(TestRunner._COVERAGE_MERGED_FILENAME) if not os.path.exists(TestRunner._COVERAGE_META_INFO_PATH): raise FatalTestException('FATAL ERROR in ' + sys.argv[0] + ' : Coverage meta info [' + TestRunner._COVERAGE_META_INFO_PATH + '] does not exist.') if (not TestRunner._COVERAGE_WEB_ROOT_DIR or not os.path.exists(TestRunner._COVERAGE_WEB_ROOT_DIR)): raise FatalTestException('FATAL ERROR in ' + sys.argv[0] + ' : Path specified in $EMMA_WEB_ROOTDIR [' + TestRunner._COVERAGE_WEB_ROOT_DIR + '] does not exist.') def _GetTestsIter(self): if not self.tests_iter: # multiprocessing.Queue can't be pickled across processes if we have it as # a member set during constructor. Grab one here instead. self.tests_iter = (BaseTestSharder.tests_container) assert self.tests_iter return self.tests_iter def CopyTestFilesOnce(self): """Pushes the test data files to the device. Installs the apk if opted.""" if TestRunner._DEVICE_HAS_TEST_FILES.get(self.device, False): logging.warning('Already copied test files to device %s, skipping.', self.device) return host_test_files = [ ('android_webview/test/data/device_files', 'webview'), ('content/test/data/android/device_files', 'content'), ('chrome/test/data/android/device_files', 'chrome') ] for (host_src, dst_layer) in host_test_files: host_test_files_path = constants.CHROME_DIR + '/' + host_src if os.path.exists(host_test_files_path): self.adb.PushIfNeeded(host_test_files_path, self.adb.GetExternalStorage() + '/' + TestRunner._DEVICE_DATA_DIR + '/' + dst_layer) if self.install_apk: for apk in self.apks: self.adb.ManagedInstall(apk.GetApkPath(), package_name=apk.GetPackageName()) self.tool.CopyFiles() TestRunner._DEVICE_HAS_TEST_FILES[self.device] = True def SaveCoverageData(self, test): """Saves the Emma coverage data before it's overwritten by the next test. Args: test: the test whose coverage data is collected. """ if not self.coverage: return if not self.adb.Adb().Pull(TestRunner._COVERAGE_RESULT_PATH, constants.CHROME_DIR): logging.error('ERROR: Unable to find file ' + TestRunner._COVERAGE_RESULT_PATH + ' on the device for test ' + test) pulled_coverage_file = os.path.join(constants.CHROME_DIR, TestRunner._COVERAGE_FILENAME) if os.path.exists(TestRunner._COVERAGE_MERGED_FILENAME): cmd = ['java', '-classpath', TestRunner._EMMA_JAR, 'emma', 'merge', '-in', pulled_coverage_file, '-in', TestRunner._COVERAGE_MERGED_FILENAME, '-out', TestRunner._COVERAGE_MERGED_FILENAME] cmd_helper.RunCmd(cmd) else: shutil.copy(pulled_coverage_file, TestRunner._COVERAGE_MERGED_FILENAME) os.remove(pulled_coverage_file) def GenerateCoverageReportIfNeeded(self): """Uses the Emma to generate a coverage report and a html page.""" if not self.coverage: return cmd = ['java', '-classpath', TestRunner._EMMA_JAR, 'emma', 'report', '-r', 'html', '-in', TestRunner._COVERAGE_MERGED_FILENAME, '-in', TestRunner._COVERAGE_META_INFO_PATH] cmd_helper.RunCmd(cmd) new_dir = os.path.join(TestRunner._COVERAGE_WEB_ROOT_DIR, time.strftime('Coverage_for_%Y_%m_%d_%a_%H:%M')) shutil.copytree('coverage', new_dir) latest_dir = os.path.join(TestRunner._COVERAGE_WEB_ROOT_DIR, 'Latest_Coverage_Run') if os.path.exists(latest_dir): shutil.rmtree(latest_dir) os.mkdir(latest_dir) webserver_new_index = os.path.join(new_dir, 'index.html') webserver_new_files = os.path.join(new_dir, '_files') webserver_latest_index = os.path.join(latest_dir, 'index.html') webserver_latest_files = os.path.join(latest_dir, '_files') # Setup new softlinks to last result. os.symlink(webserver_new_index, webserver_latest_index) os.symlink(webserver_new_files, webserver_latest_files) cmd_helper.RunCmd(['chmod', '755', '-R', latest_dir, new_dir]) def _GetInstrumentationArgs(self): ret = {} if self.coverage: ret['coverage'] = 'true' if self.wait_for_debugger: ret['debug'] = 'true' return ret def _TakeScreenshot(self, test): """Takes a screenshot from the device.""" screenshot_tool = os.path.join(constants.CHROME_DIR, 'third_party/android_tools/sdk/tools/monkeyrunner') screenshot_script = os.path.join(constants.CHROME_DIR, 'build/android/monkeyrunner_screenshot.py') screenshot_path = os.path.join(constants.CHROME_DIR, 'out_screenshots') if not os.path.exists(screenshot_path): os.mkdir(screenshot_path) screenshot_name = os.path.join(screenshot_path, test + '.png') logging.info('Taking screenshot named %s', screenshot_name) cmd_helper.RunCmd([screenshot_tool, screenshot_script, '--serial', self.device, '--file', screenshot_name]) def SetUp(self): """Sets up the test harness and device before all tests are run.""" super(TestRunner, self).SetUp() if not self.adb.IsRootEnabled(): logging.warning('Unable to enable java asserts for %s, non rooted device', self.device) else: if self.adb.SetJavaAssertsEnabled(enable=True): self.adb.Reboot(full_reboot=False) # We give different default value to launch HTTP server based on shard index # because it may have race condition when multiple processes are trying to # launch lighttpd with same port at same time. # This line *must* come before the forwarding below, as it nukes all # the other forwarders. A more comprehensive fix might be to pull the # forwarder-killing line up to here, but that might violate assumptions # implicit in other places. self.LaunchTestHttpServer(os.path.join(constants.CHROME_DIR), (constants.LIGHTTPD_RANDOM_PORT_FIRST + self.shard_index)) if self.ports_to_forward: for port in self.ports_to_forward: self.forwarders.append(Forwarder( self.adb, [(port, port)], self.tool, '', self.build_type)) self.CopyTestFilesOnce() self.flags.AddFlags(['--enable-test-intents']) def TearDown(self): """Cleans up the test harness and saves outstanding data from test run.""" if self.forwarders: for forwarder in self.forwarders: forwarder.Close() self.GenerateCoverageReportIfNeeded() super(TestRunner, self).TearDown() def TestSetup(self, test): """Sets up the test harness for running a particular test. Args: test: The name of the test that will be run. """ self.SetupPerfMonitoringIfNeeded(test) self._SetupIndividualTestTimeoutScale(test) self.tool.SetupEnvironment() # Make sure the forwarder is still running. self.RestartHttpServerForwarderIfNecessary() def _IsPerfTest(self, test): """Determines whether a test is a performance test. Args: test: The name of the test to be checked. Returns: Whether the test is annotated as a performance test. """ return _PERF_TEST_ANNOTATION in self.test_apk.GetTestAnnotations(test) def SetupPerfMonitoringIfNeeded(self, test): """Sets up performance monitoring if the specified test requires it. Args: test: The name of the test to be run. """ if not self._IsPerfTest(test): return self.adb.Adb().SendCommand('shell rm ' + TestRunner._DEVICE_PERF_OUTPUT_SEARCH_PREFIX) self.adb.StartMonitoringLogcat() def TestTeardown(self, test, test_result): """Cleans up the test harness after running a particular test. Depending on the options of this TestRunner this might handle coverage tracking or performance tracking. This method will only be called if the test passed. Args: test: The name of the test that was just run. test_result: result for this test. """ self.tool.CleanUpEnvironment() # The logic below relies on the test passing. if not test_result or test_result.GetStatusCode(): return self.TearDownPerfMonitoring(test) self.SaveCoverageData(test) def TearDownPerfMonitoring(self, test): """Cleans up performance monitoring if the specified test required it. Args: test: The name of the test that was just run. Raises: FatalTestException: if there's anything wrong with the perf data. """ if not self._IsPerfTest(test): return raw_test_name = test.split('#')[1] # Wait and grab annotation data so we can figure out which traces to parse regex = self.adb.WaitForLogMatch(re.compile('\*\*PERFANNOTATION\(' + raw_test_name + '\)\:(.