// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include #include #include "base/logging.h" #include "cc/base/math_util.h" #include "cc/trees/property_tree.h" namespace cc { template PropertyTree::PropertyTree() { nodes_.push_back(T()); back()->id = 0; back()->parent_id = -1; } template PropertyTree::~PropertyTree() { } template int PropertyTree::Insert(const T& tree_node, int parent_id) { DCHECK_GT(nodes_.size(), 0u); nodes_.push_back(tree_node); T& node = nodes_.back(); node.parent_id = parent_id; node.id = static_cast(nodes_.size()) - 1; return node.id; } template class PropertyTree; template class PropertyTree; template class PropertyTree; TransformNodeData::TransformNodeData() : target_id(-1), content_target_id(-1), needs_local_transform_update(true), is_invertible(true), ancestors_are_invertible(true), is_animated(false), to_screen_is_animated(false), flattens_inherited_transform(false), node_and_ancestors_are_flat(true), scrolls(false), needs_sublayer_scale(false), layer_scale_factor(1.0f) { } TransformNodeData::~TransformNodeData() { } ClipNodeData::ClipNodeData() : transform_id(-1), target_id(-1) { } bool TransformTree::ComputeTransform(int source_id, int dest_id, gfx::Transform* transform) const { transform->MakeIdentity(); if (source_id == dest_id) return true; if (source_id > dest_id && IsDescendant(source_id, dest_id)) return CombineTransformsBetween(source_id, dest_id, transform); if (dest_id > source_id && IsDescendant(dest_id, source_id)) return CombineInversesBetween(source_id, dest_id, transform); int lca = LowestCommonAncestor(source_id, dest_id); bool no_singular_matrices_to_lca = CombineTransformsBetween(source_id, lca, transform); bool no_singular_matrices_from_lca = CombineInversesBetween(lca, dest_id, transform); return no_singular_matrices_to_lca && no_singular_matrices_from_lca; } bool TransformTree::Are2DAxisAligned(int source_id, int dest_id) const { gfx::Transform transform; return ComputeTransform(source_id, dest_id, &transform) && transform.Preserves2dAxisAlignment(); } void TransformTree::UpdateTransforms(int id) { TransformNode* node = Node(id); TransformNode* parent_node = parent(node); TransformNode* target_node = Node(node->data.target_id); if (node->data.needs_local_transform_update) UpdateLocalTransform(node); UpdateScreenSpaceTransform(node, parent_node, target_node); UpdateSublayerScale(node); UpdateTargetSpaceTransform(node, target_node); UpdateIsAnimated(node, parent_node); UpdateSnapping(node); } bool TransformTree::IsDescendant(int desc_id, int source_id) const { while (desc_id != source_id) { if (desc_id < 0) return false; desc_id = Node(desc_id)->parent_id; } return true; } int TransformTree::LowestCommonAncestor(int a, int b) const { std::set chain_a; std::set chain_b; while (a || b) { if (a) { a = Node(a)->parent_id; if (a > -1 && chain_b.find(a) != chain_b.end()) return a; chain_a.insert(a); } if (b) { b = Node(b)->parent_id; if (b > -1 && chain_a.find(b) != chain_a.end()) return b; chain_b.insert(b); } } NOTREACHED(); return 0; } bool TransformTree::CombineTransformsBetween(int source_id, int dest_id, gfx::Transform* transform) const { const TransformNode* current = Node(source_id); const TransformNode* dest = Node(dest_id); // Combine transforms to and from the screen when possible. Since flattening // is a non-linear operation, we cannot use this approach when there is // non-trivial flattening between the source and destination nodes. For // example, consider the tree R->A->B->C, where B flattens its inherited // transform, and A has a non-flat transform. Suppose C is the source and A is // the destination. The expected result is C * B. But C's to_screen // transform is C * B * flattened(A * R), and A's from_screen transform is // R^{-1} * A^{-1}. If at least one of A and R isn't flat, the inverse of // flattened(A * R) won't be R^{-1} * A{-1}, so multiplying C's to_screen and // A's from_screen will not produce the correct result. if (!dest || (dest->data.ancestors_are_invertible && current->data.node_and_ancestors_are_flat)) { transform->ConcatTransform(current->data.to_screen); if (dest) transform->ConcatTransform(dest->data.from_screen); return true; } // Flattening is defined in a way that requires it to be applied while // traversing downward in the tree. We first identify nodes that are on the // path from the source to the destination (this is traversing upward), and // then we visit these nodes in reverse order, flattening as needed. We // early-out if we get to a node whose target node is the destination, since // we can then re-use the target space transform stored at that node. std::vector source_to_destination; source_to_destination.push_back(current->id); current = parent(current); for (; current && current->id > dest_id; current = parent(current)) { if (current->data.target_id == dest_id && current->data.content_target_id == dest_id) break; source_to_destination.push_back(current->id); } gfx::Transform combined_transform; if (current->id > dest_id) { combined_transform = current->data.to_target; // The stored target space transform has sublayer scale baked in, but we // need the unscaled transform. combined_transform.Scale(1.0f / dest->data.sublayer_scale.x(), 1.0f / dest->data.sublayer_scale.y()); } for (int i = source_to_destination.