// Copyright 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "cc/output/shader.h" #include #include "base/basictypes.h" #include "base/logging.h" #include "base/strings/stringprintf.h" #include "cc/output/static_geometry_binding.h" #include "gpu/command_buffer/client/gles2_interface.h" #include "ui/gfx/geometry/point.h" #include "ui/gfx/geometry/size.h" template std::string StripLambda(const char(&shader)[size]) { // Must contain at least "[]() {}" and trailing null (included in size). static_assert(size >= 8, "String passed to StripLambda must be at least 8 characters"); DCHECK_EQ(strncmp("[]() {", shader, 6), 0); DCHECK_EQ(shader[size - 2], '}'); return std::string(shader + 6, shader + size - 2); } // Shaders are passed in with lambda syntax, which tricks clang-format into // handling them correctly. StipLambda removes this. #define SHADER0(Src) StripLambda(#Src) #define VERTEX_SHADER(Head, Body) SetVertexShaderDefines(Head + Body) #define FRAGMENT_SHADER(Head, Body) \ SetFragmentTexCoordPrecision( \ precision, \ SetFragmentSamplerType(sampler, SetBlendModeFunctions(Head + Body))) using gpu::gles2::GLES2Interface; namespace cc { namespace { static void GetProgramUniformLocations(GLES2Interface* context, unsigned program, size_t count, const char** uniforms, int* locations, int* base_uniform_index) { for (size_t i = 0; i < count; i++) { locations[i] = (*base_uniform_index)++; context->BindUniformLocationCHROMIUM(program, locations[i], uniforms[i]); } } static std::string SetFragmentTexCoordPrecision( TexCoordPrecision requested_precision, std::string shader_string) { switch (requested_precision) { case TEX_COORD_PRECISION_HIGH: DCHECK_NE(shader_string.find("TexCoordPrecision"), std::string::npos); return "#ifdef GL_FRAGMENT_PRECISION_HIGH\n" " #define TexCoordPrecision highp\n" "#else\n" " #define TexCoordPrecision mediump\n" "#endif\n" + shader_string; case TEX_COORD_PRECISION_MEDIUM: DCHECK_NE(shader_string.find("TexCoordPrecision"), std::string::npos); return "#define TexCoordPrecision mediump\n" + shader_string; case TEX_COORD_PRECISION_NA: DCHECK_EQ(shader_string.find("TexCoordPrecision"), std::string::npos); DCHECK_EQ(shader_string.find("texture2D"), std::string::npos); DCHECK_EQ(shader_string.find("texture2DRect"), std::string::npos); return shader_string; default: NOTREACHED(); break; } return shader_string; } static std::string SetVertexShaderDefines(const std::string& shader_string) { // We unconditionally use highp in the vertex shader since // we are unlikely to be vertex shader bound when drawing large quads. // Also, some vertex shaders mutate the texture coordinate in such a // way that the effective precision might be lower than expected. return base::StringPrintf( "#define TexCoordPrecision highp\n" "#define NUM_STATIC_QUADS %d\n", StaticGeometryBinding::NUM_QUADS) + shader_string; } TexCoordPrecision TexCoordPrecisionRequired(GLES2Interface* context, int* highp_threshold_cache, int highp_threshold_min, int x, int y) { if (*highp_threshold_cache == 0) { // Initialize range and precision with minimum spec values for when // GetShaderPrecisionFormat is a test stub. // TODO(brianderson): Implement better stubs of GetShaderPrecisionFormat // everywhere. GLint range[2] = {14, 14}; GLint precision = 10; context->GetShaderPrecisionFormat(GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER, GL_MEDIUM_FLOAT, range, &precision); *highp_threshold_cache = 1 << precision; } int highp_threshold = std::max(*highp_threshold_cache, highp_threshold_min); if (x > highp_threshold || y > highp_threshold) return TEX_COORD_PRECISION_HIGH; return TEX_COORD_PRECISION_MEDIUM; } static std::string SetFragmentSamplerType(SamplerType requested_type, std::string shader_string) { switch (requested_type) { case SAMPLER_TYPE_2D: DCHECK_NE(shader_string.find("SamplerType"), std::string::npos); DCHECK_NE(shader_string.find("TextureLookup"), std::string::npos); return "#define SamplerType sampler2D\n" "#define TextureLookup texture2D\n" + shader_string; case SAMPLER_TYPE_2D_RECT: DCHECK_NE(shader_string.find("SamplerType"), std::string::npos); DCHECK_NE(shader_string.find("TextureLookup"), std::string::npos); return "#extension GL_ARB_texture_rectangle : require\n" "#define SamplerType sampler2DRect\n" "#define TextureLookup texture2DRect\n" + shader_string; case SAMPLER_TYPE_EXTERNAL_OES: DCHECK_NE(shader_string.find("SamplerType"), std::string::npos); DCHECK_NE(shader_string.find("TextureLookup"), std::string::npos); return "#extension GL_OES_EGL_image_external : require\n" "#define SamplerType samplerExternalOES\n" "#define TextureLookup texture2D\n" + shader_string; case SAMPLER_TYPE_NA: DCHECK_EQ(shader_string.find("SamplerType"), std::string::npos); DCHECK_EQ(shader_string.find("TextureLookup"), std::string::npos); return shader_string; default: NOTREACHED(); break; } return shader_string; } } // namespace ShaderLocations::ShaderLocations() { } TexCoordPrecision TexCoordPrecisionRequired(GLES2Interface* context, int* highp_threshold_cache, int highp_threshold_min, const gfx::Point& max_coordinate) { return TexCoordPrecisionRequired(context, highp_threshold_cache, highp_threshold_min, max_coordinate.x(), max_coordinate.y()); } TexCoordPrecision TexCoordPrecisionRequired(GLES2Interface* context, int* highp_threshold_cache, int highp_threshold_min, const gfx::Size& max_size) { return TexCoordPrecisionRequired(context, highp_threshold_cache, highp_threshold_min, max_size.width(), max_size.height()); } VertexShaderPosTex::VertexShaderPosTex() : matrix_location_(-1) { } void VertexShaderPosTex::Init(GLES2Interface* context, unsigned program, int* base_uniform_index) { static const char* uniforms[] = { "matrix", }; int locations[arraysize(uniforms)]; GetProgramUniformLocations(context, program, arraysize(uniforms), uniforms, locations, base_uniform_index); matrix_location_ = locations[0]; } std::string VertexShaderPosTex::GetShaderString() const { return VERTEX_SHADER(GetShaderHead(), GetShaderBody()); } std::string VertexShaderPosTex::GetShaderHead() { return SHADER0([]() { attribute vec4 a_position; attribute TexCoordPrecision vec2 a_texCoord; uniform mat4 matrix; varying TexCoordPrecision vec2 v_texCoord; }); } std::string VertexShaderPosTex::GetShaderBody() { return SHADER0([]() { void main() { gl_Position = matrix * a_position; v_texCoord = a_texCoord; } }); } VertexShaderPosTexYUVStretchOffset::VertexShaderPosTexYUVStretchOffset() : matrix_location_(-1), ya_tex_scale_location_(-1), ya_tex_offset_location_(-1), uv_tex_scale_location_(-1), uv_tex_offset_location_(-1) { } void VertexShaderPosTexYUVStretchOffset::Init(GLES2Interface* context, unsigned program, int* base_uniform_index) { static const char* uniforms[] = { "matrix", "yaTexScale", "yaTexOffset", "uvTexScale", "uvTexOffset", }; int locations[arraysize(uniforms)]; GetProgramUniformLocations(context, program, arraysize(uniforms), uniforms, locations, base_uniform_index); matrix_location_ = locations[0]; ya_tex_scale_location_ = locations[1]; ya_tex_offset_location_ = locations[2]; uv_tex_scale_location_ = locations[3]; uv_tex_offset_location_ = locations[4]; } std::string VertexShaderPosTexYUVStretchOffset::GetShaderString() const { return VERTEX_SHADER(GetShaderHead(), GetShaderBody()); } std::string VertexShaderPosTexYUVStretchOffset::GetShaderHead() { return SHADER0([]() { precision mediump float; attribute vec4 a_position; attribute TexCoordPrecision vec2 a_texCoord; uniform mat4 matrix; varying TexCoordPrecision vec2 v_yaTexCoord; varying TexCoordPrecision vec2 v_uvTexCoord; uniform TexCoordPrecision vec2 yaTexScale; uniform TexCoordPrecision vec2 yaTexOffset; uniform TexCoordPrecision vec2 uvTexScale; uniform TexCoordPrecision vec2 uvTexOffset; }); } std::string VertexShaderPosTexYUVStretchOffset::GetShaderBody() { return SHADER0([]() { void main() { gl_Position = matrix * a_position; v_yaTexCoord = a_texCoord * yaTexScale + yaTexOffset; v_uvTexCoord = a_texCoord * uvTexScale + uvTexOffset; } }); } VertexShaderPos::VertexShaderPos() : matrix_location_(-1) { } void VertexShaderPos::Init(GLES2Interface* context, unsigned program, int* base_uniform_index) { static const char* uniforms[] = { "matrix", }; int locations[arraysize(uniforms)]; GetProgramUniformLocations(context, program, arraysize(uniforms), uniforms, locations, base_uniform_index); matrix_location_ = locations[0]; } std::string VertexShaderPos::GetShaderString() const { return VERTEX_SHADER(GetShaderHead(), GetShaderBody()); } std::string VertexShaderPos::GetShaderHead() { return SHADER0([]() { attribute vec4 a_position; uniform mat4 matrix; }); } std::string VertexShaderPos::GetShaderBody() { return SHADER0([]() { void main() { gl_Position = matrix * a_position; } }); } VertexShaderPosTexTransform::VertexShaderPosTexTransform() : matrix_location_(-1), tex_transform_location_(-1), vertex_opacity_location_(-1) { } void VertexShaderPosTexTransform::Init(GLES2Interface* context, unsigned program, int* base_uniform_index) { static const char* uniforms[] = { "matrix", "texTransform", "opacity", }; int locations[arraysize(uniforms)]; GetProgramUniformLocations(context, program, arraysize(uniforms), uniforms, locations, base_uniform_index); matrix_location_ = locations[0]; tex_transform_location_ = locations[1]; vertex_opacity_location_ = locations[2]; } std::string VertexShaderPosTexTransform::GetShaderString() const { return VERTEX_SHADER(GetShaderHead(), GetShaderBody()); } std::string VertexShaderPosTexTransform::GetShaderHead() { return SHADER0([]() { attribute vec4 a_position; attribute TexCoordPrecision vec2 a_texCoord; attribute float a_index; uniform mat4 matrix[NUM_STATIC_QUADS]; uniform TexCoordPrecision vec4 texTransform[NUM_STATIC_QUADS]; uniform float opacity[NUM_STATIC_QUADS * 4]; varying TexCoordPrecision vec2 v_texCoord; varying float v_alpha; }); } std::string VertexShaderPosTexTransform::GetShaderBody() { return SHADER0([]() { void main() { int quad_index = int(a_index * 0.25); // NOLINT gl_Position = matrix[quad_index] * a_position; TexCoordPrecision vec4 texTrans = texTransform[quad_index]; v_texCoord = a_texCoord * texTrans.zw + texTrans.xy; v_alpha = opacity[int(a_index)]; // NOLINT } }); } void VertexShaderPosTexTransform::FillLocations( ShaderLocations* locations) const { locations->matrix = matrix_location(); locations->tex_transform = tex_transform_location(); } std::string VertexShaderPosTexIdentity::GetShaderString() const { return VERTEX_SHADER(GetShaderHead(), GetShaderBody()); } std::string VertexShaderPosTexIdentity::GetShaderHead() { return SHADER0([]() { attribute vec4 a_position; varying TexCoordPrecision vec2 v_texCoord; }); } std::string VertexShaderPosTexIdentity::GetShaderBody() { return SHADER0([]() { void main() { gl_Position = a_position; v_texCoord = (a_position.xy + vec2(1.0)) * 0.5; } }); } VertexShaderQuad::VertexShaderQuad() : matrix_location_(-1), quad_location_(-1) { } void VertexShaderQuad::Init(GLES2Interface* context, unsigned program, int* base_uniform_index) { static const char* uniforms[] = { "matrix", "quad", }; int locations[arraysize(uniforms)]; GetProgramUniformLocations(context, program, arraysize(uniforms), uniforms, locations, base_uniform_index); matrix_location_ = locations[0]; quad_location_ = locations[1]; } std::string VertexShaderQuad::GetShaderString() const { return VERTEX_SHADER(GetShaderHead(), GetShaderBody()); } std::string VertexShaderQuad::GetShaderHead() { #if defined(OS_ANDROID) // TODO(epenner): Find the cause of this 'quad' uniform // being missing if we don't add dummy variables. // http://crbug.com/240602 return SHADER0([]() { attribute TexCoordPrecision vec4 a_position; attribute float a_index; uniform mat4 matrix; uniform TexCoordPrecision vec2 quad[4]; uniform TexCoordPrecision vec2 dummy_uniform; varying TexCoordPrecision vec2 dummy_varying; }); #else return SHADER0([]() { attribute TexCoordPrecision vec4 a_position; attribute float a_index; uniform mat4 matrix; uniform TexCoordPrecision vec2 quad[4]; }); #endif } std::string VertexShaderQuad::GetShaderBody() { #if defined(OS_ANDROID) return SHADER0([]() { void main() { vec2 pos = quad[int(a_index)]; // NOLINT gl_Position = matrix * vec4(pos, a_position.z, a_position.w); dummy_varying = dummy_uniform; } }); #else return SHADER0([]() { void main() { vec2 pos = quad[int(a_index)]; // NOLINT gl_Position = matrix * vec4(pos, a_position.z, a_position.w); } }); #endif } VertexShaderQuadAA::VertexShaderQuadAA() : matrix_location_(-1), viewport_location_(-1), quad_location_(-1), edge_location_(-1) { } void VertexShaderQuadAA::Init(GLES2Interface* context, unsigned program, int* base_uniform_index) { static const char* uniforms[] = { "matrix", "viewport", "quad", "edge", }; int locations[arraysize(uniforms)]; GetProgramUniformLocations(context, program, arraysize(uniforms), uniforms, locations, base_uniform_index); matrix_location_ = locations[0]; viewport_location_ = locations[1]; quad_location_ = locations[2]; edge_location_ = locations[3]; } std::string VertexShaderQuadAA::GetShaderString() const { return VERTEX_SHADER(GetShaderHead(), GetShaderBody()); } std::string VertexShaderQuadAA::GetShaderHead() { return SHADER0([]() { attribute TexCoordPrecision vec4 a_position; attribute float a_index; uniform mat4 matrix; uniform vec4 viewport; uniform TexCoordPrecision vec2 quad[4]; uniform TexCoordPrecision vec3 edge[8]; varying TexCoordPrecision vec4 edge_dist[2]; // 8 edge distances. }); } std::string VertexShaderQuadAA::GetShaderBody() { return SHADER0([]() { void main() { vec2 pos = quad[int(a_index)]; // NOLINT gl_Position = matrix * vec4(pos, a_position.z, a_position.w); vec2 ndc_pos = 0.5 * (1.0 + gl_Position.xy / gl_Position.w); vec3 screen_pos = vec3(viewport.xy + viewport.zw * ndc_pos, 1.0); edge_dist[0] = vec4(dot(edge[0], screen_pos), dot(edge[1], screen_pos), dot(edge[2], screen_pos), dot(edge[3], screen_pos)) * gl_Position.w; edge_dist[1] = vec4(dot(edge[4], screen_pos), dot(edge[5], screen_pos), dot(edge[6], screen_pos), dot(edge[7], screen_pos)) * gl_Position.w; } }); } VertexShaderQuadTexTransformAA::VertexShaderQuadTexTransformAA() : matrix_location_(-1), viewport_location_(-1), quad_location_(-1), edge_location_(-1), tex_transform_location_(-1) { } void VertexShaderQuadTexTransformAA::Init(GLES2Interface* context, unsigned program, int* base_uniform_index) { static const char* uniforms[] = { "matrix", "viewport", "quad", "edge", "texTrans", }; int locations[arraysize(uniforms)]; GetProgramUniformLocations(context, program, arraysize(uniforms), uniforms, locations, base_uniform_index); matrix_location_ = locations[0]; viewport_location_ = locations[1]; quad_location_ = locations[2]; edge_location_ = locations[3]; tex_transform_location_ = locations[4]; } std::string VertexShaderQuadTexTransformAA::GetShaderString() const { return VERTEX_SHADER(GetShaderHead(), GetShaderBody()); } std::string VertexShaderQuadTexTransformAA::GetShaderHead() { return SHADER0([]() { attribute TexCoordPrecision vec4 a_position; attribute float a_index; uniform mat4 matrix; uniform vec4 viewport; uniform TexCoordPrecision vec2 quad[4]; uniform TexCoordPrecision vec3 edge[8]; uniform TexCoordPrecision vec4 texTrans; varying TexCoordPrecision vec2 v_texCoord; varying TexCoordPrecision vec4 edge_dist[2]; // 8 edge distances. }); } std::string VertexShaderQuadTexTransformAA::GetShaderBody() { return SHADER0([]() { void main() { vec2 pos = quad[int(a_index)]; // NOLINT gl_Position = matrix * vec4(pos, a_position.z, a_position.w); vec2 ndc_pos = 0.5 * (1.0 + gl_Position.xy / gl_Position.w); vec3 screen_pos = vec3(viewport.xy + viewport.zw * ndc_pos, 1.0); edge_dist[0] = vec4(dot(edge[0], screen_pos), dot(edge[1], screen_pos), dot(edge[2], screen_pos), dot(edge[3], screen_pos)) * gl_Position.w; edge_dist[1] = vec4(dot(edge[4], screen_pos), dot(edge[5], screen_pos), dot(edge[6], screen_pos), dot(edge[7], screen_pos)) * gl_Position.w; v_texCoord = (pos.xy + vec2(0.5)) * texTrans.zw + texTrans.xy; } }); } void VertexShaderQuadTexTransformAA::FillLocations( ShaderLocations* locations) const { locations->quad = quad_location(); locations->edge = edge_location(); locations->viewport = viewport_location(); locations->matrix = matrix_location(); locations->tex_transform = tex_transform_location(); } VertexShaderTile::VertexShaderTile() : matrix_location_(-1), quad_location_(-1), vertex_tex_transform_location_(-1) { } void VertexShaderTile::Init(GLES2Interface* context, unsigned program, int* base_uniform_index) { static const char* uniforms[] = { "matrix", "quad", "vertexTexTransform", }; int locations[arraysize(uniforms)]; GetProgramUniformLocations(context, program, arraysize(uniforms), uniforms, locations, base_uniform_index); matrix_location_ = locations[0]; quad_location_ = locations[1]; vertex_tex_transform_location_ = locations[2]; } std::string VertexShaderTile::GetShaderString() const { return VERTEX_SHADER(GetShaderHead(), GetShaderBody()); } std::string VertexShaderTile::GetShaderHead() { return SHADER0([]() { attribute TexCoordPrecision vec4 a_position; attribute TexCoordPrecision vec2 a_texCoord; attribute float a_index; uniform mat4 matrix; uniform TexCoordPrecision vec2 quad[4]; uniform TexCoordPrecision vec4 vertexTexTransform; varying TexCoordPrecision vec2 v_texCoord; }); } std::string VertexShaderTile::GetShaderBody() { return SHADER0([]() { void main() { vec2 pos = quad[int(a_index)]; // NOLINT gl_Position = matrix * vec4(pos, a_position.z, a_position.w); v_texCoord = a_texCoord * vertexTexTransform.zw + vertexTexTransform.xy; } }); } VertexShaderTileAA::VertexShaderTileAA() : matrix_location_(-1), viewport_location_(-1), quad_location_(-1), edge_location_(-1), vertex_tex_transform_location_(-1) { } void VertexShaderTileAA::Init(GLES2Interface* context, unsigned program, int* base_uniform_index) { static const char* uniforms[] = { "matrix", "viewport", "quad", "edge", "vertexTexTransform", }; int locations[arraysize(uniforms)]; GetProgramUniformLocations(context, program, arraysize(uniforms), uniforms, locations, base_uniform_index); matrix_location_ = locations[0]; viewport_location_ = locations[1]; quad_location_ = locations[2]; edge_location_ = locations[3]; vertex_tex_transform_location_ = locations[4]; } std::string VertexShaderTileAA::GetShaderString() const { return VERTEX_SHADER(GetShaderHead(), GetShaderBody()); } std::string VertexShaderTileAA::GetShaderHead() { return SHADER0([]() { attribute TexCoordPrecision vec4 a_position; attribute float a_index; uniform mat4 matrix; uniform vec4 viewport; uniform TexCoordPrecision vec2 quad[4]; uniform TexCoordPrecision vec3 edge[8]; uniform TexCoordPrecision vec4 vertexTexTransform; varying TexCoordPrecision vec2 v_texCoord; varying TexCoordPrecision vec4 edge_dist[2]; // 8 edge distances. }); } std::string VertexShaderTileAA::GetShaderBody() { return SHADER0([]() { void main() { vec2 pos = quad[int(a_index)]; // NOLINT gl_Position = matrix * vec4(pos, a_position.z, a_position.w); vec2 ndc_pos = 0.5 * (1.0 + gl_Position.xy / gl_Position.w); vec3 screen_pos = vec3(viewport.xy + viewport.zw * ndc_pos, 1.0); edge_dist[0] = vec4(dot(edge[0], screen_pos), dot(edge[1], screen_pos), dot(edge[2], screen_pos), dot(edge[3], screen_pos)) * gl_Position.w; edge_dist[1] = vec4(dot(edge[4], screen_pos), dot(edge[5], screen_pos), dot(edge[6], screen_pos), dot(edge[7], screen_pos)) * gl_Position.w; v_texCoord = pos.xy * vertexTexTransform.zw + vertexTexTransform.xy; } }); } VertexShaderVideoTransform::VertexShaderVideoTransform() : matrix_location_(-1), tex_matrix_location_(-1) { } void VertexShaderVideoTransform::Init(GLES2Interface* context, unsigned program, int* base_uniform_index) { static const char* uniforms[] = { "matrix", "texMatrix", }; int locations[arraysize(uniforms)]; GetProgramUniformLocations(context, program, arraysize(uniforms), uniforms, locations, base_uniform_index); matrix_location_ = locations[0]; tex_matrix_location_ = locations[1]; } std::string VertexShaderVideoTransform::GetShaderString() const { return VERTEX_SHADER(GetShaderHead(), GetShaderBody()); } std::string VertexShaderVideoTransform::GetShaderHead() { return SHADER0([]() { attribute vec4 a_position; attribute TexCoordPrecision vec2 a_texCoord; uniform mat4 matrix; uniform TexCoordPrecision mat4 texMatrix; varying TexCoordPrecision vec2 v_texCoord; }); } std::string VertexShaderVideoTransform::GetShaderBody() { return SHADER0([]() { void main() { gl_Position = matrix * a_position; v_texCoord = vec2(texMatrix * vec4(a_texCoord.x, 1.0 - a_texCoord.y, 0.0, 1.0)); } }); } #define BLEND_MODE_UNIFORMS "s_backdropTexture", \ "s_originalBackdropTexture", \ "backdropRect" #define UNUSED_BLEND_MODE_UNIFORMS (!has_blend_mode() ? 3 : 0) #define BLEND_MODE_SET_LOCATIONS(X, POS) \ if (has_blend_mode()) { \ DCHECK_LT(static_cast(POS) + 2, arraysize(X)); \ backdrop_location_ = locations[POS]; \ original_backdrop_location_ = locations[POS + 1]; \ backdrop_rect_location_ = locations[POS + 2]; \ } FragmentTexBlendMode::FragmentTexBlendMode() : backdrop_location_(-1), original_backdrop_location_(-1), backdrop_rect_location_(-1), blend_mode_(BLEND_MODE_NONE), mask_for_background_(false) { } std::string FragmentTexBlendMode::SetBlendModeFunctions( const std::string& shader_string) const { if (shader_string.find("ApplyBlendMode") == std::string::npos) return shader_string; if (!has_blend_mode()) { return "#define ApplyBlendMode(X, Y) (X)\n" + shader_string; } static const std::string kUniforms = SHADER0([]() { uniform sampler2D s_backdropTexture; uniform sampler2D s_originalBackdropTexture; uniform TexCoordPrecision vec4 backdropRect; }); std::string mixFunction; if (mask_for_background()) { mixFunction = SHADER0([]() { vec4 MixBackdrop(TexCoordPrecision vec2 bgTexCoord, float mask) { vec4 backdrop = texture2D(s_backdropTexture, bgTexCoord); vec4 original_backdrop = texture2D(s_originalBackdropTexture, bgTexCoord); return mix(original_backdrop, backdrop, mask); } }); } else { mixFunction = SHADER0([]() { vec4 MixBackdrop(TexCoordPrecision vec2 bgTexCoord, float mask) { return texture2D(s_backdropTexture, bgTexCoord); } }); } static const std::string kFunctionApplyBlendMode = SHADER0([]() { vec4 GetBackdropColor(float mask) { TexCoordPrecision vec2 bgTexCoord = gl_FragCoord.xy - backdropRect.xy; bgTexCoord.x /= backdropRect.z; bgTexCoord.y /= backdropRect.w; return MixBackdrop(bgTexCoord, mask); } vec4 ApplyBlendMode(vec4 src, float mask) { vec4 dst = GetBackdropColor(mask); return Blend(src, dst); } }); return "precision mediump float;" + GetHelperFunctions() + GetBlendFunction() + kUniforms + mixFunction + kFunctionApplyBlendMode + shader_string; } std::string FragmentTexBlendMode::GetHelperFunctions() const { static const std::string kFunctionHardLight = SHADER0([]() { vec3 hardLight(vec4 src, vec4 dst) { vec3 result; result.r = (2.0 * src.r <= src.a) ? (2.0 * src.r * dst.r) : (src.a * dst.a - 2.0 * (dst.a - dst.r) * (src.a - src.r)); result.g = (2.0 * src.g <= src.a) ? (2.0 * src.g * dst.g) : (src.a * dst.a - 2.0 * (dst.a - dst.g) * (src.a - src.g)); result.b = (2.0 * src.b <= src.a) ? (2.0 * src.b * dst.b) : (src.a * dst.a - 2.0 * (dst.a - dst.b) * (src.a - src.b)); result.rgb += src.rgb * (1.0 - dst.a) + dst.rgb * (1.0 - src.a); return result; } }); static const std::string kFunctionColorDodgeComponent = SHADER0([]() { float getColorDodgeComponent(float srcc, float srca, float dstc, float dsta) { if (0.0 == dstc) return srcc * (1.0 - dsta); float d = srca - srcc; if (0.0 == d) return srca * dsta + srcc * (1.0 - dsta) + dstc * (1.0 - srca); d = min(dsta, dstc * srca / d); return d * srca + srcc * (1.0 - dsta) + dstc * (1.0 - srca); } }); static const std::string kFunctionColorBurnComponent = SHADER0([]() { float