// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // // ChromePostman implementation. #include "ceee/ie/broker/chrome_postman.h" #include "base/string_util.h" #include "ceee/ie/broker/api_dispatcher.h" #include "ceee/ie/common/api_registration.h" #include "ceee/ie/common/ceee_module_util.h" #include "chrome/browser/automation/extension_automation_constants.h" #include "chrome/common/url_constants.h" #include "ceee/common/com_utils.h" namespace ext = extension_automation_constants; namespace { // The maximum number of times we should try to start Frame. const unsigned int kMaxFrameResetCount = 5; } class ChromeFrameMessageTask : public Task { public: explicit ChromeFrameMessageTask( ChromePostman::ChromePostmanThread* thread_object, BSTR message, BSTR target) : thread_object_(thread_object), message_(message), target_(target) { } virtual void Run() { thread_object_->PostMessage(message_, target_); } private: ChromePostman::ChromePostmanThread* thread_object_; CComBSTR message_; CComBSTR target_; }; class ChromeFrameResetTask : public Task { public: explicit ChromeFrameResetTask( ChromePostman::ChromePostmanThread* thread_object) : thread_object_(thread_object) { } virtual void Run() { thread_object_->ResetChromeFrame(); } private: ChromePostman::ChromePostmanThread* thread_object_; }; class ApiExecutionTask : public Task { public: explicit ApiExecutionTask(BSTR message) : message_(message) {} virtual void Run() { ProductionApiDispatcher::get()->HandleApiRequest(message_, NULL); } private: CComBSTR message_; }; class FireEventTask : public Task { public: FireEventTask(const char* event_name, const char* event_args) : event_name_(event_name), event_args_(event_args) {} virtual void Run() { ProductionApiDispatcher::get()->FireEvent(event_name_.c_str(), event_args_.c_str()); } private: std::string event_name_; std::string event_args_; }; ChromePostman* ChromePostman::single_instance_ = NULL; ChromePostman::ChromePostman() { DCHECK(single_instance_ == NULL); single_instance_ = this; frame_reset_count_ = 0; } ChromePostman::~ChromePostman() { DCHECK(single_instance_ == this); single_instance_ = NULL; } void ChromePostman::Init() { // The postman thread must be a UI thread so that it can pump windows // messages and allow COM to handle cross apartment calls. chrome_postman_thread_.StartWithOptions( base::Thread::Options(MessageLoop::TYPE_UI, 0)); api_worker_thread_.Start(); } void ChromePostman::Term() { api_worker_thread_.Stop(); chrome_postman_thread_.Stop(); } void ChromePostman::PostMessage(BSTR message, BSTR target) { MessageLoop* message_loop = chrome_postman_thread_.message_loop(); if (message_loop) { // TODO(siggi@chromium.org): Remove the task subclass and change this to // use NewRunnableMethod. message_loop->PostTask( FROM_HERE, new ChromeFrameMessageTask(&chrome_postman_thread_, message, target)); } else { LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to post a message before the postman thread is" "completely initialized and ready."; } } void ChromePostman::FireEvent(const char* event_name, const char* event_args) { MessageLoop* message_loop = api_worker_thread_.message_loop(); if (message_loop) { // TODO(siggi@chromium.org): Remove the task subclass and change this to // use NewRunnableMethod. message_loop->PostTask(FROM_HERE, new FireEventTask(event_name, event_args)); } else { LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to post a message before the API worker thread is" "completely initialized and ready."; } } HRESULT ChromePostman::OnCfReadyStateChanged(LONG state) { if (state == READYSTATE_COMPLETE) { // If the page is fully loaded, we reset the count to 0 to ensure we restart // it if it's the user's fault (no max count). DLOG(INFO) << "frame_reset_count_ reset"; frame_reset_count_ = 0; } return S_OK; } HRESULT ChromePostman::OnCfPrivateMessage(BSTR msg, BSTR origin, BSTR target) { if (CComBSTR(target) == ext::kAutomationRequestTarget) { MessageLoop* message_loop = api_worker_thread_.message_loop(); if (message_loop) { message_loop->PostTask(FROM_HERE, new ApiExecutionTask(msg)); } else { LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to post a message before the API worker thread is" "completely initialized and ready."; } } return S_OK; } HRESULT ChromePostman::OnCfExtensionReady(BSTR path, int response) { return S_OK; } HRESULT ChromePostman::OnCfGetEnabledExtensionsComplete( SAFEARRAY* tab_delimited_paths) { return S_OK; } HRESULT