// Copyright 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "config.h" #include "cc/shader.h" #include "base/logging.h" #include #include #define SHADER0(Src) #Src #define SHADER(Src) SHADER0(Src) using WebKit::WebGraphicsContext3D; namespace cc { namespace { static void getProgramUniformLocations(WebGraphicsContext3D* context, unsigned program, const char** shaderUniforms, size_t count, size_t maxLocations, int* locations, bool usingBindUniform, int* baseUniformIndex) { for (size_t uniformIndex = 0; uniformIndex < count; uniformIndex ++) { DCHECK(uniformIndex < maxLocations); if (usingBindUniform) { locations[uniformIndex] = (*baseUniformIndex)++; context->bindUniformLocationCHROMIUM(program, locations[uniformIndex], shaderUniforms[uniformIndex]); } else locations[uniformIndex] = context->getUniformLocation(program, shaderUniforms[uniformIndex]); } } } VertexShaderPosTex::VertexShaderPosTex() : m_matrixLocation(-1) { } void VertexShaderPosTex::init(WebGraphicsContext3D* context, unsigned program, bool usingBindUniform, int* baseUniformIndex) { static const char* shaderUniforms[] = { "matrix", }; int locations[1]; getProgramUniformLocations(context, program, shaderUniforms, WTF_ARRAY_LENGTH(shaderUniforms), WTF_ARRAY_LENGTH(locations), locations, usingBindUniform, baseUniformIndex); m_matrixLocation = locations[0]; DCHECK(m_matrixLocation != -1); } std::string VertexShaderPosTex::getShaderString() const { return SHADER( attribute vec4 a_position; attribute vec2 a_texCoord; uniform mat4 matrix; varying vec2 v_texCoord; void main() { gl_Position = matrix * a_position; v_texCoord = a_texCoord; } ); } VertexShaderPosTexYUVStretch::VertexShaderPosTexYUVStretch() : m_matrixLocation(-1) , m_yWidthScaleFactorLocation(-1) , m_uvWidthScaleFactorLocation(-1) { } void VertexShaderPosTexYUVStretch::init(WebGraphicsContext3D* context, unsigned program, bool usingBindUniform, int* baseUniformIndex) { static const char* shaderUniforms[] = { "matrix", "y_widthScaleFactor", "uv_widthScaleFactor", }; int locations[3]; getProgramUniformLocations(context, program, shaderUniforms, WTF_ARRAY_LENGTH(shaderUniforms), WTF_ARRAY_LENGTH(locations), locations, usingBindUniform, baseUniformIndex); m_matrixLocation = locations[0]; m_yWidthScaleFactorLocation = locations[1]; m_uvWidthScaleFactorLocation = locations[2]; DCHECK(m_matrixLocation != -1 && m_yWidthScaleFactorLocation != -1 && m_uvWidthScaleFactorLocation != -1); } std::string VertexShaderPosTexYUVStretch::getShaderString() const { return SHADER( precision mediump float; attribute vec4 a_position; attribute vec2 a_texCoord; uniform mat4 matrix; varying vec2 y_texCoord; varying vec2 uv_texCoord; uniform float y_widthScaleFactor; uniform float uv_widthScaleFactor; void main() { gl_Position = matrix * a_position; y_texCoord = vec2(y_widthScaleFactor * a_texCoord.x, a_texCoord.y); uv_texCoord = vec2(uv_widthScaleFactor * a_texCoord.x, a_texCoord.y); } ); } VertexShaderPos::VertexShaderPos() : m_matrixLocation(-1) { } void VertexShaderPos::init(WebGraphicsContext3D* context, unsigned program, bool usingBindUniform, int* baseUniformIndex) { static const char* shaderUniforms[] = { "matrix", }; int locations[1]; getProgramUniformLocations(context, program, shaderUniforms, WTF_ARRAY_LENGTH(shaderUniforms), WTF_ARRAY_LENGTH(locations), locations, usingBindUniform, baseUniformIndex); m_matrixLocation = locations[0]; DCHECK(m_matrixLocation != -1); } std::string VertexShaderPos::getShaderString() const { return SHADER( attribute vec4 a_position; uniform mat4 matrix; void