// Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "cc/layer_tree_host.h" #include "base/base_paths.h" #include "base/file_path.h" #include "base/file_util.h" #include "base/json/json_reader.h" #include "base/path_service.h" #include "base/string_piece.h" #include "cc/content_layer.h" #include "cc/nine_patch_layer.h" #include "cc/solid_color_layer.h" #include "cc/test/fake_content_layer_client.h" #include "cc/test/layer_tree_test_common.h" namespace cc { namespace { static const int kTimeLimitMillis = 2000; class LayerTreeHostPerfTest : public WebKitTests::ThreadedTest { public: LayerTreeHostPerfTest() : num_draws_(0) { fake_delegate_.setPaintAllOpaque(true); } virtual void beginTest() OVERRIDE { buildTree(); start_time_ = base::TimeTicks::HighResNow(); postSetNeedsCommitToMainThread(); } virtual void drawLayersOnThread(LayerTreeHostImpl* impl) OVERRIDE { ++num_draws_; if ((base::TimeTicks::HighResNow() - start_time_) >= base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(kTimeLimitMillis)) endTest(); impl->setNeedsRedraw(); } virtual void buildTree() {} virtual void afterTest() OVERRIDE { base::TimeDelta elapsed = base::TimeTicks::HighResNow() - start_time_; // Format matches chrome/test/perf/perf_test.h:PrintResult printf("*RESULT %s: frames= %.2f runs/s\n", test_name_.c_str(), num_draws_ / elapsed.InSecondsF()); } scoped_refptr CreateLayer(float x, float y, int width, int height) { scoped_refptr layer = Layer::create(); layer->setAnchorPoint(gfx::Point()); layer->setPosition(gfx::PointF(x, y)); layer->setBounds(gfx::Size(width, height)); return layer; } scoped_refptr CreateContentLayer(float x, float y, int width, int height) { scoped_refptr layer = ContentLayer::create(&fake_delegate_); layer->setAnchorPoint(gfx::Point()); layer->setPosition(gfx::PointF(x, y)); layer->setBounds(gfx::Size(width, height)); layer->setIsDrawable(true); return layer; } scoped_refptr CreateColorLayer(float x, float y, int width, int height) { scoped_refptr layer = SolidColorLayer::create(); layer->setAnchorPoint(gfx::Point()); layer->setPosition(gfx::PointF(x, y)); layer->setBounds(gfx::Size(width, height)); layer->setIsDrawable(true); return layer; } scoped_refptr CreateDecorationLayer(float x, float y, int width, int height) { return CreateDecorationLayer(x, y, width, height, gfx::Rect(0, 0, width, height)); } scoped_refptr CreateDecorationLayer(float x, float y, int width, int height, gfx::Rect aperture) { scoped_refptr layer = NinePatchLayer::create(); layer->setAnchorPoint(gfx::Point()); layer->setPosition(gfx::PointF(x, y)); layer->setBounds(gfx::Size(width, height)); layer->setIsDrawable(true); SkBitmap bitmap; bitmap.setConfig(SkBitmap::kARGB_8888_Config, 1, 1); bitmap.allocPixels(NULL, NULL); layer->setBitmap(bitmap, aperture); return layer; } scoped_refptr addChild(scoped_refptr parent, scoped_refptr child) { parent->addChild(child); return child; } protected: base::TimeTicks start_time_; int num_draws_; std::string test_name_; WebKitTests::FakeContentLayerClient fake_delegate_; }; class LayerTreeHostPerfTestSevenTabSwitcher : public LayerTreeHostPerfTest { public: LayerTreeHostPerfTestSevenTabSwitcher() : LayerTreeHostPerfTest() { test_name_ = "SevenTabSwitcher"; } virtual void buildTree() OVERRIDE { scoped_refptr root = CreateLayer(0, 0, 720, 1038); // 1 scoped_refptr layer; gfx::Transform down_scale_matrix; down_scale_matrix.Scale(0.747, 0.747); layer = addChild(root, CreateLayer(0, 0, 0, 0)); // 2 layer = addChild(root, CreateLayer(628, 15, 0, 0)); // 5 layer = addChild(root, CreateDecorationLayer(564, -49, 665, 274)); // 13 layer = addChild(root, CreateDecorationLayer(-16, -16, 569, 807)); // 12 layer = addChild(root, CreateColorLayer(628, 15, 720, 1038)); // 11 layer->setTransform(down_scale_matrix); layer = addChild(root, CreateContentLayer(628, 16, 720, 1038)); // 34 layer->setTransform(down_scale_matrix); layer = addChild(root, CreateLayer(628, 15, 0, 0)); // 