// Copyright 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "cc/layers/image_layer.h" #include "base/compiler_specific.h" #include "cc/resources/image_layer_updater.h" #include "cc/resources/layer_updater.h" #include "cc/resources/prioritized_resource.h" #include "cc/resources/resource_update_queue.h" #include "cc/trees/layer_tree_host.h" namespace cc { scoped_refptr ImageLayer::Create() { return make_scoped_refptr(new ImageLayer()); } ImageLayer::ImageLayer() : TiledLayer() {} ImageLayer::~ImageLayer() {} void ImageLayer::SetBitmap(const SkBitmap& bitmap) { // SetBitmap() currently gets called whenever there is any // style change that affects the layer even if that change doesn't // affect the actual contents of the image (e.g. a CSS animation). // With this check in place we avoid unecessary texture uploads. if (bitmap.pixelRef() && bitmap.pixelRef() == bitmap_.pixelRef()) return; bitmap_ = bitmap; SetNeedsDisplay(); } void ImageLayer::SetTexturePriorities(const PriorityCalculator& priority_calc) { // Update the tile data before creating all the layer's tiles. UpdateTileSizeAndTilingOption(); TiledLayer::SetTexturePriorities(priority_calc); } bool ImageLayer::Update(ResourceUpdateQueue* queue, const OcclusionTracker* occlusion) { CreateUpdaterIfNeeded(); if (needs_display_) { updater_->set_bitmap(bitmap_); UpdateTileSizeAndTilingOption(); InvalidateContentRect(gfx::Rect(content_bounds())); needs_display_ = false; } return TiledLayer::Update(queue, occlusion); } void ImageLayer::CreateUpdaterIfNeeded() { if (updater_.get()) return; updater_ = ImageLayerUpdater::Create(); GLenum texture_format = layer_tree_host()->GetRendererCapabilities().best_texture_format; SetTextureFormat(texture_format); } LayerUpdater* ImageLayer::Updater() const { return updater_.get(); } void ImageLayer::CalculateContentsScale(float ideal_contents_scale, float device_scale_factor, float page_scale_factor, bool animating_transform_to_screen, float* contents_scale_x, float* contents_scale_y, gfx::Size* content_bounds) { *contents_scale_x = ImageContentsScaleX(); *contents_scale_y = ImageContentsScaleY(); *content_bounds = gfx::Size(bitmap_.width(), bitmap_.height()); } bool ImageLayer::DrawsContent() const { return !bitmap_.isNull() && TiledLayer::DrawsContent(); } float ImageLayer::ImageContentsScaleX() const { if (bounds().IsEmpty() || bitmap_.width() == 0) return 1; return static_cast(bitmap_.width()) / bounds().width(); } float ImageLayer::ImageContentsScaleY() const { if (bounds().IsEmpty() || bitmap_.height() == 0) return 1; return static_cast(bitmap_.height()) / bounds().height(); } } // namespace cc