main() { gl_Position = matrix * a_position; } ); } VertexShaderPosTexTransform::VertexShaderPosTexTransform() : m_matrixLocation(-1) , m_texTransformLocation(-1) { } void VertexShaderPosTexTransform::init(WebGraphicsContext3D* context, unsigned program, bool usingBindUniform, int* baseUniformIndex) { static const char* shaderUniforms[] = { "matrix", "texTransform", }; int locations[2]; getProgramUniformLocations(context, program, shaderUniforms, WTF_ARRAY_LENGTH(shaderUniforms), WTF_ARRAY_LENGTH(locations), locations, usingBindUniform, baseUniformIndex); m_matrixLocation = locations[0]; m_texTransformLocation = locations[1]; DCHECK(m_matrixLocation != -1 && m_texTransformLocation != -1); } std::string VertexShaderPosTexTransform::getShaderString() const { return SHADER( attribute vec4 a_position; attribute vec2 a_texCoord; uniform mat4 matrix; uniform vec4 texTransform; varying vec2 v_texCoord; void main() { gl_Position = matrix * a_position; v_texCoord = a_texCoord * texTransform.zw + texTransform.xy; } ); } VertexShaderQuad::VertexShaderQuad() : m_matrixLocation(-1) , m_pointLocation(-1) { } std::string VertexShaderPosTexIdentity::getShaderString() const { return SHADER( attribute vec4 a_position; varying vec2 v_texCoord; void main() { gl_Position = a_position; v_texCoord = (a_position.xy + vec2(1.0)) * 0.5; } ); } void VertexShaderQuad::init(WebGraphicsContext3D* context, unsigned program, bool usingBindUniform, int* baseUniformIndex) { static const char* shaderUniforms[] = { "matrix", "point", }; int locations[2]; getProgramUniformLocations(context, program, shaderUniforms, WTF_ARRAY_LENGTH(shaderUniforms), WTF_ARRAY_LENGTH(locations), locations, usingBindUniform, baseUniformIndex); m_matrixLocation = locations[0]; m_pointLocation = locations[1]; DCHECK(m_matrixLocation != -1 && m_pointLocation != -1); } std::string VertexShaderQuad::getShaderString() const { return SHADER( attribute vec4 a_position; attribute vec2 a_texCoord; uniform mat4 matrix; uniform vec2 point[4]; varying vec2 v_texCoord; void main() { vec2 complement = abs(a_texCoord - 1.0); vec4 pos = vec4(0.0, 0.0, a_position.z, a_position.w); pos.xy += (complement.x * complement.y) * point[0]; pos.xy += (a_texCoord.x * complement.y) * point[1]; pos.xy += (a_texCoord.x * a_texCoord.y) * point[2]; pos.xy += (complement.x * a_texCoord.y) * point[3]; gl_Position = matrix * pos; v_texCoord = pos.xy + vec2(0.5); } ); } VertexShaderTile::VertexShaderTile() : m_matrixLocation(-1) , m_pointLocation(-1) , m_vertexTexTransformLocation(-1) { } void VertexShaderTile::init(WebGraphicsContext3D* context, unsigned program, bool usingBindUniform, int* baseUniformIndex) { static const char* shaderUniforms[] = { "matrix", "point", "vertexTexTransform", }; int locations[3]; getProgramUniformLocations(context, program, shaderUniforms, WTF_ARRAY_LENGTH(shaderUniforms), WTF_ARRAY_LENGTH(locations), locations, usingBindUniform, baseUniformIndex); m_matrixLocation = locations[0]; m_pointLocation = locations[1]; m_vertexTexTransformLocation = locations[2]; DCHECK(m_matrixLocation != -1 && m_pointLocation != -1 && m_vertexTexTransformLocation != -1); } std::string VertexShaderTile::getShaderString() const { return SHADER( attribute vec4 a_position; attribute vec2 a_texCoord; uniform mat4 matrix; uniform vec2 point[4]; uniform vec4 vertexTexTransform; varying vec2 v_texCoord; void main() { vec2 complement = abs(a_texCoord - 1.0); vec4 pos = vec4(0.0, 0.0, a_position.z, a_position.w); pos.xy += (complement.x * complement.y) * point[0]; pos.xy += (a_texCoord.x * complement.y) * point[1]; pos.xy += (a_texCoord.x * a_texCoord.y) * point[2]; pos.xy += (complement.x * a_texCoord.y) * point[3]; gl_Position = matrix * pos; v_texCoord = pos.xy * vertexTexTransform.zw + vertexTexTransform.xy; } ); } VertexShaderVideoTransform::VertexShaderVideoTransform() : m_matrixLocation(-1) , m_texMatrixLocation(-1) { } bool VertexShaderVideoTransform::init(WebGraphicsContext3D* context, unsigned program, bool usingBindUniform, int* baseUniformIndex) { static const char* shaderUniforms[] = { "matrix", "texMatrix", }; int locations[2]; getProgramUniformLocations(context, program, shaderUniforms, WTF_ARRAY_LENGTH(shaderUniforms), WTF_ARRAY_LENGTH(locations), locations, usingBindUniform, baseUniformIndex); m_matrixLocation = locations[0]; m_texMatrixLocation = locations[1]; return m_matrixLocation != -1 && m_texMatrixLocation != -1; } std::string VertexShaderVideoTransform::getShaderString() const { return SHADER( attribute vec4 a_position; attribute vec2 a_texCoord; uniform mat4 matrix; uniform mat4 texMatrix; varying vec2 v_texCoord; void main() { gl_Position = matrix * a_position; v_texCoord = vec2(texMatrix * vec4(a_texCoord.x, 1.0 - a_texCoord.y, 0.0, 1.0)); } ); } FragmentTexAlphaBinding::FragmentTexAlphaBinding() : m_samplerLocation(-1) , m_alphaLocation(-1) { } void FragmentTexAlphaBinding::init(WebGraphicsContext3D* context, unsigned program, bool usingBindUniform, int* baseUniformIndex) { static const char* shaderUniforms[] = { "s_texture", "alpha", }; int locations[2]; getProgramUniformLocations(context, program, shaderUniforms, WTF_ARRAY_LENGTH(shaderUniforms), WTF_ARRAY_LENGTH(locations), locations, usingBindUniform, baseUniformIndex); m_samplerLocation = locations[0]; m_alphaLocation = locations[1]; DCHECK(m_samplerLocation != -1 && m_alphaLocation != -1); } FragmentTexOpaqueBinding::FragmentTexOpaqueBinding() : m_samplerLocation(-1) { } void FragmentTexOpaqueBinding::init(WebGraphicsContext3D* context, unsigned program, bool usingBindUniform, int* baseUniformIndex) { static const char* shaderUniforms[] = { "s_texture", }; int locations[1]; getProgramUniformLocations(context, program, shaderUniforms, WTF_ARRAY_LENGTH(shaderUniforms), WTF_ARRAY_LENGTH(locations), locations, usingBindUniform, baseUniformIndex); m_samplerLocation = locations[0]; DCHECK(m_samplerLocation != -1); } std::string FragmentShaderRGBATexFlipAlpha::getShaderString() const { return SHADER( precision mediump float; varying vec2 v_texCoord; uniform sampler2D s_texture; uniform float alpha; void main() { vec4 texColor = texture2D(s_texture, vec2(v_texCoord.x, 1.0 - v_texCoord.y)); gl_FragColor = vec4(texColor.x, texColor.y, texColor.z, texColor.w) * alpha; } ); } bool FragmentShaderOESImageExternal::init(WebGraphicsContext3D* context, unsigned program, bool usingBindUniform, int* baseUniformIndex) { static const char* shaderUniforms[] = { "s_texture", }; int locations[1]; getProgramUniformLocations(context, program, shaderUniforms, WTF_ARRAY_LENGTH(shaderUniforms), WTF_ARRAY_LENGTH(locations), locations, usingBindUniform, baseUniformIndex); m_samplerLocation = locations[0]; return m_samplerLocation != -1; } std::string FragmentShaderOESImageExternal::getShaderString() const { // Cannot use the SHADER() macro because of the '#' char return "#extension GL_OES_EGL_image_external : require \n" "precision mediump float;\n" "varying vec2 v_texCoord;\n" "uniform samplerExternalOES s_texture;\n" "void main()\n" "{\n" " vec4 texColor = texture2D(s_texture, v_texCoord);\n" " gl_FragColor = vec4(texColor.x, texColor.y, texColor.z, texColor.w);\n" "}\n"; } std::string FragmentShaderRGBATexAlpha::getShaderString() const { return SHADER( precision mediump float; varying vec2 v_texCoord; uniform sampler2D s_texture; uniform float alpha; void main() { vec4 texColor = texture2D(s_texture, v_texCoord); gl_FragColor = texColor * alpha; } ); } std::string FragmentShaderRGBATexRectFlipAlpha::getShaderString() const { // This must be paired with VertexShaderPosTexTransform to pick up the texTransform uniform. // The necessary #extension preprocessing directive breaks the SHADER and SHADER0 macros. return "#extension GL_ARB_texture_rectangle : require\n" "precision mediump float;\n" "varying vec2 v_texCoord;\n" "uniform vec4 texTransform;\n" "uniform sampler2DRect s_texture;\n" "uniform float alpha;\n" "void main()\n" "{\n" " vec4 texColor = texture2DRect(s_texture, vec2(v_texCoord.x, texTransform.w - v_texCoord.y));\n" " gl_FragColor = vec4(texColor.x, texColor.y, texColor.z, texColor.w) * alpha;\n" "}\n"; } std::string FragmentShaderRGBATexRectAlpha::getShaderString() const { return "#extension GL_ARB_texture_rectangle : require\n" "precision mediump float;\n" "varying vec2 v_texCoord;\n" "uniform sampler2DRect s_texture;\n" "uniform float alpha;\n" "void main()\n" "{\n" " vec4 texColor = texture2DRect(s_texture, v_texCoord);\n" " gl_FragColor = texColor * alpha;\n" "}\n"; } std::string FragmentShaderRGBATexOpaque::getShaderString() const { return SHADER( precision mediump float; varying vec2 v_texCoord; uniform sampler2D s_texture; void main() { vec4 texColor = texture2D(s_texture, v_texCoord); gl_FragColor = vec4(texColor.rgb, 1.0); } ); } std::string FragmentShaderRGBATex::getShaderString() const { return SHADER( precision mediump float; varying vec2 v_texCoord; uniform sampler2D s_texture; void main() { gl_FragColor = texture2D(s_texture, v_texCoord); } ); } std::string FragmentShaderRGBATexSwizzleAlpha::getShaderString() const { return SHADER( precision mediump float; varying vec2 v_texCoord; uniform sampler2D s_texture; uniform float alpha; void main() { vec4 texColor = texture2D(s_texture, v_texCoord); gl_FragColor = vec4(texColor.z, texColor.y, texColor.x, texColor.w) * alpha; } ); } std::string FragmentShaderRGBATexSwizzleOpaque::getShaderString() const { return SHADER( precision mediump float; varying vec2 v_texCoord; uniform sampler2D s_texture; void main() { vec4 texColor = texture2D(s_texture, v_texCoord); gl_FragColor = vec4(texColor.z, texColor.y, texColor.x, 1.0); } ); } FragmentShaderRGBATexAlphaAA::FragmentShaderRGBATexAlphaAA() : m_samplerLocation(-1) , m_alphaLocation(-1) , m_edgeLocation(-1) { } void FragmentShaderRGBATexAlphaAA::init(WebGraphicsContext3D* context, unsigned program, bool usingBindUniform, int* baseUniformIndex) { static const char* shaderUniforms[] = { "s_texture", "alpha", "edge", }; int locations[3]; getProgramUniformLocations(context, program, shaderUniforms, WTF_ARRAY_LENGTH(shaderUniforms), WTF_ARRAY_LENGTH(locations), locations, usingBindUniform, baseUniformIndex); m_samplerLocation = locations[0]; m_alphaLocation = locations[1]; m_edgeLocation = locations[2]; DCHECK(m_samplerLocation != -1 && m_alphaLocation != -1 && m_edgeLocation != -1); } std::string FragmentShaderRGBATexAlphaAA::getShaderString() const { return SHADER( precision mediump float; varying vec2 v_texCoord; uniform sampler2D s_texture; uniform float alpha; uniform vec3 edge[8]; void main() { vec4 texColor = texture2D(s_texture, v_texCoord); vec3 pos = vec3(gl_FragCoord.xy, 1); float a0 = clamp(dot(edge[0], pos), 