// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "chrome/app/breakpad_win.h" #include <shellapi.h> #include <tchar.h> #include <userenv.h> #include <windows.h> #include <winnt.h> #include <algorithm> #include <vector> #include "base/atomicops.h" #include "base/basictypes.h" #include "base/base_switches.h" #include "base/command_line.h" #include "base/debug/crash_logging.h" #include "base/environment.h" #include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h" #include "base/strings/safe_sprintf.h" #include "base/strings/string16.h" #include "base/strings/string_split.h" #include "base/strings/string_util.h" #include "base/strings/stringprintf.h" #include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h" #include "base/win/metro.h" #include "base/win/pe_image.h" #include "base/win/registry.h" #include "base/win/win_util.h" #include "breakpad/src/client/windows/handler/exception_handler.h" #include "chrome/app/hard_error_handler_win.h" #include "chrome/common/child_process_logging.h" #include "chrome/common/chrome_constants.h" #include "components/breakpad/breakpad_client.h" #include "content/public/common/content_switches.h" #include "content/public/common/result_codes.h" #include "policy/policy_constants.h" #include "sandbox/win/src/nt_internals.h" #include "sandbox/win/src/sidestep/preamble_patcher.h" // userenv.dll is required for GetProfileType(). #pragma comment(lib, "userenv.lib") #pragma intrinsic(_AddressOfReturnAddress) #pragma intrinsic(_ReturnAddress) namespace breakpad_win { // TODO(raymes): Modify the way custom crash info is stored. g_custom_entries // is way too too fragile. See // https://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=137062. std::vector<google_breakpad::CustomInfoEntry>* g_custom_entries = NULL; bool g_deferred_crash_uploads = false; } // namespace breakpad_win using breakpad_win::g_custom_entries; using breakpad_win::g_deferred_crash_uploads; namespace { // Minidump with stacks, PEB, TEB, and unloaded module list. const MINIDUMP_TYPE kSmallDumpType = static_cast<MINIDUMP_TYPE>( MiniDumpWithProcessThreadData | // Get PEB and TEB. MiniDumpWithUnloadedModules); // Get unloaded modules when available. // Minidump with all of the above, plus memory referenced from stack. const MINIDUMP_TYPE kLargerDumpType = static_cast<MINIDUMP_TYPE>( MiniDumpWithProcessThreadData | // Get PEB and TEB. MiniDumpWithUnloadedModules | // Get unloaded modules when available. MiniDumpWithIndirectlyReferencedMemory); // Get memory referenced by stack. // Large dump with all process memory. const MINIDUMP_TYPE kFullDumpType = static_cast<MINIDUMP_TYPE>( MiniDumpWithFullMemory | // Full memory from process. MiniDumpWithProcessThreadData | // Get PEB and TEB. MiniDumpWithHandleData | // Get all handle information. MiniDumpWithUnloadedModules); // Get unloaded modules when available. const char kPipeNameVar[] = "CHROME_BREAKPAD_PIPE_NAME"; const wchar_t kGoogleUpdatePipeName[] = L"\\\\.\\pipe\\GoogleCrashServices\\"; const wchar_t kChromePipeName[] = L"\\\\.\\pipe\\ChromeCrashServices"; // This is the well known SID for the system principal. const wchar_t kSystemPrincipalSid[] =L"S-1-5-18"; google_breakpad::ExceptionHandler* g_breakpad = NULL; google_breakpad::ExceptionHandler* g_dumphandler_no_crash = NULL; EXCEPTION_POINTERS g_surrogate_exception_pointers = {0}; EXCEPTION_RECORD g_surrogate_exception_record = {0}; CONTEXT g_surrogate_context = {0}; typedef NTSTATUS (WINAPI* NtTerminateProcessPtr)(HANDLE ProcessHandle, NTSTATUS ExitStatus); char* g_real_terminate_process_stub = NULL; static size_t g_dynamic_keys_offset = 0; typedef std::map<std::wstring, google_breakpad::CustomInfoEntry*> DynamicEntriesMap; DynamicEntriesMap* g_dynamic_entries = NULL; // Allow for 128 entries. POSIX uses 64 entries of 256 bytes, so Windows needs // 256 entries of 64 bytes to match. See CustomInfoEntry::kValueMaxLength in // Breakpad. const size_t kMaxDynamicEntries = 256; // Maximum length for plugin path to include in plugin crash reports. const size_t kMaxPluginPathLength = 256; // The value name prefix will be of the form {chrome-version}-{pid}-{timestamp} // (i.e., "#####.