// Microsoft Visual C++ generated include file.
// Used by chrome_dll.rc
#define IDR_MAINFRAME                   101
// Values around 200 are used by browser/browser_resources.h
// Values around 300 are used by common/common_resources.h
// Values around 400 are used by common/net/net_resources.h
// Values around 500 are used by renderer/renderer_resources.h
#define IDB_SADTABBROWSER               1000
// Values around 1600 are used by installer/setup/build/
// Values around 2000 are used by webkit/glue/webkit_resources.h
#define IDD_IPC_SETTINGS                3000
#define IDC_View                        4000
#define IDC_ViewHost                    4001
#define IDC_Plugin                      4002
#define IDC_PluginHost                  4003
#define IDC_NPObject                    4004
#define IDC_PluginProcess               4005
#define IDC_PluginProcessHost           4006
#define IDC_ViewAll                     4007
#define IDC_ViewNone                    4008
#define IDC_ViewHostAll                 4009
#define IDC_ViewHostNone                4010
#define IDC_PluginAll                   4011
#define IDC_PluginNone                  4012
#define IDC_NPObjectAll                 4013
#define IDC_NPObjectNone                4014
#define IDC_PluginHostAll               4015
#define IDC_PluginHostNone              4016
#define IDC_BACK                        32768
#define IDC_FORWARD                     32769
#define IDC_STOP                        32770
#define IDC_RELOAD                      32771
#define IDC_GO                          32772
#define IDC_NEWTAB                      32773
#define IDC_CLOSETAB                    32774
#define IDC_NEWWINDOW                   32775
#define IDC_CLOSEWINDOW                 32776
#define IDC_FOCUS_LOCATION              32777
#define IDC_FOCUS_SEARCH                32778
#define IDC_STAR                        32779
#define IDC_OPENURL                     32780
#define IDC_FIND                        32781
#define IDC_FIND_NEXT                   32782
#define IDC_FIND_PREVIOUS               32783
#define IDC_CUT                         32784
#define IDC_COPY                        32785
#define IDC_PASTE                       32786
#define IDC_SAVEPAGE                    32787
#define IDC_PRINT                       32788
#define IDC_VIEWSOURCE                  32789
#define IDC_SELECT_NEXT_TAB             32790
#define IDC_SELECT_PREV_TAB             32791
#define IDC_SELECT_TAB_0                32792
#define IDC_SELECT_TAB_1                32793
#define IDC_SELECT_TAB_2                32794
#define IDC_SELECT_TAB_3                32795
#define IDC_SELECT_TAB_4                32796
#define IDC_SELECT_TAB_5                32797
#define IDC_SELECT_TAB_6                32798
#define IDC_SELECT_TAB_7                32799
#define IDC_SELECT_LAST_TAB             32800
#define IDC_CREATE_SHORTCUT             32801
#define IDC_SHOWALLTABS_NEXT            32802
#define IDC_SHOWALLTABS_PREV            32803
#define IDC_SHOWALLTABS                 32804
#define IDC_EDIT_SEARCH_ENGINES         32805
#define IDC_ZOOM_PLUS                   32806
#define IDC_ZOOM_MINUS                  32807
#define IDC_ZOOM_NORMAL                 32808
#define IDC_OPENFILE                    32809
#define IDC_ZOOM                        32810
#define IDC_TASKMANAGER                 32812
#define IDC_CLOSEPOPUPS                 32813
#define IDC_ALWAYS_ON_TOP               32814
#define IDC_COPY_URL                    32815
#define IDC_SHOW_JS_CONSOLE             32816
#define IDC_DUPLICATE                   32817
#define IDC_GOOFFTHERECORD              32818
#define IDC_VIEW_PASSWORDS              32819
#define IDC_SHOW_APPLICATIONS           32820
#define IDC_SHOW_DOWNLOADS              32821
#define IDC_HOME                        32822
#define IDC_SHOW_HISTORY                32823
#define IDC_FOCUS_TOOLBAR               32825
#define IDC_CLEAR_BROWSING_DATA         32826
#define IDC_CLOSE_WEB_APP               32827
#define IDC_APPMENU                     32828
#define IDC_ABOUT                       32829
#define IDC_IMPORT_SETTINGS             32830
#define IDC_OPTIONS                     32831
// Free space 32832 - 32890
#define IDC_ENCODING                    32891
#define IDC_ENCODING_AUTO_DETECT        32892
#define IDC_ENCODING_UTF8               32893
#define IDC_ENCODING_UTF16LE            32894
#define IDC_ENCODING_ISO88591           32895
#define IDC_ENCODING_WINDOWS1252        32896
#define IDC_ENCODING_GB2312             32897
#define IDC_ENCODING_GB18030            32898
#define IDC_ENCODING_BIG5               32899
#define IDC_ENCODING_BIG5HKSCS          32900
#define IDC_ENCODING_KOREAN             32901
#define IDC_ENCODING_SHIFTJIS           32902
#define IDC_ENCODING_ISO2022JP          32903
#define IDC_ENCODING_EUCJP              32904
#define IDC_ENCODING_THAI               32905
#define IDC_ENCODING_ISO885915          32906
#define IDC_ENCODING_MACINTOSH          32907
#define IDC_ENCODING_ISO88592           32908
#define IDC_ENCODING_WINDOWS1250        32909
#define IDC_ENCODING_ISO88595           32910
#define IDC_ENCODING_WINDOWS1251        32911
#define IDC_ENCODING_KOI8R              32912
#define IDC_ENCODING_KOI8U              32913
#define IDC_ENCODING_ISO88597           32914
#define IDC_ENCODING_WINDOWS1253        32915
#define IDC_ENCODING_ISO88594           32916
#define IDC_ENCODING_ISO885913          32917
#define IDC_ENCODING_WINDOWS1257        32918
#define IDC_ENCODING_ISO88593           32919
#define IDC_ENCODING_ISO885910          32920
#define IDC_ENCODING_ISO885914          32921
#define IDC_ENCODING_ISO885916          32922
#define IDC_ENCODING_ISO88599           32923
#define IDC_ENCODING_WINDOWS1254        32924
#define IDC_ENCODING_ISO88596           32925
#define IDC_ENCODING_WINDOWS1256        32926
#define IDC_ENCODING_ISO88598           32927
#define IDC_ENCODING_WINDOWS1255        32928
#define IDC_ENCODING_WINDOWS1258        32929
// Spell-check suggestions.
// If more suggestions have to be inserted, insert them before the _LAST
// These have to be consecutive.
// We leave some empty room here (35-39) in case we need to grow.
#define IDC_RESTORE_TAB                 32940
#define IDC_SHOW_AS_TAB                 32941
#define IDC_EXIT                        32942
#define IDC_DEBUGGER                    32943
#define IDC_DEVELOPER                   32944
#define IDC_HELPMENU                    32945
#define IDC_SHOW_BOOKMARKS_BAR          32946
// Free space 32947 - 32950
#define IDR_CRASHED_PLUGIN              32951

// Next default values for new objects
#define _APS_NO_MFC                     1
#define _APS_NEXT_RESOURCE_VALUE        3001
#define _APS_NEXT_COMMAND_VALUE         32947
#define _APS_NEXT_CONTROL_VALUE         4017
#define _APS_NEXT_SYMED_VALUE           1001