0.0, 1.0); float a1 = clamp(dot(edge[1], pos), 0.0, 1.0); float a2 = clamp(dot(edge[2], pos), 0.0, 1.0); float a3 = clamp(dot(edge[3], pos), 0.0, 1.0); float a4 = clamp(dot(edge[4], pos), 0.0, 1.0); float a5 = clamp(dot(edge[5], pos), 0.0, 1.0); float a6 = clamp(dot(edge[6], pos), 0.0, 1.0); float a7 = clamp(dot(edge[7], pos), 0.0, 1.0); gl_FragColor = texColor * alpha * min(min(a0, a2) * min(a1, a3), min(a4, a6) * min(a5, a7)); } ); } FragmentTexClampAlphaAABinding::FragmentTexClampAlphaAABinding() : m_samplerLocation(-1) , m_alphaLocation(-1) , m_fragmentTexTransformLocation(-1) , m_edgeLocation(-1) { } void FragmentTexClampAlphaAABinding::init(WebGraphicsContext3D* context, unsigned program, bool usingBindUniform, int* baseUniformIndex) { static const char* shaderUniforms[] = { "s_texture", "alpha", "fragmentTexTransform", "edge", }; int locations[4]; getProgramUniformLocations(context, program, shaderUniforms, WTF_ARRAY_LENGTH(shaderUniforms), WTF_ARRAY_LENGTH(locations), locations, usingBindUniform, baseUniformIndex); m_samplerLocation = locations[0]; m_alphaLocation = locations[1]; m_fragmentTexTransformLocation = locations[2]; m_edgeLocation = locations[3]; DCHECK(m_samplerLocation != -1 && m_alphaLocation != -1 && m_fragmentTexTransformLocation != -1 && m_edgeLocation != -1); } std::string FragmentShaderRGBATexClampAlphaAA::getShaderString() const { return SHADER( precision mediump float; varying vec2 v_texCoord; uniform sampler2D s_texture; uniform float alpha; uniform vec4 fragmentTexTransform; uniform vec3 edge[8]; void main() { vec2 texCoord = clamp(v_texCoord, 0.0, 1.0) * fragmentTexTransform.zw + fragmentTexTransform.xy; vec4 texColor = texture2D(s_texture, texCoord); vec3 pos = vec3(gl_FragCoord.xy, 1); float a0 = clamp(dot(edge[0], pos), 0.0, 1.0); float a1 = clamp(dot(edge[1], pos), 0.0, 1.0); float a2 = clamp(dot(edge[2], pos), 0.0, 1.0); float a3 = clamp(dot(edge[3], pos), 0.0, 1.0); float a4 = clamp(dot(edge[4], pos), 0.0, 1.0); float a5 = clamp(dot(edge[5], pos), 0.0, 1.0); float a6 = clamp(dot(edge[6], pos), 0.0, 1.0); float a7 = clamp(dot(edge[7], pos), 0.0, 1.0); gl_FragColor = texColor * alpha * min(min(a0, a2) * min(a1, a3), min(a4, a6) * min(a5, a7)); } ); } std::string FragmentShaderRGBATexClampSwizzleAlphaAA::getShaderString() const { return SHADER( precision mediump float; varying vec2 v_texCoord; uniform sampler2D s_texture; uniform float alpha; uniform vec4 fragmentTexTransform; uniform vec3 edge[8]; void main() { vec2 texCoord = clamp(v_texCoord, 0.0, 1.0) * fragmentTexTransform.zw + fragmentTexTransform.xy; vec4 texColor = texture2D(s_texture, texCoord); vec3 pos = vec3(gl_FragCoord.xy, 1); float a0 = clamp(dot(edge[0], pos), 0.0, 1.0); float a1 = clamp(dot(edge[1], pos), 0.0, 1.0); float a2 = clamp(dot(edge[2], pos), 0.0, 1.0); float a3 = clamp(dot(edge[3], pos), 0.0, 1.0); float a4 = clamp(dot(edge[4], pos), 0.0, 1.0); float a5 = clamp(dot(edge[5], pos), 0.0, 1.0); float a6 = clamp(dot(edge[6], pos), 0.0, 1.0); float a7 = clamp(dot(edge[7], pos), 0.0, 1.0); gl_FragColor = vec4(texColor.z, texColor.y, texColor.x, texColor.w) * alpha * min(min(a0, a2) * min(a1, a3), min(a4, a6) * min(a5, a7)); } ); } FragmentShaderRGBATexAlphaMask::FragmentShaderRGBATexAlphaMask() : m_samplerLocation(-1) , m_maskSamplerLocation(-1) , m_alphaLocation(-1) , m_maskTexCoordScaleLocation(-1) { } void FragmentShaderRGBATexAlphaMask::init(WebGraphicsContext3D* context, unsigned program, bool usingBindUniform, int* baseUniformIndex) { static const