#####.#####.#####-########-########") which easily fits into a // 63 character buffer. const char kBrowserCrashDumpPrefixTemplate[] = "%s-%08x-%08x"; const size_t kBrowserCrashDumpPrefixLength = 63; char g_browser_crash_dump_prefix[kBrowserCrashDumpPrefixLength + 1] = {}; // These registry key to which we'll write a value for each crash dump attempt. HKEY g_browser_crash_dump_regkey = NULL; // A atomic counter to make each crash dump value name unique. base::subtle::Atomic32 g_browser_crash_dump_count = 0; void InitBrowserCrashDumpsRegKey() { DCHECK(g_browser_crash_dump_regkey == NULL); base::win::RegKey regkey; if (regkey.Create(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, chrome::kBrowserCrashDumpAttemptsRegistryPath, KEY_ALL_ACCESS) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { return; } // We use the current process id and the current tick count as a (hopefully) // unique combination for the crash dump value. There's a small chance that // across a reboot we might have a crash dump signal written, and the next // browser process might have the same process id and tick count, but crash // before consuming the signal (overwriting the signal with an identical one). // For now, we're willing to live with that risk. int length = base::strings::SafeSPrintf(g_browser_crash_dump_prefix, kBrowserCrashDumpPrefixTemplate, chrome::kChromeVersion, ::GetCurrentProcessId(), ::GetTickCount()); if (length <= 0) { NOTREACHED(); g_browser_crash_dump_prefix[0] = '\0'; return; } // Hold the registry key in a global for update on crash dump. g_browser_crash_dump_regkey = regkey.Take(); } void RecordCrashDumpAttempt(bool is_real_crash) { // If we're not a browser (or the registry is unavailable to us for some // reason) then there's nothing to do. if (g_browser_crash_dump_regkey == NULL) return; // Generate the final value name we'll use (appends the crash number to the // base value name). const size_t kMaxValueSize = 2 * kBrowserCrashDumpPrefixLength; char value_name[kMaxValueSize + 1] = {}; int length = base::strings::SafeSPrintf( value_name, "%s-%x", g_browser_crash_dump_prefix, base::subtle::NoBarrier_AtomicIncrement(&g_browser_crash_dump_count, 1)); if (length > 0) { DWORD value_dword = is_real_crash ? 1 : 0; ::RegSetValueExA(g_browser_crash_dump_regkey, value_name, 0, REG_DWORD, reinterpret_cast<BYTE*>(&value_dword), sizeof(value_dword)); } } // Dumps the current process memory. extern "C" void __declspec(dllexport) __cdecl DumpProcess() { if (g_breakpad) { g_breakpad->WriteMinidump(); } } // Used for dumping a process state when there is no crash. extern "C" void __declspec(dllexport) __cdecl DumpProcessWithoutCrash() { if (g_dumphandler_no_crash) { g_dumphandler_no_crash->WriteMinidump(); } } // We need to prevent ICF from folding DumpForHangDebuggingThread() and // DumpProcessWithoutCrashThread() together, since that makes them // indistinguishable in crash dumps. We do this by making the function // bodies unique, and prevent optimization from shuffling things around. MSVC_DISABLE_OPTIMIZE() MSVC_PUSH_DISABLE_WARNING(4748) DWORD WINAPI DumpProcessWithoutCrashThread(void*) { DumpProcessWithoutCrash(); return 0; } // The following two functions do exactly the same thing as the two above. But // we want the signatures to be different so that we can easily track them in // crash reports. // TODO(yzshen): Remove when enough information is collected and the hang rate // of pepper/renderer processes is reduced. DWORD WINAPI DumpForHangDebuggingThread(void*) { DumpProcessWithoutCrash(); LOG(INFO) << "dumped for hang debugging"; return 