// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#include <map>
#include <vector>

#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "base/synchronization/condition_variable.h"
#include "cc/base/cc_export.h"

namespace cc {

class CC_EXPORT Task : public base::RefCountedThreadSafe<Task> {
  typedef std::vector<scoped_refptr<Task> > Vector;

  virtual void RunOnWorkerThread() = 0;

  void WillRun();
  void DidRun();
  bool HasFinishedRunning() const;

  friend class base::RefCountedThreadSafe<Task>;

  virtual ~Task();

  bool will_run_;
  bool did_run_;

// Dependencies are represented as edges in a task graph. Each graph node is
// assigned a priority and a run count that matches the number of dependencies.
// Priority range from 0 (most favorable scheduling) to UINT_MAX (least
// favorable).
struct CC_EXPORT TaskGraph {
  struct Node {
    class TaskComparator {
      explicit TaskComparator(const Task* task) : task_(task) {}

      bool operator()(const Node& node) const { return node.task == task_; }

      const Task* task_;

    typedef std::vector<Node> Vector;

    Node(Task* task, unsigned priority, size_t dependencies)
        : task(task), priority(priority), dependencies(dependencies) {}

    Task* task;
    unsigned priority;
    size_t dependencies;

  struct Edge {
    typedef std::vector<Edge> Vector;

    Edge(const Task* task, Task* dependent)
        : task(task), dependent(dependent) {}

    const Task* task;
    Task* dependent;


  void Swap(TaskGraph* other);
  void Reset();

  Node::Vector nodes;
  Edge::Vector edges;

class TaskGraphRunner;

// Opaque identifier that defines a namespace of tasks.
class CC_EXPORT NamespaceToken {
  NamespaceToken() : id_(0) {}
  ~NamespaceToken() {}

  bool IsValid() const { return id_ != 0; }

  friend class TaskGraphRunner;

  explicit NamespaceToken(int id) : id_(id) {}

  int id_;

// A TaskGraphRunner is used to process tasks with dependencies. There can
// be any number of TaskGraphRunner instances per thread. Tasks can be scheduled
// from any thread and they can be run on any thread.
class CC_EXPORT TaskGraphRunner {
  virtual ~TaskGraphRunner();

  // Returns a unique token that can be used to pass a task graph to
  // ScheduleTasks(). Valid tokens are always nonzero.
  NamespaceToken GetNamespaceToken();

  // Schedule running of tasks in |graph|. Tasks previously scheduled but no
  // longer needed will be canceled unless already running. Canceled tasks are
  // moved to |completed_tasks| without being run. The result is that once
  // scheduled, a task is guaranteed to end up in the |completed_tasks| queue
  // even if it later gets canceled by another call to ScheduleTasks().
  void ScheduleTasks(NamespaceToken token, TaskGraph* graph);

  // Wait for all scheduled tasks to finish running.
  void WaitForTasksToFinishRunning(NamespaceToken token);

  // Collect all completed tasks in |completed_tasks|.
  void CollectCompletedTasks(NamespaceToken token,
                             Task::Vector* completed_tasks);

  // Run tasks until Shutdown() is called.
  void Run();

  // Process all pending tasks, but don't wait/sleep. Return as soon as all
  // tasks that can be run are taken care of.
  void RunUntilIdle();

  // Signals the Run method to return when it becomes idle. It will continue to
  // process tasks and future tasks as long as they are scheduled.
  // Warning: if the TaskGraphRunner remains busy, it may never quit.
  void Shutdown();

  struct PrioritizedTask {
    typedef std::vector<PrioritizedTask> Vector;

    PrioritizedTask(Task* task, unsigned priority)
        : task(task), priority(priority) {}

    Task* task;
    unsigned priority;

  typedef std::vector<const Task*> TaskVector;

  struct TaskNamespace {
    typedef std::vector<TaskNamespace*> Vector;


    // Current task graph.
    TaskGraph graph;

    // Ordered set of tasks that are ready to run.
    PrioritizedTask::Vector ready_to_run_tasks;

    // Completed tasks not yet collected by origin thread.
    Task::Vector completed_tasks;

    // This set contains all currently running tasks.
    TaskVector running_tasks;

  typedef std::map<int, TaskNamespace> TaskNamespaceMap;

  static bool CompareTaskPriority(const PrioritizedTask& a,
                                  const PrioritizedTask& b) {
    // In this system, numerically lower priority is run first.
    return a.priority > b.priority;

  static bool CompareTaskNamespacePriority(const TaskNamespace* a,
                                           const TaskNamespace* b) {

    // Compare based on task priority of the ready_to_run_tasks heap .front()
    // will hold the max element of the heap, except after pop_heap, when max
    // element is moved to .back().
    return CompareTaskPriority(a->ready_to_run_tasks.front(),

  static bool HasFinishedRunningTasksInNamespace(
      const TaskNamespace* task_namespace) {
    return task_namespace->running_tasks.empty() &&

  // Run next task. Caller must acquire |lock_| prior to calling this function
  // and make sure at least one task is ready to run.
  void RunTaskWithLockAcquired();

  // This lock protects all members of this class. Do not read or modify
  // anything without holding this lock. Do not block while holding this lock.
  mutable base::Lock lock_;

  // Condition variable that is waited on by Run() until new tasks are ready to
  // run or shutdown starts.
  base::ConditionVariable has_ready_to_run_tasks_cv_;

  // Condition variable that is waited on by origin threads until a namespace
  // has finished running all associated tasks.
  base::ConditionVariable has_namespaces_with_finished_running_tasks_cv_;

  // Provides a unique id to each NamespaceToken.
  int next_namespace_id_;

  // This set contains all namespaces with pending, running or completed tasks
  // not yet collected.
  TaskNamespaceMap namespaces_;

  // Ordered set of task namespaces that have ready to run tasks.
  TaskNamespace::Vector ready_to_run_namespaces_;

  // Set during shutdown. Tells Run() to return when no more tasks are pending.
  bool shutdown_;


}  // namespace cc