# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# Please don't directly include this file if you are building via gyp_chromium,
# since gyp_chromium is automatically forcing its inclusion.
# Variables expected to be overriden on the GYP command line (-D) or by
# ~/.gyp/include.gypi.
'variables': {
# Putting a variables dict inside another variables dict looks kind of
# weird. This is done so that 'host_arch', 'chromeos', etc are defined as
# variables within the outer variables dict here. This is necessary
# to get these variables defined for the conditions within this variables
# dict that operate on these variables.
'variables': {
'variables': {
'variables': {
'variables': {
# Whether we're building a ChromeOS build.
'chromeos%': 0,
# Whether or not we are using the Aura windowing framework.
'use_aura%': 0,
# Whether or not we are building the Ash shell.
'use_ash%': 0,
# Whether or not we are using CRAS, the ChromeOS Audio Server.
'use_cras%': 0,
# Use a raw surface abstraction.
'use_ozone%': 0,
# Configure the build for small devices. See crbug.com/318413
'embedded%': 0,
'conditions': [
# Compute the architecture that we're building on.
['OS=="win" or OS=="mac" or OS=="ios"', {
'host_arch%': 'ia32',
}, {
'host_arch%': '= 4.8 or clang.
# http://gcc.gnu.org/wiki/DebugFission
['OS=="linux" and target_arch=="x64"', {
'linux_use_debug_fission%': 1,
}, {
'linux_use_debug_fission%': 0,
['OS=="android" or OS=="ios"', {
'enable_captive_portal_detection%': 0,
}, {
'enable_captive_portal_detection%': 1,
# Enable Skia UI text drawing incrementally on different platforms.
# http://crbug.com/105550
# On Aura, this allows per-tile painting to be used in the browser
# compositor.
['OS!="android"', {
'use_canvas_skia%': 1,
['chromeos==1', {
# When building for ChromeOS we dont want Chromium to use libjpeg_turbo.
'use_libjpeg_turbo%': 0,
['OS=="android"', {
# When building as part of the Android system, use system libraries
# where possible to reduce ROM size.
'use_system_libjpeg%': '<(android_webview_build)',
# Do not enable the Settings App on ChromeOS.
['enable_app_list==1 and chromeos==0', {
'enable_settings_app%': 1,
}, {
'enable_settings_app%': 0,
['OS=="linux" and target_arch=="arm" and chromeos==0', {
# Set some defaults for arm/linux chrome builds
'use_allocator%': 'none',
# sysroot needs to be an absolute path otherwise it generates
# incorrect results when passed to pkg-config
'sysroot%': '= 7) or target_arch=="ia32" or target_arch=="x64")', {
# Currently only supported on Android ARMv7+, ia32 or x64.
# When enabled, this will also enable WebAudio support on
# Android ARM, ia32 and x64. Default is enabled. Whether
# WebAudio is actually available depends on runtime settings
# and flags.
'use_openmax_dl_fft%': 1,
}, {
'use_openmax_dl_fft%': 0,
['OS=="win" or OS=="linux"', {
'enable_mdns%' : 1,
# Turns on compiler optimizations in V8 in Debug build, except
# on android_clang, where we're hitting a weird linker error.
# TODO(dpranke): http://crbug.com/266155 .
['OS=="android"', {
'v8_optimized_debug%': 1,
}, {
'v8_optimized_debug%': 2,
# Disable various features by default on embedded.
['embedded==1', {
'remoting%': 0,
'enable_printing%': 0,
# By default, use ICU data file (icudtl.dat) on all platforms
# except when building Android WebView.
# TODO(jshin): Handle 'use_system_icu' on Linux (Chromium).
# Set the data reduction proxy origin for Android Webview.
['android_webview_build==0', {
'icu_use_data_file_flag%' : 1,
'spdy_proxy_auth_origin%': '',
'data_reduction_proxy_probe_url%': '',
'data_reduction_dev_host%': '',
'data_reduction_fallback_host%': '',
}, {
'icu_use_data_file_flag%' : 0,
'spdy_proxy_auth_origin%': 'https://proxy.googlezip.net:443/',
'data_reduction_proxy_probe_url%': 'http://check.googlezip.net/connect',
'data_reduction_dev_host%': 'http://proxy-dev.googlezip.net:80/',
'data_reduction_fallback_host%': 'http://compress.googlezip.net:80/',
['OS=="win" or OS=="mac"', {
'enable_wifi_bootstrapping%' : 1,
# Set this to 1 to enable use of concatenated impulse responses
# for the HRTF panner in WebAudio.
'use_concatenated_impulse_responses': 1,
# You can set the variable 'use_official_google_api_keys' to 1
# to use the Google-internal file containing official API keys
# for Google Chrome even in a developer build. Setting this
# variable explicitly to 1 will cause your build to fail if the
# internal file is missing.
# The variable is documented here, but not handled in this file;
# see //google_apis/determine_use_official_keys.gypi for the
# implementation.
# Set the variable to 0 to not use the internal file, even when
# it exists in your checkout.
# Leave it unset in your include.gypi to have the variable
# implicitly set to 1 if you have
# src/google_apis/internal/google_chrome_api_keys.h in your
# checkout, and implicitly set to 0 if not.
# Note that official builds always behave as if the variable
# was explicitly set to 1, i.e. they always use official keys,
# and will fail to build if the internal file is missing.
# NOTE: You MUST NOT explicitly set the variable to 2 in your
# include.gypi or by other means. Due to subtleties of GYP, this
# is not the same as leaving the variable unset, even though its
# default value in
# //google_apis/determine_use_official_keys.gypi is 2.
# Set these to bake the specified API keys and OAuth client
# IDs/secrets into your build.
# If you create a build without values baked in, you can instead
# set environment variables to provide the keys at runtime (see
# src/google_apis/google_api_keys.h for details). Features that
# require server-side APIs may fail to work if no keys are
# provided.
# Note that if you are building an official build or if
# use_official_google_api_keys has been set to 1 (explicitly or
# implicitly), these values will be ignored and the official
# keys will be used instead.
'google_api_key%': '',
'google_default_client_id%': '',
'google_default_client_secret%': '',