*)'), None) # If the test is set to run on a specific device type only (IE: only # tablet or phone) and it is being run on the wrong device, the test # just quits and does not do anything. The java test harness will still # print the appropriate annotation for us, but will add --NORUN-- for # us so we know to ignore the results. # The --NORUN-- tag is managed by MainActivityTestBase.java if regex.group(1) != '--NORUN--': # Obtain the relevant perf data. The data is dumped to a # JSON formatted file. json_string = self.adb.GetFileContents( '/data/data/com.google.android.apps.chrome/files/PerfTestData.txt') if json_string: json_string = '\n'.join(json_string) else: raise FatalTestException('Perf file does not exist or is empty') if self.save_perf_json: json_local_file = '/tmp/chromium-android-perf-json-' + raw_test_name with open(json_local_file, 'w') as f: f.write(json_string) logging.info('Saving Perf UI JSON from test ' + test + ' to ' + json_local_file) raw_perf_data = regex.group(1).split(';') for raw_perf_set in raw_perf_data: if raw_perf_set: perf_set = raw_perf_set.split(',') if len(perf_set) != 3: raise FatalTestException('Unexpected number of tokens in ' 'perf annotation string: ' + raw_perf_set) # Process the performance data result = GetAverageRunInfoFromJSONString(json_string, perf_set[0]) PrintPerfResult(perf_set[1], perf_set[2], [result['average']], result['units']) def _SetupIndividualTestTimeoutScale(self, test): timeout_scale = self._GetIndividualTestTimeoutScale(test) valgrind_tools.SetChromeTimeoutScale(self.adb, timeout_scale) def _GetIndividualTestTimeoutScale(self, test): """Returns the timeout scale for the given |test|.""" annotations = self.apks[0].GetTestAnnotations(test) timeout_scale = 1 if 'TimeoutScale' in annotations: for annotation in annotations: scale_match = re.match('TimeoutScale:([0-9]+)', annotation) if scale_match: timeout_scale = int(scale_match.group(1)) if self.wait_for_debugger: timeout_scale *= 100 return timeout_scale def _GetIndividualTestTimeoutSecs(self, test): """Returns the timeout in seconds for the given |test|.""" annotations = self.apks[0].GetTestAnnotations(test) if 'Manual' in annotations: return 600 * 60 if 'External' in annotations: return 10 * 60 if 'LargeTest' in annotations or _PERF_TEST_ANNOTATION in annotations: return 5 * 60 if 'MediumTest' in annotations: return 3 * 60 return 1 * 60 def RunTests(self): """Runs the tests, generating the coverage if needed. Returns: A TestResults object. """ instrumentation_path = (self.instrumentation_class_path + '/android.test.InstrumentationTestRunner') instrumentation_args = self._GetInstrumentationArgs() for test in self._GetTestsIter(): test_result = None start_date_ms = None try: self.TestSetup(test) start_date_ms = int(time.time()) * 1000 args_with_filter = dict(instrumentation_args) args_with_filter['class'] = test # |test_results| is a list that should contain # a single TestResult object. logging.warn(args_with_filter) (test_results, _) = self.adb.Adb().StartInstrumentation( instrumentation_path=instrumentation_path, instrumentation_args=args_with_filter, timeout_time=(self._GetIndividualTestTimeoutSecs(test) * self._GetIndividualTestTimeoutScale(test) * self.tool.GetTimeoutScale())) duration_ms = int(time.time()) * 1000 - start_date_ms assert len(test_results) == 1 test_result = test_results[0] status_code = test_result.GetStatusCode() if status_code: log = test_result.GetFailureReason() if not log: log = 'No information.' if