// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #ifndef CC_TEST_TEST_WEB_GRAPHICS_CONTEXT_3D_H_ #define CC_TEST_TEST_WEB_GRAPHICS_CONTEXT_3D_H_ #include #include "base/callback.h" #include "base/compiler_specific.h" #include "base/containers/hash_tables.h" #include "base/containers/scoped_ptr_hash_map.h" #include "base/memory/ref_counted.h" #include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h" #include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h" #include "base/stl_util.h" #include "base/synchronization/lock.h" #include "cc/output/context_provider.h" #include "cc/test/fake_web_graphics_context_3d.h" #include "cc/test/ordered_texture_map.h" #include "cc/test/test_texture.h" #include "third_party/khronos/GLES2/gl2.h" #include "ui/gfx/rect.h" namespace cc { class TestContextSupport; class TestWebGraphicsContext3D : public FakeWebGraphicsContext3D { public: static scoped_ptr Create(); virtual ~TestWebGraphicsContext3D(); void set_context_lost_callback(const base::Closure& callback) { context_lost_callback_ = callback; } virtual void reshapeWithScaleFactor(int width, int height, float scale_factor); virtual bool isContextLost() OVERRIDE; virtual void attachShader(GLuint program, GLuint shader) OVERRIDE; virtual void bindFramebuffer( GLenum target, GLuint framebuffer) OVERRIDE; virtual void bindRenderbuffer( GLenum target, GLuint renderbuffer) OVERRIDE; virtual void bindTexture( GLenum target, GLuint texture_id) OVERRIDE; virtual void texParameteri(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint param) OVERRIDE; virtual void getTexParameteriv(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint* value) OVERRIDE; virtual void asyncTexImage2DCHROMIUM(GLenum target, GLint level, GLenum internalformat, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLint border, GLenum format, GLenum type, const void* pixels) {} virtual void asyncTexSubImage2DCHROMIUM(GLenum target, GLint level, GLint xoffset, GLint yoffset, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLenum format, GLenum type, const void* pixels) {} virtual void waitAsyncTexImage2DCHROMIUM(GLenum target) {} virtual void releaseTexImage2DCHROMIUM(GLenum target, GLint image_id) {} virtual GLenum checkFramebufferStatus(GLenum target) OVERRIDE; virtual GLint getUniformLocation( GLuint program, const GLchar* name) OVERRIDE; virtual GLsizeiptr getVertexAttribOffset( GLuint index, GLenum pname) OVERRIDE; virtual GLboolean isBuffer(GLuint buffer) OVERRIDE; virtual GLboolean isEnabled(GLenum cap) OVERRIDE; virtual GLboolean isFramebuffer(GLuint framebuffer) OVERRIDE; virtual GLboolean isProgram(GLuint program) OVERRIDE; virtual GLboolean isRenderbuffer(GLuint renderbuffer) OVERRIDE; virtual GLboolean isShader(GLuint shader) OVERRIDE; virtual GLboolean isTexture(GLuint texture) OVERRIDE; virtual void useProgram(GLuint program) OVERRIDE; virtual void genBuffers(GLsizei count, GLuint* ids) OVERRIDE; virtual void genFramebuffers(GLsizei count, GLuint* ids) OVERRIDE; virtual void genRenderbuffers(GLsizei count, GLuint* ids) OVERRIDE; virtual void genTextures(GLsizei count, GLuint* ids) OVERRIDE; virtual void deleteBuffers(GLsizei count, GLuint* ids) OVERRIDE; virtual void deleteFramebuffers( GLsizei count, GLuint* ids) OVERRIDE; virtual void deleteRenderbuffers( GLsizei count, GLuint* ids) OVERRIDE; virtual void deleteTextures(GLsizei count, GLuint* ids) OVERRIDE; virtual GLuint createBuffer() OVERRIDE; virtual GLuint createFramebuffer() OVERRIDE; virtual GLuint createRenderbuffer() OVERRIDE; virtual GLuint createTexture() OVERRIDE; virtual void deleteBuffer(GLuint id) OVERRIDE; virtual void deleteFramebuffer(GLuint id) OVERRIDE; virtual void deleteRenderbuffer(GLuint id) OVERRIDE; virtual void deleteTexture(GLuint id) OVERRIDE; virtual GLuint createProgram() OVERRIDE; virtual GLuint createShader(GLenum) OVERRIDE; virtual GLuint createExternalTexture(); virtual void deleteProgram(GLuint id) OVERRIDE; virtual void deleteShader(GLuint id) OVERRIDE; virtual void endQueryEXT(GLenum target) OVERRIDE; virtual void getQueryObjectuivEXT( GLuint query, GLenum pname, GLuint* params) OVERRIDE; virtual void getIntegerv( GLenum pname, GLint* value) OVERRIDE; virtual void genMailboxCHROMIUM(GLbyte* mailbox); virtual void produceTextureCHROMIUM(GLenum target, const GLbyte* mailbox) { } virtual void consumeTextureCHROMIUM(GLenum target, const GLbyte* mailbox) { } virtual void loseContextCHROMIUM(GLenum current, GLenum other) OVERRIDE; virtual void finish() OVERRIDE; virtual void flush() OVERRIDE; virtual void bindBuffer(GLenum target, GLuint buffer) OVERRIDE; virtual void bufferData(GLenum target, GLsizeiptr size, const void* data, GLenum usage) OVERRIDE; virtual void* mapBufferCHROMIUM(GLenum target, GLenum access); virtual GLboolean unmapBufferCHROMIUM(GLenum target); virtual GLuint createImageCHROMIUM( GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLenum internalformat) OVERRIDE; virtual void destroyImageCHROMIUM(GLuint image_id) OVERRIDE; virtual void getImageParameterivCHROMIUM( GLuint image_id, GLenum pname, GLint* params) OVERRIDE; virtual void* mapImageCHROMIUM( GLuint image_id, GLenum access) OVERRIDE; virtual void unmapImageCHROMIUM(GLuint image_id) OVERRIDE; virtual void texImageIOSurface2DCHROMIUM(GLenum target, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLuint io_surface_id, GLuint plane) {} virtual unsigned insertSyncPoint(); virtual void waitSyncPoint(unsigned sync_point); unsigned last_waited_sync_point() const { return last_waited_sync_point_; } const ContextProvider::Capabilities& test_capabilities() const { return test_capabilities_; } void set_context_lost(bool context_lost) { context_lost_ = context_lost; } void set_times_bind_texture_succeeds(int times) { times_bind_texture_succeeds_ = times; } void set_times_end_query_succeeds(int times) { times_end_query_succeeds_ = times; } void set_times_gen_mailbox_succeeds(int times) { times_gen_mailbox_succeeds_ = times; } // When set, mapImageCHROMIUM and mapBufferCHROMIUM will return NULL after // this many times. void set_times_map_image_chromium_succeeds(int times) { times_map_image_chromium_succeeds_ = times; } void set_times_map_buffer_chromium_succeeds(int times) { times_map_buffer_chromium_succeeds_ = times; } size_t NumTextures() const; GLuint TextureAt(int i) const; size_t NumUsedTextures() const { return used_textures_.size(); } bool UsedTexture(int texture) const { return ContainsKey(used_textures_, texture); } void ResetUsedTextures() { used_textures_.clear(); } void set_have_extension_io_surface(bool have) { test_capabilities_.gpu.iosurface = have; test_capabilities_.gpu.texture_rectangle = have; } void set_have_extension_egl_image(bool have) { test_capabilities_.gpu.egl_image_external = have; } void set_have_post_sub_buffer(bool have) { test_capabilities_.gpu.post_sub_buffer = have; } void set_have_discard_framebuffer(bool have) { test_capabilities_.gpu.discard_framebuffer = have; } void set_support_compressed_texture_etc1(bool support) { test_capabilities_.gpu.texture_format_etc1 = support; } void set_support_texture_storage(bool support) { test_capabilities_.gpu.texture_storage = support; } // When this context is lost, all contexts in its share group are also lost. void add_share_group_context(TestWebGraphicsContext3D* context3d) { shared_contexts_.push_back(context3d); } void set_max_texture_size(int size) { max_texture_size_ = size; } static const GLuint kExternalTextureId; virtual GLuint NextTextureId(); virtual void RetireTextureId(GLuint id); virtual GLuint NextBufferId(); virtual void RetireBufferId(GLuint id); virtual GLuint NextImageId(); virtual void RetireImageId(GLuint id); size_t GetTransferBufferMemoryUsedBytes() const; void SetMaxTransferBufferUsageBytes(size_t max_transfer_buffer_usage_bytes); size_t GetPeakTransferBufferMemoryUsedBytes() const { return peak_transfer_buffer_memory_used_bytes_; } void set_test_support(TestContextSupport* test_support) { test_support_ = test_support; } int width() const { return width_; } int height() const { return height_; } bool reshape_called() const { return reshape_called_; } void clear_reshape_called() { reshape_called_ = false; } float scale_factor() const { return scale_factor_; } enum UpdateType { NoUpdate = 0, PrepareTexture, PostSubBuffer }; gfx::Rect update_rect() const { return update_rect_; } UpdateType last_update_type() { return last_update_type_; } protected: struct TextureTargets { TextureTargets(); ~TextureTargets(); void BindTexture(GLenum target, GLuint id); void UnbindTexture(GLuint id); GLuint BoundTexture(GLenum target); private: typedef base::hash_map TargetTextureMap; TargetTextureMap bound_textures_; }; struct Buffer { Buffer(); ~Buffer(); GLenum target; scoped_ptr pixels; size_t size; private: DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(Buffer); }; struct Image { Image(); ~Image(); scoped_ptr pixels; private: DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(Image); }; struct Namespace : public base::RefCountedThreadSafe { Namespace(); // Protects all fields. base::Lock lock; unsigned next_buffer_id; unsigned next_image_id; unsigned next_texture_id; base::ScopedPtrHashMap buffers; base::ScopedPtrHashMap images; OrderedTextureMap textures; private: friend class base::RefCountedThreadSafe; ~Namespace(); DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(Namespace); }; TestWebGraphicsContext3D(); void CreateNamespace(); GLuint BoundTextureId(GLenum target); scoped_refptr BoundTexture(GLenum target); void CheckTextureIsBound(GLenum target); unsigned context_id_; ContextProvider::Capabilities test_capabilities_; int times_bind_texture_succeeds_; int times_end_query_succeeds_; int times_gen_mailbox_succeeds_; bool context_lost_; int times_map_image_chromium_succeeds_; int times_map_buffer_chromium_succeeds_; base::Closure context_lost_callback_; base::hash_set used_textures_; unsigned next_program_id_; base::hash_set program_set_; unsigned next_shader_id_; base::hash_set shader_set_; std::vector shared_contexts_; int max_texture_size_; bool reshape_called_; int width_; int height_; float scale_factor_; TestContextSupport* test_support_; gfx::Rect update_rect_; UpdateType last_update_type_; unsigned next_insert_sync_point_; unsigned last_waited_sync_point_; unsigned bound_buffer_; TextureTargets texture_targets_; size_t peak_transfer_buffer_memory_used_bytes_; scoped_refptr namespace_; static Namespace* shared_namespace_; base::WeakPtrFactory weak_ptr_factory_; }; } // namespace cc #endif // CC_TEST_TEST_WEB_GRAPHICS_CONTEXT_3D_H_