# Native Client is enabled by default.
'disable_nacl%': '0',
# Copy conditionally-set variables out one scope.
'branding%': '<(branding)',
'buildtype%': '<(buildtype)',
'target_arch%': '<(target_arch)',
'target_subarch%': '<(target_subarch)',
'host_arch%': '<(host_arch)',
'toolkit_views%': '<(toolkit_views)',
'ui_compositor_image_transport%': '<(ui_compositor_image_transport)',
'use_aura%': '<(use_aura)',
'use_ash%': '<(use_ash)',
'use_cras%': '<(use_cras)',
'use_openssl%': '<(use_openssl)',
'use_openssl_certs%': '<(use_openssl_certs)',
'use_nss%': '<(use_nss)',
'use_udev%': '<(use_udev)',
'os_bsd%': '<(os_bsd)',
'os_posix%': '<(os_posix)',
'use_dbus%': '<(use_dbus)',
'use_glib%': '<(use_glib)',
'use_pango%': '<(use_pango)',
'use_cairo%': '<(use_cairo)',
'use_ozone%': '<(use_ozone)',
'use_ozone_evdev%': '<(use_ozone_evdev)',
'use_clipboard_aurax11%': '<(use_clipboard_aurax11)',
'use_system_fontconfig%': '<(use_system_fontconfig)',
'desktop_linux%': '<(desktop_linux)',
'use_x11%': '<(use_x11)',
'use_gnome_keyring%': '<(use_gnome_keyring)',
'linux_fpic%': '<(linux_fpic)',
'chromeos%': '<(chromeos)',
'enable_viewport%': '<(enable_viewport)',
'enable_hidpi%': '<(enable_hidpi)',
'image_loader_extension%': '<(image_loader_extension)',
'fastbuild%': '<(fastbuild)',
'force_deterministic_build%': '<(force_deterministic_build)',
'win_z7%': '<(win_z7)',
'dcheck_always_on%': '<(dcheck_always_on)',
'tracing_like_official_build%': '<(tracing_like_official_build)',
'arm_version%': '<(arm_version)',
'arm_neon%': '<(arm_neon)',
'arm_neon_optional%': '<(arm_neon_optional)',
'sysroot%': '<(sysroot)',
'chroot_cmd%': '<(chroot_cmd)',
'system_libdir%': '<(system_libdir)',
'component%': '<(component)',
'enable_resource_whitelist_generation%': '<(enable_resource_whitelist_generation)',
'use_titlecase_in_grd_files%': '<(use_titlecase_in_grd_files)',
'use_third_party_translations%': '<(use_third_party_translations)',
'remoting%': '<(remoting)',
'enable_one_click_signin%': '<(enable_one_click_signin)',
'enable_webrtc%': '<(enable_webrtc)',
'chromium_win_pch%': '<(chromium_win_pch)',
'configuration_policy%': '<(configuration_policy)',
'safe_browsing%': '<(safe_browsing)',
'input_speech%': '<(input_speech)',
'notifications%': '<(notifications)',
'clang_use_chrome_plugins%': '<(clang_use_chrome_plugins)',
'mac_want_real_dsym%': '<(mac_want_real_dsym)',
'asan%': '<(asan)',
'asan_coverage%': '<(asan_coverage)',
'use_sanitizer_options%': '<(use_sanitizer_options)',
'syzyasan%': '<(syzyasan)',
'syzygy_optimize%': '<(syzygy_optimize)',
'lsan%': '<(lsan)',
'msan%': '<(msan)',
'msan_blacklist%': '<(msan_blacklist)',
'tsan%': '<(tsan)',
'tsan_blacklist%': '<(tsan_blacklist)',
'ubsan%': '<(ubsan)',
'use_instrumented_libraries%': '<(use_instrumented_libraries)',
'use_custom_libcxx%': '<(use_custom_libcxx)',
'clang_type_profiler%': '<(clang_type_profiler)',
'order_profiling%': '<(order_profiling)',
'order_text_section%': '<(order_text_section)',
'enable_extensions%': '<(enable_extensions)',
'enable_plugin_installation%': '<(enable_plugin_installation)',
'enable_plugins%': '<(enable_plugins)',
'enable_session_service%': '<(enable_session_service)',
'enable_themes%': '<(enable_themes)',
'enable_autofill_dialog%': '<(enable_autofill_dialog)',
'enable_prod_wallet_service%': '<(enable_prod_wallet_service)',
'enable_background%': '<(enable_background)',
'linux_use_bundled_gold%': '<(linux_use_bundled_gold)',
'linux_use_bundled_binutils%': '<(linux_use_bundled_binutils)',
'linux_use_gold_flags%': '<(linux_use_gold_flags)',
'linux_use_debug_fission%': '<(linux_use_debug_fission)',
'use_canvas_skia%': '<(use_canvas_skia)',
'test_isolation_mode%': '<(test_isolation_mode)',
'test_isolation_outdir%': '<(test_isolation_outdir)',
'test_isolation_fail_on_missing': '<(test_isolation_fail_on_missing)',
'enable_printing%': '<(enable_printing)',
'win_pdf_metafile_for_printing%': '<(win_pdf_metafile_for_printing)',
'enable_spellcheck%': '<(enable_spellcheck)',
'enable_google_now%': '<(enable_google_now)',
'cld_version%': '<(cld_version)',
'cld2_table_size%': '<(cld2_table_size)',
'cld2_dynamic%': '<(cld2_dynamic)',
'cld2_is_component%': '<(cld2_is_component)',
'enable_captive_portal_detection%': '<(enable_captive_portal_detection)',
'disable_file_support%': '<(disable_file_support)',
'disable_ftp_support%': '<(disable_ftp_support)',
'use_icu_alternatives_on_android%': '<(use_icu_alternatives_on_android)',
'enable_task_manager%': '<(enable_task_manager)',
'sas_dll_path%': '<(sas_dll_path)',
'wix_path%': '<(wix_path)',
'use_libjpeg_turbo%': '<(use_libjpeg_turbo)',
'use_system_libjpeg%': '<(use_system_libjpeg)',
'android_webview_build%': '<(android_webview_build)',
'icu_use_data_file_flag%': '<(icu_use_data_file_flag)',
'gyp_managed_install%': 0,
'create_standalone_apk%': 1,
'enable_app_list%': '<(enable_app_list)',
'use_default_render_theme%': '<(use_default_render_theme)',
'enable_settings_app%': '<(enable_settings_app)',
'google_api_key%': '<(google_api_key)',
'google_default_client_id%': '<(google_default_client_id)',
'google_default_client_secret%': '<(google_default_client_secret)',
'enable_managed_users%': '<(enable_managed_users)',
'native_discardable_memory%': '<(native_discardable_memory)',
'native_memory_pressure_signals%': '<(native_memory_pressure_signals)',
'data_reduction_fallback_host%': '<(data_reduction_fallback_host)',
'data_reduction_dev_host%': '<(data_reduction_dev_host)',
'spdy_proxy_auth_origin%': '<(spdy_proxy_auth_origin)',
'spdy_proxy_auth_property%': '<(spdy_proxy_auth_property)',
'spdy_proxy_auth_value%': '<(spdy_proxy_auth_value)',
'data_reduction_proxy_probe_url%': '<(data_reduction_proxy_probe_url)',
'data_reduction_proxy_ssl_origin%' : '<(data_reduction_proxy_ssl_origin)',
'data_reduction_proxy_alt_origin%' : '<(data_reduction_proxy_alt_origin)',
'data_reduction_proxy_alt_fallback_origin%' : '<(data_reduction_proxy_alt_fallback_origin)',