0; } MSVC_POP_WARNING() MSVC_ENABLE_OPTIMIZE() // Injects a thread into a remote process to dump state when there is no crash. extern "C" HANDLE __declspec(dllexport) __cdecl InjectDumpProcessWithoutCrash(HANDLE process) { return CreateRemoteThread(process, NULL, 0, DumpProcessWithoutCrashThread, 0, 0, NULL); } extern "C" HANDLE __declspec(dllexport) __cdecl InjectDumpForHangDebugging(HANDLE process) { return CreateRemoteThread(process, NULL, 0, DumpForHangDebuggingThread, 0, 0, NULL); } extern "C" void DumpProcessAbnormalSignature() { if (!g_breakpad) return; g_custom_entries->push_back( google_breakpad::CustomInfoEntry(L"unusual-crash-signature", L"")); g_breakpad->WriteMinidump(); } // Reduces the size of the string |str| to a max of 64 chars. Required because // breakpad's CustomInfoEntry raises an invalid_parameter error if the string // we want to set is longer. std::wstring TrimToBreakpadMax(const std::wstring& str) { std::wstring shorter(str); return shorter.substr(0, google_breakpad::CustomInfoEntry::kValueMaxLength - 1); } static void SetIntegerValue(size_t offset, int value) { if (!g_custom_entries) return; base::wcslcpy((*g_custom_entries)[offset].value, base::StringPrintf(L"%d", value).c_str(), google_breakpad::CustomInfoEntry::kValueMaxLength); } // Appends the plugin path to |g_custom_entries|. void SetPluginPath(const std::wstring& path) { DCHECK(g_custom_entries); if (path.size() > kMaxPluginPathLength) { // If the path is too long, truncate from the start rather than the end, // since we want to be able to recover the DLL name. SetPluginPath(path.substr(path.size() - kMaxPluginPathLength)); return; } // The chunk size without terminator. const size_t kChunkSize = static_cast<size_t>( google_breakpad::CustomInfoEntry::kValueMaxLength - 1); int chunk_index = 0; size_t chunk_start = 0; // Current position inside |path| for (chunk_start = 0; chunk_start < path.size(); chunk_index++) { size_t chunk_length = std::min(kChunkSize, path.size() - chunk_start); g_custom_entries->push_back(google_breakpad::CustomInfoEntry( base::StringPrintf(L"plugin-path-chunk-%i", chunk_index + 1).c_str(), path.substr(chunk_start, chunk_length).c_str())); chunk_start += chunk_length; } } // Determine whether configuration management allows loading the crash reporter. // Since the configuration management infrastructure is not initialized at this // point, we read the corresponding registry key directly. The return status // indicates whether policy data was successfully read. If it is true, |result| // contains the value set by policy. static bool MetricsReportingControlledByPolicy(bool* result) { string16 key_name = UTF8ToUTF16(policy::key::kMetricsReportingEnabled); DWORD value = 0; base::win::RegKey hklm_policy_key(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, policy::kRegistryChromePolicyKey, KEY_READ); if (hklm_policy_key.ReadValueDW(key_name.c_str(), &value) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { *result = value != 0; return true; } base::win::RegKey hkcu_policy_key(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, policy::kRegistryChromePolicyKey, KEY_READ); if (hkcu_policy_key.ReadValueDW(key_name.c_str(), &value) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { *result = value != 0; return true; } return false; } // Appends the breakpad dump path to |g_custom_entries|. void SetBreakpadDumpPath() { DCHECK(g_custom_entries); base::FilePath crash_dumps_dir_path; if (breakpad::GetBreakpadClient()->GetAlternativeCrashDumpLocation( &crash_dumps_dir_path)) { g_custom_entries->push_back(google_breakpad::CustomInfoEntry( L"breakpad-dump-location", crash_dumps_dir_path.value().c_str())); } } // Returns a string containing a list of all modifiers for the loaded profile. std::wstring GetProfileType() { std::wstring profile_type; DWORD profile_bits = 0; if (::GetProfileType(&profile_bits)) { static