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { const TransformNode* node = Node(source_to_destination[i]); if (node->data.flattens_inherited_transform) combined_transform.FlattenTo2d(); combined_transform.PreconcatTransform(node->data.to_parent); } transform->ConcatTransform(combined_transform); return true; } bool TransformTree::CombineInversesBetween(int source_id, int dest_id, gfx::Transform* transform) const { const TransformNode* current = Node(dest_id); const TransformNode* dest = Node(source_id); // Just as in CombineTransformsBetween, we can use screen space transforms in // this computation only when there isn't any non-trivial flattening // involved. if (current->data.ancestors_are_invertible && current->data.node_and_ancestors_are_flat) { transform->PreconcatTransform(current->data.from_screen); if (dest) transform->PreconcatTransform(dest->data.to_screen); return true; } // Inverting a flattening is not equivalent to flattening an inverse. This // means we cannot, for example, use the inverse of each node's to_parent // transform, flattening where needed. Instead, we must compute the transform // from the destination to the source, with flattening, and then invert the // result. gfx::Transform dest_to_source; CombineTransformsBetween(dest_id, source_id, &dest_to_source); gfx::Transform source_to_dest; bool all_are_invertible = dest_to_source.GetInverse(&source_to_dest); transform->PreconcatTransform(source_to_dest); return all_are_invertible; } void TransformTree::UpdateLocalTransform(TransformNode* node) { gfx::Transform transform = node->data.post_local; transform.Translate(-node->data.scroll_offset.x(), -node->data.scroll_offset.y()); transform.PreconcatTransform(node->data.local); transform.PreconcatTransform(node->data.pre_local); node->data.set_to_parent(transform); node->data.needs_local_transform_update = false; } void TransformTree::UpdateScreenSpaceTransform(TransformNode* node, TransformNode* parent_node, TransformNode* target_node) { if (!parent_node) { node->data.to_screen = node->data.to_parent; node->data.ancestors_are_invertible = true; node->data.to_screen_is_animated = false; node->data.node_and_ancestors_are_flat = node->data.to_parent.IsFlat(); } else { node->data.to_screen = parent_node->data.to_screen; if (node->data.flattens_inherited_transform) node->data.to_screen.FlattenTo2d(); node->data.to_screen.PreconcatTransform(node->data.to_parent); node->data.ancestors_are_invertible = parent_node->data.ancestors_are_invertible; node->data.node_and_ancestors_are_flat = parent_node->data.node_and_ancestors_are_flat && node->data.to_parent.IsFlat(); } if (!node->data.to_screen.GetInverse(&node->data.from_screen)) node->data.ancestors_are_invertible = false; } void TransformTree::UpdateSublayerScale(TransformNode* node) { // The sublayer scale depends on the screen space transform, so update it too. node->data.sublayer_scale = node->data.needs_sublayer_scale ? MathUtil::ComputeTransform2dScaleComponents( node->data.to_screen, node->data.layer_scale_factor) : gfx::Vector2dF(1.0f, 1.0f); } void TransformTree::UpdateTargetSpaceTransform(TransformNode* node, TransformNode* target_node) { node->data.to_target.MakeIdentity(); if (node->data.needs_sublayer_scale) { node->data.to_target.Scale(node->data.sublayer_scale.x(), node->data.sublayer_scale.y()); } else { const bool target_is_root_surface = target_node->id == 1; // In order to include the root transform for the root surface, we walk up // to the root of the transform tree in ComputeTransform. int target_id = target_is_root_surface ? 0 : target_node->id; if (target_node) { node->data.to_target.Scale(target_node->data.sublayer_scale.x(), target_node->data.sublayer_scale.y()); } gfx::Transform unscaled_target_transform; ComputeTransform(node->id, target_id, &unscaled_target_transform); node->data.to_target.PreconcatTransform(unscaled_target_transform); } if (!node->data.to_target.GetInverse(&node->data.from_target)) node->data.ancestors_are_invertible = false; } void TransformTree::UpdateIsAnimated(TransformNode* node, TransformNode* parent_node) { if (parent_node) { node->data.to_screen_is_animated = node->data.is_animated || parent_node->data.to_screen_is_animated; } } void TransformTree::UpdateSnapping(TransformNode* node) { if (!node->data.scrolls || node->data.to_screen_is_animated || !node->data.to_target.IsScaleOrTranslation()) { return; } // Scroll snapping must be done in target space (the pixels we care about). // This means we effectively snap the target space transform. If TT is the // target space transform and TT' is TT with its translation components // rounded, then what we're after is the scroll delta X, where TT * X = TT'. // I.e., we want a transform that will realize our scroll snap. It follows // that X = TT^-1 * TT'. We cache TT and TT^-1 to make this more efficient. gfx::Transform rounded = node->data.to_target; rounded.RoundTranslationComponents(); gfx::Transform delta = node->data.from_target; delta *= rounded; DCHECK(delta.IsIdentityOr2DTranslation()); gfx::Vector2dF translation = delta.To2dTranslation(); // Now that we have our scroll delta, we must apply it to each of our // combined, to/from matrices. node->data.to_parent.Translate(translation.x(), translation.y()); node->data.to_target.Translate(translation.x(), translation.y()); node->data.from_target.matrix().postTranslate(-translation.x(), -translation.y(), 0); node->data.to_screen.Translate(translation.x(), translation.y()); node->data.from_screen.matrix().postTranslate(-translation.x(), -translation.y(), 0); node->data.scroll_snap = translation; } } // namespace cc