'enable_mdns%' : '<(enable_mdns)',
'enable_service_discovery%' : '<(enable_service_discovery)',
'enable_wifi_bootstrapping%': '<(enable_wifi_bootstrapping)',
'enable_hangout_services_extension%' : '<(enable_hangout_services_extension)',
'v8_optimized_debug%': '<(v8_optimized_debug)',
'proprietary_codecs%': '<(proprietary_codecs)',
'use_goma%': '<(use_goma)',
'gomadir%': '<(gomadir)',
'video_hole%': '<(video_hole)',
# Use system protobuf instead of bundled one.
'use_system_protobuf%': 0,
# Use system yasm instead of bundled one.
'use_system_yasm%': 0,
# Use system ICU instead of bundled one.
'use_system_icu%' : 0,
# Default to enabled PIE; this is important for ASLR but we may need to be
# able to turn it off for various reasons.
'linux_disable_pie%': 0,
# The release channel that this build targets. This is used to restrict
# channel-specific build options, like which installer packages to create.
# The default is 'all', which does no channel-specific filtering.
'channel%': 'all',
# Override chromium_mac_pch and set it to 0 to suppress the use of
# precompiled headers on the Mac. Prefix header injection may still be
# used, but prefix headers will not be precompiled. This is useful when
# using distcc to distribute a build to compile slaves that don't
# share the same compiler executable as the system driving the compilation,
# because precompiled headers rely on pointers into a specific compiler
# executable's image. Setting this to 0 is needed to use an experimental
# Linux-Mac cross compiler distcc farm.
'chromium_mac_pch%': 1,
# The default value for mac_strip in target_defaults. This cannot be
# set there, per the comment about variable% in a target_defaults.
'mac_strip_release%': 0,
# Set to 1 to enable java code coverage. Instruments classes during build
# to produce .ec files during runtime.
'emma_coverage%': 0,
# EMMA filter string consisting of a list of inclusion/exclusion patterns
# separated with whitespace and/or comma. Only has effect if
# 'emma_coverage=1'.
'emma_filter%': '',
# Set to 1 to enable running Android lint on java/class files.
'android_lint%': 0,
# Although base/allocator lets you select a heap library via an
# environment variable, the libcmt shim it uses sometimes gets in
# the way. To disable it entirely, and switch to normal msvcrt, do e.g.
# 'win_use_allocator_shim': 0,
# 'win_release_RuntimeLibrary': 2
# to ~/.gyp/include.gypi, gclient runhooks --force, and do a release build.
'win_use_allocator_shim%': 1, # 1 = shim allocator via libcmt; 0 = msvcrt
# TODO(bradnelson): eliminate this when possible.
# To allow local gyp files to prevent release.vsprops from being included.
# Yes(1) means include release.vsprops.
# Once all vsprops settings are migrated into gyp, this can go away.
'msvs_use_common_release%': 1,
# TODO(bradnelson): eliminate this when possible.
# To allow local gyp files to override additional linker options for msvs.
# Yes(1) means set use the common linker options.
'msvs_use_common_linker_extras%': 1,
# TODO(sgk): eliminate this if possible.
# It would be nicer to support this via a setting in 'target_defaults'
# in chrome/app/locales/locales.gypi overriding the setting in the
# 'Debug' configuration in the 'target_defaults' dict below,
# but that doesn't work as we'd like.
'msvs_debug_link_incremental%': '2',
# Needed for some of the largest modules.
'msvs_debug_link_nonincremental%': '1',
# Turns on Use Library Dependency Inputs for linking chrome.dll on Windows
# to get incremental linking to be faster in debug builds.
'incremental_chrome_dll%': '0',
# Experimental setting to break chrome.dll into multiple pieces based on
# process type.
'chrome_multiple_dll%': '0',
# Experimental setting to optimize Chrome's DLLs with PGO.
'chrome_pgo_phase%': '0',
# The default settings for third party code for treating
# warnings-as-errors. Ideally, this would not be required, however there
# is some third party code that takes a long time to fix/roll. So, this
# flag allows us to have warnings as errors in general to prevent
# regressions in most modules, while working on the bits that are
# remaining.
'win_third_party_warn_as_error%': 'true',
# Clang stuff.
'clang%': '<(clang)',
'make_clang_dir%': 'third_party/llvm-build/Release+Asserts',
# Control which version of clang to use when building for iOS. If set to
# '1', uses the version of clang that ships with Xcode. If set to '0', uses
# the version of clang that ships with the Chromium source. This variable
# is automatically set to '1' when using the Xcode generator.
'clang_xcode%': 0,
# These two variables can be set in GYP_DEFINES while running
# |gclient runhooks| to let clang run a plugin in every compilation.
# Only has an effect if 'clang=1' is in GYP_DEFINES as well.
# Example:
# GYP_DEFINES='clang=1 clang_load=/abs/path/to/libPrintFunctionNames.dylib clang_add_plugin=print-fns' gclient runhooks
'clang_load%': '',
'clang_add_plugin%': '',
# Tell ld64 to write map files describing binary layout. Useful
# for looking at what contributes to binary size, e.g. with
# https://github.com/nico/bloat
'mac_write_linker_maps%': 0,
# The default type of gtest.
'gtest_target_type%': 'executable',
# Enable sampling based profiler.
# See http://google-perftools.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/doc/cpuprofile.html
'profiling%': '0',
# Profile without optimizing out stack frames when profiling==1.
'profiling_full_stack_frames%': '0',
# And if we want to dump symbols for Breakpad-enabled builds.
'linux_dump_symbols%': 0,
# And if we want to strip the binary after dumping symbols.
'linux_strip_binary%': 0,
# Strip the test binaries needed for Linux reliability tests.
'linux_strip_reliability_tests%': 0,
# If we want stack unwind support for backtrace().
'debug_unwind_tables%': 1,
'release_unwind_tables%': 1,
# Override where to find binutils
'binutils_version%': 0,
'binutils_dir%': '',
# Enable TCMalloc.
# Default of 'use_allocator' is set to 'none' if OS=='android' later.
'use_allocator%': 'tcmalloc',
# Set to 1 to link against libgnome-keyring instead of using dlopen().
'linux_link_gnome_keyring%': 0,
# Set to 1 to link against gsettings APIs instead of using dlopen().
'linux_link_gsettings%': 0,
# Default arch variant for MIPS.
'mips_arch_variant%': 'mips32r1',
# Enable use of OpenMAX DL FFT routines.
'use_openmax_dl_fft%': '<(use_openmax_dl_fft)',
# Enable new NPDevice API.
'enable_new_npdevice_api%': 0,
# Enable EGLImage support in OpenMAX
'enable_eglimage%': 1,
# .gyp files or targets should set chromium_code to 1 if they build
# Chromium-specific code, as opposed to external code. This variable is
# used to control such things as the set of warnings to enable, and
# whether warnings are treated as errors.
'chromium_code%': 0,
# Disable fatal linker warnings, similarly to how we make it possible
# to disable -Werror (e.g. for different toolchain versions).
'disable_fatal_linker_warnings%': 0,
'release_valgrind_build%': 0,
# TODO(thakis): Make this a blacklist instead, http://crbug.com/101600
'enable_wexit_time_destructors%': 0,
# Build libpeerconnection as a static library by default.
'libpeer_target_type%': 'static_library',
# Set to 1 to compile with the OpenGL ES 2.0 conformance tests.
'internal_gles2_conform_tests%': 0,
# Set to 1 to compile the filter fuzzer.
'internal_filter_fuzzer%': 0,
# NOTE: When these end up in the Mac bundle, we need to replace '-' for '_'
# so Cocoa is happy (http://crbug.com/20441).
'locales': [
'am', 'ar', 'bg', 'bn', 'ca', 'cs', 'da', 'de', 'el', 'en-GB',
