// Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #ifndef CCVideoLayerImpl_h #define CCVideoLayerImpl_h #include "base/synchronization/lock.h" #include "CCLayerImpl.h" #include "GraphicsContext3D.h" #include "IntSize.h" #include #include #include namespace WebKit { class WebVideoFrame; } namespace cc { class CCLayerTreeHostImpl; class CCVideoLayerImpl; class CCVideoLayerImpl : public CCLayerImpl , public WebKit::WebVideoFrameProvider::Client { public: static scoped_ptr create(int id, WebKit::WebVideoFrameProvider* provider) { return make_scoped_ptr(new CCVideoLayerImpl(id, provider)); } virtual ~CCVideoLayerImpl(); virtual void willDraw(CCResourceProvider*) OVERRIDE; virtual void appendQuads(CCQuadSink&, CCAppendQuadsData&) OVERRIDE; virtual void didDraw(CCResourceProvider*) OVERRIDE; virtual void dumpLayerProperties(std::string*, int indent) const OVERRIDE; // WebKit::WebVideoFrameProvider::Client implementation. virtual void stopUsingProvider(); // Callable on any thread. virtual void didReceiveFrame(); // Callable on impl thread. virtual void didUpdateMatrix(const float*); // Callable on impl thread. virtual void didLoseContext() OVERRIDE; void setNeedsRedraw(); struct FramePlane { CCResourceProvider::ResourceId resourceId; IntSize size; GC3Denum format; IntSize visibleSize; FramePlane() : resourceId(0) { } bool allocateData(CCResourceProvider*); void freeData(CCResourceProvider*); }; private: CCVideoLayerImpl(int, WebKit::WebVideoFrameProvider*); static IntSize computeVisibleSize(const WebKit::WebVideoFrame&, unsigned plane); virtual const char* layerTypeAsString() const OVERRIDE; void willDrawInternal(CCResourceProvider*); bool allocatePlaneData(CCResourceProvider*); bool copyPlaneData(CCResourceProvider*); void freePlaneData(CCResourceProvider*); void freeUnusedPlaneData(CCResourceProvider*); // Guards the destruction of m_provider and the frame that it provides base::Lock m_providerLock; WebKit::WebVideoFrameProvider* m_provider; WebKit::WebTransformationMatrix m_streamTextureMatrix; WebKit::WebVideoFrame* m_frame; GC3Denum m_format; CCResourceProvider::ResourceId m_externalTextureResource; // Each index in this array corresponds to a plane in WebKit::WebVideoFrame. FramePlane m_framePlanes[WebKit::WebVideoFrame::maxPlanes]; }; } #endif // CCVideoLayerImpl_h