ChromePostman::OnCfGetExtensionApisToAutomate(BSTR* functions_enabled) { DCHECK(functions_enabled != NULL); std::vector function_names; #define REGISTER_API_FUNCTION(func) \ function_names.push_back(func##Function::function_name()) REGISTER_ALL_API_FUNCTIONS(); #undef REGISTER_API_FUNCTION // There is a special case with CreateWindow that is explained in the // class comments. function_names.push_back(CreateWindowFunction::function_name()); std::string function_names_delim = JoinString(function_names, ','); *functions_enabled = CComBSTR(function_names_delim.c_str()).Detach(); // CF is asking for the list of extension APIs to automate so the // automation channel is ready. Set a dummy URL so we get the OnLoad // callback. // // The current function call should come to us on the COM thread so we can // just call the ChromeFrameHost directly from here. CComPtr host; chrome_postman_thread_.GetHost(&host); return host->SetUrl(CComBSTR(chrome::kAboutBlankURL)); return S_OK; } HRESULT ChromePostman::OnCfChannelError() { MessageLoop* message_loop = chrome_postman_thread_.message_loop(); if (message_loop) { frame_reset_count_++; LOG(INFO) << "frame_reset_count_ = " << frame_reset_count_; // No use staying alive if Chrome Frame can't start. CHECK(frame_reset_count_ < kMaxFrameResetCount) << "Trying to reset Chrome Frame too many times already. Something's " "wrong."; message_loop->PostTask(FROM_HERE, new ChromeFrameResetTask(&chrome_postman_thread_)); } else { LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to reset Chrome Frame before the postman thread is" "completely initialized and ready."; } return S_OK; } ChromePostman::ChromePostmanThread::ChromePostmanThread() : base::Thread("ChromePostman") { } void ChromePostman::ChromePostmanThread::Init() { HRESULT hr = ::CoInitializeEx(0, COINIT_APARTMENTTHREADED); DCHECK(SUCCEEDED(hr)) << "Can't Init COM??? " << com::LogHr(hr); hr = InitializeChromeFrameHost(); DCHECK(SUCCEEDED(hr)) << "InitializeChromeFrameHost failed " << com::LogHr(hr); } HRESULT ChromePostman::ChromePostmanThread::InitializeChromeFrameHost() { DCHECK(thread_id() == ::GetCurrentThreadId()); HRESULT hr = CreateChromeFrameHost(); DCHECK(SUCCEEDED(hr) && chrome_frame_host_ != NULL); if (FAILED(hr) || chrome_frame_host_ == NULL) { LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to get chrome frame host " << com::LogHr(hr); return com::AlwaysError(hr); } DCHECK(ChromePostman::GetInstance() != NULL); chrome_frame_host_->SetEventSink(ChromePostman::GetInstance()); chrome_frame_host_->SetChromeProfileName( ceee_module_util::GetBrokerProfileNameForIe()); hr = chrome_frame_host_->StartChromeFrame(); DCHECK(SUCCEEDED(hr)); if (FAILED(hr)) { LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to start chrome frame " << com::LogHr(hr); return hr; } return hr; } HRESULT ChromePostman::ChromePostmanThread::CreateChromeFrameHost() { DCHECK(thread_id() == ::GetCurrentThreadId()); return ChromeFrameHost::CreateInitializedIID(IID_IChromeFrameHost, &chrome_frame_host_); } void ChromePostman::ChromePostmanThread::CleanUp() { TeardownChromeFrameHost(); ::CoUninitialize(); } void ChromePostman::ChromePostmanThread::TeardownChromeFrameHost() { DCHECK(thread_id() == ::GetCurrentThreadId()); if (chrome_frame_host_) { chrome_frame_host_->SetEventSink(NULL); HRESULT hr = chrome_frame_host_->TearDown(); DCHECK(SUCCEEDED(hr)) << "ChromeFrameHost TearDown failed " << com::LogHr(hr); chrome_frame_host_.Release(); } } void ChromePostman::ChromePostmanThread::ResetChromeFrame() { TeardownChromeFrameHost(); HRESULT hr = InitializeChromeFrameHost(); DCHECK(SUCCEEDED(hr)) << "InitializeChromeFrameHost failed " << com::LogHr(hr); } void ChromePostman::ChromePostmanThread::PostMessage(BSTR message, BSTR target) { DCHECK(thread_id() == ::GetCurrentThreadId()); HRESULT hr = chrome_frame_host_->PostMessage(message, target); DCHECK(SUCCEEDED(hr)) << "ChromeFrameHost PostMessage failed " << com::LogHr(hr); } void ChromePostman::ChromePostmanThread::GetHost(IChromeFrameHost** host) { DCHECK(thread_id() == ::GetCurrentThreadId()); chrome_frame_host_.CopyTo(host); } ChromePostman::ApiInvocationWorkerThread::ApiInvocationWorkerThread() : base::Thread("ApiInvocationWorker") { } void ChromePostman::ApiInvocationWorkerThread::Init() { ::CoInitializeEx(0, COINIT_MULTITHREADED); ProductionApiDispatcher::get()->SetApiInvocationThreadId( ::GetCurrentThreadId()); } void ChromePostman::ApiInvocationWorkerThread::CleanUp() { ::CoUninitialize(); ProductionApiDispatcher::get()->SetApiInvocationThreadId(0); }