'en-US', 'es-419', 'es', 'et', 'fa', 'fi', 'fil', 'fr', 'gu', 'he',
'hi', 'hr', 'hu', 'id', 'it', 'ja', 'kn', 'ko', 'lt', 'lv',
'ml', 'mr', 'ms', 'nb', 'nl', 'pl', 'pt-BR', 'pt-PT', 'ro', 'ru',
'sk', 'sl', 'sr', 'sv', 'sw', 'ta', 'te', 'th', 'tr', 'uk',
'vi', 'zh-CN', 'zh-TW',
# Pseudo locales are special locales which are used for testing and
# debugging. They don't get copied to the final app. For more info,
# check out https://sites.google.com/a/chromium.org/dev/Home/fake-bidi
'pseudo_locales': [
'grit_defines': [],
# If debug_devtools is set to 1, JavaScript files for DevTools are
# stored as is and loaded from disk. Otherwise, a concatenated file
# is stored in resources.pak. It is still possible to load JS files
# from disk by passing --debug-devtools cmdline switch.
'debug_devtools%': 0,
# The Java Bridge is not compiled in by default.
'java_bridge%': 0,
# Code signing for iOS binaries. The bots need to be able to disable this.
'chromium_ios_signing%': 1,
# This flag is only used when disable_nacl==0 and disables all those
# subcomponents which would require the installation of a native_client
# untrusted toolchain.
'disable_nacl_untrusted%': 0,
# Disable Dart by default.
'enable_dart%': 0,
# Copy out the setting of disable_nacl.
'disable_nacl%': '<(disable_nacl)',
# Portable Native Client is enabled by default.
'disable_pnacl%': 0,
# Whether to build full debug version for Debug configuration on Android.
# Compared to full debug version, the default Debug configuration on Android
# has no full v8 debug, has size optimization and linker gc section, so that
# we can build a debug version with acceptable size and performance.
'android_full_debug%': 0,
# Sets the default version name and code for Android app, by default we
# do a developer build.
'android_app_version_name%': 'Developer Build',
'android_app_version_code%': 0,
# Contains data about the attached devices for gyp_managed_install.
'build_device_config_path': '<(PRODUCT_DIR)/build_devices.cfg',
'sas_dll_exists': '. Additional
# documentation on these macros is available at
# http://developer.apple.com/mac/library/technotes/tn2002/tn2064.html#SECTION3
# Chrome normally builds with the Mac OS X 10.6 SDK and sets the
# deployment target to 10.6. Other projects, such as O3D, may
# override these defaults.
# Normally, mac_sdk_min is used to find an SDK that Xcode knows
# about that is at least the specified version. In official builds,
# the SDK must match mac_sdk_min exactly. If the SDK is installed
# someplace that Xcode doesn't know about, set mac_sdk_path to the
# path to the SDK; when set to a non-empty string, SDK detection
# based on mac_sdk_min will be bypassed entirely.
'mac_sdk_min%': '10.6',
'mac_sdk_path%': '',
'mac_deployment_target%': '10.6',
'mac_sdk_min': '<(mac_sdk_min)',
'mac_sdk_path': '<(mac_sdk_path)',
'mac_deployment_target': '<(mac_deployment_target)',
# Compile in Breakpad support by default so that it can be
# tested, even if it is not enabled by default at runtime.
'mac_breakpad_compiled_in%': 1,
'conditions': [
# mac_product_name is set to the name of the .app bundle as it should
# appear on disk. This duplicates data from
# chrome/app/theme/chromium/BRANDING and
# chrome/app/theme/google_chrome/BRANDING, but is necessary to get
# these names into the build system.
['branding=="Chrome"', {
'mac_product_name%': 'Google Chrome',
}, { # else: branding!="Chrome"
'mac_product_name%': 'Chromium',
['branding=="Chrome" and buildtype=="Official"', {
'mac_sdk%': '(nacl_untrusted_build)==1', {
'defines': [
['<(use_nss)==1 and >(nacl_untrusted_build)==0', {
'defines': ['USE_NSS=1'],
['enable_wexit_time_destructors==1', {
'conditions': [
[ 'clang==1', {
'cflags': [
'xcode_settings': {
['chromium_code==0', {
'conditions': [
[ 'os_posix==1 and OS!="mac" and OS!="ios"', {
# We don't want to get warnings from third-party code,
# so remove any existing warning-enabling flags like -Wall.
'cflags!': [
'cflags_cc': [
# Don't warn about hash_map in third-party code.
'cflags': [
# Don't warn about printf format problems.
# This is off by default in gcc but on in Ubuntu's gcc(!).
'cflags_cc!': [
# Necessary because llvm.org/PR10448 is WONTFIX (crbug.com/90453).
# TODO: Fix all warnings on chromeos too.
[ 'os_posix==1 and OS!="mac" and OS!="ios" and (clang!=1 or chromeos==1)', {
'cflags!': [
[ 'os_posix==1 and os_bsd!=1 and OS!="mac" and OS!="android"', {
'cflags': [
# Don't warn about ignoring the return value from e.g. close().
# This is off by default in some gccs but on by default in others.
# BSD systems do not support this option, since they are usually
# using gcc 4.2.1, which does not have this flag yet.
[ 'OS=="win"', {
'defines': [
'msvs_disabled_warnings': [4800],
'msvs_settings': {
'VCCLCompilerTool': {
'WarningLevel': '3',
'WarnAsError': '<(win_third_party_warn_as_error)',
'Detect64BitPortabilityProblems': 'false',
'conditions': [
['buildtype=="Official"', {
'msvs_settings': {
'VCCLCompilerTool': { 'WarnAsError': 'false' },
['clang==1', {
'msvs_settings': {
'VCCLCompilerTool': { 'WarnAsError': 'false' },
# TODO(darin): Unfortunately, some third_party code depends on base.
[ 'OS=="win" and component=="shared_library"', {
'msvs_disabled_warnings': [
4251, # class 'std::xx' needs to have dll-interface.
[ 'OS=="mac" or OS=="ios"', {
'xcode_settings': {
'WARNING_CFLAGS!': ['-Wall', '-Wextra'],
'conditions': [
['buildtype=="Official"', {
'xcode_settings': {
[ 'OS=="ios"', {
'xcode_settings': {
# TODO(ios): Fix remaining warnings in third-party code, then
# remove this; the Mac cleanup didn't get everything that's
# flagged in an iOS build.
# Several internal ios directories generate numerous warnings for
# -Wobjc-missing-property-synthesis.
}, {
'includes': [
# Rules for excluding e.g. foo_win.cc from the build on non-Windows.
# In Chromium code, we define __STDC_foo_MACROS in order to get the
# C99 macros on Mac and Linux.
'defines': [
'conditions': [
['OS=="win"', {
# turn on warnings for signed/unsigned mismatch on chromium code.
'msvs_settings': {
'VCCLCompilerTool': {
'AdditionalOptions': ['/we4389'],
['OS=="win" and component=="shared_library"', {
'msvs_disabled_warnings': [
4251, # class 'std::xx' needs to have dll-interface.
], # target_conditions for 'target_defaults'
'default_configuration': 'Debug',
'configurations': {
# VCLinkerTool LinkIncremental values below:
# 0 == default
# Debug links incremental, Release does not.
# Abstract base configurations to cover common attributes.
'Common_Base': {
'abstract': 1,
'msvs_configuration_attributes': {
'OutputDirectory': '<(DEPTH)\\build\\<(build_dir_prefix)$(ConfigurationName)',
'IntermediateDirectory': '$(OutDir)\\obj\\$(ProjectName)',
'CharacterSet': '1',
# Add the default import libs.
'VCLinkerTool': {
'AdditionalDependencies': [
'x86_Base': {
'abstract': 1,
'msvs_settings': {
'VCLinkerTool': {
'MinimumRequiredVersion': '5.01', # XP.
'TargetMachine': '1',
'VCLibrarianTool': {
'TargetMachine': '1',
'msvs_configuration_platform': 'Win32',
'x64_Base': {
'abstract': 1,
'msvs_configuration_platform': 'x64',
'msvs_settings': {
'VCLinkerTool': {
# Make sure to understand http://crbug.com/361720 if you want to
# increase this.
'MinimumRequiredVersion': '5.02', # Server 2003.
'TargetMachine': '17', # x86 - 64
# Doesn't exist x64 SDK. Should use oleaut32 in any case.
'IgnoreDefaultLibraryNames': [ 'olepro32.lib' ],
'VCLibrarianTool': {
'TargetMachine': '17', # x64
'Debug_Base': {
'abstract': 1,
'defines': [
'xcode_settings': {
'GCC_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL': '<(mac_debug_optimization)',
