// Copyright 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #ifndef CC_LAYER_H_ #define CC_LAYER_H_ #include #include #include #include "base/memory/ref_counted.h" #include "cc/cc_export.h" #include "cc/draw_properties.h" #include "cc/layer_animation_controller.h" #include "cc/occlusion_tracker.h" #include "cc/region.h" #include "cc/render_surface.h" #include "skia/ext/refptr.h" #include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkColor.h" #include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkImageFilter.h" #include "ui/gfx/rect.h" #include "ui/gfx/rect_f.h" #include "ui/gfx/transform.h" namespace WebKit { class WebAnimationDelegate; class WebLayerScrollClient; } namespace cc { class ActiveAnimation; struct AnimationEvent; class LayerAnimationDelegate; class LayerImpl; class LayerTreeHost; class PriorityCalculator; class ResourceUpdateQueue; class ScrollbarLayer; struct AnimationEvent; struct RenderingStats; // Base class for composited layers. Special layer types are derived from // this class. class CC_EXPORT Layer : public base::RefCounted, public LayerAnimationControllerClient { public: typedef std::vector > LayerList; static scoped_refptr create(); // LayerAnimationControllerClient implementation virtual int id() const OVERRIDE; virtual void setOpacityFromAnimation(float) OVERRIDE; virtual float opacity() const OVERRIDE; virtual void setTransformFromAnimation(const gfx::Transform&) OVERRIDE; // A layer's transform operates layer space. That is, entirely in logical, // non-page-scaled pixels (that is, they have page zoom baked in, but not page scale). // The root layer is a special case -- it operates in physical pixels. virtual const gfx::Transform& transform() const OVERRIDE; Layer* rootLayer(); Layer* parent() { return m_parent; } const Layer* parent() const { return m_parent; } void addChild(scoped_refptr); void insertChild(scoped_refptr, size_t index); void replaceChild(Layer* reference, scoped_refptr newLayer); void removeFromParent(); void removeAllChildren(); void setChildren(const LayerList&); const LayerList& children() const { return m_children; } void setAnchorPoint(const gfx::PointF&); gfx::PointF anchorPoint() const { return m_anchorPoint; } void setAnchorPointZ(float); float anchorPointZ() const { return m_anchorPointZ; } virtual void setBackgroundColor(SkColor); SkColor backgroundColor() const { return m_backgroundColor; } // A layer's bounds are in logical, non-page-scaled pixels (however, the // root layer's bounds are in physical pixels). void setBounds(const gfx::Size&); const gfx::Size& bounds() const { return m_bounds; } virtual gfx::Size contentBounds() const; void setMasksToBounds(bool); bool masksToBounds() const { return m_masksToBounds; } void setMaskLayer(Layer*); Layer* maskLayer() { return m_maskLayer.get(); } const Layer* maskLayer() const { return m_maskLayer.get(); } virtual void setNeedsDisplayRect(const gfx::RectF& dirtyRect); void setNeedsDisplay() { setNeedsDisplayRect(gfx::RectF(gfx::PointF(), bounds())); } virtual bool needsDisplay() const; void setOpacity(float); bool opacityIsAnimating() const; void setFilters(const WebKit::WebFilterOperations&); const WebKit::WebFilterOperations& filters() const { return m_filters; } void setFilter(const skia::RefPtr& filter); skia::RefPtr filter() const { return m_filter; } // Background filters are filters applied to what is behind this layer, when they are viewed through non-opaque // regions in this layer. They are used through the WebLayer interface, and are not exposed to HTML. void setBackgroundFilters(const WebKit::WebFilterOperations&); const WebKit::WebFilterOperations& backgroundFilters() const { return m_backgroundFilters; } virtual void setContentsOpaque(bool); bool contentsOpaque() const { return m_contentsOpaque; } void setPosition(const gfx::PointF&); gfx::PointF position() const { return m_position; } void setIsContainerForFixedPositionLayers(bool); bool isContainerForFixedPositionLayers() const { return m_isContainerForFixedPositionLayers; } void setFixedToContainerLayer(bool); bool fixedToContainerLayer() const { return m_fixedToContainerLayer; } void setSublayerTransform(const gfx::Transform&); const gfx::Transform& sublayerTransform() const { return m_sublayerTransform; } void setTransform(const gfx::Transform&); bool transformIsAnimating() const; DrawProperties& drawProperties() { return m_drawProperties; } const DrawProperties& drawProperties() const { return m_drawProperties; } // The following are shortcut accessors to get various information from m_drawProperties const gfx::Transform& drawTransform() const { return m_drawProperties.target_space_transform; } const gfx::Transform& screenSpaceTransform() const { return m_drawProperties.screen_space_transform; } float