self.screenshot_failures or log.find('INJECT_EVENTS perm') >= 0: self._TakeScreenshot(test) self.test_results.failed += [SingleTestResult(test, start_date_ms, duration_ms, log)] else: result = [SingleTestResult(test, start_date_ms, duration_ms)] self.test_results.ok += result # Catch exceptions thrown by StartInstrumentation(). # See ../../third_party/android/testrunner/adb_interface.py except (errors.WaitForResponseTimedOutError, errors.DeviceUnresponsiveError, errors.InstrumentationError), e: if start_date_ms: duration_ms = int(time.time()) * 1000 - start_date_ms else: start_date_ms = int(time.time()) * 1000 duration_ms = 0 message = str(e) if not message: message = 'No information.' self.test_results.crashed += [SingleTestResult(test, start_date_ms, duration_ms, message)] test_result = None self.TestTeardown(test, test_result) return self.test_results class TestSharder(BaseTestSharder): """Responsible for sharding the tests on the connected devices.""" def __init__(self, attached_devices, options, tests, apks): BaseTestSharder.__init__(self, attached_devices) self.options = options self.tests = tests self.apks = apks def SetupSharding(self, tests): """Called before starting the shards.""" SetTestsContainer(sharded_tests_queue.ShardedTestsQueue( len(self.attached_devices), tests)) def CreateShardedTestRunner(self, device, index): """Creates a sharded test runner. Args: device: Device serial where this shard will run. index: Index of this device in the pool. Returns: A TestRunner object. """ return TestRunner(self.options, device, None, False, index, self.apks, []) def DispatchJavaTests(options, apks): """Dispatches Java tests onto connected device(s). If possible, this method will attempt to shard the tests to all connected devices. Otherwise, dispatch and run tests on one device. Args: options: Command line options. apks: list of APKs to use. Returns: A TestResults object holding the results of the Java tests. Raises: FatalTestException: when there's no attached the devices. """ test_apk = apks[0] if options.annotation: available_tests = test_apk.GetAnnotatedTests(options.annotation) if len(options.annotation) == 1 and options.annotation[0] == 'SmallTest': tests_without_annotation = [ m for m in test_apk.GetTestMethods() if not test_apk.GetTestAnnotations(m) and not apk_info.ApkInfo.IsPythonDrivenTest(m)] if tests_without_annotation: tests_without_annotation.sort() logging.warning('The following tests do not contain any annotation. ' 'Assuming "SmallTest":\n%s', '\n'.join(tests_without_annotation)) available_tests += tests_without_annotation else: available_tests = [m for m in test_apk.GetTestMethods() if not apk_info.ApkInfo.IsPythonDrivenTest(m)] coverage = os.environ.get('EMMA_INSTRUMENT') == 'true' tests = [] if options.test_filter: # |available_tests| are in adb instrument format: package.path.class#test. filter_without_hash = options.test_filter.replace('#', '.') tests = [t for t in available_tests if filter_without_hash in t.replace('#', '.')] else: tests = available_tests if not tests: logging.warning('No Java tests to run with current args.') return TestResults() tests *= options.number_of_runs attached_devices = android_commands.GetAttachedDevices() test_results = TestResults() if not attached_devices: raise FatalTestException('You have no devices attached or visible!') if options.device: attached_devices = [options.device] logging.info('Will run: %s', str(tests)) if len(attached_devices) > 1 and (coverage or options.wait_for_debugger): logging.warning('Coverage / debugger can not be sharded, ' 'using first available device') attached_devices = attached_devices[:1] sharder = TestSharder(attached_devices, options, tests, apks) test_results = sharder.RunShardedTests() return test_results