# -*- python -*- # Crocodile config file for Chromium iOS. # # Note that Chromium iOS also uses the config file at src/build/common.croc. # # See src/tools/code_coverage/example.croc for more info on config files. { # List of rules, applied in order 'rules' : [ # Specify inclusions before exclusions, since rules are in order. # Exclude everything to negate whatever is in src/build/common.croc { 'regexp' : '.*', 'include' : 0, }, # Include all directories (but not the files in the directories). # This is a workaround for how croc.py walks the directory tree. See the # TODO in the AddFiles method of src/tools/code_coverage/croc.py { 'regexp' : '.*/$', 'include' : 1, }, # Include any file with an 'ios' directory in the path. { 'regexp' : '.*/ios/.*', 'include' : 1, 'add_if_missing' : 1, }, # Include any file that ends with _ios. { 'regexp' : '.*_ios\\.(c|cc|m|mm)$', 'include' : 1, 'add_if_missing' : 1, }, # Include any file that ends with _ios_unittest (and label it a test). { 'regexp' : '.*_ios_unittest\\.(c|cc|m|mm)$', 'include' : 1, 'add_if_missing' : 1, 'group' : 'test', }, # Don't scan for executable lines in uninstrumented header files { 'regexp' : '.*\\.(h|hpp)$', 'add_if_missing' : 0, }, # Don't measure coverage of perftests. { 'regexp' : '.*perftest\\.(c|cc|m|mm)$', 'include' : 0, }, # Languages { 'regexp' : '.*\\.m$', 'language' : 'ObjC', }, { 'regexp' : '.*\\.mm$', 'language' : 'ObjC++', }, ], }