// Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "nine_patch_layer_impl.h" #include "base/stringprintf.h" #include "cc/quad_sink.h" #include "cc/texture_draw_quad.h" #include "ui/gfx/rect_f.h" namespace cc { NinePatchLayerImpl::NinePatchLayerImpl(int id) : LayerImpl(id) , m_resourceId(0) { } NinePatchLayerImpl::~NinePatchLayerImpl() { } ResourceProvider::ResourceId NinePatchLayerImpl::contentsResourceId() const { return 0; } void NinePatchLayerImpl::willDraw(ResourceProvider* resourceProvider) { } static gfx::RectF normalizedRect(float x, float y, float width, float height, float totalWidth, float totalHeight) { return gfx::RectF(x / totalWidth, y / totalHeight, width / totalWidth, height / totalHeight); } void NinePatchLayerImpl::setLayout(const gfx::Size& imageBounds, const gfx::Rect& aperture) { m_imageBounds = imageBounds; m_imageAperture = aperture; } void NinePatchLayerImpl::appendQuads(QuadSink& quadSink, AppendQuadsData& appendQuadsData) { if (!m_resourceId) return; SharedQuadState* sharedQuadState = quadSink.useSharedQuadState(createSharedQuadState()); appendDebugBorderQuad(quadSink, sharedQuadState, appendQuadsData); static const bool flipped = false; static const bool premultipliedAlpha = true; DCHECK(!bounds().IsEmpty()); // NinePatch border widths in bitmap pixel space int leftWidth = m_imageAperture.x(); int topHeight = m_imageAperture.y(); int rightWidth = m_imageBounds.width() - m_imageAperture.right(); int bottomHeight = m_imageBounds.height() - m_imageAperture.bottom(); // If layer can't fit the corners, clip to show the outer edges of the // image. int cornerTotalWidth = leftWidth + rightWidth; int middleWidth = bounds().width() - cornerTotalWidth; if (middleWidth < 0) { float leftWidthProportion = static_cast<float>(leftWidth) / cornerTotalWidth; int leftWidthCrop = middleWidth * leftWidthProportion; leftWidth += leftWidthCrop; rightWidth = bounds().width() - leftWidth; middleWidth = 0; } int cornerTotalHeight = topHeight + bottomHeight; int middleHeight = bounds().height() - cornerTotalHeight; if (middleHeight < 0) { float topHeightProportion = static_cast<float>(topHeight) / cornerTotalHeight; int topHeightCrop = middleHeight * topHeightProportion; topHeight += topHeightCrop; bottomHeight = bounds().height() - topHeight; middleHeight = 0; } // Patch positions in layer space gfx::Rect topLeft(0, 0, leftWidth, topHeight); gfx::Rect topRight(bounds().width() - rightWidth, 0, rightWidth, topHeight); gfx::Rect bottomLeft(0, bounds().height() - bottomHeight, leftWidth, bottomHeight); gfx::Rect bottomRight(topRight.x(), bottomLeft.y(), rightWidth, bottomHeight); gfx::Rect top(topLeft.right(), 0, middleWidth, topHeight); gfx::Rect left(0, topLeft.bottom(), leftWidth, middleHeight); gfx::Rect right(topRight.x(), topRight.bottom(), rightWidth, left.height()); gfx::Rect bottom(top.x(), bottomLeft.y(), top.width(), bottomHeight); float imgWidth = m_imageBounds.width(); float imgHeight = m_imageBounds.height(); // Patch positions in bitmap UV space (from zero to one) gfx::RectF uvTopLeft = normalizedRect(0, 0, leftWidth, topHeight, imgWidth, imgHeight); gfx::RectF uvTopRight = normalizedRect(imgWidth - rightWidth, 0, rightWidth, topHeight, imgWidth, imgHeight); gfx::RectF uvBottomLeft = normalizedRect(0, imgHeight - bottomHeight, leftWidth, bottomHeight, imgWidth, imgHeight); gfx::RectF uvBottomRight = normalizedRect(imgWidth - rightWidth, imgHeight - bottomHeight, rightWidth, bottomHeight, imgWidth, imgHeight); gfx::RectF uvTop(uvTopLeft.right(), 0, (imgWidth - leftWidth - rightWidth) / imgWidth, (topHeight) / imgHeight); gfx::RectF uvLeft(0, uvTopLeft.bottom(), leftWidth / imgWidth, (imgHeight - topHeight - bottomHeight) / imgHeight); gfx::RectF uvRight(uvTopRight.x(), uvTopRight.bottom(), rightWidth / imgWidth, uvLeft.height()); gfx::RectF uvBottom(uvTop.x(), uvBottomLeft.y(), uvTop.width(), bottomHeight / imgHeight); // Nothing is opaque here. // TODO(danakj): Should we look at the SkBitmaps to determine opaqueness? gfx::Rect opaqueRect; scoped_ptr<TextureDrawQuad> quad; quad = TextureDrawQuad::Create(); quad->SetNew(sharedQuadState, topLeft, opaqueRect, m_resourceId, premultipliedAlpha, uvTopLeft, flipped); quadSink.append(quad.PassAs<DrawQuad>(), appendQuadsData); quad = TextureDrawQuad::Create(); quad->SetNew(sharedQuadState, topRight, opaqueRect, m_resourceId, premultipliedAlpha, uvTopRight, flipped); quadSink.append(quad.PassAs<DrawQuad>(), appendQuadsData); quad = TextureDrawQuad::Create(); quad->SetNew(sharedQuadState, bottomLeft, opaqueRect, m_resourceId, premultipliedAlpha, uvBottomLeft, flipped); quadSink.append(quad.PassAs<DrawQuad>(), appendQuadsData); quad = TextureDrawQuad::Create(); quad->SetNew(sharedQuadState, bottomRight, opaqueRect, m_resourceId, premultipliedAlpha, uvBottomRight, flipped); quadSink.append(quad.PassAs<DrawQuad>(), appendQuadsData); quad = TextureDrawQuad::Create(); quad->SetNew(sharedQuadState, top, opaqueRect, m_resourceId, premultipliedAlpha, uvTop, flipped); quadSink.append(quad.PassAs<DrawQuad>(), appendQuadsData); quad = TextureDrawQuad::Create(); quad->SetNew(sharedQuadState, left, opaqueRect, m_resourceId, premultipliedAlpha, uvLeft, flipped); quadSink.append(quad.PassAs<DrawQuad>(), appendQuadsData); quad = TextureDrawQuad::Create(); quad->SetNew(sharedQuadState, right, opaqueRect, m_resourceId, premultipliedAlpha, uvRight, flipped); quadSink.append(quad.PassAs<DrawQuad>(), appendQuadsData); quad = TextureDrawQuad::Create(); quad->SetNew(sharedQuadState, bottom, opaqueRect, m_resourceId, premultipliedAlpha, uvBottom, flipped); quadSink.append(quad.PassAs<DrawQuad>(), appendQuadsData); } void NinePatchLayerImpl::didDraw(ResourceProvider* resourceProvider) { } void NinePatchLayerImpl::didLoseContext() { m_resourceId = 0; } const char* NinePatchLayerImpl::layerTypeAsString() const { return "NinePatchLayer"; } void NinePatchLayerImpl::dumpLayerProperties(std::string* str, int indent) const { str->append(indentString(indent)); base::StringAppendF(str, "imageAperture: %s\n", m_imageAperture.ToString().c_str()); LayerImpl::dumpLayerProperties(str, indent); } }