// Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "cc/picture_layer_tiling.h" #include "ui/gfx/rect_conversions.h" #include "ui/gfx/size_conversions.h" namespace cc { scoped_ptr PictureLayerTiling::Create( float contents_scale, gfx::Size tile_size) { return make_scoped_ptr(new PictureLayerTiling(contents_scale, tile_size)); } scoped_ptr PictureLayerTiling::Clone() const { return make_scoped_ptr(new PictureLayerTiling(*this)); } PictureLayerTiling::PictureLayerTiling(float contents_scale, gfx::Size tile_size) : client_(NULL), contents_scale_(contents_scale), tiling_data_(tile_size, gfx::Size(), true) { } PictureLayerTiling::~PictureLayerTiling() { } const PictureLayerTiling& PictureLayerTiling::operator=( const PictureLayerTiling& tiler) { tiling_data_ = tiler.tiling_data_; tiles_ = tiler.tiles_; return *this; } void PictureLayerTiling::SetClient(PictureLayerTilingClient* client) { client_ = client; } gfx::Rect PictureLayerTiling::ContentRect() const { gfx::Size content_bounds = gfx::ToCeiledSize(gfx::ScaleSize(layer_bounds_, contents_scale_)); return gfx::Rect(gfx::Point(), content_bounds); } Tile* PictureLayerTiling::TileAt(int i, int j) const { TileMap::const_iterator iter = tiles_.find(TileMapKey(i, j)); if (iter == tiles_.end()) return NULL; return iter->second.get(); } void PictureLayerTiling::CreateTile(int i, int j) { gfx::Rect tile_rect = tiling_data_.TileBoundsWithBorder(i, j); tile_rect.set_size(tiling_data_.max_texture_size()); TileMapKey key(i, j); DCHECK(!tiles_[key]); tiles_[key] = client_->CreateTile(this, tile_rect); } Region PictureLayerTiling::OpaqueRegionInContentRect( const gfx::Rect& content_rect) const { Region opaque_region; // TODO(enne): implement me return opaque_region; } void PictureLayerTiling::SetLayerBounds(gfx::Size layer_bounds) { if (layer_bounds_ == layer_bounds) return; layer_bounds_ = layer_bounds; gfx::Size content_bounds = gfx::ToCeiledSize(gfx::ScaleSize(layer_bounds_, contents_scale_)); tiling_data_.SetTotalSize(content_bounds); if (layer_bounds_.IsEmpty()) { tiles_.clear(); return; } int right = tiling_data_.TileXIndexFromSrcCoord(content_bounds.width() - 1); int bottom = tiling_data_.TileYIndexFromSrcCoord(content_bounds.height() - 1); // TODO(enne): Be more efficient about what tiles are created. for (int j = 0; j <= bottom; ++j) { for (int i = 0; i <= right; ++i) { if (tiles_.find(TileMapKey(i, j)) == tiles_.end()) CreateTile(i, j); } } // Any tiles outside our new bounds are invalid and should be dropped. std::vector invalid_tile_keys; for (TileMap::const_iterator it = tiles_.begin(); it != tiles_.end(); ++it) { if (it->first.first > right || it->first.second > bottom) invalid_tile_keys.push_back(it->first); } for (size_t i = 0; i < invalid_tile_keys.size(); ++i) tiles_.erase(invalid_tile_keys[i]); } void PictureLayerTiling::Invalidate(const Region& layer_invalidation) { std::vector new_tiles; for (Region::Iterator region_iter(layer_invalidation); region_iter.has_rect(); region_iter.next()) { gfx::Rect rect = gfx::ToEnclosingRect(ScaleRect(region_iter.rect(), contents_scale_)); rect.Intersect(ContentRect()); for (PictureLayerTiling::Iterator tile_iter(this, contents_scale_, rect); tile_iter; ++tile_iter) { TileMapKey key(tile_iter.tile_i_, tile_iter.tile_j_); if (!tiles_[key]) continue; tiles_[key] = NULL; new_tiles.push_back(key); } } for (size_t i = 0; i < new_tiles.size(); ++i) { CreateTile(new_tiles[i].first, new_tiles[i].second); } } PictureLayerTiling::Iterator::Iterator() : tiling_(NULL), current_tile_(NULL), tile_i_(0), tile_j_(0), left_(0), top_(0), right_(0), bottom_(0) { } PictureLayerTiling::Iterator::Iterator(PictureLayerTiling* tiling, float dest_scale, gfx::Rect dest_rect) : tiling_(tiling), dest_rect_(dest_rect), dest_to_content_scale_(tiling_->contents_scale_ / dest_scale), current_tile_(NULL), tile_i_(0), tile_j_(0), left_(0), top_(0), right_(0), bottom_(0) { DCHECK(tiling_); if (dest_rect_.IsEmpty()) return; gfx::Rect content_rect = gfx::ToEnclosingRect(gfx::ScaleRect(dest_rect_, dest_to_content_scale_)); left_ = tiling_->tiling_data_.TileXIndexFromSrcCoord(content_rect.x()); top_ = tiling_->tiling_data_.TileYIndexFromSrcCoord(content_rect.y()); right_ = tiling_->tiling_data_.TileXIndexFromSrcCoord( content_rect.right() - 1); bottom_ = tiling_->tiling_data_.TileYIndexFromSrcCoord( content_rect.bottom() - 1); tile_i_ = left_ - 1; tile_j_ = top_; ++(*this); } PictureLayerTiling::Iterator::~Iterator() { } PictureLayerTiling::Iterator& PictureLayerTiling::Iterator::operator++() { if (tile_j_ > bottom_) return *this; bool first_time = tile_i_ < left_; bool new_row = false; tile_i_++; if (tile_i_ > right_) { tile_i_ = left_; tile_j_++; new_row = true; if (tile_j_ > bottom_) { current_tile_ = NULL; return *this; } } current_tile_ = tiling_->TileAt(tile_i_, tile_j_); // Calculate the current geometry rect. Due to floating point rounding // and ToEnclosedRect, tiles might overlap in destination space on the // edges. gfx::Rect last_geometry_rect = current_geometry_rect_; gfx::Rect content_rect = tiling_->tiling_data_.TileBounds(tile_i_, tile_j_); current_geometry_rect_ = gfx::ToEnclosingRect( gfx::ScaleRect(content_rect, 1 / dest_to_content_scale_)); current_geometry_rect_.Intersect(dest_rect_); if (first_time) return *this; // Iteration happens left->right, top->bottom. Running off the bottom-right // edge is handled by the intersection above with dest_rect_. Here we make // sure that the new current geometry rect doesn't overlap with the last. int min_left; int min_top; if (new_row) { min_left = dest_rect_.x(); min_top = last_geometry_rect.bottom(); } else { min_left = last_geometry_rect.right(); min_top = last_geometry_rect.y(); } int inset_left = std::max(0, min_left - current_geometry_rect_.x()); int inset_top = std::max(0, min_top - current_geometry_rect_.y()); current_geometry_rect_.Inset(inset_left, inset_top, 0, 0); if (!new_row) { DCHECK_EQ(last_geometry_rect.right(), current_geometry_rect_.x()); DCHECK_EQ(last_geometry_rect.bottom(), current_geometry_rect_.bottom()); DCHECK_EQ(last_geometry_rect.y(), current_geometry_rect_.y()); } return *this; } gfx::Rect PictureLayerTiling::Iterator::geometry_rect() const { return current_geometry_rect_; } gfx::RectF PictureLayerTiling::Iterator::texture_rect() const { gfx::Rect full_bounds = tiling_->tiling_data_.TileBoundsWithBorder(tile_i_, tile_j_); full_bounds.set_size(texture_size()); // Convert from dest space => content space => texture space. gfx::RectF texture_rect = gfx::ScaleRect(current_geometry_rect_, dest_to_content_scale_); texture_rect.Offset(-full_bounds.OffsetFromOrigin()); DCHECK_GE(texture_rect.x(), 0); DCHECK_GE(texture_rect.y(), 0); DCHECK_LE(texture_rect.right(), texture_size().width()); DCHECK_LE(texture_rect.bottom(), texture_size().height()); return texture_rect; } gfx::Size PictureLayerTiling::Iterator::texture_size() const { return tiling_->tiling_data_.max_texture_size(); } } // namespace cc