'msvs_settings': {
'VCCLCompilerTool': {
'Optimization': '<(win_debug_Optimization)',
'PreprocessorDefinitions': ['_DEBUG'],
'BasicRuntimeChecks': '<(win_debug_RuntimeChecks)',
'RuntimeLibrary': '<(win_debug_RuntimeLibrary)',
'conditions': [
# According to MSVS, InlineFunctionExpansion=0 means
# "default inlining", not "/Ob0".
# Thus, we have to handle InlineFunctionExpansion==0 separately.
['win_debug_InlineFunctionExpansion==0', {
'AdditionalOptions': ['/Ob0'],
['win_debug_InlineFunctionExpansion!=""', {
['win_debug_disable_iterator_debugging==1', {
'PreprocessorDefinitions': ['_HAS_ITERATOR_DEBUGGING=0'],
# if win_debug_OmitFramePointers is blank, leave as default
['win_debug_OmitFramePointers==1', {
'OmitFramePointers': 'true',
['win_debug_OmitFramePointers==0', {
'OmitFramePointers': 'false',
# The above is not sufficient (http://crbug.com/106711): it
# simply eliminates an explicit "/Oy", but both /O2 and /Ox
# perform FPO regardless, so we must explicitly disable.
# We still want the false setting above to avoid having
# "/Oy /Oy-" and warnings about overriding.
'AdditionalOptions': ['/Oy-'],
'AdditionalOptions': [ '<@(win_debug_extra_cflags)', ],
'VCLinkerTool': {
'LinkIncremental': '<(msvs_debug_link_incremental)',
# ASLR makes debugging with windbg difficult because Chrome.exe and
# Chrome.dll share the same base name. As result, windbg will
# name the Chrome.dll module like chrome_, where
# typically changes with each launch. This in turn
# means that breakpoints in Chrome.dll don't stick from one launch
# to the next. For this reason, we turn ASLR off in debug builds.
# Note that this is a three-way bool, where 0 means to pick up
# the default setting, 1 is off and 2 is on.
'RandomizedBaseAddress': 1,
'VCResourceCompilerTool': {
'PreprocessorDefinitions': ['_DEBUG'],
'conditions': [
['OS=="linux" or OS=="android"', {
'target_conditions': [
['_toolset=="target"', {
'cflags': [
['OS=="linux" and target_arch!="ia32" and disable_glibcxx_debug==0', {
# Enable libstdc++ debugging facilities to help catch problems
# early, see http://crbug.com/65151 .
# TODO(phajdan.jr): Should we enable this for all of POSIX?
'defines': ['_GLIBCXX_DEBUG=1',],
['release_valgrind_build==0', {
'xcode_settings': {
'-fstack-protector-all', # Implies -fstack-protector
'Release_Base': {
'abstract': 1,
'defines': [
'xcode_settings': {
'DEAD_CODE_STRIPPING': 'YES', # -Wl,-dead_strip
'GCC_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL': '<(mac_release_optimization)',
'OTHER_CFLAGS': [ '<@(release_extra_cflags)', ],
'msvs_settings': {
'VCCLCompilerTool': {
'RuntimeLibrary': '<(win_release_RuntimeLibrary)',
'conditions': [
# In official builds, each target will self-select
# an optimization level.
['buildtype!="Official"', {
'Optimization': '<(win_release_Optimization)',
# According to MSVS, InlineFunctionExpansion=0 means
# "default inlining", not "/Ob0".
# Thus, we have to handle InlineFunctionExpansion==0 separately.
['win_release_InlineFunctionExpansion==0', {
'AdditionalOptions': ['/Ob0'],
['win_release_InlineFunctionExpansion!=""', {
# if win_release_OmitFramePointers is blank, leave as default
['win_release_OmitFramePointers==1', {
'OmitFramePointers': 'true',
['win_release_OmitFramePointers==0', {
'OmitFramePointers': 'false',
# The above is not sufficient (http://crbug.com/106711): it
# simply eliminates an explicit "/Oy", but both /O2 and /Ox
# perform FPO regardless, so we must explicitly disable.
# We still want the false setting above to avoid having
# "/Oy /Oy-" and warnings about overriding.
'AdditionalOptions': ['/Oy-'],
'AdditionalOptions': [ '<@(win_release_extra_cflags)', ],
'VCLinkerTool': {
# LinkIncremental is a tri-state boolean, where 0 means default
# (i.e., inherit from parent solution), 1 means false, and
# 2 means true.
'LinkIncremental': '1',
# This corresponds to the /PROFILE flag which ensures the PDB
# file contains FIXUP information (growing the PDB file by about
# 5%) but does not otherwise alter the output binary. This
# information is used by the Syzygy optimization tool when
# decomposing the release image.
'Profile': 'true',
'conditions': [
['msvs_use_common_release', {
'includes': ['release.gypi'],
['release_valgrind_build==0 and tsan==0', {
'defines': [
}, {
'defines': [
['win_use_allocator_shim==0', {
'defines': ['NO_TCMALLOC'],
# _FORTIFY_SOURCE isn't really supported by Clang now, see
# http://llvm.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=16821.
# TODO(glider): once the bug is fixed, disable source fortification
# under the sanitizer tools only.
['os_posix==1 and (OS!="linux" or clang!=1)', {
'target_conditions': [
['chromium_code==1', {
# Non-chromium code is not guaranteed to compile cleanly
# with _FORTIFY_SOURCE. Also, fortified build may fail
# when optimizations are disabled, so only do that for Release
# build.
'defines': [
['OS=="linux" or OS=="android"', {
'target_conditions': [
['_toolset=="target"', {
'cflags': [
'conditions': [
['enable_resource_whitelist_generation==1', {
'cflags': [
'-Wunknown-pragmas -Wno-error=unknown-pragmas',
['OS=="ios"', {
'defines': [
# Concrete configurations
'Debug': {
'inherit_from': ['Common_Base', 'x86_Base', 'Debug_Base'],
'Release': {
'inherit_from': ['Common_Base', 'x86_Base', 'Release_Base'],
'conditions': [
[ 'OS=="ios"', {
'Profile': {
'inherit_from': ['Common_Base', 'x86_Base', 'Release_Base'],
'target_conditions': [
[ '_type=="executable"', {
# To get a real .dSYM bundle produced by dsymutil, set the
# debug information format to dwarf-with-dsym. Since
# strip_from_xcode will not be used, set Xcode to do the
# stripping as well.
'xcode_settings': {
'DEBUG_INFORMATION_FORMAT': 'dwarf-with-dsym',
[ 'OS=="win"', {
# TODO(bradnelson): add a gyp mechanism to make this more graceful.
'Debug_x64': {
'inherit_from': ['Common_Base', 'x64_Base', 'Debug_Base'],
'Release_x64': {
'inherit_from': ['Common_Base', 'x64_Base', 'Release_Base'],
'conditions': [
['os_posix==1', {
'target_defaults': {
'ldflags': [
# TODO(jochen): Enable this on chromeos on arm. http://crbug.com/356580
['os_posix==1 and disable_fatal_linker_warnings==0 and use_evdev_gestures==0 and (chromeos==0 or target_arch!="arm")', {
'target_defaults': {
'ldflags': [
['os_posix==1 and chromeos==0', {
# Chrome OS enables -fstack-protector-strong via its build wrapper,
# and we want to avoid overriding this, so stack-protector is only
# enabled when not building on Chrome OS.
# TODO(phajdan.jr): Use -fstack-protector-strong when our gcc
# supports it.
'target_defaults': {
'cflags': [
['os_posix==1 and OS!="mac" and OS!="ios"', {
'target_defaults': {
# Enable -Werror by default, but put it in a variable so it can
# be disabled in ~/.gyp/include.gypi on the valgrind builders.
'variables': {
'werror%': '-Werror',
'libraries_for_target%': '',
'defines': [
'cflags': [
'<(werror)', # See note above about the werror variable.
'-fno-strict-aliasing', # See http://crbug.com/32204
# TODO(evan): turn this back on once all the builds work.
# '-Wextra',
# Don't warn about unused function params. We use those everywhere.
# Don't warn about the "struct foo f = {0};" initialization pattern.
# Don't export any symbols (for example, to plugins we dlopen()).
# Note: this is *required* to make some plugins work.
'cflags_cc': [
# Make inline functions have hidden visiblity by default.
# Surprisingly, not covered by -fvisibility=hidden.
# GCC turns on -Wsign-compare for C++ under -Wall, but clang doesn't,
# so we specify it explicitly. (llvm.org/PR10448, crbug.com/90453)
'ldflags': [
'-pthread', '-Wl,-z,noexecstack',
'libraries' : [
'configurations': {
'Debug_Base': {
'variables': {
'debug_optimize%': '0',
'defines': [
'cflags': [
'conditions' : [
['OS=="android"', {
'ldflags': [
# Warn in case of text relocations.
['OS=="android" and android_full_debug==0', {
# Some configurations are copied from Release_Base to reduce
# the binary size.
'variables': {
'debug_optimize%': 's',
'cflags': [
'ldflags': [
['OS=="linux" and target_arch=="ia32"', {
'ldflags': [
['debug_unwind_tables==1', {
'cflags': ['-funwind-tables'],
}, {
'cflags': ['-fno-unwind-tables', '-fno-asynchronous-unwind-tables'],
# TODO(mostynb): shuffle clang/gcc_version/binutils_version
# definitions in to the right scope to use them when setting
# linux_use_debug_fission, so it can be used here alone.
['linux_use_debug_fission==1 and linux_use_gold_flags==1 and (clang==1 or gcc_version>=48) and binutils_version>=223', {