6 layer = addChild(root, CreateDecorationLayer(612, -1, 569, 807)); // 10 layer = addChild(root, CreateDecorationLayer(827.135986f, -1, 354, 96)); // 9 layer = addChild(root, CreateContentLayer(628, 15, 0, 0)); // 8 layer = addChild(root, CreateContentLayer(627.418f, 15, 0, 0)); // 7 layer = addChild(root, CreateLayer(628, 161, 0, 0)); // 74 layer = addChild(root, CreateDecorationLayer(564, 97, 665, 383)); // 82 layer = addChild(root, CreateDecorationLayer(0, 0, 569, 807)); // 81 layer = addChild(root, CreateColorLayer(628, 161, 720, 1038)); // 80 layer->setTransform(down_scale_matrix); layer = addChild(root, CreateContentLayer(628, 161, 720, 1038)); // 44 layer->setTransform(down_scale_matrix); layer = addChild(root, CreateLayer(628, 161, 0, 0)); // 75 layer = addChild(root, CreateDecorationLayer(612, 145, 569, 807)); // 79 layer = addChild(root, CreateDecorationLayer(827.135986f, 145, 354, 96)); // 78 layer = addChild(root, CreateContentLayer(628, 161, 0, 0)); // 77 layer = addChild(root, CreateContentLayer(627.418f, 161, 0, 0)); // 76 layer = addChild(root, CreateLayer(628, 417, 0, 0)); // 83 layer = addChild(root, CreateDecorationLayer(564, 353, 665, 445)); // 91 layer = addChild(root, CreateDecorationLayer(0, 0, 569, 807)); // 90 layer = addChild(root, CreateColorLayer(628, 417, 720, 1038)); // 89 layer->setTransform(down_scale_matrix); layer = addChild(root, CreateContentLayer(628, 417, 720, 1038)); // 54 layer->setTransform(down_scale_matrix); layer = addChild(root, CreateLayer(628, 417, 0, 0)); // 84 layer = addChild(root, CreateDecorationLayer(612, 401, 569, 807)); // 88 layer = addChild(root, CreateDecorationLayer(827.135986f, 401, 354, 96)); // 87 layer = addChild(root, CreateContentLayer(628, 417, 0, 0)); // 86 layer = addChild(root, CreateContentLayer(627.418f, 417, 0, 0)); // 85 layer = addChild(root, CreateLayer(628, 735, 0, 0)); // 92 layer = addChild(root, CreateDecorationLayer(564, 671, 665, 439)); // 100 layer = addChild(root, CreateDecorationLayer(0, 0, 569, 807)); // 99 layer = addChild(root, CreateColorLayer(628, 735, 720, 1038)); // 98 layer->setTransform(down_scale_matrix); layer = addChild(root, CreateContentLayer(628, 735, 720, 1038)); // 64 layer->setTransform(down_scale_matrix); layer = addChild(root, CreateLayer(628, 735, 0, 0)); // 93 layer = addChild(root, CreateDecorationLayer(612, 719, 569, 807)); // 97 layer = addChild(root, CreateDecorationLayer(827.135986f, 719, 354, 96)); // 96 layer = addChild(root, CreateContentLayer(628, 735, 0, 0)); // 95 layer = addChild(root, CreateContentLayer(627.418f, 735, 0, 0)); // 94 layer = addChild(root, CreateLayer(30, 15, 0, 0)); // 101 layer = addChild(root, CreateDecorationLayer(-34, -49, 665, 337)); // 109 layer = addChild(root, CreateDecorationLayer(0, 0, 569, 807)); // 108 layer = addChild(root, CreateColorLayer(30, 15, 720, 1038)); // 107 layer->setTransform(down_scale_matrix); layer = addChild(root, CreateContentLayer(30, 15, 0, 0)); // 3 layer->setTransform(down_scale_matrix); layer = addChild(root, CreateLayer(30, 15, 0, 0)); // 102 layer = addChild(root, CreateDecorationLayer(14, -1, 569, 807)); // 106 layer = addChild(root, CreateDecorationLayer(229.135986f, -1, 354, 96)); // 105 layer = addChild(root, CreateContentLayer(30, 15, 0, 0)); // 104 layer = addChild(root, CreateContentLayer(30, 15, 0, 0)); // 103 layer = addChild(root, CreateLayer(30, 227, 0, 0)); // 110 layer = addChild(root, CreateDecorationLayer(-34, 163, 665, 517)); // 118 layer = addChild(root, CreateDecorationLayer(0, 0, 569, 807)); // 117 layer = addChild(root, CreateColorLayer(30, 227, 720, 1038)); // 116 layer->setTransform(down_scale_matrix); layer = addChild(root, CreateContentLayer(30, 227, 720, 1038)); // 4 layer->setTransform(down_scale_matrix); layer = addChild(root, CreateLayer(30, 227, 0, 0)); // 111 layer = addChild(root, CreateDecorationLayer(14, 211, 569, 807)); // 115 layer = addChild(root, CreateDecorationLayer(229.135986f, 