// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "cc/test/ordered_texture_map.h" #include "base/logging.h" #include "cc/test/test_texture.h" namespace cc { OrderedTextureMap::OrderedTextureMap() {} OrderedTextureMap::~OrderedTextureMap() {} void OrderedTextureMap::Append(GLuint id, scoped_refptr texture) { DCHECK(texture.get()); DCHECK(!ContainsId(id)); textures_[id] = texture; ordered_textures_.push_back(id); } void OrderedTextureMap::Replace(GLuint id, scoped_refptr texture) { DCHECK(texture.get()); DCHECK(ContainsId(id)); textures_[id] = texture; } void OrderedTextureMap::Remove(GLuint id) { TextureMap::iterator map_it = textures_.find(id); // for some test we generate dummy tex id, which are not registered, // nothing to remove in that case. if (map_it == textures_.end()) return; textures_.erase(map_it); TextureList::iterator list_it = std::find(ordered_textures_.begin(), ordered_textures_.end(), id); DCHECK(list_it != ordered_textures_.end()); ordered_textures_.erase(list_it); } size_t OrderedTextureMap::Size() { return ordered_textures_.size(); } bool OrderedTextureMap::ContainsId(GLuint id) { return textures_.find(id) != textures_.end(); } scoped_refptr OrderedTextureMap::TextureForId(GLuint id) { DCHECK(ContainsId(id)); scoped_refptr texture = textures_[id]; DCHECK(texture.get()); return texture; } GLuint OrderedTextureMap::IdAt(size_t index) { DCHECK(index < Size()); return ordered_textures_[index]; } } // namespace cc