'cflags': ['-gsplit-dwarf'],
'ldflags': ['-Wl,--gdb-index'],
'Release_Base': {
'variables': {
'release_optimize%': '2',
# Binaries become big and gold is unable to perform GC
# and remove unused sections for some of test targets
# on 32 bit platform.
# (This is currently observed only in chromeos valgrind bots)
# The following flag is to disable --gc-sections linker
# option for these bots.
'no_gc_sections%': 0,
# TODO(bradnelson): reexamine how this is done if we change the
# expansion of configurations
'release_valgrind_build%': 0,
'cflags': [
# Don't emit the GCC version ident directives, they just end up
# in the .comment section taking up binary size.
# Put data and code in their own sections, so that unused symbols
# can be removed at link time with --gc-sections.
'ldflags': [
# Specifically tell the linker to perform optimizations.
# See http://lwn.net/Articles/192624/ .
'conditions' : [
['no_gc_sections==0', {
'ldflags': [
['OS=="android"', {
'variables': {
'release_optimize%': 's',
'cflags': [
'ldflags': [
# Warn in case of text relocations.
['clang==1', {
'cflags!': [
['profiling==1', {
'cflags': [
'conditions' : [
['profiling_full_stack_frames==1', {
'cflags': [
['release_unwind_tables==1', {
'cflags': ['-funwind-tables'],
}, {
'cflags': ['-fno-unwind-tables', '-fno-asynchronous-unwind-tables'],
'conditions': [
['target_arch=="ia32"', {
'target_conditions': [
['_toolset=="target"', {
'asflags': [
# Needed so that libs with .s files (e.g. libicudata.a)
# are compatible with the general 32-bit-ness.
# All floating-point computations on x87 happens in 80-bit
# precision. Because the C and C++ language standards allow
# the compiler to keep the floating-point values in higher
# precision than what's specified in the source and doing so
# is more efficient than constantly rounding up to 64-bit or
# 32-bit precision as specified in the source, the compiler,
# especially in the optimized mode, tries very hard to keep
# values in x87 floating-point stack (in 80-bit precision)
# as long as possible. This has important side effects, that
# the real value used in computation may change depending on
# how the compiler did the optimization - that is, the value
# kept in 80-bit is different than the value rounded down to
# 64-bit or 32-bit. There are possible compiler options to
# make this behavior consistent (e.g. -ffloat-store would keep
# all floating-values in the memory, thus force them to be
# rounded to its original precision) but they have significant
# runtime performance penalty.
# -mfpmath=sse -msse2 makes the compiler use SSE instructions
# which keep floating-point values in SSE registers in its
# native precision (32-bit for single precision, and 64-bit
# for double precision values). This means the floating-point
# value used during computation does not change depending on
# how the compiler optimized the code, since the value is
# always kept in its specified precision.
# Refer to http://crbug.com/348761 for rationale behind SSE2
# being a minimum requirement for 32-bit Linux builds and
# http://crbug.com/313032 for an example where this has "bit"
# us in the past.
'cflags': [
'-mmmx', # Allows mmintrin.h for MMX intrinsics.
'ldflags': [
'conditions': [
# Use gold linker for Android ia32 target.
['OS=="android"', {
'ldflags': [
# Install packages have started cropping up with
# different headers between the 32-bit and 64-bit
# versions, so we have to shadow those differences off
# and make sure a 32-bit-on-64-bit build picks up the
# right files.
# For android build, use NDK headers instead of host headers
['host_arch!="ia32" and OS!="android"', {
'include_dirs+': [
['target_arch=="x64"', {
'target_conditions': [
['_toolset=="target"', {
'conditions': [
# Use gold linker for Android x64 target.
['OS=="android"', {
'ldflags': [
'cflags': [
'ldflags': [
['target_arch=="arm"', {
'target_conditions': [
['_toolset=="target"', {
'cflags_cc': [
# The codesourcery arm-2009q3 toolchain warns at that the ABI
# has changed whenever it encounters a varargs function. This
# silences those warnings, as they are not helpful and
# clutter legitimate warnings.
'conditions': [
['arm_arch!=""', {
'cflags': [
['arm_tune!=""', {
'cflags': [
['arm_fpu!=""', {
'cflags': [
['arm_float_abi!=""', {
'cflags': [
['arm_thumb==1', {
'cflags': [
['OS=="android"', {
# Most of the following flags are derived from what Android
# uses by default when building for arm, reference for which
# can be found in the following file in the Android NDK:
# toolchains/arm-linux-androideabi-4.8/setup.mk
'cflags': [
# The tree-sra optimization (scalar replacement for
# aggregates enabling subsequent optimizations) leads to
# invalid code generation when using the Android NDK's
# compiler (r5-r7). This can be verified using
# webkit_unit_tests' WTF.Checked_int8_t test.
# The following 6 options are disabled to save on
# binary size in gcc 4.8.
# TODO(fdegans) Reevaluate when we upgrade GCC.
# Android now supports .relro sections properly.
# NOTE: While these flags enable the generation of .relro
# sections, the generated libraries can still be loaded on
# older Android platform versions.
'ldflags': [
'conditions': [
['arm_thumb==1', {
'cflags': [ '-mthumb-interwork' ],
['profiling==1', {
'cflags': [
# Thumb code with frame pointer makes chrome crash
# early.
'-mapcs-frame', # Required by -fno-omit-frame-pointer.
# The perf report sometimes incorrectly attributes
# code from tail calls.
'cflags!': [
['clang==1', {
'cflags!': [
# Clang does not support the following options.
'cflags': [
# TODO(hans) Enable integrated-as (crbug.com/124610).
'-B<(android_toolchain)', # Else /usr/bin/as gets picked up.
'ldflags!': [
# Clang does not support the following options.
'ldflags': [
# As long as -fuse-ld=gold doesn't work, add a dummy directory
# with an 'ld' that redirects to gold, so that clang uses gold.
'-B=48', {
'target_conditions': [
['_toolset=="target"', {
'ldflags': [
['host_gcc_version>=48', {
'target_conditions': [
['_toolset=="host"', {
'ldflags': [
['linux_use_bundled_binutils==1', {
'cflags': [
'-B=223', {
# Newer binutils don't set DT_RPATH unless you disable "new" dtags
# and the new DT_RUNPATH doesn't work without --no-as-needed flag.
# FIXME(mithro): Figure out the --as-needed/--no-as-needed flags
# inside this file to allow usage of --no-as-needed and removal of
# this flag.
'ldflags': [
# FreeBSD-specific options; note that most FreeBSD options are set above,
# with Linux.
['OS=="freebsd"', {
'target_defaults': {
'ldflags': [
# Android-specific options; note that most are set above with Linux.
['OS=="android"', {
'variables': {
# This is a unique identifier for a given build. It's used for
# identifying various build artifacts corresponding to a particular
# build of chrome (e.g. where to find archived symbols).
'chrome_build_id%': '',
'conditions': [
# Use shared stlport library when system one used.
# Figure this out early since it needs symbols from libgcc.a, so it
# has to be before that in the set of libraries.
['use_system_stlport==1', {
'android_stlport_library': 'stlport',
}, {
'conditions': [
['component=="shared_library"', {
'android_stlport_library': 'stlport_shared',
}, {
'android_stlport_library': 'stlport_static',
# Placing this variable here prevents from forking libvpx, used
# by remoting. Remoting is off, so it needn't built,
# so forking it's deps seems like overkill.
# But this variable need defined to properly run gyp.
# A proper solution is to have an OS==android conditional
# in third_party/libvpx/libvpx.gyp to define it.
'libvpx_path': 'lib/linux/arm',
'target_defaults': {
'variables': {
'release_extra_cflags%': '',
'conditions': [
# If we're using the components build, append "cr" to all shared
# libraries to avoid naming collisions with android system library
# versions with the same name (e.g. skia, icu).
['component=="shared_library"', {
'android_product_extension': 'cr.so',
}, {
'android_product_extension': 'so',
} ],
'target_conditions': [
['_type=="shared_library"', {
'product_extension': '<(android_product_extension)',
# Settings for building device targets using Android's toolchain.
# These are based on the setup.mk file from the Android NDK.
# The NDK Android executable link step looks as follows:
# $(TARGET_CRTBEGIN_DYNAMIC_O) <-- crtbegin.o
# $(PRIVATE_OBJECTS) <-- The .o that we built
# $(PRIVATE_STATIC_LIBRARIES) <-- The .a that we built
# $(TARGET_LIBGCC) <-- libgcc.a
# $(PRIVATE_SHARED_LIBRARIES) <-- The .so that we built
# $(PRIVATE_LDLIBS) <-- System .so
# $(TARGET_CRTEND_O) <-- crtend.o
# For now the above are approximated for executables by adding
# crtbegin.o to the end of the ldflags and 'crtend.o' to the end
# of 'libraries'.
# The NDK Android shared library link step looks as follows:
# $(PRIVATE_OBJECTS) <-- The .o that we built
# -l,--whole-archive
# -l,--no-whole-archive
# $(PRIVATE_STATIC_LIBRARIES) <-- The .a that we built
# $(TARGET_LIBGCC) <-- libgcc.a
# $(PRIVATE_SHARED_LIBRARIES) <-- The .so that we built
# $(PRIVATE_LDLIBS) <-- System .so
# For now, assume that whole static libraries are not needed.
# For both executables and shared libraries, add the proper
# libgcc.a to the start of libraries which puts it in the
# proper spot after .o and .a files get linked in.
# TODO: The proper thing to do longer-tem would be proper gyp
# support for a custom link command line.
['_toolset=="target"', {
'cflags!': [
'-pthread', # Not supported by Android toolchain.
