// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. /** * @fileoverview This file contains the implementation of the Chrome extension * windows APIs for the CEEE Firefox add-on. This file is loaded by the * overlay.xul file, and requires that overlay.js has already been loaded. * * @supported Firefox 3.x */ var CEEE_window_internal_ = CEEE_window_internal_ || { /** * Reference to the instance object for the CEEE. * @private */ ceeeInstance_: null, /** * Log an informational message to the Firefox error console. * @private */ logInfo_: null, /** * Log an error message to the Firefox error console. * @private */ logError_: null, /** * List of additional window sources. For example, infobars API is supposed * to return window objects which don't correspond to top-level Firefox * windows. Each element is a function which takes window id and returns a * window-like object. * @type Array. */ fakeWindowLookup_: [] }; /** * Build an object that represents a "window", as defined by the Google Chrome * extension API. * * @param {!Object} win Firefox chrome window. * @param {boolean} opt_populate If specified and true, populate the returned * info object with information about the tabs in this window. */ CEEE_window_internal_.buildWindowValue = function(win, opt_populate) { var winRecent = CEEE_mozilla_windows.service.getMostRecentWindow( CEEE_mozilla_windows.WINDOW_TYPE); var info = {}; info.id = CEEE_mozilla_windows.getWindowId(win); info.focused = (win == winRecent.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIDOMWindow)); info.top = win.screenY; info.left = win.screenX; info.width = win.outerWidth; info.height = win.outerHeight; info.incognito = CEEE_globals.privateBrowsingService.isInPrivateBrowsing; // Type can be any of 'normal', 'popup' or 'app'. Firefox doesn't support app // windows, and we use chrome to create popups so Firefox doesn't know about // them (i.e. all windows will be of type 'normal'). // TODO(mad@chromium.org): detect popups now that we support // them. Not sure how though... info.type = 'normal'; if (opt_populate) { info.tabs = []; var mainBrowser = win.document.getElementById(CEEE_globals.MAIN_BROWSER_ID); var container = mainBrowser.tabContainer; for (var i = 0; i < container.itemCount; ++i) { var tab = container.getItemAtIndex(i); var tabInfo = this.ceeeInstance_.getTabModule().buildTabValue( mainBrowser, tab); info.tabs.push(tabInfo); } } return info; }; /** * Called when a new top-level window is created. * * @param w The top-level window that was created. * @private */ CEEE_window_internal_.onWindowOpened_ = function(w) { // Send the event notification to ChromeFrame. var info = [this.buildWindowValue(w)]; var msg = ['windows.onCreated', CEEE_json.encode(info)]; this.ceeeInstance_.getCfHelper().postMessage( CEEE_json.encode(msg), this.ceeeInstance_.getCfHelper().TARGET_EVENT_REQUEST); }; /** * Called when a new top-level window is closed. * * @param w The top-level window that was closed. * @private */ CEEE_window_internal_.onWindowRemoved_ = function(w) { // Send the event notification to ChromeFrame. var info = [CEEE_mozilla_windows.getWindowId(w)]; var msg = ['windows.onRemoved', CEEE_json.encode(info)]; this.ceeeInstance_.getCfHelper().postMessage( CEEE_json.encode(msg), this.ceeeInstance_.getCfHelper().TARGET_EVENT_REQUEST); }; /** * Called when a top-level window gets focus. * * @param w The top-level window that got focus. * @private */ CEEE_window_internal_.onWindowFocused_ = function(w) { // Send the event notification to ChromeFrame. var info = [CEEE_mozilla_windows.getWindowId(w)]; var msg = ['windows.onFocusChanged', CEEE_json.encode(info)]; this.ceeeInstance_.getCfHelper().postMessage( CEEE_json.encode(msg), this.ceeeInstance_.getCfHelper().TARGET_EVENT_REQUEST); }; CEEE_window_internal_.CMD_GET_WINDOW = 'windows.get'; CEEE_window_internal_.getWindow_ = function(cmd, data) { var args = CEEE_json.decode(data.args); var id = args[0]; var win = CEEE_mozilla_windows.findWindow(id); if (!win) { throw(new Error(CEEE_window_internal_.CMD_GET_WINDOW + ': invalid window id=' + id)); } return this.buildWindowValue(win); }; CEEE_window_internal_.CMD_GET_CURRENT_WINDOW = 'windows.getCurrent'; CEEE_window_internal_.getCurrentWindow_ = function(cmd, data) { var tab = data.tab; if (tab) { var win = CEEE_mozilla_windows.findWindowFromCfSessionId(tab.id); if (win) return this.buildWindowValue(win); } throw(new Error(CEEE_window_internal_.CMD_GET_CURRENT_WINDOW + ': invalid context')); }; CEEE_window_internal_.CMD_GET_LAST_FOCUSED_WINDOW = 'windows.getLastFocused'; CEEE_window_internal_.getLastFocusedWindow_ = function(cmd, data) { var win = CEEE_mozilla_windows.service.getMostRecentWindow( CEEE_mozilla_windows.WINDOW_TYPE); return this.buildWindowValue(win); }; CEEE_window_internal_.CMD_GET_ALL_WINDOWS = 'windows.getAll'; CEEE_window_internal_.getAllWindows_ = function(cmd, data) { var args = data.args && CEEE_json.decode(data.args); var populate = args && args[0] && args[0].populate; var e = CEEE_mozilla_windows.service.getEnumerator( CEEE_mozilla_windows.WINDOW_TYPE); var ret = []; while (e.hasMoreElements()) { var win = e.getNext(); var info = this.buildWindowValue(win, populate); ret.push(info); } return ret; }; CEEE_window_internal_.CMD_CREATE_WINDOW = 'windows.create'; CEEE_window_internal_.createWindow_ = function(cmd, data) { var args_list = data.args && CEEE_json.decode(data.args); var args = args_list && args_list[0]; var url = ''; if (args && args.url) url = args.url; // TODO(rogerta@chromium.org): need to properly validate URL string. // I noticed that if its a stripped down string, like 'google.ca', // it tries to open a file from the local hard disk like // jar:file:///C:/Program%20Files%20(x86)/Mozilla%20Firefox/chrome/ // browser.jar!/content/browser/google.ca // To avoid flickering, we set the position, size and popup attributes // as part of the features string of the open function. // Unfortunately, the behavior is a little weird here. // FF documentation excerpt: // https://developer.mozilla.org/En/DOM/Window.open // "If you define the strWindowFeatures parameter, then the features // that are not listed, requested in the string will be disabled or // removed (except titlebar and close which are by default yes)." // So we must specify the default values ourselves based on current // window state. // We tried to find a way to dynamically enumerate the window // properties that have a visible sub-property but failed. This would // have allowed us to support new visibility features as they get added. // One of the problems with this approach is that the feature name is not // always the same as the window property name, like location[bar] or // status[bar]. Ho Well... // Build the feature object with some default values. var features = { toolbar: window.toolbar.visible ? 'yes' : 'no', location: window.locationbar.visible ? 'yes' : 'no', menubar: window.menubar.visible ? 'yes' : 'no', statusbar: window.menubar.visible ? 'yes' : 'no', personalbar: window.personalbar.visible ? 'yes' : 'no', scrollbars: window.scrollbars.visible ? 