getColorBurnComponent(float srcc, float srca, float dstc, float dsta) { if (dsta == dstc) return srca * dsta + srcc * (1.0 - dsta) + dstc * (1.0 - srca); if (0.0 == srcc) return dstc * (1.0 - srca); float d = max(0.0, dsta - (dsta - dstc) * srca / srcc); return srca * d + srcc * (1.0 - dsta) + dstc * (1.0 - srca); } }); static const std::string kFunctionSoftLightComponentPosDstAlpha = SHADER0([]() { float getSoftLightComponent(float srcc, float srca, float dstc, float dsta) { if (2.0 * srcc <= srca) { return (dstc * dstc * (srca - 2.0 * srcc)) / dsta + (1.0 - dsta) * srcc + dstc * (-srca + 2.0 * srcc + 1.0); } else if (4.0 * dstc <= dsta) { float DSqd = dstc * dstc; float DCub = DSqd * dstc; float DaSqd = dsta * dsta; float DaCub = DaSqd * dsta; return (-DaCub * srcc + DaSqd * (srcc - dstc * (3.0 * srca - 6.0 * srcc - 1.0)) + 12.0 * dsta * DSqd * (srca - 2.0 * srcc) - 16.0 * DCub * (srca - 2.0 * srcc)) / DaSqd; } else { return -sqrt(dsta * dstc) * (srca - 2.0 * srcc) - dsta * srcc + dstc * (srca - 2.0 * srcc + 1.0) + srcc; } } }); static const std::string kFunctionLum = SHADER0([]() { float luminance(vec3 color) { return dot(vec3(0.3, 0.59, 0.11), color); } vec3 set_luminance(vec3 hueSat, float alpha, vec3 lumColor) { float diff = luminance(lumColor - hueSat); vec3 outColor = hueSat + diff; float outLum = luminance(outColor); float minComp = min(min(outColor.r, outColor.g), outColor.b); float maxComp = max(max(outColor.r, outColor.g), outColor.b); if (minComp < 0.0 && outLum != minComp) { outColor = outLum + ((outColor - vec3(outLum, outLum, outLum)) * outLum) / (outLum - minComp); } if (maxComp > alpha && maxComp != outLum) { outColor = outLum + ((outColor - vec3(outLum, outLum, outLum)) * (alpha - outLum)) / (maxComp - outLum); } return outColor; } }); static const std::string kFunctionSat = SHADER0([]() { float saturation(vec3 color) { return max(max(color.r, color.g), color.b) - min(min(color.r, color.g), color.b); } vec3 set_saturation_helper(float minComp, float midComp, float maxComp, float sat) { if (minComp < maxComp) { vec3 result; result.r = 0.0; result.g = sat * (midComp - minComp) / (maxComp - minComp); result.b = sat; return result; } else { return vec3(0, 0, 0); } } vec3 set_saturation(vec3 hueLumColor, vec3 satColor) { float sat = saturation(satColor); if (hueLumColor.r <= hueLumColor.g) { if (hueLumColor.g <= hueLumColor.b) { hueLumColor.rgb = set_saturation_helper(hueLumColor.r, hueLumColor.g, hueLumColor.b, sat); } else if (hueLumColor.r <= hueLumColor.b) { hueLumColor.rbg = set_saturation_helper(hueLumColor.r, hueLumColor.b, hueLumColor.g, sat); } else { hueLumColor.brg = set_saturation_helper(hueLumColor.b, hueLumColor.r, hueLumColor.g, sat); } } else if (hueLumColor.r <= hueLumColor.b) { hueLumColor.grb = set_saturation_helper(hueLumColor.g, hueLumColor.r, hueLumColor.b, sat); } else if (hueLumColor.g <= hueLumColor.b) { hueLumColor.gbr = set_saturation_helper(hueLumColor.g, hueLumColor.b, hueLumColor.r, sat); } else { hueLumColor.bgr = set_saturation_helper(hueLumColor.b, hueLumColor.g, hueLumColor.r, sat); } return hueLumColor; } }); switch (blend_mode_) { case BLEND_MODE_OVERLAY: case BLEND_MODE_HARD_LIGHT: return kFunctionHardLight; case BLEND_MODE_COLOR_DODGE: return kFunctionColorDodgeComponent; case BLEND_MODE_COLOR_BURN: return kFunctionColorBurnComponent; case BLEND_MODE_SOFT_LIGHT: return kFunctionSoftLightComponentPosDstAlpha; case BLEND_MODE_HUE: case BLEND_MODE_SATURATION: return kFunctionLum + kFunctionSat; case BLEND_MODE_COLOR: case BLEND_MODE_LUMINOSITY: return kFunctionLum; default: return std::string(); } } std::string FragmentTexBlendMode::GetBlendFunction() const { return "vec4 Blend(vec4 src, vec4 dst) {" " vec4 result;" " result.a = src.a + (1.0 - src.a) * dst.a;" + GetBlendFunctionBodyForRGB() + " return result;" "}"; } std::string FragmentTexBlendMode::GetBlendFunctionBodyForRGB() const { switch (blend_mode_) { case BLEND_MODE_NORMAL: return "result.rgb = src.rgb + dst.rgb * (1.0 - src.a);"; case BLEND_MODE_SCREEN: return "result.rgb = src.rgb + (1.0 - src.rgb) * dst.rgb;"; case BLEND_MODE_LIGHTEN: return "result.rgb = max((1.0 - src.a) * dst.rgb + src.rgb," " (1.0 - dst.a) * src.rgb + dst.rgb);"; case BLEND_MODE_OVERLAY: return "result.rgb = hardLight(dst, src);"; case BLEND_MODE_DARKEN: return "result.rgb = min((1.0 - src.a) * dst.rgb + src.rgb," " (1.0 - dst.a) * src.rgb + dst.rgb);"; case BLEND_MODE_COLOR_DODGE: return "result.r = getColorDodgeComponent(src.r, src.a, dst.r, dst.a);" "result.g = getColorDodgeComponent(src.g, src.a, dst.g, dst.a);" "result.b = getColorDodgeComponent(src.b, src.a, dst.b, dst.a);"; case BLEND_MODE_COLOR_BURN: return "result.r = getColorBurnComponent(src.r, src.a, dst.r, dst.a);" "result.g = getColorBurnComponent(src.g, src.a, dst.g, dst.a);" "result.b = getColorBurnComponent(src.b, src.a, dst.b, dst.a);"; case BLEND_MODE_HARD_LIGHT: return "result.rgb = hardLight(src, dst);"; case BLEND_MODE_SOFT_LIGHT: return "if (0.0 == dst.a) {" " result.rgb = src.rgb;" "} else {" " result.r = getSoftLightComponent(src.r, src.a, dst.r, dst.a);" " result.g = getSoftLightComponent(src.g, src.a, dst.g, dst.a);" " result.b = getSoftLightComponent(src.b, src.a, dst.b, dst.a);" "}"; case BLEND_MODE_DIFFERENCE: return "result.rgb = src.rgb + dst.rgb -" " 2.0 * min(src.rgb * dst.a, dst.rgb * src.a);"; case BLEND_MODE_EXCLUSION: return "result.rgb = dst.rgb + src.rgb - 2.0 * dst.rgb * src.rgb;"; case BLEND_MODE_MULTIPLY: return "result.rgb = (1.0 - src.a) * dst.rgb +" " (1.0 - dst.a) * src.rgb + src.rgb * dst.rgb;"; case BLEND_MODE_HUE: return "vec4 dstSrcAlpha = dst * src.a;" "result.rgb =" " set_luminance(set_saturation(src.rgb * dst.a," " dstSrcAlpha.rgb)," " dstSrcAlpha.a," " dstSrcAlpha.rgb);" "result.rgb += (1.0 - src.a) * dst.rgb + (1.0 - dst.a) * src.rgb;"; case BLEND_MODE_SATURATION: return "vec4 dstSrcAlpha = dst * src.a;" "result.rgb = set_luminance(set_saturation(dstSrcAlpha.rgb," " src.rgb * dst.a)," " dstSrcAlpha.a," " dstSrcAlpha.rgb);" "result.rgb += (1.0 - src.a) * dst.rgb + (1.0 - dst.a) * src.rgb;"; case BLEND_MODE_COLOR: return "vec4 srcDstAlpha = src * dst.a;" "result.rgb = set_luminance(srcDstAlpha.rgb," " srcDstAlpha.a," " dst.rgb * src.a);" "result.rgb += (1.0 - src.a) * dst.rgb + (1.0 - dst.a) * src.rgb;"; case BLEND_MODE_LUMINOSITY: return "vec4 srcDstAlpha = src * dst.a;" "result.rgb = set_luminance(dst.rgb * src.a," " srcDstAlpha.a," " srcDstAlpha.rgb);" "result.rgb += (1.0 - src.a) * dst.rgb + (1.0 - dst.a) * src.rgb;"; case BLEND_MODE_NONE: NOTREACHED(); } return "result = vec4(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);"; } FragmentTexAlphaBinding::FragmentTexAlphaBinding() : sampler_location_(-1), alpha_location_(-1) { } void FragmentTexAlphaBinding::Init(GLES2Interface* context, unsigned program, int* base_uniform_index) { static const char* uniforms[] = { "s_texture", "alpha", BLEND_MODE_UNIFORMS, }; int locations[arraysize(uniforms)]; GetProgramUniformLocations(context, program, arraysize(uniforms) - UNUSED_BLEND_MODE_UNIFORMS, uniforms, locations, base_uniform_index); sampler_location_ = locations[0]; alpha_location_ = locations[1]; BLEND_MODE_SET_LOCATIONS(locations, 2); } FragmentTexColorMatrixAlphaBinding::FragmentTexColorMatrixAlphaBinding() : sampler_location_(-1), alpha_location_(-1), color_matrix_location_(-1), color_offset_location_(-1) { } void FragmentTexColorMatrixAlphaBinding::Init(GLES2Interface* context, unsigned program, int* base_uniform_index) { static const char* uniforms[] = { "s_texture", "alpha", "colorMatrix", "colorOffset", BLEND_MODE_UNIFORMS, }; int locations[arraysize(uniforms)]; GetProgramUniformLocations(context, program, arraysize(uniforms) - UNUSED_BLEND_MODE_UNIFORMS, uniforms, locations, base_uniform_index); sampler_location_ = locations[0]; alpha_location_ = locations[1]; color_matrix_location_ = locations[2]; color_offset_location_ = locations[3]; BLEND_MODE_SET_LOCATIONS(locations, 4); } FragmentTexOpaqueBinding::FragmentTexOpaqueBinding() : sampler_location_(-1) { } void FragmentTexOpaqueBinding::Init(GLES2Interface* context, unsigned program, int* base_uniform_index) { static const char* uniforms[] = { "s_texture", }; int locations[arraysize(uniforms)]; GetProgramUniformLocations(context, program, arraysize(uniforms), uniforms, locations, base_uniform_index); sampler_location_ = locations[0]; } std::string FragmentShaderRGBATexAlpha::GetShaderString( TexCoordPrecision precision, SamplerType sampler) const { return FRAGMENT_SHADER(GetShaderHead(), GetShaderBody()); } std::string FragmentShaderRGBATexAlpha::GetShaderHead() { return SHADER0([]() { precision mediump float; varying TexCoordPrecision vec2 v_texCoord; uniform SamplerType s_texture; uniform float alpha; }); } std::string FragmentShaderRGBATexAlpha::GetShaderBody() { return SHADER0([]() { void main() { vec4 texColor = TextureLookup(s_texture, v_texCoord); gl_FragColor = ApplyBlendMode(texColor * alpha, 0.0); } }); } void FragmentShaderRGBATexAlpha::FillLocations( ShaderLocations* locations) const { locations->sampler = sampler_location(); locations->alpha = alpha_location(); locations->backdrop = backdrop_location(); locations->backdrop_rect = backdrop_rect_location(); } std::string FragmentShaderRGBATexColorMatrixAlpha::GetShaderString( TexCoordPrecision precision, SamplerType sampler) const { return FRAGMENT_SHADER(GetShaderHead(), GetShaderBody()); } std::string FragmentShaderRGBATexColorMatrixAlpha::GetShaderHead() { return SHADER0([]() { precision mediump float; varying TexCoordPrecision vec2 v_texCoord; uniform SamplerType s_texture; uniform float alpha; uniform mat4 colorMatrix; uniform vec4 colorOffset; }); } std::string FragmentShaderRGBATexColorMatrixAlpha::GetShaderBody() { return SHADER0([]() { void main() { vec4 texColor = TextureLookup(s_texture, v_texCoord); float nonZeroAlpha = max(texColor.a, 0.00001); texColor = vec4(texColor.rgb / nonZeroAlpha, nonZeroAlpha); texColor = colorMatrix * texColor + colorOffset; texColor.rgb *= texColor.a; texColor = clamp(texColor, 0.0, 1.0); gl_FragColor = ApplyBlendMode(texColor * alpha, 0.0); } }); } void FragmentShaderRGBATexColorMatrixAlpha::FillLocations( ShaderLocations* locations) const { locations->sampler = sampler_location(); locations->alpha = alpha_location(); locations->color_matrix = color_matrix_location(); locations->color_offset = color_offset_location(); locations->backdrop = backdrop_location(); locations->backdrop_rect = backdrop_rect_location(); } std::string FragmentShaderRGBATexVaryingAlpha::GetShaderString( TexCoordPrecision precision, SamplerType sampler) const { return FRAGMENT_SHADER(GetShaderHead(), GetShaderBody()); } std::string FragmentShaderRGBATexVaryingAlpha::GetShaderHead() { return SHADER0([]() { precision mediump float; varying TexCoordPrecision vec2 v_texCoord; varying float v_alpha; uniform SamplerType s_texture; }); } std::string FragmentShaderRGBATexVaryingAlpha::GetShaderBody() { return SHADER0([]() { void main() { vec4 texColor = TextureLookup(s_texture, v_texCoord); gl_FragColor = texColor * v_alpha; } }); } std::string FragmentShaderRGBATexPremultiplyAlpha::GetShaderString( TexCoordPrecision precision, SamplerType sampler) const { return FRAGMENT_SHADER(GetShaderHead(), GetShaderBody()); } std::string FragmentShaderRGBATexPremultiplyAlpha::GetShaderHead() { return SHADER0([]() { precision mediump float; varying TexCoordPrecision vec2 v_texCoord; varying float v_alpha; uniform SamplerType s_texture; }); } std::string FragmentShaderRGBATexPremultiplyAlpha::GetShaderBody() { return SHADER0([]() { void main() { vec4 texColor = TextureLookup(s_texture, v_texCoord); texColor.rgb *= texColor.a; gl_FragColor = texColor * v_alpha; } }); } FragmentTexBackgroundBinding::FragmentTexBackgroundBinding() : background_color_location_(-1), sampler_location_(-1) { } void FragmentTexBackgroundBinding::Init(GLES2Interface* context, unsigned program, int* base_uniform_index) { static const char* uniforms[] = { "s_texture", "background_color", }; int locations[arraysize(uniforms)]; GetProgramUniformLocations(context, program, arraysize(uniforms), uniforms, locations, base_uniform_index); sampler_location_ = locations[0]; DCHECK_NE(sampler_location_, -1); background_color_location_ = locations[1]; DCHECK_NE(background_color_location_, -1); } std::string FragmentShaderTexBackgroundVaryingAlpha::GetShaderString( TexCoordPrecision precision, SamplerType sampler) const { return FRAGMENT_SHADER(GetShaderHead(), GetShaderBody()); } std::string FragmentShaderTexBackgroundVaryingAlpha::GetShaderHead() { return SHADER0([]() { precision mediump float; varying TexCoordPrecision vec2 v_texCoord; varying float v_alpha; uniform vec4 background_color; uniform SamplerType s_texture; }); } std::string FragmentShaderTexBackgroundVaryingAlpha::GetShaderBody() { return SHADER0([]() { void main() { vec4 texColor = TextureLookup(s_texture, v_texCoord); texColor += background_color * (1.0 - texColor.a); gl_FragColor = texColor * v_alpha; } }); } std::string FragmentShaderTexBackgroundPremultiplyAlpha::GetShaderString( TexCoordPrecision precision, SamplerType sampler) const { return FRAGMENT_SHADER(GetShaderHead(), GetShaderBody()); } std::string FragmentShaderTexBackgroundPremultiplyAlpha::GetShaderHead() { return SHADER0([]() { precision mediump float; varying TexCoordPrecision vec2 v_texCoord; varying float v_alpha; uniform vec4 background_color; uniform SamplerType s_texture; }); } std::string FragmentShaderTexBackgroundPremultiplyAlpha::GetShaderBody() { return SHADER0([]() { void main() { vec4 texColor = TextureLookup(s_texture, v_texCoord); texColor.rgb *= texColor.a; texColor += background_color * (1.0 - texColor.a); gl_FragColor = texColor * v_alpha; } }); } std::string FragmentShaderRGBATexOpaque::GetShaderString( TexCoordPrecision precision, SamplerType sampler) const { return FRAGMENT_SHADER(GetShaderHead(), GetShaderBody()); } std::string FragmentShaderRGBATexOpaque::GetShaderHead() { return SHADER0([]() { precision mediump float; varying TexCoordPrecision vec2 v_texCoord; uniform SamplerType s_texture; }); } std::string FragmentShaderRGBATexOpaque::GetShaderBody() { return SHADER0([]() { void main() { vec4 texColor = TextureLookup(s_texture, v_texCoord); gl_FragColor = vec4(texColor.rgb, 1.0); } }); } std::string FragmentShaderRGBATex::GetShaderString(TexCoordPrecision precision, SamplerType sampler) const { return FRAGMENT_SHADER(GetShaderHead(), GetShaderBody()); } std::string FragmentShaderRGBATex::GetShaderHead() { return SHADER0([]() { precision mediump float; varying TexCoordPrecision vec2 v_texCoord; uniform SamplerType s_texture; }); } std::string FragmentShaderRGBATex::GetShaderBody() { return SHADER0([]() { void main() { gl_FragColor = TextureLookup(s_texture, v_texCoord); } }); } std::string FragmentShaderRGBATexSwizzleAlpha::GetShaderString( TexCoordPrecision precision, SamplerType sampler) const { return FRAGMENT_SHADER(GetShaderHead(), GetShaderBody()); } std::string FragmentShaderRGBATexSwizzleAlpha::GetShaderHead() { return SHADER0([]() { precision mediump float; varying TexCoordPrecision vec2 v_texCoord; uniform SamplerType s_texture; uniform float alpha; }); } std::string FragmentShaderRGBATexSwizzleAlpha::GetShaderBody() { return SHADER0([]() { void main() { vec4 texColor = TextureLookup(s_texture, v_texCoord); gl_FragColor = vec4(texColor.z, texColor.y, texColor.x, texColor.w) * alpha; } }); } std::string FragmentShaderRGBATexSwizzleOpaque::GetShaderString( TexCoordPrecision precision, SamplerType sampler) const { return FRAGMENT_SHADER(GetShaderHead(), GetShaderBody()); } std::string FragmentShaderRGBATexSwizzleOpaque::GetShaderHead() { return SHADER0([]() { precision mediump float; varying TexCoordPrecision vec2 v_texCoord; uniform SamplerType s_texture; }); } std::string