'cflags': [
'defines': [
'__GNU_SOURCE=1', # Necessary for clone()
'ldflags!': [
'-pthread', # Not supported by Android toolchain.
'ldflags': [
# Don't export symbols from statically linked libraries.
'libraries': [
# Manually link the libgcc.a that the cross compiler uses.
['_mac_bundle', {
'xcode_settings': {'OTHER_LDFLAGS': ['-Wl,-ObjC']},
'target_conditions': [
['_type=="executable"', {
'conditions': [
['asan==1', {
'postbuilds': [
'variables': {
# Define copy_asan_dylib_path in a variable ending in
# _path so that gyp understands it's a path and
# performs proper relativization during dict merging.
'postbuild_name': 'Copy ASan runtime dylib',
'action': [
], # target_conditions
}, # target_defaults
}], # OS=="mac" or OS=="ios"
['OS=="mac"', {
'target_defaults': {
'defines': [
# Prevent Mac OS X AssertMacros.h from defining macros that collide
# with common names, like 'check', 'require', and 'verify'.
# (Included by system header. Also exists on iOS but not included.)
# http://opensource.apple.com/source/CarbonHeaders/CarbonHeaders-18.1/AssertMacros.h
'variables': {
# These should end with %, but there seems to be a bug with % in
# variables that are intended to be set to different values in
# different targets, like these.
'mac_pie': 1, # Most executables can be position-independent.
# Strip debugging symbols from the target.
'mac_strip': '<(mac_strip_release)',
'conditions': [
['asan==1', {
'conditions': [
['mac_want_real_dsym=="default"', {
'mac_real_dsym': 1,
}, {
'mac_real_dsym': '<(mac_want_real_dsym)'
}, {
'conditions': [
['mac_want_real_dsym=="default"', {
'mac_real_dsym': 0, # Fake .dSYMs are fine in most cases.
}, {
'mac_real_dsym': '<(mac_want_real_dsym)'
'xcode_settings': {
'GCC_DYNAMIC_NO_PIC': 'NO', # No -mdynamic-no-pic
# (Equivalent to -fPIC)
# MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET maps to -mmacosx-version-min
'MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET': '<(mac_deployment_target)',
# Keep pch files below xcodebuild/.
# Someday this can be replaced by an 'GCC_STRICT_ALIASING': 'NO'
# xcode_setting, but not until all downstream projects' mac bots are
# using xcode >= 4.6, because that's when the default value of the
# flag in the compiler switched. Pre-4.6, the value 'NO' for that
# setting is a no-op as far as xcode is concerned, but the compiler
# behaves differently based on whether -fno-strict-aliasing is
# specified or not.
'-fno-strict-aliasing', # See http://crbug.com/32204.
'target_conditions': [
['_type=="executable"', {
'postbuilds': [
# Arranges for data (heap) pages to be protected against
# code execution when running on Mac OS X 10.7 ("Lion"), and
# ensures that the position-independent executable (PIE) bit
# is set for ASLR when running on Mac OS X 10.5 ("Leopard").
'variables': {
# Define change_mach_o_flags in a variable ending in _path
# so that GYP understands it's a path and performs proper
# relativization during dict merging.
'change_mach_o_flags_options%': [
'target_conditions': [
['mac_pie==0 or release_valgrind_build==1', {
# Don't enable PIE if it's unwanted. It's unwanted if
# the target specifies mac_pie=0 or if building for
# Valgrind, because Valgrind doesn't understand slide.
# See the similar mac_pie/release_valgrind_build check
# below.
'change_mach_o_flags_options': [
'postbuild_name': 'Change Mach-O Flags',
'action': [
'conditions': [
['asan==1', {
'variables': {
'asan_saves_file': 'asan.saves',
'xcode_settings': {
'CHROMIUM_STRIP_SAVE_FILE': '<(asan_saves_file)',
'target_conditions': [
['mac_pie==1 and release_valgrind_build==0', {
# Turn on position-independence (ASLR) for executables. When
# PIE is on for the Chrome executables, the framework will
# also be subject to ASLR.
# Don't do this when building for Valgrind, because Valgrind
# doesn't understand slide. TODO: Make Valgrind on Mac OS X
# understand slide, and get rid of the Valgrind check.
'xcode_settings': {
'-Wl,-pie', # Position-independent executable (MH_PIE)
['(_type=="executable" or _type=="shared_library" or \
_type=="loadable_module") and mac_strip!=0', {
'target_conditions': [
['mac_real_dsym == 1', {
# To get a real .dSYM bundle produced by dsymutil, set the
# debug information format to dwarf-with-dsym. Since
# strip_from_xcode will not be used, set Xcode to do the
# stripping as well.
'configurations': {
'Release_Base': {
'xcode_settings': {
'DEBUG_INFORMATION_FORMAT': 'dwarf-with-dsym',
'target_conditions': [
['_type=="shared_library" or _type=="loadable_module"', {
# The Xcode default is to strip debugging symbols
# only (-S). Local symbols should be stripped as
# well, which will be handled by -x. Xcode will
# continue to insert -S when stripping even when
# additional flags are added with STRIPFLAGS.
}], # _type=="shared_library" or _type=="loadable_module"
['_type=="executable"', {
'conditions': [
['asan==1', {
}], # _type=="executable" and asan==1
], # target_conditions
}, # xcode_settings
}, # configuration "Release"
}, # configurations
}, { # mac_real_dsym != 1
# To get a fast fake .dSYM bundle, use a post-build step to
# produce the .dSYM and strip the executable. strip_from_xcode
# only operates in the Release configuration.
'postbuilds': [
'variables': {
# Define strip_from_xcode in a variable ending in _path
# so that gyp understands it's a path and performs proper
# relativization during dict merging.
'strip_from_xcode_path': 'mac/strip_from_xcode',
'postbuild_name': 'Strip If Needed',
'action': ['<(strip_from_xcode_path)'],
], # postbuilds
}], # mac_real_dsym
], # target_conditions
}], # (_type=="executable" or _type=="shared_library" or
# _type=="loadable_module") and mac_strip!=0
], # target_conditions
}, # target_defaults
}], # OS=="mac"
['OS=="ios"', {
'target_defaults': {
'xcode_settings' : {
# TODO(stuartmorgan): switch to c++0x (see TODOs in the clang
# section above).
'conditions': [
# Older Xcodes do not support -Wno-deprecated-register, so pass an
# additional flag to suppress the "unknown compiler option" error.
# Restrict this flag to builds that are either compiling with Xcode
# or compiling with Xcode's Clang. This will allow Ninja builds to
# continue failing on unknown compiler options.
# TODO(rohitrao): This flag is temporary and should be removed as
# soon as the iOS bots are updated to use Xcode 5.1.
['clang_xcode==1', {
# Limit the valid architectures depending on "target_subarch".
# This need to include the "arm" architectures but also the "x86"
# ones (they are used when building for the simulator).
['target_subarch=="arm32"', {
'VALID_ARCHS': ['armv7', 'i386'],
['target_subarch=="arm64"', {
'VALID_ARCHS': ['arm64', 'x86_64'],
['target_subarch=="both"', {
'VALID_ARCHS': ['arm64', 'armv7', 'x86_64', 'i386'],
'target_conditions': [
['_toolset=="host"', {
'xcode_settings': {
'SDKROOT': 'macosx<(mac_sdk)', # -isysroot
'MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET': '<(mac_deployment_target)',
'ARCHS': [
['_toolset=="target"', {
'xcode_settings': {
# This section should be for overriding host settings. But,
# since we can't negate the iphone deployment target above, we
# instead set it here for target only.
'IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET': '<(ios_deployment_target)',
['_type=="executable"', {
'configurations': {
'Release_Base': {
'xcode_settings': {
'Debug_Base': {
'xcode_settings': {
# Remove dSYM to reduce build time.
'xcode_settings': {
'conditions': [
['chromium_ios_signing', {
# iOS SDK wants everything for device signed.
'CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY[sdk=iphoneos*]': 'iPhone Developer',
}, {
'CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY[sdk=iphoneos*]': '',
], # target_conditions
}, # target_defaults
}], # OS=="ios"