const struct { DWORD bit; const wchar_t* name; } kBitNames[] = { { PT_MANDATORY, L"mandatory" }, { PT_ROAMING, L"roaming" }, { PT_TEMPORARY, L"temporary" }, }; for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(kBitNames); ++i) { const DWORD this_bit = kBitNames[i].bit; if ((profile_bits & this_bit) != 0) { profile_type.append(kBitNames[i].name); profile_bits &= ~this_bit; if (profile_bits != 0) profile_type.append(L", "); } } } else { DWORD last_error = ::GetLastError(); base::SStringPrintf(&profile_type, L"error %u", last_error); } return profile_type; } // Returns the custom info structure based on the dll in parameter and the // process type. google_breakpad::CustomClientInfo* GetCustomInfo(const std::wstring& exe_path, const std::wstring& type) { base::string16 version, product; base::string16 special_build; base::string16 channel_name; breakpad::GetBreakpadClient()->GetProductNameAndVersion( base::FilePath(exe_path), &product, &version, &special_build, &channel_name); // We only expect this method to be called once per process. DCHECK(!g_custom_entries); g_custom_entries = new std::vector<google_breakpad::CustomInfoEntry>; // Common g_custom_entries. g_custom_entries->push_back( google_breakpad::CustomInfoEntry(L"ver", UTF16ToWide(version).c_str())); g_custom_entries->push_back( google_breakpad::CustomInfoEntry(L"prod", UTF16ToWide(product).c_str())); g_custom_entries->push_back( google_breakpad::CustomInfoEntry(L"plat", L"Win32")); g_custom_entries->push_back( google_breakpad::CustomInfoEntry(L"ptype", type.c_str())); g_custom_entries->push_back(google_breakpad::CustomInfoEntry( L"channel", base::UTF16ToWide(channel_name).c_str())); g_custom_entries->push_back(google_breakpad::CustomInfoEntry( L"profile-type", GetProfileType().c_str())); if (g_deferred_crash_uploads) g_custom_entries->push_back( google_breakpad::CustomInfoEntry(L"deferred-upload", L"true")); if (!special_build.empty()) g_custom_entries->push_back(google_breakpad::CustomInfoEntry( L"special", UTF16ToWide(special_build).c_str())); if (type == L"plugin" || type == L"ppapi") { std::wstring plugin_path = CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess()->GetSwitchValueNative("plugin-path"); if (!plugin_path.empty()) SetPluginPath(plugin_path); } // Check whether configuration management controls crash reporting. bool crash_reporting_enabled = true; bool controlled_by_policy = MetricsReportingControlledByPolicy(&crash_reporting_enabled); const CommandLine& command = *CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess(); bool use_crash_service = !controlled_by_policy && (command.HasSwitch(switches::kNoErrorDialogs) || breakpad::GetBreakpadClient()->IsRunningUnattended()); if (use_crash_service) SetBreakpadDumpPath(); // Create space for dynamic ad-hoc keys. The names and values are set using // the API defined in base/debug/crash_logging.h. g_dynamic_keys_offset = g_custom_entries->size(); for (size_t i = 0; i < kMaxDynamicEntries; ++i) { // The names will be mutated as they are set. Un-numbered since these are // merely placeholders. The name cannot be empty because Breakpad's // HTTPUpload will interpret that as an invalid parameter. g_custom_entries->push_back( google_breakpad::CustomInfoEntry(L"unspecified-crash-key", L"")); } g_dynamic_entries = new DynamicEntriesMap; static google_breakpad::CustomClientInfo custom_client_info; custom_client_info.entries = &g_custom_entries->front(); custom_client_info.count = g_custom_entries->size(); return &custom_client_info; } // This callback is used when we want to get a dump without crashing the // process. bool DumpDoneCallbackWhenNoCrash(const wchar_t*, const wchar_t*, void*, EXCEPTION_POINTERS* ex_info, MDRawAssertionInfo*, bool) { return true; } // This callback is executed when the browser process has crashed, after // the crash dump has been created. We