// Copyright 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #ifndef CCRenderPass_h #define CCRenderPass_h #include "CCDrawQuad.h" #include "CCOcclusionTracker.h" #include "CCSharedQuadState.h" #include "SkColor.h" #include <public/WebFilterOperations.h> #include <public/WebTransformationMatrix.h> #include <wtf/HashMap.h> #include <wtf/PassOwnPtr.h> #include <wtf/Vector.h> namespace WebCore { class CCLayerImpl; class CCRenderSurface; struct CCAppendQuadsData; // A list of CCDrawQuad objects, sorted internally in front-to-back order. class CCQuadList : public Vector<OwnPtr<CCDrawQuad> > { public: typedef reverse_iterator backToFrontIterator; typedef const_reverse_iterator constBackToFrontIterator; inline backToFrontIterator backToFrontBegin() { return rbegin(); } inline backToFrontIterator backToFrontEnd() { return rend(); } inline constBackToFrontIterator backToFrontBegin() const { return rbegin(); } inline constBackToFrontIterator backToFrontEnd() const { return rend(); } }; typedef Vector<OwnPtr<CCSharedQuadState> > CCSharedQuadStateList; class CCRenderPass { WTF_MAKE_NONCOPYABLE(CCRenderPass); public: static PassOwnPtr<CCRenderPass> create(int id, IntRect outputRect, const WebKit::WebTransformationMatrix& transformToRootTarget); void appendQuadsForLayer(CCLayerImpl*, CCOcclusionTrackerImpl*, CCAppendQuadsData&); void appendQuadsForRenderSurfaceLayer(CCLayerImpl*, const CCRenderPass* contributingRenderPass, CCOcclusionTrackerImpl*, CCAppendQuadsData&); void appendQuadsToFillScreen(CCLayerImpl* rootLayer, SkColor screenBackgroundColor, const CCOcclusionTrackerImpl&); const CCQuadList& quadList() const { return m_quadList; } int id() const { return m_id; } // FIXME: Modify this transform when merging the RenderPass into a parent compositor. // Transforms from quad's original content space to the root target's content space. const WebKit::WebTransformationMatrix& transformToRootTarget() const { return m_transformToRootTarget; } // This denotes the bounds in physical pixels of the output generated by this RenderPass. const IntRect& outputRect() const { return m_outputRect; } FloatRect damageRect() const { return m_damageRect; } void setDamageRect(FloatRect rect) { m_damageRect = rect; } const WebKit::WebFilterOperations& filters() const { return m_filters; } void setFilters(const WebKit::WebFilterOperations& filters) { m_filters = filters; } const WebKit::WebFilterOperations& backgroundFilters() const { return m_backgroundFilters; } void setBackgroundFilters(const WebKit::WebFilterOperations& filters) { m_backgroundFilters = filters; } bool hasTransparentBackground() const { return m_hasTransparentBackground; } void setHasTransparentBackground(bool transparent) { m_hasTransparentBackground = transparent; } bool hasOcclusionFromOutsideTargetSurface() const { return m_hasOcclusionFromOutsideTargetSurface; } void setHasOcclusionFromOutsideTargetSurface(bool hasOcclusionFromOutsideTargetSurface) { m_hasOcclusionFromOutsideTargetSurface = hasOcclusionFromOutsideTargetSurface; } protected: CCRenderPass(int id, IntRect outputRect, const WebKit::WebTransformationMatrix& transformToRootTarget); int m_id; CCQuadList m_quadList; CCSharedQuadStateList m_sharedQuadStateList; WebKit::WebTransformationMatrix m_transformToRootTarget; IntRect m_outputRect; FloatRect m_damageRect; bool m_hasTransparentBackground; bool m_hasOcclusionFromOutsideTargetSurface; WebKit::WebFilterOperations m_filters; WebKit::WebFilterOperations m_backgroundFilters; }; typedef Vector<CCRenderPass*> CCRenderPassList; typedef HashMap<int, OwnPtr<CCRenderPass> > CCRenderPassIdHashMap; } #endif