211, 354, 96)); // 114 layer = addChild(root, CreateContentLayer(30, 227, 0, 0)); // 113 layer = addChild(root, CreateContentLayer(30, 227, 0, 0)); // 112 layer = addChild(root, CreateLayer(30, 617, 0, 0)); // 119 layer = addChild(root, CreateDecorationLayer(-34, 553, 665, 559)); // 127 layer = addChild(root, CreateDecorationLayer(136.349190f, 566.524940f, 569, 807)); // 126 layer = addChild(root, CreateColorLayer(30, 617, 720, 1038)); // 125 layer->setTransform(down_scale_matrix); layer = addChild(root, CreateContentLayer(30, 617, 720, 1038)); // 14 layer->setTransform(down_scale_matrix); layer = addChild(root, CreateLayer(30, 617, 0, 0)); // 120 layer = addChild(root, CreateDecorationLayer(14, 601, 569, 807)); // 124 layer = addChild(root, CreateDecorationLayer(229.135986f, 601, 354, 96)); // 123 layer = addChild(root, CreateContentLayer(30, 617, 0, 0)); // 122 layer = addChild(root, CreateContentLayer(30, 617, 0, 0)); // 121 m_layerTreeHost->setViewportSize(gfx::Size(720, 1038), gfx::Size(720, 1038)); m_layerTreeHost->setRootLayer(root); } }; TEST_F(LayerTreeHostPerfTestSevenTabSwitcher, runSingleThread) { runTest(false); } class LayerTreeHostPerfTestJsonReader : public LayerTreeHostPerfTest { public: LayerTreeHostPerfTestJsonReader() : LayerTreeHostPerfTest() { } void readTestFile(std::string name) { test_name_ = name; FilePath filepath; ASSERT_TRUE(PathService::Get(base::DIR_SOURCE_ROOT, &filepath)); filepath = filepath.AppendASCII("cc").AppendASCII("test") .AppendASCII("data").AppendASCII(name + ".json"); std::string json; ASSERT_TRUE(file_util::ReadFileToString(filepath, &json)); tree_.reset(base::JSONReader::Read(json)); ASSERT_TRUE(tree_); } scoped_refptr parseLayer(base::Value* val) { DictionaryValue* dict; bool success = true; success &= val->GetAsDictionary(&dict); std::string layer_type; success &= dict->GetString("LayerType", &layer_type); ListValue* list; success &= dict->GetList("Bounds", &list); int width, height; success &= list->GetInteger(0, &width); success &= list->GetInteger(1, &height); success &= dict->GetList("Position", &list); double position_x, position_y; success &= list->GetDouble(0, &position_x); success &= list->GetDouble(1, &position_y); scoped_refptr new_layer; if (layer_type == "SolidColorLayer") { new_layer = CreateColorLayer(position_x, position_y, width, height); } else if (layer_type == "ContentLayer") { new_layer = CreateContentLayer(position_x, position_y, width, height); } else if (layer_type == "NinePatchLayer") { success &= dict->GetList("ImageAperture", &list); int aperture_x, aperture_y, aperture_width, aperture_height; success &= list->GetInteger(0, &aperture_x); success &= list->GetInteger(1, &aperture_y); success &= list->GetInteger(2, &aperture_width); success &= list->GetInteger(3, &aperture_height); new_layer = CreateDecorationLayer( position_x, position_y, width, height, gfx::Rect(aperture_x, aperture_y, aperture_width, aperture_height)); } else { // Type "Layer" or "unknown" new_layer = CreateLayer(position_x, position_y, width, height); } success &= dict->GetList("DrawTransform", &list); double transform[16]; for (int i = 0; i < 16; ++i) success &= list->GetDouble(i, &transform[i]); gfx::Transform gfxTransform; gfxTransform.matrix().setColMajord(transform); new_layer->setTransform(gfxTransform); success &= dict->GetList("Children", &list); for (ListValue::const_iterator it = list->begin(); it != list->end(); ++it) { new_layer->addChild(parseLayer(*it)); } if (!success) ADD_FAILURE() << "Could not parse json data"; return new_layer; } virtual void buildTree() OVERRIDE { gfx::Size viewport = gfx::Size(720, 1038); m_layerTreeHost->setViewportSize(viewport, viewport); m_layerTreeHost->setRootLayer(parseLayer(tree_.get())); } private: scoped_ptr tree_; }; TEST_F(LayerTreeHostPerfTestJsonReader, tenTenSingleThread) { readTestFile("10_10_layer_tree"); runTest(false); } } // namespace } // namespace cc