'yes' : 'no', resizable: 'yes' // We can't get the current state of the window. }; if (args) { if (args.top) features.top = args.top; if (args.left) features.left = args.left; if (args.width) features.outerWidth = args.width; if (args.height) features.outerHeight = args.height; if (args.type == 'popup') { features.toolbar = 'no'; features.location = 'no'; features.menubar = 'no'; features.status = 'no'; } } var options = []; for (var i in features) { options.push(i + '=' + features[i]); } options = options.join(','); // Window name of '_blank' means 'always open a new window'. Note that the // return value of open() is the content window used to display the specified // URL, and not the top level navigator window we actually want here. Hence // we need to map from the former to the latter. I have verified that this // always opens a new top level window, even if the user has specified the // option "New pages should be opened in a new tab". var win = open(url, '_blank', options); var winTopLevel = CEEE_mozilla_windows.findWindowFromContentWindow(win).window; if (winTopLevel) { return this.buildWindowValue(winTopLevel); } throw(new Error(CEEE_window_internal_.CMD_CREATE_WINDOW + ': error url=' + url)); }; CEEE_window_internal_.CMD_UPDATE_WINDOW = 'windows.update'; CEEE_window_internal_.updateWindow_ = function(cmd, data) { var args = data.args && CEEE_json.decode(data.args); if (!args || args.length < 2 || !args[1]) { throw(new Error(CEEE_window_internal_.CMD_UPDATE_WINDOW + ': invalid arguments')); } var id = args[0]; var win = CEEE_mozilla_windows.findWindow(id); if (!win) { throw(new Error(CEEE_window_internal_.CMD_UPDATE_WINDOW + ': invalid window id=' + id)); } var info = args[1]; if (info.top) win.screenY = info.top; if (info.left) win.screenX = info.left; if (info.width) win.outerWidth = info.width; if (info.height) win.outerHeight = info.height; return this.buildWindowValue(win); }; CEEE_window_internal_.CMD_REMOVE_WINDOW = 'windows.remove'; CEEE_window_internal_.removeWindow_ = function(cmd, data) { var args = CEEE_json.decode(data.args); var id = args[0]; var win = CEEE_mozilla_windows.findWindow(id); var lookupList = CEEE_window_internal_.fakeWindowLookup_; for (var i = 0; !win && i < lookupList.length; ++i) { win = lookupList[i](id); } if (!win) { throw(new Error(CEEE_window_internal_.CMD_REMOVE_WINDOW + ': invalid window id=' + id)); } win.close(); }; /** * Add lookup function for fake windows (e.g. infobar). Lookup function is * passed window id and should return window-like object if there is a * correspondence. * @param {function(number):Object} lookup */ CEEE_window_internal_.registerLookup = function(lookup) { CEEE_window_internal_.fakeWindowLookup_.push(lookup); }; /** * Initialization routine for the CEEE Windows API module. * @param {!Object} ceeeInstance Reference to the global ceee instance. * @return {Object} Reference to the window module. * @public */ function CEEE_initialize_windows(ceeeInstance) { CEEE_window_internal_.ceeeInstance_ = ceeeInstance; var windows = CEEE_window_internal_; // Register the extension handling functions with the CEEE instance. ceeeInstance.registerExtensionHandler(windows.CMD_GET_WINDOW, windows, windows.getWindow_); ceeeInstance.registerExtensionHandler(windows.CMD_GET_CURRENT_WINDOW, windows, windows.getCurrentWindow_); ceeeInstance.registerExtensionHandler(windows.CMD_GET_LAST_FOCUSED_WINDOW, windows, windows.getLastFocusedWindow_); ceeeInstance.registerExtensionHandler(windows.CMD_GET_ALL_WINDOWS, windows, windows.getAllWindows_); ceeeInstance.registerExtensionHandler(windows.CMD_CREATE_WINDOW, windows, windows.createWindow_); ceeeInstance.registerExtensionHandler(windows.CMD_UPDATE_WINDOW, windows, windows.updateWindow_); ceeeInstance.registerExtensionHandler(windows.CMD_REMOVE_WINDOW, windows, windows.removeWindow_); // Install the error/status reporting methods for this module from the // owning CEEE instance. windows.logInfo_ = ceeeInstance.logInfo; windows.logError_ = ceeeInstance.logError; return windows; }