FragmentShaderRGBATexSwizzleOpaque::GetShaderBody() { return SHADER0([]() { void main() { vec4 texColor = TextureLookup(s_texture, v_texCoord); gl_FragColor = vec4(texColor.z, texColor.y, texColor.x, 1.0); } }); } FragmentShaderRGBATexAlphaAA::FragmentShaderRGBATexAlphaAA() : sampler_location_(-1), alpha_location_(-1) { } void FragmentShaderRGBATexAlphaAA::Init(GLES2Interface* context, unsigned program, int* base_uniform_index) { static const char* uniforms[] = { "s_texture", "alpha", BLEND_MODE_UNIFORMS, }; int locations[arraysize(uniforms)]; GetProgramUniformLocations(context, program, arraysize(uniforms) - UNUSED_BLEND_MODE_UNIFORMS, uniforms, locations, base_uniform_index); sampler_location_ = locations[0]; alpha_location_ = locations[1]; BLEND_MODE_SET_LOCATIONS(locations, 2); } std::string FragmentShaderRGBATexAlphaAA::GetShaderString( TexCoordPrecision precision, SamplerType sampler) const { return FRAGMENT_SHADER(GetShaderHead(), GetShaderBody()); } std::string FragmentShaderRGBATexAlphaAA::GetShaderHead() { return SHADER0([]() { precision mediump float; uniform SamplerType s_texture; uniform float alpha; varying TexCoordPrecision vec2 v_texCoord; varying TexCoordPrecision vec4 edge_dist[2]; // 8 edge distances. }); } std::string FragmentShaderRGBATexAlphaAA::GetShaderBody() { return SHADER0([]() { void main() { vec4 texColor = TextureLookup(s_texture, v_texCoord); vec4 d4 = min(edge_dist[0], edge_dist[1]); vec2 d2 = min(d4.xz, d4.yw); float aa = clamp(gl_FragCoord.w * min(d2.x, d2.y), 0.0, 1.0); gl_FragColor = ApplyBlendMode(texColor * alpha * aa, 0.0); } }); } void FragmentShaderRGBATexAlphaAA::FillLocations( ShaderLocations* locations) const { locations->sampler = sampler_location(); locations->alpha = alpha_location(); locations->backdrop = backdrop_location(); locations->backdrop_rect = backdrop_rect_location(); } FragmentTexClampAlphaAABinding::FragmentTexClampAlphaAABinding() : sampler_location_(-1), alpha_location_(-1), fragment_tex_transform_location_(-1) { } void FragmentTexClampAlphaAABinding::Init(GLES2Interface* context, unsigned program, int* base_uniform_index) { static const char* uniforms[] = { "s_texture", "alpha", "fragmentTexTransform", }; int locations[arraysize(uniforms)]; GetProgramUniformLocations(context, program, arraysize(uniforms), uniforms, locations, base_uniform_index); sampler_location_ = locations[0]; alpha_location_ = locations[1]; fragment_tex_transform_location_ = locations[2]; } std::string FragmentShaderRGBATexClampAlphaAA::GetShaderString( TexCoordPrecision precision, SamplerType sampler) const { return FRAGMENT_SHADER(GetShaderHead(), GetShaderBody()); } std::string FragmentShaderRGBATexClampAlphaAA::GetShaderHead() { return SHADER0([]() { precision mediump float; uniform SamplerType s_texture; uniform float alpha; uniform TexCoordPrecision vec4 fragmentTexTransform; varying TexCoordPrecision vec2 v_texCoord; varying TexCoordPrecision vec4 edge_dist[2]; // 8 edge distances. }); } std::string FragmentShaderRGBATexClampAlphaAA::GetShaderBody() { return SHADER0([]() { void main() { TexCoordPrecision vec2 texCoord = clamp(v_texCoord, 0.0, 1.0) * fragmentTexTransform.zw + fragmentTexTransform.xy; vec4 texColor = TextureLookup(s_texture, texCoord); vec4 d4 = min(edge_dist[0], edge_dist[1]); vec2 d2 = min(d4.xz, d4.yw); float aa = clamp(gl_FragCoord.w * min(d2.x, d2.y), 0.0, 1.0); gl_FragColor = texColor * alpha * aa; } }); } std::string FragmentShaderRGBATexClampSwizzleAlphaAA::GetShaderString( TexCoordPrecision precision, SamplerType sampler) const { return FRAGMENT_SHADER(GetShaderHead(), GetShaderBody()); } std::string FragmentShaderRGBATexClampSwizzleAlphaAA::GetShaderHead() { return SHADER0([]() { precision mediump float; uniform SamplerType s_texture; uniform float alpha; uniform TexCoordPrecision vec4 fragmentTexTransform; varying TexCoordPrecision vec2 v_texCoord; varying TexCoordPrecision vec4 edge_dist[2]; // 8 edge distances. }); } std::string FragmentShaderRGBATexClampSwizzleAlphaAA::GetShaderBody() { return SHADER0([]() { void main() { TexCoordPrecision vec2 texCoord = clamp(v_texCoord, 0.0, 1.0) * fragmentTexTransform.zw + fragmentTexTransform.xy; vec4 texColor = TextureLookup(s_texture, texCoord); vec4 d4 = min(edge_dist[0], edge_dist[1]); vec2 d2 = min(d4.xz, d4.yw); float aa = clamp(gl_FragCoord.w * min(d2.x, d2.y), 0.0, 1.0); gl_FragColor = vec4(texColor.z, texColor.y, texColor.x, texColor.w) * alpha * aa; } }); } FragmentShaderRGBATexAlphaMask::FragmentShaderRGBATexAlphaMask() : sampler_location_(-1), mask_sampler_location_(-1), alpha_location_(-1), mask_tex_coord_scale_location_(-1) { } void FragmentShaderRGBATexAlphaMask::Init(GLES2Interface* context, unsigned program, int* base_uniform_index) { static const char* uniforms[] = { "s_texture", "s_mask", "alpha", "maskTexCoordScale", "maskTexCoordOffset", BLEND_MODE_UNIFORMS, }; int locations[arraysize(uniforms)]; GetProgramUniformLocations(context, program, arraysize(uniforms) - UNUSED_BLEND_MODE_UNIFORMS, uniforms, locations, base_uniform_index); sampler_location_ = locations[0]; mask_sampler_location_ = locations[1]; alpha_location_ = locations[2]; mask_tex_coord_scale_location_ = locations[3]; mask_tex_coord_offset_location_ = locations[4]; BLEND_MODE_SET_LOCATIONS(locations, 5); } std::string FragmentShaderRGBATexAlphaMask::GetShaderString( TexCoordPrecision precision, SamplerType sampler) const { return FRAGMENT_SHADER(GetShaderHead(), GetShaderBody()); } std::string FragmentShaderRGBATexAlphaMask::GetShaderHead() { return SHADER0([]() { precision mediump float; varying TexCoordPrecision vec2 v_texCoord; uniform sampler2D s_texture; uniform SamplerType s_mask; uniform TexCoordPrecision vec2 maskTexCoordScale; uniform TexCoordPrecision vec2 maskTexCoordOffset; uniform float alpha; }); } std::string FragmentShaderRGBATexAlphaMask::GetShaderBody() { return SHADER0([]() { void main() { vec4 texColor = texture2D(s_texture, v_texCoord); TexCoordPrecision vec2 maskTexCoord = vec2(maskTexCoordOffset.x + v_texCoord.x * maskTexCoordScale.x, maskTexCoordOffset.y + v_texCoord.y * maskTexCoordScale.y); vec4 maskColor = TextureLookup(s_mask, maskTexCoord); gl_FragColor = ApplyBlendMode( texColor * alpha * maskColor.w, maskColor.w); } }); } void FragmentShaderRGBATexAlphaMask::FillLocations( ShaderLocations* locations) const { locations->sampler = sampler_location(); locations->mask_sampler = mask_sampler_location(); locations->mask_tex_coord_scale = mask_tex_coord_scale_location(); locations->mask_tex_coord_offset = mask_tex_coord_offset_location(); locations->alpha = alpha_location(); locations->backdrop = backdrop_location(); locations->backdrop_rect = backdrop_rect_location(); if (mask_for_background()) locations->original_backdrop = original_backdrop_location(); } FragmentShaderRGBATexAlphaMaskAA::FragmentShaderRGBATexAlphaMaskAA() : sampler_location_(-1), mask_sampler_location_(-1), alpha_location_(-1), mask_tex_coord_scale_location_(-1), mask_tex_coord_offset_location_(-1) { } void FragmentShaderRGBATexAlphaMaskAA::Init(GLES2Interface* context, unsigned program, int* base_uniform_index) { static const char* uniforms[] = { "s_texture", "s_mask", "alpha", "maskTexCoordScale", "maskTexCoordOffset", BLEND_MODE_UNIFORMS, }; int locations[arraysize(uniforms)]; GetProgramUniformLocations(context, program, arraysize(uniforms) - UNUSED_BLEND_MODE_UNIFORMS, uniforms, locations, base_uniform_index); sampler_location_ = locations[0]; mask_sampler_location_ = locations[1]; alpha_location_ = locations[2]; mask_tex_coord_scale_location_ = locations[3]; mask_tex_coord_offset_location_ = locations[4]; BLEND_MODE_SET_LOCATIONS(locations, 5); } std::string FragmentShaderRGBATexAlphaMaskAA::GetShaderString( TexCoordPrecision precision, SamplerType sampler) const { return FRAGMENT_SHADER(GetShaderHead(), GetShaderBody()); } std::string FragmentShaderRGBATexAlphaMaskAA::GetShaderHead() { return