['OS=="win"', {
'target_defaults': {
'defines': [
'conditions': [
['buildtype=="Official"', {
# In official builds, targets can self-select an optimization
# level by defining a variable named 'optimize', and setting it
# to one of
# - "size", optimizes for minimal code size - the default.
# - "speed", optimizes for speed over code size.
# - "max", whole program optimization and link-time code
# generation. This is very expensive and should be used
# sparingly.
'variables': {
'optimize%': 'size',
'msvs_settings': {
'VCLinkerTool': {
# Set /LTCG for the official builds.
'LinkTimeCodeGeneration': '1',
'target_conditions': [
['optimize=="size"', {
'msvs_settings': {
'VCCLCompilerTool': {
# 1, optimizeMinSpace, Minimize Size (/O1)
'Optimization': '1',
# 2, favorSize - Favor small code (/Os)
'FavorSizeOrSpeed': '2',
['optimize=="speed"', {
'msvs_settings': {
'VCCLCompilerTool': {
# 2, optimizeMaxSpeed, Maximize Speed (/O2)
'Optimization': '2',
# 1, favorSpeed - Favor fast code (/Ot)
'FavorSizeOrSpeed': '1',
['optimize=="max"', {
# Disable Warning 4702 ("Unreachable code") for the WPO/PGO
# builds. Probably anything that this would catch that
# wouldn't be caught in a normal build isn't going to
# actually be a bug, so the incremental value of C4702 for
# PGO builds is likely very small.
'msvs_disabled_warnings': [
'msvs_settings': {
'VCCLCompilerTool': {
# 2, optimizeMaxSpeed, Maximize Speed (/O2)
'Optimization': '2',
# 1, favorSpeed - Favor fast code (/Ot)
'FavorSizeOrSpeed': '1',
# This implies link time code generation.
'WholeProgramOptimization': 'true',
['component=="static_library"', {
'defines': [
['secure_atl', {
'defines': [
['msvs_express', {
'configurations': {
'x86_Base': {
'msvs_settings': {
'VCLinkerTool': {
'VCLibrarianTool': {
'x64_Base': {
'msvs_settings': {
'VCLibrarianTool': {
'VCLinkerTool': {
# https://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=372451#c20
# Warning 4702 ("Unreachable code") should be re-enabled once
# Express users are updated to VS2013 Update 2.
'msvs_disabled_warnings': [
'msvs_settings': {
'VCLinkerTool': {
# Explicitly required when using the ATL with express
'AdditionalDependencies': ['atlthunk.lib'],
# ATL 8.0 included in WDK 7.1 makes the linker to generate
# almost eight hundred LNK4254 and LNK4078 warnings:
# - warning LNK4254: section 'ATL' (50000040) merged into
# '.rdata' (40000040) with different attributes
# - warning LNK4078: multiple 'ATL' sections found with
# different attributes
'AdditionalOptions': ['/ignore:4254', '/ignore:4078'],
'msvs_system_include_dirs': [
'msvs_system_include_dirs': [
'msvs_cygwin_shell': 0,
'msvs_disabled_warnings': [
4351, 4355, 4396, 4503, 4819,
# TODO(maruel): These warnings are level 4. They will be slowly
# removed as code is fixed.
4100, 4121, 4125, 4127, 4130, 4131, 4189, 4201, 4238, 4244, 4245,
4310, 4428, 4481, 4505, 4510, 4512, 4530, 4610, 4611, 4701, 4706,
'msvs_settings': {
'VCCLCompilerTool': {
'AdditionalOptions': ['/MP'],
'MinimalRebuild': 'false',
'BufferSecurityCheck': 'true',
'EnableFunctionLevelLinking': 'true',
'RuntimeTypeInfo': 'false',
'WarningLevel': '4',
'WarnAsError': 'true',
'DebugInformationFormat': '3',
'conditions': [
['component=="shared_library"', {
'ExceptionHandling': '1', # /EHsc
}, {
'ExceptionHandling': '0',
'VCLibrarianTool': {
'AdditionalOptions': ['/ignore:4221'],
'AdditionalLibraryDirectories': [
'VCLinkerTool': {
'AdditionalDependencies': [
'AdditionalLibraryDirectories': [
'GenerateDebugInformation': 'true',
'MapFileName': '$(OutDir)\\$(TargetName).map',
'ImportLibrary': '$(OutDir)\\lib\\$(TargetName).lib',
'FixedBaseAddress': '1',
# SubSystem values:
# 0 == not set
# Most of the executables we'll ever create are tests
# and utilities with console output.
'SubSystem': '1',
'VCMIDLTool': {
'GenerateStublessProxies': 'true',
'TypeLibraryName': '$(InputName).tlb',
'OutputDirectory': '$(IntDir)',
'HeaderFileName': '$(InputName).h',
'DLLDataFileName': '$(InputName).dlldata.c',
'InterfaceIdentifierFileName': '$(InputName)_i.c',
'ProxyFileName': '$(InputName)_p.c',
'VCResourceCompilerTool': {
'Culture' : '1033',
'AdditionalIncludeDirectories': [
'target_conditions': [
['_type=="executable"', {
'VCManifestTool': {
'EmbedManifest': 'true',
['_type=="executable" and ">(win_exe_compatibility_manifest)"!=""', {
'VCManifestTool': {
'AdditionalManifestFiles': [
'conditions': [
['clang==1', {
# Building with Clang on Windows is a work in progress and very
# experimental. See crbug.com/82385.
'VCCLCompilerTool': {
'WarnAsError': 'false',
'RuntimeTypeInfo': 'false',
'AdditionalOptions': [
# Many files use intrinsics without including this header.
# TODO(hans): Fix those files, or move this to sub-GYPs.
# TODO(hans): Make this list shorter eventually.
['asan==1', {
# ASan on Windows is a work in progress and very experimental.
# See crbug.com/345874.
'VCCLCompilerTool': {
'AdditionalOptions': [
'AdditionalIncludeDirectories': [
# MSVC needs to be able to find the sanitizer headers when
# invoked via /fallback. This is critical for using macros
# like ASAN_UNPOISON_MEMORY_REGION in files where we fall
# back.
'VCLinkerTool': {
'AdditionalLibraryDirectories': [
# TODO(hans): If make_clang_dir is absolute, this breaks.
'target_conditions': [
['_type=="executable"', {
'VCLinkerTool': {
'AdditionalDependencies': [
['_type=="shared_library" or _type=="loadable_module"', {
'VCLinkerTool': {
'AdditionalDependencies': [
['disable_nacl==1', {
'target_defaults': {
'defines': [
['OS=="win" and msvs_use_common_linker_extras', {
'target_defaults': {
'msvs_settings': {
'VCLinkerTool': {
'DelayLoadDLLs': [
'configurations': {
'x86_Base': {
'msvs_settings': {
'VCLinkerTool': {
'AdditionalOptions': [
'conditions': [
['syzyasan==0', {
'AdditionalOptions': ['/largeaddressaware'],
'x64_Base': {
'msvs_settings': {
'VCLinkerTool': {
'AdditionalOptions': [
# safeseh is not compatible with x64
['enable_new_npdevice_api==1', {
'target_defaults': {
'defines': [
# Don't warn about the "typedef 'foo' locally defined but not used"
# for gcc 4.8.
# TODO: remove this flag once all builds work. See crbug.com/227506
['gcc_version>=48', {
'target_defaults': {
'cflags': [
# We need a special case to handle the android webview build on mac because
# the host gcc there doesn't accept this flag, but the target gcc may
# require it.
['gcc_version>=48 and android_webview_build==1 and host_os=="mac"', {
'target_defaults': {
'target_conditions': [
['_toolset=="host"', {
'cflags!': [
['clang==1 and ((OS!="mac" and OS!="ios") or clang_xcode==0) '
'and OS!="win"', {
'make_global_settings': [
['CC', '<(make_clang_dir)/bin/clang'],
['CXX', '<(make_clang_dir)/bin/clang++'],
['CC.host', '$(CC)'],
['CXX.host', '$(CXX)'],
['clang==1 and OS=="win"', {
'make_global_settings': [
# On Windows, gyp's ninja generator only looks at CC.
['CC', '<(make_clang_dir)/bin/clang-cl'],
['OS=="android" and clang==0', {
# Hardcode the compiler names in the Makefile so that
# it won't depend on the environment at make time.
'make_global_settings': [
['CC', '