// Copyright 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #ifndef CCLayerTilingData_h #define CCLayerTilingData_h #if USE(ACCELERATED_COMPOSITING) #include "IntRect.h" #include "Region.h" #include "TilingData.h" #include #include #include namespace cc { class CCLayerTilingData { public: enum BorderTexelOption { HasBorderTexels, NoBorderTexels }; ~CCLayerTilingData(); static PassOwnPtr create(const IntSize& tileSize, BorderTexelOption); bool hasEmptyBounds() const { return m_tilingData.hasEmptyBounds(); } int numTilesX() const { return m_tilingData.numTilesX(); } int numTilesY() const { return m_tilingData.numTilesY(); } IntRect tileBounds(int i, int j) const { return m_tilingData.tileBounds(i, j); } IntPoint textureOffset(int xIndex, int yIndex) const { return m_tilingData.textureOffset(xIndex, yIndex); } // Change the tile size. This may invalidate all the existing tiles. void setTileSize(const IntSize&); IntSize tileSize() const; // Change the border texel setting. This may invalidate all existing tiles. void setBorderTexelOption(BorderTexelOption); bool hasBorderTexels() const { return m_tilingData.borderTexels(); } bool isEmpty() const { return hasEmptyBounds() || !tiles().size(); } const CCLayerTilingData& operator=(const CCLayerTilingData&); class Tile { WTF_MAKE_NONCOPYABLE(Tile); public: Tile() : m_i(-1), m_j(-1) { } virtual ~Tile() { } int i() const { return m_i; } int j() const { return m_j; } void moveTo(int i, int j) { m_i = i; m_j = j; } const IntRect& opaqueRect() const { return m_opaqueRect; } void setOpaqueRect(const IntRect& opaqueRect) { m_opaqueRect = opaqueRect; } private: int m_i; int m_j; IntRect m_opaqueRect; }; // Default hash key traits for integers disallow 0 and -1 as a key, so // use a custom hash trait which disallows -1 and -2 instead. typedef std::pair TileMapKey; struct TileMapKeyTraits : HashTraits { static const bool emptyValueIsZero = false; static const bool needsDestruction = false; static TileMapKey emptyValue() { return std::make_pair(-1, -1); } static void constructDeletedValue(TileMapKey& slot) { slot = std::make_pair(-2, -2); } static bool isDeletedValue(TileMapKey value) { return value.first == -2 && value.second == -2; } }; typedef HashMap, DefaultHash::Hash, TileMapKeyTraits> TileMap; void addTile(PassOwnPtr, int, int); PassOwnPtr takeTile(int, int); Tile* tileAt(int, int) const; const TileMap& tiles() const { return m_tiles; } void setBounds(const IntSize&); IntSize bounds() const; void contentRectToTileIndices(const IntRect&, int &left, int &top, int &right, int &bottom) const; IntRect tileRect(const Tile*) const; Region opaqueRegionInContentRect(const IntRect&) const; void reset(); protected: CCLayerTilingData(const IntSize& tileSize, BorderTexelOption); TileMap m_tiles; TilingData m_tilingData; }; } #endif // USE(ACCELERATED_COMPOSITING) #endif