SHADER0([]() { precision mediump float; uniform sampler2D s_texture; uniform SamplerType s_mask; uniform TexCoordPrecision vec2 maskTexCoordScale; uniform TexCoordPrecision vec2 maskTexCoordOffset; uniform float alpha; varying TexCoordPrecision vec2 v_texCoord; varying TexCoordPrecision vec4 edge_dist[2]; // 8 edge distances. }); } std::string FragmentShaderRGBATexAlphaMaskAA::GetShaderBody() { return SHADER0([]() { void main() { vec4 texColor = texture2D(s_texture, v_texCoord); TexCoordPrecision vec2 maskTexCoord = vec2(maskTexCoordOffset.x + v_texCoord.x * maskTexCoordScale.x, maskTexCoordOffset.y + v_texCoord.y * maskTexCoordScale.y); vec4 maskColor = TextureLookup(s_mask, maskTexCoord); vec4 d4 = min(edge_dist[0], edge_dist[1]); vec2 d2 = min(d4.xz, d4.yw); float aa = clamp(gl_FragCoord.w * min(d2.x, d2.y), 0.0, 1.0); gl_FragColor = ApplyBlendMode( texColor * alpha * maskColor.w * aa, maskColor.w); } }); } void FragmentShaderRGBATexAlphaMaskAA::FillLocations( ShaderLocations* locations) const { locations->sampler = sampler_location(); locations->mask_sampler = mask_sampler_location(); locations->mask_tex_coord_scale = mask_tex_coord_scale_location(); locations->mask_tex_coord_offset = mask_tex_coord_offset_location(); locations->alpha = alpha_location(); locations->backdrop = backdrop_location(); locations->backdrop_rect = backdrop_rect_location(); if (mask_for_background()) locations->original_backdrop = original_backdrop_location(); } FragmentShaderRGBATexAlphaMaskColorMatrixAA:: FragmentShaderRGBATexAlphaMaskColorMatrixAA() : sampler_location_(-1), mask_sampler_location_(-1), alpha_location_(-1), mask_tex_coord_scale_location_(-1), color_matrix_location_(-1), color_offset_location_(-1) { } void FragmentShaderRGBATexAlphaMaskColorMatrixAA::Init( GLES2Interface* context, unsigned program, int* base_uniform_index) { static const char* uniforms[] = { "s_texture", "s_mask", "alpha", "maskTexCoordScale", "maskTexCoordOffset", "colorMatrix", "colorOffset", BLEND_MODE_UNIFORMS, }; int locations[arraysize(uniforms)]; GetProgramUniformLocations(context, program, arraysize(uniforms) - UNUSED_BLEND_MODE_UNIFORMS, uniforms, locations, base_uniform_index); sampler_location_ = locations[0]; mask_sampler_location_ = locations[1]; alpha_location_ = locations[2]; mask_tex_coord_scale_location_ = locations[3]; mask_tex_coord_offset_location_ = locations[4]; color_matrix_location_ = locations[5]; color_offset_location_ = locations[6]; BLEND_MODE_SET_LOCATIONS(locations, 7); } std::string FragmentShaderRGBATexAlphaMaskColorMatrixAA::GetShaderString( TexCoordPrecision precision, SamplerType sampler) const { return FRAGMENT_SHADER(GetShaderHead(), GetShaderBody()); } std::string FragmentShaderRGBATexAlphaMaskColorMatrixAA::GetShaderHead() { return SHADER0([]() { precision mediump float; uniform sampler2D s_texture; uniform SamplerType s_mask; uniform vec2 maskTexCoordScale; uniform vec2 maskTexCoordOffset; uniform mat4 colorMatrix; uniform vec4 colorOffset; uniform float alpha; varying TexCoordPrecision vec2 v_texCoord; varying TexCoordPrecision vec4 edge_dist[2]; // 8 edge distances. }); } std::string FragmentShaderRGBATexAlphaMaskColorMatrixAA::GetShaderBody() { return SHADER0([]() { void main() { vec4 texColor = texture2D(s_texture, v_texCoord); float nonZeroAlpha = max(texColor.a, 0.00001); texColor = vec4(texColor.rgb / nonZeroAlpha, nonZeroAlpha); texColor = colorMatrix * texColor + colorOffset; texColor.rgb *= texColor.a; texColor = clamp(texColor, 0.0, 1.0); TexCoordPrecision vec2 maskTexCoord = vec2(maskTexCoordOffset.x + v_texCoord.x * maskTexCoordScale.x, maskTexCoordOffset.y + v_texCoord.y * maskTexCoordScale.y); vec4 maskColor = TextureLookup(s_mask, maskTexCoord); vec4 d4 = min(edge_dist[0], edge_dist[1]); vec2 d2 = min(d4.xz, d4.yw); float aa = clamp(gl_FragCoord.w * min(d2.x, d2.y), 0.0, 1.0); gl_FragColor = ApplyBlendMode( texColor * alpha * maskColor.w * aa, maskColor.w); } }); } void FragmentShaderRGBATexAlphaMaskColorMatrixAA::FillLocations( ShaderLocations* locations) const { locations->sampler = sampler_location(); locations->alpha = alpha_location(); locations->mask_sampler = mask_sampler_location(); locations->mask_tex_coord_scale = mask_tex_coord_scale_location(); locations->mask_tex_coord_offset = mask_tex_coord_offset_location(); locations->color_matrix = color_matrix_location(); locations->color_offset = color_offset_location(); locations->backdrop = backdrop_location(); locations->backdrop_rect = backdrop_rect_location(); if (mask_for_background()) locations->original_backdrop = original_backdrop_location(); } FragmentShaderRGBATexAlphaColorMatrixAA:: FragmentShaderRGBATexAlphaColorMatrixAA() : sampler_location_(-1), alpha_location_(-1), color_matrix_location_(-1), color_offset_location_(-1) { } void FragmentShaderRGBATexAlphaColorMatrixAA::Init(GLES2Interface* context, unsigned program, int* base_uniform_index) { static const char* uniforms[] = { "s_texture", "alpha", "colorMatrix", "colorOffset", BLEND_MODE_UNIFORMS, }; int locations[arraysize(uniforms)]; GetProgramUniformLocations(context, program, arraysize(uniforms) - UNUSED_BLEND_MODE_UNIFORMS, uniforms, locations, base_uniform_index); sampler_location_ = locations[0]; alpha_location_ = locations[1]; color_matrix_location_ = locations[2]; color_offset_location_ = locations[3]; BLEND_MODE_SET_LOCATIONS(locations, 4); } std::string FragmentShaderRGBATexAlphaColorMatrixAA::GetShaderString( TexCoordPrecision precision, SamplerType sampler) const { return FRAGMENT_SHADER(GetShaderHead(), GetShaderBody()); } std::string FragmentShaderRGBATexAlphaColorMatrixAA::GetShaderHead() { return SHADER0([]() { precision mediump float; uniform SamplerType s_texture; uniform float alpha; uniform mat4 colorMatrix; uniform vec4 colorOffset; varying TexCoordPrecision vec2 v_texCoord; varying TexCoordPrecision vec4 edge_dist[2]; // 8 edge distances. }); } std::string FragmentShaderRGBATexAlphaColorMatrixAA::GetShaderBody() { return SHADER0([]() { void main() { vec4 texColor = TextureLookup(s_texture, v_texCoord); float nonZeroAlpha = max(texColor.a, 0.00001); texColor = vec4(texColor.rgb / nonZeroAlpha, nonZeroAlpha); texColor = colorMatrix * texColor + colorOffset; texColor.rgb *= texColor.a; texColor = clamp(texColor, 0.0, 1.0); vec4 d4 = min(edge_dist[0], edge_dist[1]); vec2 d2 = min(d4.xz, d4.yw); float aa = clamp(gl_FragCoord.w * min(d2.x, d2.y), 0.0, 1.0); gl_FragColor = ApplyBlendMode(texColor * alpha * aa, 0.0); } }); } void FragmentShaderRGBATexAlphaColorMatrixAA::FillLocations( ShaderLocations* locations) const { locations->sampler = sampler_location(); locations->alpha = alpha_location(); locations->color_matrix = color_matrix_location(); locations->color_offset = color_offset_location(); locations->backdrop = backdrop_location(); locations->backdrop_rect = backdrop_rect_location(); } FragmentShaderRGBATexAlphaMaskColorMatrix:: FragmentShaderRGBATexAlphaMaskColorMatrix() : sampler_location_(-1), mask_sampler_location_(-1), alpha_location_(-1), mask_tex_coord_scale_location_(-1) { } void FragmentShaderRGBATexAlphaMaskColorMatrix::Init(GLES2Interface* context, unsigned program, int* base_uniform_index) { static const char* uniforms[] = { "s_texture", "s_mask", "alpha", "maskTexCoordScale", "maskTexCoordOffset", "colorMatrix", "colorOffset", BLEND_MODE_UNIFORMS, }; int locations[arraysize(uniforms)]; GetProgramUniformLocations(context, program, arraysize(uniforms) - UNUSED_BLEND_MODE_UNIFORMS, uniforms, locations, base_uniform_index); sampler_location_ = locations[0]; mask_sampler_location_ = locations[1]; alpha_location_ = locations[2]; mask_tex_coord_scale_location_ = locations[3]; mask_tex_coord_offset_location_ = locations[4]; color_matrix_location_ = locations[5]; color_offset_location_ = locations[6]; BLEND_MODE_SET_LOCATIONS(locations, 7); } std::string FragmentShaderRGBATexAlphaMaskColorMatrix::GetShaderString( TexCoordPrecision