#!/bin/bash -e

# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.

# Script to install everything needed to build chromium on android that
# requires sudo privileges.
# See http://code.google.com/p/chromium/wiki/AndroidBuildInstructions

# This script installs the sun-java6 packages (bin, jre and jdk). Sun requires
# a license agreement, so upon installation it will prompt the user. To get
# past the curses-based dialog press TAB <ret> TAB <ret> to agree.

if ! uname -m | egrep -q "i686|x86_64"; then
  echo "Only x86 architectures are currently supported" >&2

if [ "x$(id -u)" != x0 ]; then
  echo "Running as non-root user."
  echo "You might have to enter your password one or more times for 'sudo'."

# The temporary directory used to store output of update-java-alternatives
TEMPDIR=$(mktemp -d)
cleanup() {
  local status=${?}
  trap - EXIT
  rm -rf "${TEMPDIR}"
  exit ${status}
trap cleanup EXIT

sudo apt-get update

# Fix deps
sudo apt-get -f install

# Install deps
# This step differs depending on what Ubuntu release we are running
# on since the package names are different, and Sun's Java must
# be installed manually on late-model versions.

# common
sudo apt-get -y install lighttpd python-pexpect xvfb x11-utils

if /usr/bin/lsb_release -r -s | grep -q "12."; then
  # Ubuntu 12.x
  sudo apt-get -y install ant

  # Java can not be installed via ppa on Ubuntu 12.04+ so we'll
  # simply check to see if it has been setup properly -- if not
  # let the user know.

  if ! java -version 2>&1 | grep -q "Java(TM)"; then
    echo "****************************************************************"
    echo "You need to install the Oracle Java SDK from http://goo.gl/uPRSq"
    echo "and configure it as the default command-line Java environment."
    echo "****************************************************************"

  # Ubuntu 10.x

  sudo apt-get -y install ant1.8

  # Install sun-java6 stuff
  sudo apt-get -y install sun-java6-bin sun-java6-jre sun-java6-jdk

  # Switch version of Java to java-6-sun
  # Sun's java is missing certain Java plugins (e.g. for firefox, mozilla).
  # These are not required to build, and thus are treated only as warnings.
  # Any errors in updating java alternatives which are not '*-javaplugin.so'
  # will cause errors and stop the script from completing successfully.
  if ! sudo update-java-alternatives -s java-6-sun \
            >& "${TEMPDIR}"/update-java-alternatives.out
    # Check that there are the expected javaplugin.so errors for the update
    if grep 'javaplugin.so' "${TEMPDIR}"/update-java-alternatives.out >& \
      # Print as warnings all the javaplugin.so errors
      echo 'WARNING: java-6-sun has no alternatives for the following plugins:'
      grep 'javaplugin.so' "${TEMPDIR}"/update-java-alternatives.out
    # Check if there are any errors that are not javaplugin.so
    if grep -v 'javaplugin.so' "${TEMPDIR}"/update-java-alternatives.out \
           >& /dev/null
      # If there are non-javaplugin.so errors, treat as errors and exit
      echo 'ERRORS: Failed to update alternatives for java-6-sun:'
      grep -v 'javaplugin.so' "${TEMPDIR}"/update-java-alternatives.out
      exit 1

echo "install-build-deps-android.sh complete."