drawOpacity() const { return m_drawProperties.opacity; } bool drawOpacityIsAnimating() const { return m_drawProperties.opacity_is_animating; } bool drawTransformIsAnimating() const { return m_drawProperties.target_space_transform_is_animating; } bool screenSpaceTransformIsAnimating() const { return m_drawProperties.screen_space_transform_is_animating; } bool isClipped() const { return m_drawProperties.is_clipped; } const gfx::Rect& clipRect() const { return m_drawProperties.clip_rect; } const gfx::Rect& drawableContentRect() const { return m_drawProperties.drawable_content_rect; } const gfx::Rect& visibleContentRect() const { return m_drawProperties.visible_content_rect; } Layer* renderTarget() { DCHECK(!m_drawProperties.render_target || m_drawProperties.render_target->renderSurface()); return m_drawProperties.render_target; } const Layer* renderTarget() const { DCHECK(!m_drawProperties.render_target || m_drawProperties.render_target->renderSurface()); return m_drawProperties.render_target; } RenderSurface* renderSurface() const { return m_drawProperties.render_surface.get(); } void setScrollOffset(gfx::Vector2d); gfx::Vector2d scrollOffset() const { return m_scrollOffset; } void setMaxScrollOffset(gfx::Vector2d); gfx::Vector2d maxScrollOffset() const { return m_maxScrollOffset; } void setScrollable(bool); bool scrollable() const { return m_scrollable; } void setShouldScrollOnMainThread(bool); bool shouldScrollOnMainThread() const { return m_shouldScrollOnMainThread; } void setHaveWheelEventHandlers(bool); bool haveWheelEventHandlers() const { return m_haveWheelEventHandlers; } void setNonFastScrollableRegion(const Region&); void setNonFastScrollableRegionChanged() { m_nonFastScrollableRegionChanged = true; } const Region& nonFastScrollableRegion() const { return m_nonFastScrollableRegion; } void setTouchEventHandlerRegion(const Region&); void setTouchEventHandlerRegionChanged() { m_touchEventHandlerRegionChanged = true; } const Region& touchEventHandlerRegion() const { return m_touchEventHandlerRegion; } void setLayerScrollClient(WebKit::WebLayerScrollClient* layerScrollClient) { m_layerScrollClient = layerScrollClient; } void setDrawCheckerboardForMissingTiles(bool); bool drawCheckerboardForMissingTiles() const { return m_drawCheckerboardForMissingTiles; } bool forceRenderSurface() const { return m_forceRenderSurface; } void setForceRenderSurface(bool); gfx::Vector2d scrollDelta() const { return gfx::Vector2d(); } void setImplTransform(const gfx::Transform&); const gfx::Transform& implTransform() const { return m_implTransform; } void setDoubleSided(bool); bool doubleSided() const { return m_doubleSided; } void setPreserves3D(bool preserve3D) { m_preserves3D = preserve3D; } bool preserves3D() const { return m_preserves3D; } void setUseParentBackfaceVisibility(bool useParentBackfaceVisibility) { m_useParentBackfaceVisibility = useParentBackfaceVisibility; } bool useParentBackfaceVisibility() const { return m_useParentBackfaceVisibility; } void setUseLCDText(bool); bool useLCDText() const { return m_useLCDText; } virtual void setLayerTreeHost(LayerTreeHost*); bool hasContributingDelegatedRenderPasses() const { return false; } void setIsDrawable(bool); void setReplicaLayer(Layer*); Layer* replicaLayer() { return m_replicaLayer.get(); } const Layer* replicaLayer() const { return m_replicaLayer.get(); } bool hasMask() const { return !!m_maskLayer; } bool hasReplica() const { return !!m_replicaLayer; } bool replicaHasMask() const { return m_replicaLayer && (m_maskLayer || m_replicaLayer->m_maskLayer); } // These methods typically need to be overwritten by derived classes. virtual bool drawsContent() const; virtual void update(ResourceUpdateQueue&, const OcclusionTracker*, RenderingStats&) { } virtual bool needMoreUpdates(); virtual void setIsMask(bool) { } virtual void bindContentsTexture() { } void setDebugName(const std::string&); virtual void pushPropertiesTo(LayerImpl*); void clearRenderSurface() { m_drawProperties.render_surface.reset(); } void createRenderSurface(); // The contentsScale converts from logical, non-page-scaled pixels to target pixels. // The contentsScale is 1 for the root layer as it is already in physical pixels. // By default contentsScale is forced to be 1 except for subclasses of ContentsScalingLayer. virtual float contentsScaleX() const; virtual float contentsScaleY() const; virtual void setContentsScale(float contentsScale) { } // The scale at which contents should be rastered, to match the scale at // which they will drawn to the screen. This scale is a component of the // contentsScale() but does not include page/device scale factors. float rasterScale() const { return m_rasterScale; } void setRasterScale(float scale); // When true, the rasterScale() will be set