precision, SamplerType sampler) const { return FRAGMENT_SHADER(GetShaderHead(), GetShaderBody()); } std::string FragmentShaderRGBATexAlphaMaskColorMatrix::GetShaderHead() { return SHADER0([]() { precision mediump float; varying TexCoordPrecision vec2 v_texCoord; uniform sampler2D s_texture; uniform SamplerType s_mask; uniform vec2 maskTexCoordScale; uniform vec2 maskTexCoordOffset; uniform mat4 colorMatrix; uniform vec4 colorOffset; uniform float alpha; }); } std::string FragmentShaderRGBATexAlphaMaskColorMatrix::GetShaderBody() { return SHADER0([]() { void main() { vec4 texColor = texture2D(s_texture, v_texCoord); float nonZeroAlpha = max(texColor.a, 0.00001); texColor = vec4(texColor.rgb / nonZeroAlpha, nonZeroAlpha); texColor = colorMatrix * texColor + colorOffset; texColor.rgb *= texColor.a; texColor = clamp(texColor, 0.0, 1.0); TexCoordPrecision vec2 maskTexCoord = vec2(maskTexCoordOffset.x + v_texCoord.x * maskTexCoordScale.x, maskTexCoordOffset.y + v_texCoord.y * maskTexCoordScale.y); vec4 maskColor = TextureLookup(s_mask, maskTexCoord); gl_FragColor = ApplyBlendMode( texColor * alpha * maskColor.w, maskColor.w); } }); } void FragmentShaderRGBATexAlphaMaskColorMatrix::FillLocations( ShaderLocations* locations) const { locations->sampler = sampler_location(); locations->mask_sampler = mask_sampler_location(); locations->mask_tex_coord_scale = mask_tex_coord_scale_location(); locations->mask_tex_coord_offset = mask_tex_coord_offset_location(); locations->alpha = alpha_location(); locations->color_matrix = color_matrix_location(); locations->color_offset = color_offset_location(); locations->backdrop = backdrop_location(); locations->backdrop_rect = backdrop_rect_location(); if (mask_for_background()) locations->original_backdrop = original_backdrop_location(); } FragmentShaderYUVVideo::FragmentShaderYUVVideo() : y_texture_location_(-1), u_texture_location_(-1), v_texture_location_(-1), alpha_location_(-1), yuv_matrix_location_(-1), yuv_adj_location_(-1), ya_clamp_rect_location_(-1), uv_clamp_rect_location_(-1) { } void FragmentShaderYUVVideo::Init(GLES2Interface* context, unsigned program, int* base_uniform_index) { static const char* uniforms[] = {"y_texture", "u_texture", "v_texture", "alpha", "yuv_matrix", "yuv_adj", "ya_clamp_rect", "uv_clamp_rect"}; int locations[arraysize(uniforms)]; GetProgramUniformLocations(context, program, arraysize(uniforms), uniforms, locations, base_uniform_index); y_texture_location_ = locations[0]; u_texture_location_ = locations[1]; v_texture_location_ = locations[2]; alpha_location_ = locations[3]; yuv_matrix_location_ = locations[4]; yuv_adj_location_ = locations[5]; ya_clamp_rect_location_ = locations[6]; uv_clamp_rect_location_ = locations[7]; } std::string FragmentShaderYUVVideo::GetShaderString(TexCoordPrecision precision, SamplerType sampler) const { return FRAGMENT_SHADER(GetShaderHead(), GetShaderBody()); } std::string FragmentShaderYUVVideo::GetShaderHead() { return SHADER0([]() { precision mediump float; precision mediump int; varying TexCoordPrecision vec2 v_yaTexCoord; varying TexCoordPrecision vec2 v_uvTexCoord; uniform SamplerType y_texture; uniform SamplerType u_texture; uniform SamplerType v_texture; uniform float alpha; uniform vec3 yuv_adj; uniform mat3 yuv_matrix; uniform vec4 ya_clamp_rect; uniform vec4 uv_clamp_rect; }); } std::string FragmentShaderYUVVideo::GetShaderBody() { return SHADER0([]() { void main() { vec2 ya_clamped = max(ya_clamp_rect.xy, min(ya_clamp_rect.zw, v_yaTexCoord)); float y_raw = TextureLookup(y_texture, ya_clamped).x; vec2 uv_clamped = max(uv_clamp_rect.xy, min(uv_clamp_rect.zw, v_uvTexCoord)); float u_unsigned = TextureLookup(u_texture, uv_clamped).x; float v_unsigned = TextureLookup(v_texture, uv_clamped).x; vec3 yuv = vec3(y_raw, u_unsigned, v_unsigned) + yuv_adj; vec3 rgb = yuv_matrix * yuv; gl_FragColor = vec4(rgb, 1.0) * alpha; } }); } FragmentShaderYUVAVideo::FragmentShaderYUVAVideo() : y_texture_location_(-1), u_texture_location_(-1), v_texture_location_(-1), a_texture_location_(-1), alpha_location_(-1), yuv_matrix_location_(-1), yuv_adj_location_(-1) { } void FragmentShaderYUVAVideo::Init(GLES2Interface* context, unsigned program, int* base_uniform_index) { static const char* uniforms[] = { "y_texture", "u_texture", "v_texture", "a_texture", "alpha", "yuv_matrix", "yuv_adj", "ya_clamp_rect", "uv_clamp_rect", }; int locations[arraysize(uniforms)]; GetProgramUniformLocations(context, program, arraysize(uniforms), uniforms, locations, base_uniform_index); y_texture_location_ = locations[0]; u_texture_location_ = locations[1]; v_texture_location_ = locations[2]; a_texture_location_ = locations[3]; alpha_location_ = locations[4]; yuv_matrix_location_ = locations[5]; yuv_adj_location_ = locations[6]; ya_clamp_rect_location_ = locations[7]; uv_clamp_rect_location_ = locations[8]; } std::string FragmentShaderYUVAVideo::GetShaderString( TexCoordPrecision precision, SamplerType sampler) const { return FRAGMENT_SHADER(GetShaderHead(), GetShaderBody()); } std::string FragmentShaderYUVAVideo::GetShaderHead() { return SHADER0([]() { precision mediump float; precision mediump int; varying TexCoordPrecision vec2 v_yaTexCoord; varying TexCoordPrecision vec2 v_uvTexCoord; uniform SamplerType y_texture; uniform SamplerType u_texture; uniform SamplerType v_texture; uniform SamplerType a_texture; uniform float alpha; uniform vec3 yuv_adj; uniform mat3 yuv_matrix; uniform vec4 ya_clamp_rect; uniform vec4 uv_clamp_rect; }); } std::string FragmentShaderYUVAVideo::GetShaderBody() { return SHADER0([]() { void main() { vec2 ya_clamped = max(ya_clamp_rect.xy, min(ya_clamp_rect.zw, v_yaTexCoord)); float y_raw = TextureLookup(y_texture, ya_clamped).x; vec2 uv_clamped = max(uv_clamp_rect.xy, min(uv_clamp_rect.zw, v_uvTexCoord)); float u_unsigned = TextureLookup(u_texture, uv_clamped).x; float v_unsigned = TextureLookup(v_texture, uv_clamped).x; float a_raw = TextureLookup(a_texture, ya_clamped).x; vec3 yuv = vec3(y_raw, u_unsigned, v_unsigned) + yuv_adj; vec3 rgb = yuv_matrix * yuv; gl_FragColor = vec4(rgb, 1.0) * (alpha * a_raw); } }); } FragmentShaderColor::FragmentShaderColor() : color_location_(-1) { } void FragmentShaderColor::Init(GLES2Interface* context, unsigned program, int* base_uniform_index) { static const char* uniforms[] = { "color", }; int locations[arraysize(uniforms)]; GetProgramUniformLocations(context, program, arraysize(uniforms), uniforms, locations, base_uniform_index); color_location_ = locations[0]; } std::string FragmentShaderColor::GetShaderString(TexCoordPrecision precision, SamplerType sampler) const { return FRAGMENT_SHADER(GetShaderHead(), GetShaderBody()); } std::string FragmentShaderColor::GetShaderHead() { return SHADER0([]() { precision mediump float; uniform vec4 color; }); } std::string FragmentShaderColor::GetShaderBody() { return SHADER0([]() { void main() { gl_FragColor = color; } }); } FragmentShaderColorAA::FragmentShaderColorAA() : color_location_(-1) { } void FragmentShaderColorAA::Init(GLES2Interface* context, unsigned program, int* base_uniform_index) { static const char* uniforms[] = { "color", }; int locations[arraysize(uniforms)]; GetProgramUniformLocations(context, program, arraysize(uniforms), uniforms, locations, base_uniform_index); color_location_ = locations[0]; } std::string FragmentShaderColorAA::GetShaderString(TexCoordPrecision precision, SamplerType sampler) const { return FRAGMENT_SHADER(GetShaderHead(), GetShaderBody()); } std::string FragmentShaderColorAA::GetShaderHead() { return SHADER0([]() { precision mediump float; uniform vec4 color; varying vec4 edge_dist[2]; // 8 edge distances. }); } std::string FragmentShaderColorAA::GetShaderBody() { return SHADER0([]() { void main() { vec4 d4 = min(edge_dist[0], edge_dist[1]); vec2 d2 = min(d4.xz, d4.yw); float aa = clamp(gl_FragCoord.w * min(d2.x, d2.y), 0.0, 1.0); gl_FragColor = color * aa; } }); } } // namespace cc