need to minimize the amount of work // done here since we have potentially corrupted process. Our job is to // spawn another instance of chrome which will show a 'chrome has crashed' // dialog. This code needs to live in the exe and thus has no access to // facilities such as the i18n helpers. bool DumpDoneCallback(const wchar_t*, const wchar_t*, void*, EXCEPTION_POINTERS* ex_info, MDRawAssertionInfo*, bool) { // Check if the exception is one of the kind which would not be solved // by simply restarting chrome. In this case we show a message box with // and exit silently. Remember that chrome is in a crashed state so we // can't show our own UI from this process. if (HardErrorHandler(ex_info)) return true; if (!breakpad::GetBreakpadClient()->AboutToRestart()) return true; // Now we just start chrome browser with the same command line. STARTUPINFOW si = {sizeof(si)}; PROCESS_INFORMATION pi; if (::CreateProcessW(NULL, ::GetCommandLineW(), NULL, NULL, FALSE, CREATE_UNICODE_ENVIRONMENT, NULL, NULL, &si, &pi)) { ::CloseHandle(pi.hProcess); ::CloseHandle(pi.hThread); } // After this return we will be terminated. The actual return value is // not used at all. return true; } // flag to indicate that we are already handling an exception. volatile LONG handling_exception = 0; // This callback is used when there is no crash. Note: Unlike the // |FilterCallback| below this does not do dupe detection. It is upto the caller // to implement it. bool FilterCallbackWhenNoCrash( void*, EXCEPTION_POINTERS*, MDRawAssertionInfo*) { RecordCrashDumpAttempt(false); return true; } // This callback is executed when the Chrome process has crashed and *before* // the crash dump is created. To prevent duplicate crash reports we // make every thread calling this method, except the very first one, // go to sleep. bool FilterCallback(void*, EXCEPTION_POINTERS*, MDRawAssertionInfo*) { // Capture every thread except the first one in the sleep. We don't // want multiple threads to concurrently report exceptions. if (::InterlockedCompareExchange(&handling_exception, 1, 0) == 1) { ::Sleep(INFINITE); } RecordCrashDumpAttempt(true); return true; } // Previous unhandled filter. Will be called if not null when we // intercept a crash. LPTOP_LEVEL_EXCEPTION_FILTER previous_filter = NULL; // Exception filter used when breakpad is not enabled. We just display // the "Do you want to restart" message and then we call the previous filter. long WINAPI ChromeExceptionFilter(EXCEPTION_POINTERS* info) { DumpDoneCallback(NULL, NULL, NULL, info, NULL, false); if (previous_filter) return previous_filter(info); return EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER; } // Exception filter for the service process used when breakpad is not enabled. // We just display the "Do you want to restart" message and then die // (without calling the previous filter). long WINAPI ServiceExceptionFilter(EXCEPTION_POINTERS* info) { DumpDoneCallback(NULL, NULL, NULL, info, NULL, false); return EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER; } // NOTE: This function is used by SyzyASAN to annotate crash reports. If you // change the name or signature of this function you will break SyzyASAN // instrumented releases of Chrome. Please contact syzygy-team@chromium.org // before doing so! extern "C" void __declspec(dllexport) __cdecl SetCrashKeyValueImpl( const wchar_t* key, const wchar_t* value) { // CustomInfoEntry limits the length of key and value. If they exceed // their maximum length the underlying string handling functions raise // an exception and prematurely trigger a crash. Truncate here. std::wstring safe_key(std::wstring(key).substr( 0, google_breakpad::CustomInfoEntry::kNameMaxLength - 1)); std::wstring safe_value(std::wstring(value).substr( 0, google_breakpad::CustomInfoEntry::kValueMaxLength - 1)); // If we already have a value for this key, update