by the compositor. If false, it // will use whatever value is given to it by the embedder. bool automaticallyComputeRasterScale() { return m_automaticallyComputeRasterScale; } void setAutomaticallyComputeRasterScale(bool); void forceAutomaticRasterScaleToBeRecomputed(); // When true, the layer's contents are not scaled by the current page scale factor. // setBoundsContainPageScale recursively sets the value on all child layers. void setBoundsContainPageScale(bool); bool boundsContainPageScale() const { return m_boundsContainPageScale; } // Returns 0 if none of the layer's descendants has content to draw, // 1 if exactly one descendant has content to draw, or a number >1 // (but necessary the exact number of descendants) otherwise. int descendantsDrawContent(); LayerTreeHost* layerTreeHost() const { return m_layerTreeHost; } // Set the priority of all desired textures in this layer. virtual void setTexturePriorities(const PriorityCalculator&) { } bool addAnimation(scoped_ptr); void pauseAnimation(int animationId, double timeOffset); void removeAnimation(int animationId); void suspendAnimations(double monotonicTime); void resumeAnimations(double monotonicTime); LayerAnimationController* layerAnimationController() { return m_layerAnimationController.get(); } void setLayerAnimationController(scoped_ptr); scoped_ptr releaseLayerAnimationController(); void setLayerAnimationDelegate(WebKit::WebAnimationDelegate* layerAnimationDelegate) { m_layerAnimationDelegate = layerAnimationDelegate; } bool hasActiveAnimation() const; virtual void notifyAnimationStarted(const AnimationEvent&, double wallClockTime); virtual void notifyAnimationFinished(double wallClockTime); virtual Region visibleContentOpaqueRegion() const; virtual ScrollbarLayer* toScrollbarLayer(); gfx::Rect layerRectToContentRect(const gfx::RectF& layerRect) const; protected: friend class LayerImpl; friend class TreeSynchronizer; virtual ~Layer(); Layer(); void setNeedsCommit(); void setNeedsFullTreeSync(); // This flag is set when layer need repainting/updating. bool m_needsDisplay; // Tracks whether this layer may have changed stacking order with its siblings. bool m_stackingOrderChanged; // The update rect is the region of the compositor resource that was actually updated by the compositor. // For layers that may do updating outside the compositor's control (i.e. plugin layers), this information // is not available and the update rect will remain empty. // Note this rect is in layer space (not content space). gfx::RectF m_updateRect; scoped_refptr m_maskLayer; // Constructs a LayerImpl of the correct runtime type for this Layer type. virtual scoped_ptr createLayerImpl(); int m_layerId; private: friend class base::RefCounted; void setParent(Layer*); bool hasAncestor(Layer*) const; bool descendantIsFixedToContainerLayer() const; size_t numChildren() const { return m_children.size(); } // Returns the index of the child or -1 if not found. int indexOfChild(const Layer*); // This should only be called from removeFromParent. void removeChild(Layer*); LayerList m_children; Layer* m_parent; // Layer instances have a weak pointer to their LayerTreeHost. // This pointer value is nil when a Layer is not in a tree and is // updated via setLayerTreeHost() if a layer moves between trees. LayerTreeHost* m_layerTreeHost; scoped_ptr m_layerAnimationController; // Layer properties. gfx::Size m_bounds; gfx::Vector2d m_scrollOffset; gfx::Vector2d m_maxScrollOffset; bool m_scrollable; bool m_shouldScrollOnMainThread; bool m_haveWheelEventHandlers; Region m_nonFastScrollableRegion; bool m_nonFastScrollableRegionChanged; Region m_touchEventHandlerRegion; bool m_touchEventHandlerRegionChanged; gfx::PointF m_position; gfx::PointF m_anchorPoint; SkColor m_backgroundColor; std::string m_debugName; float m_opacity; skia::RefPtr m_filter; WebKit::WebFilterOperations m_filters; WebKit::WebFilterOperations m_backgroundFilters; float m_anchorPointZ; bool m_isContainerForFixedPositionLayers; bool m_fixedToContainerLayer; bool m_isDrawable; bool m_masksToBounds; bool m_contentsOpaque; bool m_doubleSided; bool m_useLCDText; bool m_preserves3D; bool m_useParentBackfaceVisibility; bool m_drawCheckerboardForMissingTiles; bool m_forceRenderSurface; gfx::Transform m_transform; gfx::Transform m_sublayerTransform; // Replica layer used for reflections. scoped_refptr m_replicaLayer; // Transient properties. float m_rasterScale; bool m_automaticallyComputeRasterScale; bool m_boundsContainPageScale; gfx::Transform m_implTransform; WebKit::WebAnimationDelegate* m_layerAnimationDelegate; WebKit::WebLayerScrollClient* m_layerScrollClient; DrawProperties m_drawProperties; }; void sortLayers(std::vector >::iterator, std::vector >::iterator, void*); } // namespace cc #endif // CC_LAYER_H_