// Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "cc/trees/layer_tree_host.h" #include "base/file_util.h" #include "base/files/file_path.h" #include "base/path_service.h" #include "base/strings/string_piece.h" #include "cc/layers/content_layer.h" #include "cc/layers/nine_patch_layer.h" #include "cc/layers/solid_color_layer.h" #include "cc/test/fake_content_layer_client.h" #include "cc/test/layer_tree_json_parser.h" #include "cc/test/layer_tree_test.h" #include "cc/test/paths.h" #include "cc/trees/layer_tree_impl.h" namespace cc { namespace { static const int kTimeLimitMillis = 2000; static const int kWarmupRuns = 5; static const int kTimeCheckInterval = 10; class LayerTreeHostPerfTest : public LayerTreeTest { public: LayerTreeHostPerfTest() : num_draws_(0), num_commits_(0), full_damage_each_frame_(false), animation_driven_drawing_(false), measure_commit_cost_(false) { fake_content_layer_client_.set_paint_all_opaque(true); } virtual void BeginTest() OVERRIDE { BuildTree(); PostSetNeedsCommitToMainThread(); } virtual void Animate(base::TimeTicks monotonic_time) OVERRIDE { if (animation_driven_drawing_ && !TestEnded()) layer_tree_host()->SetNeedsAnimate(); } virtual void BeginCommitOnThread(LayerTreeHostImpl* host_impl) OVERRIDE { if (measure_commit_cost_) commit_start_time_ = base::TimeTicks::HighResNow(); } virtual void CommitCompleteOnThread(LayerTreeHostImpl* host_impl) OVERRIDE { if (measure_commit_cost_ && num_draws_ >= kWarmupRuns) { total_commit_time_ += base::TimeTicks::HighResNow() - commit_start_time_; ++num_commits_; } } virtual void DrawLayersOnThread(LayerTreeHostImpl* impl) OVERRIDE { ++num_draws_; if (num_draws_ == kWarmupRuns) start_time_ = base::TimeTicks::HighResNow(); if (!start_time_.is_null() && (num_draws_ % kTimeCheckInterval) == 0) { base::TimeDelta elapsed = base::TimeTicks::HighResNow() - start_time_; if (elapsed >= base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(kTimeLimitMillis)) { elapsed_ = elapsed; EndTest(); return; } } if (!animation_driven_drawing_) impl->SetNeedsRedraw(); if (full_damage_each_frame_) impl->SetFullRootLayerDamage(); } virtual void BuildTree() {} virtual void AfterTest() OVERRIDE { num_draws_ -= kWarmupRuns; // Format matches chrome/test/perf/perf_test.h:PrintResult printf("*RESULT %s: frames: %d, %.2f ms/frame\n", test_name_.c_str(), num_draws_, elapsed_.InMillisecondsF() / num_draws_); if (measure_commit_cost_) { printf("*RESULT %s: commits: %d, %.2f ms/commit\n", test_name_.c_str(), num_commits_, total_commit_time_.InMillisecondsF() / num_commits_); } } protected: base::TimeTicks start_time_; int num_draws_; int num_commits_; std::string test_name_; base::TimeDelta elapsed_; FakeContentLayerClient fake_content_layer_client_; bool full_damage_each_frame_; bool animation_driven_drawing_; bool measure_commit_cost_; base::TimeTicks commit_start_time_; base::TimeDelta total_commit_time_; }; class LayerTreeHostPerfTestJsonReader : public LayerTreeHostPerfTest { public: LayerTreeHostPerfTestJsonReader() : LayerTreeHostPerfTest() { } void ReadTestFile(std::string name) { test_name_ = name; base::FilePath test_data_dir; ASSERT_TRUE(PathService::Get(cc::DIR_TEST_DATA, &test_data_dir)); base::FilePath json_file = test_data_dir.AppendASCII(name + ".json"); ASSERT_TRUE(file_util::ReadFileToString(json_file, &json_)); } virtual void BuildTree() OVERRIDE { gfx::Size viewport = gfx::Size(720, 1038); layer_tree_host()->SetViewportSize(viewport); scoped_refptr root = ParseTreeFromJson(json_, &fake_content_layer_client_); ASSERT_TRUE(root.get()); layer_tree_host()->SetRootLayer(root); } private: std::string