// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "cc/output/filter_operations.h" #include #include "base/trace_event/trace_event_argument.h" #include "base/values.h" #include "cc/output/filter_operation.h" namespace cc { FilterOperations::FilterOperations() {} FilterOperations::FilterOperations(const FilterOperations& other) : operations_(other.operations_) {} FilterOperations::~FilterOperations() {} FilterOperations& FilterOperations::operator=(const FilterOperations& other) { operations_ = other.operations_; return *this; } bool FilterOperations::operator==(const FilterOperations& other) const { if (other.size() != size()) return false; for (size_t i = 0; i < size(); ++i) { if (other.at(i) != at(i)) return false; } return true; } void FilterOperations::Append(const FilterOperation& filter) { operations_.push_back(filter); } void FilterOperations::Clear() { operations_.clear(); } bool FilterOperations::IsEmpty() const { return operations_.empty(); } static int SpreadForStdDeviation(float std_deviation) { // https://dvcs.w3.org/hg/FXTF/raw-file/tip/filters/index.html#feGaussianBlurElement // provides this approximation for evaluating a gaussian blur by a triple box // filter. float d = floorf(std_deviation * 3.f * sqrt(8.f * atan(1.f)) / 4.f + 0.5f); return static_cast(ceilf(d * 3.f / 2.f)); } void FilterOperations::GetOutsets(int* top, int* right, int* bottom, int* left) const { *top = *right = *bottom = *left = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < operations_.size(); ++i) { const FilterOperation& op = operations_[i]; // TODO(ajuma): Add support for reference filters once SkImageFilter // reports its outsets. DCHECK(op.type() != FilterOperation::REFERENCE); if (op.type() == FilterOperation::BLUR || op.type() == FilterOperation::DROP_SHADOW) { int spread = SpreadForStdDeviation(op.amount()); if (op.type() == FilterOperation::BLUR) { *top += spread; *right += spread; *bottom += spread; *left += spread; } else { *top += spread - op.drop_shadow_offset().y(); *right += spread + op.drop_shadow_offset().x(); *bottom += spread + op.drop_shadow_offset().y(); *left += spread - op.drop_shadow_offset().x(); } } } } bool FilterOperations::HasFilterThatMovesPixels() const { for (size_t i = 0; i < operations_.size(); ++i) { const FilterOperation& op = operations_[i]; // TODO(ajuma): Once SkImageFilter reports its outsets, use those here to // determine whether a reference filter really moves pixels. switch (op.type()) { case FilterOperation::BLUR: case FilterOperation::DROP_SHADOW: case FilterOperation::ZOOM: case FilterOperation::REFERENCE: return true; case FilterOperation::OPACITY: case FilterOperation::COLOR_MATRIX: case FilterOperation::GRAYSCALE: case FilterOperation::SEPIA: case FilterOperation::SATURATE: case FilterOperation::HUE_ROTATE: case FilterOperation::INVERT: case FilterOperation::BRIGHTNESS: case FilterOperation::CONTRAST: case FilterOperation::SATURATING_BRIGHTNESS: case FilterOperation::ALPHA_THRESHOLD: break; } } return false; } bool FilterOperations::HasFilterThatAffectsOpacity() const { for (size_t i = 0; i < operations_.size(); ++i) { const FilterOperation& op = operations_[i]; // TODO(ajuma): Make this smarter for reference filters. Once SkImageFilter // can report affectsOpacity(), call that. switch (op.type()) { case FilterOperation::OPACITY: case FilterOperation::BLUR: case FilterOperation::DROP_SHADOW: case FilterOperation::ZOOM: case FilterOperation::REFERENCE: case FilterOperation::ALPHA_THRESHOLD: return true; case FilterOperation::COLOR_MATRIX: { const SkScalar* matrix = op.matrix(); if (matrix[15] || matrix[16] || matrix[17] || matrix[18] != 1 || matrix[19]) return true; break; } case FilterOperation::GRAYSCALE: case FilterOperation::SEPIA: case FilterOperation::SATURATE: case FilterOperation::HUE_ROTATE: case FilterOperation::INVERT: case FilterOperation::BRIGHTNESS: case FilterOperation::CONTRAST: case FilterOperation::SATURATING_BRIGHTNESS: break; } } return false; } bool FilterOperations::HasReferenceFilter() const { for (size_t i = 0; i < operations_.size(); ++i) { if (operations_[i].type() == FilterOperation::REFERENCE) return true; } return false; } FilterOperations FilterOperations::Blend(const FilterOperations& from, double progress) const { if (HasReferenceFilter() || from.HasReferenceFilter()) return *this; bool from_is_longer = from.size() > size(); size_t shorter_size, longer_size; if (size() == from.size()) { shorter_size = longer_size = size(); } else if (from_is_longer) { longer_size = from.size(); shorter_size = size(); } else { longer_size = size(); shorter_size = from.size(); } for (size_t i = 0; i < shorter_size; i++) { if (from.at(i).type() != at(i).type()) return *this; } FilterOperations blended_filters; for (size_t i = 0; i < shorter_size; i++) { blended_filters.Append( FilterOperation::Blend(&from.at(i), &at(i), progress)); } if (from_is_longer) { for (size_t i = shorter_size; i < longer_size; i++) { blended_filters.Append( FilterOperation::Blend(&from.at(i), NULL, progress)); } } else { for (size_t i = shorter_size; i < longer_size; i++) blended_filters.Append(FilterOperation::Blend(NULL, &at(i), progress)); } return blended_filters; } void FilterOperations::AsValueInto( base::trace_event::TracedValue* value) const { for (size_t i = 0; i < operations_.size(); ++i) { value->BeginDictionary(); operations_[i].AsValueInto(value); value->EndDictionary(); } } } // namespace cc