# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. """Top-level presubmit script for cc. See http://dev.chromium.org/developers/how-tos/depottools/presubmit-scripts for more details about the presubmit API built into depot_tools. """ import re import string CC_SOURCE_FILES=(r'^cc[\\/].*\.(cc|h)$',) def CheckChangeLintsClean(input_api, output_api): source_filter = lambda x: input_api.FilterSourceFile( x, white_list=CC_SOURCE_FILES, black_list=None) return input_api.canned_checks.CheckChangeLintsClean( input_api, output_api, source_filter, lint_filters=[], verbose_level=1) def CheckAsserts(input_api, output_api, white_list=CC_SOURCE_FILES, black_list=None): black_list = tuple(black_list or input_api.DEFAULT_BLACK_LIST) source_file_filter = lambda x: input_api.FilterSourceFile(x, white_list, black_list) assert_files = [] notreached_files = [] for f in input_api.AffectedSourceFiles(source_file_filter): contents = input_api.ReadFile(f, 'rb') # WebKit ASSERT() is not allowed. if re.search(r"\bASSERT\(", contents): assert_files.append(f.LocalPath()) # WebKit ASSERT_NOT_REACHED() is not allowed. if re.search(r"ASSERT_NOT_REACHED\(", contents): notreached_files.append(f.LocalPath()) if assert_files: return [output_api.PresubmitError( 'These files use ASSERT instead of using DCHECK:', items=assert_files)] if notreached_files: return [output_api.PresubmitError( 'These files use ASSERT_NOT_REACHED instead of using NOTREACHED:', items=notreached_files)] return [] def CheckStdAbs(input_api, output_api, white_list=CC_SOURCE_FILES, black_list=None): black_list = tuple(black_list or input_api.DEFAULT_BLACK_LIST) source_file_filter = lambda x: input_api.FilterSourceFile(x, white_list, black_list) using_std_abs_files = [] found_fabs_files = [] missing_std_prefix_files = [] for f in input_api.AffectedSourceFiles(source_file_filter): contents = input_api.ReadFile(f, 'rb') if re.search(r"using std::f?abs;", contents): using_std_abs_files.append(f.LocalPath()) if re.search(r"\bfabsf?\(", contents): found_fabs_files.append(f.LocalPath()); no_std_prefix = r"(?(%s))&' % string.join(pass_by_value_types, '|'), contents) if match: local_errors.append(output_api.PresubmitError( '%s passes %s by const ref instead of by value.' % (f.LocalPath(), match.group('type')))) return local_errors def CheckTodos(input_api, output_api): errors = [] source_file_filter = lambda x: x for f in input_api.AffectedSourceFiles(source_file_filter): contents = input_api.ReadFile(f, 'rb') if ('FIX'+'ME') in contents: errors.append(f.LocalPath()) if errors: return [output_api.PresubmitError( 'All TODO comments should be of the form TODO(name). ' + 'Use TODO instead of FIX' + 'ME', items=errors)] return [] def CheckDoubleAngles(input_api, output_api, white_list=CC_SOURCE_FILES, black_list=None): errors = [] source_file_filter = lambda x: input_api.FilterSourceFile(x, white_list, black_list) for f in input_api.AffectedSourceFiles(source_file_filter): contents = input_api.ReadFile(f, 'rb') if ('> >') in contents: errors.append(f.LocalPath()) if errors: return [output_api.PresubmitError('Use >> instead of > >:', items=errors)] return [] def CheckScopedPtr(input_api, output_api, white_list=CC_SOURCE_FILES, black_list=None): black_list = tuple(black_list or input_api.DEFAULT_BLACK_LIST) source_file_filter = lambda x: input_api.FilterSourceFile(x, white_list, black_list) errors = [] for f in input_api.AffectedSourceFiles(source_file_filter): for line_number, line in f.ChangedContents(): # Disallow: # return scoped_ptr(foo); # bar = scoped_ptr(foo); # But allow: # return scoped_ptr(foo); # bar = scoped_ptr(foo); if re.search(r'(=|\breturn)\s*scoped_ptr<.*?(?\([^)]+\)', line): errors.append(output_api.PresubmitError( ('%s:%d uses explicit scoped_ptr constructor. ' + 'Use make_scoped_ptr() instead.') % (f.LocalPath(), line_number))) # Disallow: # scoped_ptr() if re.search(r'\bscoped_ptr<.*?>\(\)', line): errors.append(output_api.PresubmitError( '%s:%d uses scoped_ptr(). Use nullptr instead.' % (f.LocalPath(), line_number))) return errors def FindUnquotedQuote(contents, pos): match = re.search(r"(?\")", contents[pos:]) return -1 if not match else match.start("quote") + pos def FindUselessIfdefs(input_api, output_api): errors = [] source_file_filter = lambda x: x for f in input_api.AffectedSourceFiles(source_file_filter): contents = input_api.ReadFile(f, 'rb') if re.search(r'#if\s*0\s', contents): errors.append(f.LocalPath()) if errors: return [output_api.PresubmitError( 'Don\'t use #if '+'0; just delete the code.', items=errors)] return [] def FindNamespaceInBlock(pos, namespace, contents, whitelist=[]): open_brace = -1 close_brace = -1 quote = -1 name = -1 brace_count = 1 quote_count = 0 while pos < len(contents) and brace_count > 0: if open_brace < pos: open_brace = contents.find("{", pos) if close_brace < pos: close_brace = contents.find("}", pos) if quote < pos: quote = FindUnquotedQuote(contents, pos) if name < pos: name = contents.find(("%s::" % namespace), pos) if name < 0: return False # The namespace is not used at all. if open_brace < 0: open_brace = len(contents) if close_brace < 0: close_brace = len(contents) if quote < 0: quote = len(contents) next = min(open_brace, min(close_brace, min(quote, name))) if next == open_brace: brace_count += 1 elif next == close_brace: brace_count -= 1 elif next == quote: quote_count = 0 if quote_count else 1 elif next == name and not quote_count: in_whitelist = False for w in whitelist: if re.match(w, contents[next:]): in_whitelist = True break if not in_whitelist: return True pos = next + 1 return False # Checks for the use of cc:: within the cc namespace, which is usually # redundant. def CheckNamespace(input_api, output_api): errors = [] source_file_filter = lambda x: x for f in input_api.AffectedSourceFiles(source_file_filter): contents = input_api.ReadFile(f, 'rb') match = re.search(r'namespace\s*cc\s*{', contents) if match: whitelist = [] if FindNamespaceInBlock(match.end(), 'cc', contents, whitelist=whitelist): errors.append(f.LocalPath()) if errors: return [output_api.PresubmitError( 'Do not use cc:: inside of the cc namespace.', items=errors)] return [] def CheckForUseOfWrongClock(input_api, output_api, white_list=CC_SOURCE_FILES, black_list=None): """Make sure new lines of code don't use a clock susceptible to skew.""" black_list = tuple(black_list or input_api.DEFAULT_BLACK_LIST) source_file_filter = lambda x: input_api.FilterSourceFile(x, white_list, black_list) # Regular expression that should detect any explicit references to the # base::Time type (or base::Clock/DefaultClock), whether in using decls, # typedefs, or to call static methods. base_time_type_pattern = r'(^|\W)base::(Time|Clock|DefaultClock)(\W|$)' # Regular expression that should detect references to the base::Time class # members, such as a call to base::Time::Now. base_time_member_pattern = r'(^|\W)(Time|Clock|DefaultClock)::' # Regular expression to detect "using base::Time" declarations. We want to # prevent these from triggerring a warning. For example, it's perfectly # reasonable for code to be written like this: # # using base::Time; # ... # int64 foo_us = foo_s * Time::kMicrosecondsPerSecond; using_base_time_decl_pattern = r'^\s*using\s+(::)?base::Time\s*;' # Regular expression to detect references to the kXXX constants in the # base::Time class. We want to prevent these from triggerring a warning. base_time_konstant_pattern = r'(^|\W)Time::k\w+' problem_re = input_api.re.compile( r'(' + base_time_type_pattern + r')|(' + base_time_member_pattern + r')') exception_re = input_api.re.compile( r'(' + using_base_time_decl_pattern + r')|(' + base_time_konstant_pattern + r')') problems = [] for f in input_api.AffectedSourceFiles(source_file_filter): for line_number, line in f.ChangedContents(): if problem_re.search(line): if not exception_re.search(line): problems.append( ' %s:%d\n %s' % (f.LocalPath(), line_number, line.strip())) if problems: return [output_api.PresubmitPromptOrNotify( 'You added one or more references to the base::Time class and/or one\n' 'of its member functions (or base::Clock/DefaultClock). In cc code,\n' 'it is most certainly incorrect! Instead use base::TimeTicks.\n\n' '\n'.join(problems))] else: return [] def CheckChangeOnUpload(input_api, output_api): results = [] results += CheckAsserts(input_api, output_api) results += CheckStdAbs(input_api, output_api) results += CheckPassByValue(input_api, output_api) results += CheckChangeLintsClean(input_api, output_api) results += CheckTodos(input_api, output_api) results += CheckDoubleAngles(input_api, output_api) results += CheckScopedPtr(input_api, output_api) results += CheckNamespace(input_api, output_api) results += CheckForUseOfWrongClock(input_api, output_api) results += FindUselessIfdefs(input_api, output_api) results += input_api.canned_checks.CheckPatchFormatted(input_api, output_api) return results def PostUploadHook(cl, change, output_api): """git cl upload will call this hook after the issue is created/modified. This hook adds extra try bots list to the CL description in order to run Blink tests in addition to CQ try bots. """ rietveld_obj = cl.RpcServer() issue = cl.issue description = rietveld_obj.get_description(issue) if re.search(r'^CQ_INCLUDE_TRYBOTS=.*', description, re.M | re.I): return [] bots = [ 'tryserver.blink:linux_blink_rel', ] results = [] new_description = description new_description += '\nCQ_INCLUDE_TRYBOTS=%s' % ';'.join(bots) results.append(output_api.PresubmitNotifyResult( 'Automatically added Blink trybots to run Blink tests on CQ.')) if new_description != description: rietveld_obj.update_description(issue, new_description) return results