json_; }; // Simulates a tab switcher scene with two stacks of 10 tabs each. TEST_F(LayerTreeHostPerfTestJsonReader, TenTenSingleThread) { ReadTestFile("10_10_layer_tree"); RunTest(false, false, false); } // Simulates a tab switcher scene with two stacks of 10 tabs each. TEST_F(LayerTreeHostPerfTestJsonReader, TenTenSingleThread_FullDamageEachFrame) { full_damage_each_frame_ = true; ReadTestFile("10_10_layer_tree"); RunTest(false, false, false); } // Simulates main-thread scrolling on each frame. class ScrollingLayerTreePerfTest : public LayerTreeHostPerfTestJsonReader { public: ScrollingLayerTreePerfTest() : LayerTreeHostPerfTestJsonReader() { } virtual void BuildTree() OVERRIDE { LayerTreeHostPerfTestJsonReader::BuildTree(); scrollable_ = layer_tree_host()->root_layer()->children()[1]; ASSERT_TRUE(scrollable_.get()); } virtual void Layout() OVERRIDE { static const gfx::Vector2d delta = gfx::Vector2d(0, 10); scrollable_->SetScrollOffset(scrollable_->scroll_offset() + delta); } private: scoped_refptr scrollable_; }; TEST_F(ScrollingLayerTreePerfTest, LongScrollablePage) { ReadTestFile("long_scrollable_page"); RunTest(false, false, false); } class ImplSidePaintingPerfTest : public LayerTreeHostPerfTestJsonReader { protected: // Run test with impl-side painting. void RunTestWithImplSidePainting() { RunTest(true, false, true); } }; // Simulates a page with several large, transformed and animated layers. TEST_F(ImplSidePaintingPerfTest, HeavyPage) { animation_driven_drawing_ = true; measure_commit_cost_ = true; ReadTestFile("heavy_layer_tree"); RunTestWithImplSidePainting(); } class PageScaleImplSidePaintingPerfTest : public ImplSidePaintingPerfTest { public: PageScaleImplSidePaintingPerfTest() : max_scale_(16.f), min_scale_(1.f / max_scale_) {} virtual void SetupTree() OVERRIDE { layer_tree_host()->SetPageScaleFactorAndLimits(1.f, min_scale_, max_scale_); } virtual void ApplyScrollAndScale(gfx::Vector2d scroll_delta, float scale_delta) OVERRIDE { float page_scale_factor = layer_tree_host()->page_scale_factor(); page_scale_factor *= scale_delta; layer_tree_host()->SetPageScaleFactorAndLimits( page_scale_factor, min_scale_, max_scale_); } virtual void AnimateLayers(LayerTreeHostImpl* host_impl, base::TimeTicks monotonic_time) OVERRIDE { if (!host_impl->pinch_gesture_active()) { host_impl->PinchGestureBegin(); start_time_ = monotonic_time; } gfx::Point anchor(200, 200); float seconds = (monotonic_time - start_time_).InSecondsF(); // Every half second, zoom from min scale to max scale. float interval = 0.5f; // Start time in the middle of the interval when zoom = 1. seconds += interval / 2.f; // Stack two ranges together to go up from min to max and down from // max to min in the next so as not to have a zoom discrepancy. float time_in_two_intervals = fmod(seconds, 2.f * interval) / interval; // Map everything to go from min to max between 0 and 1. float time_in_one_interval = time_in_two_intervals > 1.f ? 2.f - time_in_two_intervals : time_in_two_intervals; // Normalize time to -1..1. float normalized = 2.f * time_in_one_interval - 1.f; float scale_factor = std::fabs(normalized) * (max_scale_ - 1.f) + 1.f; float total_scale = normalized < 0.f ? 1.f / scale_factor : scale_factor; float desired_delta = total_scale / host_impl->active_tree()->total_page_scale_factor(); host_impl->PinchGestureUpdate(desired_delta, anchor); } private: float max_scale_; float min_scale_; base::TimeTicks start_time_; }; TEST_F(PageScaleImplSidePaintingPerfTest, HeavyPage) { measure_commit_cost_ = true; ReadTestFile("heavy_layer_tree"); RunTestWithImplSidePainting(); } } // namespace } // namespace cc