it; otherwise, insert // the new value if we have not exhausted the pre-allocated slots for dynamic // entries. DynamicEntriesMap::iterator it = g_dynamic_entries->find(safe_key); google_breakpad::CustomInfoEntry* entry = NULL; if (it == g_dynamic_entries->end()) { if (g_dynamic_entries->size() >= kMaxDynamicEntries) return; entry = &(*g_custom_entries)[g_dynamic_keys_offset++]; g_dynamic_entries->insert(std::make_pair(safe_key, entry)); } else { entry = it->second; } entry->set(safe_key.data(), safe_value.data()); } extern "C" void __declspec(dllexport) __cdecl ClearCrashKeyValueImpl( const wchar_t* key) { std::wstring key_string(key); DynamicEntriesMap::iterator it = g_dynamic_entries->find(key_string); if (it == g_dynamic_entries->end()) return; it->second->set_value(NULL); } } // namespace namespace testing { // Access to namespace protected functions for testing purposes. void InitCustomInfoEntries() { GetCustomInfo(L"", L""); } } // namespace testing bool WrapMessageBoxWithSEH(const wchar_t* text, const wchar_t* caption, UINT flags, bool* exit_now) { // We wrap the call to MessageBoxW with a SEH handler because it some // machines with CursorXP, PeaDict or with FontExplorer installed it crashes // uncontrollably here. Being this a best effort deal we better go away. __try { *exit_now = (IDOK != ::MessageBoxW(NULL, text, caption, flags)); } __except(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { // Its not safe to continue executing, exit silently here. ::TerminateProcess( ::GetCurrentProcess(), breakpad::GetBreakpadClient()->GetResultCodeRespawnFailed()); } return true; } // This function is executed by the child process that DumpDoneCallback() // spawned and basically just shows the 'chrome has crashed' dialog if // the CHROME_CRASHED environment variable is present. bool ShowRestartDialogIfCrashed(bool* exit_now) { // If we are being launched in metro mode don't try to show the dialog. if (base::win::IsMetroProcess()) return false; // Only show this for the browser process. See crbug.com/132119. const CommandLine& command_line = *CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess(); std::string process_type = command_line.GetSwitchValueASCII(switches::kProcessType); if (!process_type.empty()) return false; base::string16 message; base::string16 title; bool is_rtl_locale; if (!breakpad::GetBreakpadClient()->ShouldShowRestartDialog( &title, &message, &is_rtl_locale)) { return false; } // If the UI layout is right-to-left, we need to pass the appropriate MB_XXX // flags so that an RTL message box is displayed. UINT flags = MB_OKCANCEL | MB_ICONWARNING; if (is_rtl_locale) flags |= MB_RIGHT | MB_RTLREADING; return WrapMessageBoxWithSEH(base::UTF16ToWide(message).c_str(), base::UTF16ToWide(title).c_str(), flags, exit_now); } // Crashes the process after generating a dump for the provided exception. Note // that the crash reporter should be initialized before calling this function // for it to do anything. // NOTE: This function is used by SyzyASAN to invoke a crash. If you change the // the name or signature of this function you will break SyzyASAN instrumented // releases of Chrome. Please contact syzygy-team@chromium.org before doing so! extern "C" int __declspec(dllexport) CrashForException( EXCEPTION_POINTERS* info) { if (g_breakpad) { g_breakpad->WriteMinidumpForException(info); // Patched stub exists based on conditions (See InitCrashReporter). // As a side note this function also gets called from // WindowProcExceptionFilter. if (g_real_terminate_process_stub == NULL) { ::TerminateProcess(::GetCurrentProcess(), content::RESULT_CODE_KILLED); } else { NtTerminateProcessPtr real_terminate_proc = reinterpret_cast<NtTerminateProcessPtr>( static_cast<char*>(g_real_terminate_process_stub)); real_terminate_proc(::GetCurrentProcess(), content::RESULT_CODE_KILLED); } } return EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_SEARCH; } NTSTATUS WINAPI HookNtTerminateProcess(HANDLE ProcessHandle, NTSTATUS ExitStatus) { if (g_breakpad && (ProcessHandle == ::GetCurrentProcess() || ProcessHandle == NULL)) { NT_TIB* tib = reinterpret_cast<NT_TIB*>(NtCurrentTeb()); void* address_on_stack = _AddressOfReturnAddress(); if (address_on_stack < tib->StackLimit || address_on_stack > tib->StackBase) { g_surrogate_exception_record.ExceptionAddress = _ReturnAddress(); g_surrogate_exception_record.ExceptionCode = DBG_TERMINATE_PROCESS; g_surrogate_exception_record.ExceptionFlags = EXCEPTION_NONCONTINUABLE; CrashForException(&g_surrogate_exception_pointers); } } NtTerminateProcessPtr real_proc = reinterpret_cast<NtTerminateProcessPtr>( static_cast<char*>(g_real_terminate_process_stub)); return real_proc(ProcessHandle, ExitStatus); } static void InitTerminateProcessHooks() { NtTerminateProcessPtr terminate_process_func_address = reinterpret_cast<NtTerminateProcessPtr>(::GetProcAddress( ::GetModuleHandle(L"ntdll.dll"), "NtTerminateProcess")); if (terminate_process_func_address == NULL) return; DWORD old_protect = 0; if (!::VirtualProtect(terminate_process_func_address, 5, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE, &old_protect)) return; g_real_terminate_process_stub = reinterpret_cast<char*>(VirtualAllocEx( ::GetCurrentProcess(), NULL, sidestep::kMaxPreambleStubSize, MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE)); if (g_real_terminate_process_stub == NULL) return; g_surrogate_exception_pointers.ContextRecord = &g_surrogate_context; g_surrogate_exception_pointers.ExceptionRecord = &g_surrogate_exception_record; sidestep::SideStepError patch_result = sidestep::PreamblePatcher::Patch( terminate_process_func_address, HookNtTerminateProcess, g_real_terminate_process_stub, sidestep::kMaxPreambleStubSize); if (patch_result != sidestep::SIDESTEP_SUCCESS) { CHECK(::VirtualFreeEx(::GetCurrentProcess(), g_real_terminate_process_stub, 0, MEM_RELEASE)); CHECK(::VirtualProtect(terminate_process_func_address, 5, old_protect, &old_protect)); return; } DWORD dummy = 0; CHECK(::VirtualProtect(terminate_process_func_address, 5, old_protect, &dummy)); CHECK(::VirtualProtect(g_real_terminate_process_stub, sidestep::kMaxPreambleStubSize, old_protect, &old_protect)); } static void InitPipeNameEnvVar(bool is_per_user_install) { scoped_ptr<base::Environment> env(base::Environment::Create()); if (env->HasVar(kPipeNameVar)) { // The Breakpad pipe name is already configured: nothing to do. return; } // Check whether configuration management controls crash reporting. bool crash_reporting_enabled = true; bool controlled_by_policy = MetricsReportingControlledByPolicy(&crash_reporting_enabled); const CommandLine& command = *CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess(); bool use_crash_service = !controlled_by_policy && (command.HasSwitch(switches::kNoErrorDialogs) || breakpad::GetBreakpadClient()->IsRunningUnattended()); std::wstring pipe_name; if (use_crash_service) { // Crash reporting is done by crash_service.exe. pipe_name = kChromePipeName; } else { // We want to use the Google Update crash reporting. We need to check if the // user allows it first (in case the administrator didn't already decide // via policy). if (!controlled_by_policy) { crash_reporting_enabled = breakpad::GetBreakpadClient()->GetCollectStatsConsent(); } if (!crash_reporting_enabled) { if (!controlled_by_policy && breakpad::GetBreakpadClient()->GetDeferredUploadsSupported( is_per_user_install)) { g_deferred_crash_uploads = true; } else { return; } } // Build the pipe name. It can be either: // System-wide install: "NamedPipe\GoogleCrashServices\S-1-5-18" // Per-user install: "NamedPipe\GoogleCrashServices\<user SID>" std::wstring user_sid; if (is_per_user_install) { if (!base::win::GetUserSidString(&user_sid)) { return; } } else { user_sid = kSystemPrincipalSid; } pipe_name = kGoogleUpdatePipeName; pipe_name += user_sid; } env->SetVar(kPipeNameVar, WideToASCII(pipe_name)); } void InitCrashReporter() { const CommandLine& command = *CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess(); if (command.HasSwitch(switches::kDisableBreakpad)) return; // Disable the message box for assertions. _CrtSetReportMode(_CRT_ASSERT, 0); std::wstring process_type = command.GetSwitchValueNative(switches::kProcessType); if (process_type.empty()) process_type = L"browser"; wchar_t exe_path[MAX_PATH]; exe_path[0] = 0; GetModuleFileNameW(NULL, exe_path, MAX_PATH); bool is_per_user_install = breakpad::GetBreakpadClient()->GetIsPerUserInstall( base::FilePath(exe_path)); google_breakpad::CustomClientInfo* custom_info = GetCustomInfo(exe_path, process_type); google_breakpad::ExceptionHandler::MinidumpCallback callback = NULL; LPTOP_LEVEL_EXCEPTION_FILTER default_filter = NULL; // We install the post-dump callback only for the browser and service // processes. It spawns a new browser/service process. if (process_type == L"browser") { callback = &DumpDoneCallback; default_filter = &ChromeExceptionFilter; } else if (process_type == L"service") { callback = &DumpDoneCallback; default_filter = &ServiceExceptionFilter; } if (process_type == L"browser") { InitPipeNameEnvVar(is_per_user_install); InitBrowserCrashDumpsRegKey(); } scoped_ptr<base::Environment> env(base::Environment::Create()); std::string pipe_name_ascii; if (!env->GetVar(kPipeNameVar, &pipe_name_ascii)) { // Breakpad is not enabled. Configuration is managed or the user // did not allow Google Update to send crashes. We need to use // our default crash handler instead, but only for the // browser/service processes. if (default_filter) InitDefaultCrashCallback(default_filter); return; } std::wstring pipe_name = ASCIIToWide(pipe_name_ascii); #ifdef _WIN64 // The protocol for connecting to the out-of-process Breakpad crash // reporter is different for x86-32 and x86-64: the message sizes // are different because the message struct contains a pointer. As // a result, there are two different named pipes to connect to. The // 64-bit one is distinguished with an "-x64" suffix. pipe_name += L"-x64"; #endif // Get the alternate dump directory. We use the temp path. wchar_t temp_dir[MAX_PATH] = {0}; ::GetTempPathW(MAX_PATH, temp_dir); MINIDUMP_TYPE dump_type = kSmallDumpType; // Capture full memory if explicitly instructed to. if (command.HasSwitch(switches::kFullMemoryCrashReport)) dump_type = kFullDumpType; else if (breakpad::GetBreakpadClient()->GetShouldDumpLargerDumps( is_per_user_install)) dump_type = kLargerDumpType; g_breakpad = new google_breakpad::ExceptionHandler(temp_dir, &FilterCallback, callback, NULL, google_breakpad::ExceptionHandler::HANDLER_ALL, dump_type, pipe_name.c_str(), custom_info); // Now initialize the non crash dump handler. g_dumphandler_no_crash = new google_breakpad::ExceptionHandler(temp_dir, &FilterCallbackWhenNoCrash, &DumpDoneCallbackWhenNoCrash, NULL, // Set the handler to none so this handler would not be added to // |handler_stack_| in |ExceptionHandler| which is a list of exception // handlers. google_breakpad::ExceptionHandler::HANDLER_NONE, dump_type, pipe_name.c_str(), custom_info); if (g_breakpad->IsOutOfProcess()) { // Tells breakpad to handle breakpoint and single step exceptions. // This might break JIT debuggers, but at least it will always // generate a crashdump for these exceptions. g_breakpad->set_handle_debug_exceptions(true); #ifndef _WIN64 if (process_type != L"browser" && !breakpad::GetBreakpadClient()->IsRunningUnattended()) { // Initialize the hook TerminateProcess to catch unexpected exits. InitTerminateProcessHooks(); } #endif } } void InitDefaultCrashCallback(LPTOP_LEVEL_EXCEPTION_FILTER filter) { previous_filter = SetUnhandledExceptionFilter(filter); }