// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // // @file // ICeeeBroker implementation. #ifndef CEEE_IE_BROKER_BROKER_H_ #define CEEE_IE_BROKER_BROKER_H_ #include #include #include "ceee/ie/broker/resource.h" #include "ceee/ie/common/rgs_helper.h" #include "broker_lib.h" // NOLINT class ExecutorsManager; class ApiDispatcher; // The CEEE user Broker is a COM object exposed from an executable server // so that we can call it to execute code in destination threads of other // processes, even if they run at a hight integrity level. // Entry point to execute code in specific destination threads. class ATL_NO_VTABLE CeeeBroker : public CComObjectRootEx, public CComCoClass, public ICeeeBroker, public ICeeeBrokerRegistrar, public IExternalConnectionImpl { public: DECLARE_REGISTRY_RESOURCEID_EX(IDR_BROKER) BEGIN_REGISTRY_MAP(CeeeBroker) REGMAP_UUID("CLSID", CLSID_CeeeBroker) REGMAP_UUID("LIBID", LIBID_CeeeBrokerLib) REGMAP_RESOURCE("NAME", IDS_CEEE_BROKER_NAME) END_REGISTRY_MAP() DECLARE_NOT_AGGREGATABLE(CeeeBroker) BEGIN_COM_MAP(CeeeBroker) COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY(IExternalConnection) COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY(ICeeeBrokerRegistrar) COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY(ICeeeBroker) END_COM_MAP() DECLARE_PROTECT_FINAL_CONSTRUCT() // To set get our pointer to the ExecutorsManager and let tests override it. virtual HRESULT FinalConstruct(); // @name ICeeeBroker implementation. // @{ STDMETHOD(Execute)(BSTR function, BSTR* response); STDMETHOD(FireEvent)(BSTR event_name, BSTR event_args); // @} // @name ICeeeBrokerRegistrar implementation. // @{ STDMETHOD(RegisterWindowExecutor)(long thread_id, IUnknown* executor); STDMETHOD(RegisterTabExecutor)(long thread_id, IUnknown* executor); STDMETHOD(UnregisterExecutor)(long thread_id); STDMETHOD(SetTabIdForHandle)(long tab_id, CeeeWindowHandle handle); STDMETHOD(SetTabToolBandIdForHandle)(long tool_band_id, CeeeWindowHandle handle); // @} // IExternalConnectionImpl overrides void OnAddConnection(bool first_lock); void OnReleaseConnection(bool last_unlock, bool last_unlock_releases); protected: // A pointer to single instance objects, or seams set for unittests. // TODO(mad@chromium.org): We should now use ExecutorsManager::test_instance_. ExecutorsManager * executors_manager_; ApiDispatcher* api_dispatcher_; }; #endif // CEEE_IE_BROKER_BROKER_H_