char* shaderUniforms[] = { "s_texture", "s_mask", "alpha", "maskTexCoordScale", "maskTexCoordOffset", }; int locations[5]; getProgramUniformLocations(context, program, shaderUniforms, WTF_ARRAY_LENGTH(shaderUniforms), WTF_ARRAY_LENGTH(locations), locations, usingBindUniform, baseUniformIndex); m_samplerLocation = locations[0]; m_maskSamplerLocation = locations[1]; m_alphaLocation = locations[2]; m_maskTexCoordScaleLocation = locations[3]; m_maskTexCoordOffsetLocation = locations[4]; DCHECK(m_samplerLocation != -1 && m_maskSamplerLocation != -1 && m_alphaLocation != -1); } std::string FragmentShaderRGBATexAlphaMask::getShaderString() const { return SHADER( precision mediump float; varying vec2 v_texCoord; uniform sampler2D s_texture; uniform sampler2D s_mask; uniform vec2 maskTexCoordScale; uniform vec2 maskTexCoordOffset; uniform float alpha; void main() { vec4 texColor = texture2D(s_texture, v_texCoord); vec2 maskTexCoord = vec2(maskTexCoordOffset.x + v_texCoord.x * maskTexCoordScale.x, maskTexCoordOffset.y + v_texCoord.y * maskTexCoordScale.y); vec4 maskColor = texture2D(s_mask, maskTexCoord); gl_FragColor = vec4(texColor.x, texColor.y, texColor.z, texColor.w) * alpha * maskColor.w; } ); } FragmentShaderRGBATexAlphaMaskAA::FragmentShaderRGBATexAlphaMaskAA() : m_samplerLocation(-1) , m_maskSamplerLocation(-1) , m_alphaLocation(-1) , m_edgeLocation(-1) , m_maskTexCoordScaleLocation(-1) { } void FragmentShaderRGBATexAlphaMaskAA::init(WebGraphicsContext3D* context, unsigned program, bool usingBindUniform, int* baseUniformIndex) { static const char* shaderUniforms[] = { "s_texture", "s_mask", "alpha", "edge", "maskTexCoordScale", "maskTexCoordOffset", }; int locations[6]; getProgramUniformLocations(context, program, shaderUniforms, WTF_ARRAY_LENGTH(shaderUniforms), WTF_ARRAY_LENGTH(locations), locations, usingBindUniform, baseUniformIndex); m_samplerLocation = locations[0]; m_maskSamplerLocation = locations[1]; m_alphaLocation = locations[2]; m_edgeLocation = locations[3]; m_maskTexCoordScaleLocation = locations[4]; m_maskTexCoordOffsetLocation = locations[5]; DCHECK(m_samplerLocation != -1 && m_maskSamplerLocation != -1 && m_alphaLocation != -1 && m_edgeLocation != -1); } std::string FragmentShaderRGBATexAlphaMaskAA::getShaderString() const { return SHADER( precision mediump float; varying vec2 v_texCoord; uniform sampler2D s_texture; uniform sampler2D s_mask; uniform vec2 maskTexCoordScale; uniform vec2 maskTexCoordOffset; uniform float alpha; uniform vec3 edge[8]; void main() { vec4 texColor = texture2D(s_texture, v_texCoord); vec2 maskTexCoord = vec2(maskTexCoordOffset.x + v_texCoord.x * maskTexCoordScale.x, maskTexCoordOffset.y + v_texCoord.y * maskTexCoordScale.y); vec4 maskColor = texture2D(s_mask, maskTexCoord); vec3 pos = vec3(gl_FragCoord.xy, 1); float a0 = clamp(dot(edge[0], pos), 0.0, 1.0); float a1 = clamp(dot(edge[1], pos), 0.0, 1.0); float a2 = clamp(dot(edge[2], pos), 0.0, 1.0); float a3 = clamp(dot(edge[3], pos), 0.0, 1.0); float a4 = clamp(dot(edge[4], pos), 0.0, 1.0); float a5 = clamp(dot(edge[5], pos), 0.0, 1.0); float a6 = clamp(dot(edge[6], pos), 0.0, 1.0); float a7 = clamp(dot(edge[7], pos), 0.0, 1.0); gl_FragColor = vec4(texColor.x, texColor.y, texColor.z, texColor.w) * alpha * maskColor.w * min(min(a0, a2) * min(a1, a3), min(a4, a6) * min(a5, a7)); } ); } FragmentShaderYUVVideo::FragmentShaderYUVVideo() : m_yTextureLocation(-1) , m_uTextureLocation(-1) , m_vTextureLocation(-1) , m_alphaLocation(-1) , m_ccMatrixLocation(-1) , m_yuvAdjLocation(-1) { } void FragmentShaderYUVVideo::init(WebGraphicsContext3D* context, unsigned program, bool usingBindUniform, int* baseUniformIndex) { static const char* shaderUniforms[] = { "y_texture", "u_texture", "v_texture", "alpha", "matrix", "yuv_adj", }; int locations[6]; getProgramUniformLocations(context, program, shaderUniforms, WTF_ARRAY_LENGTH(shaderUniforms), WTF_ARRAY_LENGTH(locations), locations, usingBindUniform, baseUniformIndex); m_yTextureLocation = locations[0]; m_uTextureLocation = locations[1]; m_vTextureLocation = locations[2]; m_alphaLocation = locations[3]; m_ccMatrixLocation = locations[4]; m_yuvAdjLocation = locations[5]; DCHECK(m_yTextureLocation != -1 && m_uTextureLocation != -1 && m_vTextureLocation != -1 && m_alphaLocation != -1 && m_ccMatrixLocation != -1 && m_yuvAdjLocation != -1); } std::string FragmentShaderYUVVideo::getShaderString() const { return SHADER( precision mediump float; precision mediump int; varying vec2 y_texCoord; varying vec2 uv_texCoord; uniform sampler2D y_texture; uniform sampler2D u_texture; uniform sampler2D v_texture; uniform float alpha; uniform vec3 yuv_adj; uniform mat3 matrix; void main() { float y_raw = texture2D(y_texture, y_texCoord).x; float u_unsigned = texture2D(u_texture, uv_texCoord).x; float v_unsigned = texture2D(v_texture, uv_texCoord).x; vec3 yuv = vec3(y_raw, u_unsigned, v_unsigned) + yuv_adj; vec3 rgb = matrix * yuv; gl_FragColor = vec4(rgb, float(1)) * alpha; } ); } FragmentShaderColor::FragmentShaderColor() : m_colorLocation(-1) { } void FragmentShaderColor::init(WebGraphicsContext3D* context, unsigned program, bool usingBindUniform, int* baseUniformIndex) { static const char* shaderUniforms[] = { "color", }; int locations[1]; getProgramUniformLocations(context, program, shaderUniforms, WTF_ARRAY_LENGTH(shaderUniforms), WTF_ARRAY_LENGTH(locations), locations, usingBindUniform, baseUniformIndex); m_colorLocation = locations[0]; DCHECK(m_colorLocation != -1); } std::string FragmentShaderColor::getShaderString() const { return SHADER( precision mediump float; uniform vec4 color; void main() { gl_FragColor = color; } ); } FragmentShaderCheckerboard::FragmentShaderCheckerboard() : m_alphaLocation(-1) , m_texTransformLocation(-1) , m_frequencyLocation(-1) { } void FragmentShaderCheckerboard::init(WebGraphicsContext3D* context, unsigned program, bool usingBindUniform, int* baseUniformIndex) { static const char* shaderUniforms[] = { "alpha", "texTransform", "frequency", "color", }; int locations[4]; getProgramUniformLocations(context, program, shaderUniforms, WTF_ARRAY_LENGTH(shaderUniforms), WTF_ARRAY_LENGTH(locations), locations, usingBindUniform, baseUniformIndex); m_alphaLocation = locations[0]; m_texTransformLocation = locations[1]; m_frequencyLocation = locations[2]; m_colorLocation = locations[3]; DCHECK(m_alphaLocation != -1 && m_texTransformLocation != -1 && m_frequencyLocation != -1 && m_colorLocation != -1); } std::string FragmentShaderCheckerboard::getShaderString() const { // Shader based on Example 13-17 of "OpenGL ES 2.0 Programming Guide" // by Munshi, Ginsburg, Shreiner. return SHADER( precision mediump float; precision mediump int; varying vec2 v_texCoord; uniform float alpha; uniform float frequency; uniform vec4 texTransform; uniform vec4 color; void main() { vec4 color1 = vec4(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0); vec4 color2 = color; vec2 texCoord = clamp(v_texCoord, 0.0, 1.0) * texTransform.zw + texTransform.xy; vec2 coord = mod(floor(texCoord * frequency * 2.0), 2.0); float picker = abs(coord.x - coord.y); gl_FragColor = mix(color1, color2, picker) * alpha; } ); } } // namespace cc